All "Medicine" Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name a word that rhymes with "will" that's associated with doctors.
Bill 1 Pill 1 Kill 1 Chill 1 Ill 1
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category: 5 answers
2. Name something a doctor checks during a routine exam.
Heart rate 29 Blood pressure 25
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category: fast money
3. Name something you get for someone who feels faint.
Water Chair Cold Cloth Fan
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category: 4 answers
4. Name something you can be allergic to.
Pets 26 Pollen 25 Bees 11 Seafood 8
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category: 4 answers
5. Name something a doctor might give you.
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category: 5 answers
6. Name something parents do not let their kids leave home without.
Coat Phone Money Lunch Shoes
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category: no points
7. Name a specific reason why students visit the school nurse.
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category: no points
8. Name something the ghost of leonardo da vinci might be amazed at.
Art Airplanes Fame Cars Titanic
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category: no points
9. Name something dentists put in your mouth.
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category: no points
10. Name something you associate with bones.
Skeleton Dog Calcium Broken Death Body
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category: no points
11. Name A Term That Uses The Word “Shot.”
shotgun 28 hot shot 25 long shot 20 shot glass 14 sling shot 12 shot in the dark 4
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category: 6 answers
12. Name a place people go because they think it is good for them.
gym 39 church 35 doctors 15 spa 11
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category: 4 answers
13. Name something a doctor might use.
stethoscope 54 needle 12 scalpel 11 thermometer 8 tongue depressor 5
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category: 5 answers
14. Name an occupation that has a lot of "quacks".
doctor 61 zookeeper 8 lawyer 6 politician 5 fortune teller 4 car dealers 3
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category: 6 answers
15. Name a medical condition that ends in "itis".
arthritis 27 laryngitis 13 tonsillitis 11 appendicitis 11 bronchitis 10 tendinitis 7
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category: 6 answers
16. Name the doctor that people see most often.
dentist 54 family doctor 29 eye doctor 12 obgyn 4
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category: 4 answers
17. Name a bad habit you wish you could get rid of by taking a pill.
smoking 32 overeating 19 nail biting 19 lying 5 sucking my thumb 3 procrastinating 3 nagging 3
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category: 7 answers
18. Tell me how many sick days the average person takes in a year.
five 26 four 25 ten 12 seven 12 three 11 eight 4
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category: 6 answers
19. Name A Piece Of Information That Can Be Found On A Prescription Bottle.
patient name 33 directions 30 date/expiration 16 drug/ingredients 11 doctor/contact 8
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category: 5 answers
20. Name Something A Doctor Might Wear While Examining A Patient
gloves 37 stethoscope 36
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category: 2 answers
21. What's the first thing you want when you don't feel well?
sleep/bed rest 35 fluids 21 medicine 13 left alone/quiet 8 mom 8 soup 3
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category: 6 answers
22. Name A Food That A Parent Might Hide Their Childs Pill In To Get Them To Swallow It
ice cream 38 applesauce 22 pudding 15 peanut butter 9 jell o 8 mashed potatoes 3 yogurt 3
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category: 7 answers
23. Name Something That Comes In A Bottle
soda 29 beer 24 perfume 20 milk 12 shampoo 9
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category: 5 answers
24. Name Something A Parent Might Do To Help Their Baby Fall Asleep.
sing lullaby 53 rock them 32 feed them 9 read to them 4
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category: 4 answers
25. Name something that expires.
coupons 7 milk 45 meat 27 parking meter 15 driver's license 8 credit cards 5
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category: 6 answers
26. Name something a doctor might advise you to do.
rest 23 lose weight 22 quit smoking 11 exercise 10 fluids 8 medicine 7
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category: 6 answers
27. Name something other countries think the United States has too much of.
money 38 freedom 13 arrogance 11 overweight people 6 food 5 material possessions 3
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category: 6 answers
28. Name something people ask for when they wake up with a hangover.
aspirin/tylenol 49 coffee 18 cold water 15 "hair of the dog" 8 tomato juice/o.j. 4 alka-seltzer 4
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category: 6 answers
29. Name something a doctor recommends for people who are rundown.
vitamins 40 sleep 33 exercise 9 vacation 8 healthy foods 5 relax 3
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category: 6 answers
30. Besides medicine, name something people keep in their medicine cabinet.
bandages 17 toothpaste 16 toothbrush 8
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category: 3 answers
31. Name Something People Do To Cure An Aching Back.
pain reliever 26 lay down 22 massage 16 heating pad 14 chiropractor 10 bengay 6
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category: 6 answers
32. Name someone whose ideas made this world a better place.
thomas edison 22 jesus christ 9 martin luther king 8 ben franklin 7 albert einstein 6 lincoln 5
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category: 6 answers
33. Name something a surgeon keeps near them when they work.
scalpel/knife 52 stethoscope 19 nurse/assistant 12 pager/beeper 4
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category: 4 answers
34. Name something you spend more money on the older you get.
healthcare 51 clothes/shoes 17 cars 7 travel/vacation 6
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category: 4 answers
35. Name something people take in.
animals 49 air 11 food 9 people 8 clothes 8
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category: 5 answers
36. Name something a doctor might give you that you don't really want.
shot 65 exam 21 news 5 advice 4 bill 4
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category: 5 answers
37. Name something your doctor might tell you to do.
lose weight 46 exercise 21 rest 16 take medicine 10 go on a diet 7
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category: 5 answers
38. Name Something That A Pill Bottle Warning Might Tell You Not To Do
drive/heavy equipment 55 drink 31 overdose 8 take without eating 3
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category: 4 answers
39. Name something a doctor carries in his bag when making a house call.
stethescope 71 thermometer 9 blood pressure cuff 4 pills 3 tongue depressor 2
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category: 5 answers
40. Name something a doctor does that a patient has to remain still for.
shot 23 check vitals 18 surgery 17 examination 17 x-rays 15 draw blood 5
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category: 6 answers
41. Name A famous Doctor Whom You Wouldn’t Trust To Perform Surgery
Dr Phil 25
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category: fast money
42. Name Something A Doctor Would Hate To Run Out Of
Patients Gloves Pens
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category: no points
43. What Do You Do At The 1st Sign Of Sickness So That It Doesn’t Get Worse
Take Medicine Doctor Rest Vitamin C
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category: no points
44. Name Something You Might Buy From A Pharmacist
Medicine Cotton Wool Plasters Condoms Tampons
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category: no points
45. Name Something With An Expiration Date Goes Bad Before Use
Milk Bread Medicine Eggs Sour Cream Cheese Yogurt
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category: no points
46. Name Something That People Put In Their Ears
Ear Plugs Q Tips Earrings Fingers Head Phones Hearing Aids Ear Drops
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category: no points
47. Name something people measure by the spoonful
Ointments Pharmaceutical Elixirs Glucose Lozenges Sugar
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category: no points
48. Name an occupation whose members are linked to scandals
Senators Presidents Congressmen Actors Thespians Governors Politicians
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category: no points
49. Name something specific you check the date of before buying
Cream Rib Eye Milk Pork Meat
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category: no points
50. Name something people do to settle an upset stomach
Tums Antacid Alka Seltzer Bismol Pepto Bismol
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category: no points
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