All "Kids" Related Family Feud Questions
1. name something you might be asked to put on your head at a party
Crown Party Hat Lamp Shade
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2. name something you might get a chunk of in your spaghetti sauce
Mushroom Freckle Garlic Meat Tomato Onion
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3. name something you might have a bad dream about being late for
Interview Wedding Work
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4. name something you might plan to do but then chicken out at the last minute
Go On A Date Bungee Jump Ride Roller Coaster Skydive Get Married
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5. name something you outgrow
Friends Toys Clothes/ Shoes
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6. name something you purchase additionally when you buy a home
Furniture Insurance Land Appliances Homeless People People
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7. name something you put on a bee sting
Ointment Baking Soda Ice Tobacco Bandage Aloe Mud
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8. name something you request when making reservations at a nice restaurant but not at mcdonalds
Time Slot Window Seat Theme Music Klinger Table For 2 Table/ Booth Non Smoking Area
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9. name something you see printed on a sign outside someones home
Beware Of Dog Address No Trespassing Family's Name For Sale Welcome No Soliciting
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10. name something you should have on hand if you have a cold
Diary Medication Passwords Cough Drops Tissue
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11. name something you take back home with you from your hotel room
Towels Pen Shampoo Soap Ashtray Pillow
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12. name something you take home new that could never come in a box
Car Baby
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13. name something you think a princess may bring along on a date
Wand Glass Slippers Servant Crown
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14. name something you tow behind a vehicle that slows down your trip
Games/toys Another Car Clothes/shoes Camper Boat Trailer/cargo
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15. name something you unplug when youre not using it
Bad Headache Bad Habit Iron Boomerang Curling Iron Toaster
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16. name something you use while carving a jack o lantern but not while carving a turkey
Pattern Candle Marker Spoon
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17. name something you wear indoors but not out
Rollers Pajamas Robe Shower Cap Slippers
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18. name something you wear that you cant forget to zip
Pants Rollers Jacket Shower Cap Purse
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19. name something you would hate to find on the bottom of your shoe
Dog Doo Seat Belt Gum Mud
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20. name something you wouldnt do just before running a marathon
Drink Alcohol Smoke Chow Down Work Out Chairs Thrown
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21. name something you write down on paper but wouldnt save to your hard drive
Phone Number Password Love Letter Grocery List Diary
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22. name something youd be disappointed to find your pizza was missing
Internet Capability Windows Speakers Sauce Power Cord Meat Cheese
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23. name something youd find in a submarine sandwich
Cheese Ham Mayonnaise Salami Bologna Lettuce
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24. name something youd get a dirty look for doing in the movie theatre
Talking Using Cell Phone Kissing
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25. name something youd never do to a stray dog you just met
Kiss It Feed It Take It Home Pet It Bread
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26. name something youd probably learn at clown school
Juggling Jokes Balloon Animals Say Merry Christmas Unicycle Riding Go To Church Make Up Application
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27. name something your best friend does better than your other acquaintances
Makes Conversation Keeps Secrets Give Advice Listens Joke
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28. name something your child has to have and then doesnt use
Reading Material Toys/games Give Advice Clothes
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29. name something your parents would criticize you for not having
Education Money Manners Job
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30. name the best food to put on a mousetrap
Cheese Hay Rides Peanut Butter Chocolate/candy Bar
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31. name the part of his job that a teacher probably hates most
Naughty Students Grading Papers Giving Report Cards Salary
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32. name the place at your house that you go to relax
Bed Bathtub Patio/deck
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33. name the place where you met most of your current friends
School Online Work
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34. on a road trip what would you hate to go for miles without seeing
Other People Riding A Bike Sense Of Humor Gas Station Bathroom
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35. on his 18th birthday what would a mom hate to hear her son say mom im _________
Movieng Out Dropping Out Going To Be A Dad Getting Married 1 Joining Military
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36. on thanksgiving day name a specific job that you have the same person do each year
Carve Turkey 1 Cook Set The Table Joining Military Say Grace
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37. other than a letter name a keyboard key that you use often
Backspace Unicorn Shift Space Enter Fake Nose Period
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38. other than bad vision name a reason why someone might wear glasses
Sun Look Smart Fashion Safety Spokesperson Hotel
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39. other than birds name an animal that builds nests
Beaver Rats/mice Hotel Spokesperson
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40. other than cash what can you win by appearing on a game show
Hotel Trips Spokesperson Car Boats
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41. other than floats name something people ride on in parades
Trucks Motorcycles Bikes/unicycles Hairdresser Horses
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42. other than hallowee name a reason why you might wear a costume
Costume Party In A Play Wearing Hats Christmas/santa Just For Fun
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43. other than raise a hand what does a kindergartner do when she knows the answer
Jump Make Sounds Squirm Blurt It Out
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44. other than reading name an activity that people did more of before tv was invented
Crafts Play Games Writing Outdoors/nature Listen To Radio Talking
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45. other than sickness what excuse would a kid use to stay home from school
Writing Bully Crafts Tired Homework Didn't Study/ Test
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46. tell me a decor item on a fast food restaurant that you wouldnt want on your house
Fake Plants White Gold Golden Arches Neon Sign Menu On Wall
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47. tell me a hairstyle that nobody should attempt after age 16
Pigtails Braids Bowl Cut Mohawk Mullet
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48. tell me a place where the employees sometimes talk down to you
Clothing Store Bank My Office Car Dealership Restaurant
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49. tell me a place where you know youll never get a bill for your meal
Home Church Soup Kitchen
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50. tell me a place where you might sing
Karaoke Bar Place Of Worship Shower
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