All "Kids" Related Family Feud Questions
1. name something that could completely ruin a runners morning jog
Bad Weather Injury Dog Droppings
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2. name something that ends with the word box
Cable Box Mailbox Shoe Box Toy Box Ice Box Tool Box
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3. name something that families commonly do while on vacation
Swim Eat Souvenir Shop Take Pictures
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4. name something that gets caught in a moustache
Food Take Pictures Snot Milk
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category: no points
5. name something that gets drawn
Cards Picture Blood Curtains Lottery Ticket
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6. name something that gets filed
Divorce Papers Taxes Nails Paperwork
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7. name something that gets stuck in a tree
Kite Cat Balloon
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8. name something that happens in spring that puts you in a good mood
Flowers Bloom More Sunlight Warm Weather Birds Return
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9. name something that is more difficult to do with glasses on
Exercise/sports Sleep Swim
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10. name something that is rude to do when someone is talking to you
Leave The Room Use Cell Phone Yawn Interrupt Not Make Eye Contact Look Away
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11. name something that kids eat that they arent supposed to
Glue Bugs Dirt Snot Crayons Play Doh Sweets
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12. name something that kids think is endless
School Day Money Supply Car Ride
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13. name something that lives in the ocean youd never want to see on a restaurant menu
Seaweed Octopus Coral Reef Whale Shark Squid
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14. name something that might be happening at school that makes a kid want to stay home that day
Getting Bullied Test Picture Day Talent Show Contest
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15. name something that might get broken at a childs birthday party
Cd's Pinata Toy Arm Breath Trash Dishes
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16. name something that might live in your house but you may never see
Cockroaches Termites Germs Ants Spiders
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17. name something that most kids want to have their own of
Bike Bedroom Tv Face Gets Red Heart Beats Fast
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18. name something that must be maintained or it will fall apart
Car Relationship House
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19. name something that once lived but is now extinct
Bourbon Street Dodo Bird Dinosaur Wooly Mammoth
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20. name something that only a very inattentive driver would forget to do while driving
Wear Seatbelt Decorate Holiday Signal Wash The Car Stop At Intersection Buy New Car
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21. name something that people bounce
A Check A Baby Bubble Gum A Ball
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22. name something that people dream of winning one day
Someone's Love Lottery Hollywood Awards The Olympics A New Car
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23. name something that people put on their dogs
Leash Someone's Love Collar Tags
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24. name something that regular people go on talk shows to discuss
Addictions Mountains Vision Weight Loss Child's Paternity Buildings Cheating
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25. name something that wont work without a battery
Flashlight Car Remote Control Pager Cordless Phone
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26. name something that works better if it has a driver
Screw Computer Golf Set Vehicle
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27. name something that you always forget if you dont write it down
Grocery List Addresses Peoples' Names Appointments Phone Numbers Birthdays To Pay Bills
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28. name something that you have accidentally sucked up with a vacuum cleaner
Rug Sock Coins
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29. name something thats filled with candy
Stocking Pinata Candy Store Tans Laws Easter Basket Jar
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30. name something thats given as a free sample in some stores
Rafts Perfume Food/beverage
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31. name something thats hard to wash off your hands even with soap
Oil Rafts Tar Paint Ink/marker
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32. name something thats made from coconuts
Pina Colada Milk Drinks Candy
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33. name something thats usually overpriced in a tourist area
Hotels Article Of Clothing Souvenirs Food/drinks
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34. name something you buy in bulk because you know youll lose a few of them
Paper Jersey Pens/pencils Socks Hair Accessories
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35. name something you call your parents for
Man Advice Ride Home Money
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36. name something you can build with wood
Tree House Fire Furniture House Man
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37. name something you can do with a pet dog but not with a pet rock
Play Fetch Feed It Teach Tricks Use Calculator Walk It Meet People
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38. name something you cant buy without an id
Cat Litter Plow Lottery Ticket Cigarettes Weapon Alcohol
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39. name something you cant eat after getting braces put on
Candy/gum Popcorn Corn
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40. name something you could do in a police car that you cant do in most cars
Umbrella Speed Water Bottle Turn On Siren Run Red Lights Talk On Radio
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41. name something you did at middle school dances that you would never do at a dance club now
Slow Dance Kiss Date In Public Not Dance Drink Punch Mattress
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42. name something you do ahead of time when company is coming to stay
Mattress Buy Groceries Clean Make Up Guest Bed
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43. name something you do with a teddy bear but not a real bear
Buy It Cuddle Sleep With It Go To Another Room Dress It Up
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44. name something you have to remove when you go through security at the airport
Belt Sweaters Shoes
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45. name something you hear outside that lets you know its springtime
Rain Birds Chirping Sweaters
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46. name something you heat up in the microwave besides leftovers
Sweaters Coffee Popcorn Soup 5. Tv Dinner
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47. name something you love to smell but would not want to taste
Bleach Marker Perfume Campfire Flowers Candle Gasoline
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48. name something you may be forced to eat if you lived in the wilderness
Animals Bugs Plants Berries
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category: no points
49. name something you may get a free sample of
Hair Product Perfume Food
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category: no points
50. name something you might add in an e mail that is not a word
Work Boots Hard Hat Photograph Lol/chat Speak Hairnet Smiley Face
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category: no points
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