All "Kids" Related Family Feud Questions
1. when learning to drive what might your teacher do that indicates shes afraid
Hold On Close Her Eyes Use Her Brake Scream Grab The Wheel
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2. when spring comes name something youre excited to see the first one of
Flower Leaf Giggle Rain Shower
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3. when you dont frame a photograph where do you put it
Wallet Please Album
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4. where do you hear people say good luck
Casino Interview Performance Sporting Event
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5. where might a child have to sit during a time out
Bowling Alley Corner Interview Stairs Naughty Chair Bedroom
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6. where might you take someone on a date if you didnt want to spend any money
Beach Construction Site Home Jail Park
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7. which baby product comes in male and female versions though it wouldnt need to
Diapers Bottles Underclothes Blankets
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8. which beverage would you be most surprised to see served with a fancy meal
Cheap Beer Milk
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9. which flavor of ice cream do shops probably sell most of
Chocolate Chip Vanilla Chocolate Strawberry
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10. which food is most likely to make someone lose a tooth
Corn On The Cob Apple Candy
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11. which office supply is most likely to cause an injury
Scissors Shredder Paper Cutter Writing Utensil Stapler Letter Opener
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12. which part of parenting do many parents have trouble doing
Potty Training Enforcing Curfew Xylophone Entertainment Trombone Cymbals Punishment
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13. which part of your morning routine would you refuse to leave home without doing
Brushing Teeth Getting Dressed Showering Make Up Fixing Hair
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14. which school grade would a teacher need most patience in order to teach
1st 12th Kindergarten 7th
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15. which section of the department store do you avoid visiting if you have a kid along
Toys Undergarments Dishware
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16. which superhero has the coolest costume
Batman Spider Man Wonder Woman Mississippi Superman
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17. which superhero would you least trust to babysit your children
Incredible Hulk Wolverine Batman Spiderman
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18. which superhero would you most like to have for a bodyguard
Incredible Hulk Superman Batman Wolverine Spiderman
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19. who or what might you see pulling a sleigh
Reindeer Santa Dogs
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20. who would you find at a high school football game
Referee Band Members Coach Cheerleaders Players Classmates
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21. whose call might you wait by the phone for
Employer Date/partner Doctor Mom
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22. why might a child go to bed early without being asked
Tired Sick Christmas Eve Bored In Trouble
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23. why might you want to crash someones wedding
Stop The Wedding Free Food Open Bar It's Your Ex Pick Up A Date
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24. why would a cheerleader say she had a bad day
Injury Bad Hair Team Lost Fell Pick Up A Date
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25. Name something kids say they'll never do like their parents
Drive Lose Temper Smoke Parent
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26. Name an event where you get more pictures taken in one day, than during the rest of the year
Birthday Vacation Graduation Wedding
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27. Name a phrase parents use to make their kids feel better about losing
Not About Winning Tried Your Hardest It's Only A Game Get 'Em Next Time It's OK
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28. Name something you didn't have to worry about when you were a kid
Bills Occupation Romantic Relationship
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29. What hotel feature do children often get excited about
Room Service/Breakfast Elevator Big Bed Balance Pool
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30. Name something you find hidden under a person's mattress
Magazines Money
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31. Name a fruit not used for juice
Banana Honeydew Watermelon Cantaloupe
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32. Name something a babysitter would hate to discover your house didn't have in it
Telephone Television Bathroom Diapers
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33. Name a worry you have now that you didn't when you were 10 years old
Getting Old Health Relationships Job Security Money
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34. Name a job where it doesn't matter if you're ugly
Radio Accouncer Telephone Operator Telemarketer Rockstar J.C. Penney
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35. Name a Hollywood's biggest "Mama's Boy"
George Clooney Will Smith Ashton Kutcher Michael Jackson Sean Combs Adam Sandler
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36. Name something a hospital patient likes to have nearby
Remote Family Call Button Telephone
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37. Specifically, what are you doing every morning at 8 a.m.
Waking Up Sleeping Windows Zipper
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38. Name a fruit you could still eat if you didn't have any teeth
Banana Grape Kiwi
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39. Tell me the type of music a teenager might play to annoy a senior citizen
Alternative Rock Heavy Metal Rap Hard Rock Acid Rock
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40. When kids don't want to go to school, name an illness that's easy for them to fake
Headache Stomach Ache Sore Throat Cold
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41. Name someone who can tell you good news and bad news
Newscaster Sister Doctor
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42. Name a kind of jam
Strawberry Jam Boysenberry Jam Raspberry Jam Blackberry Jam Grape Jam Traffic Jam
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43. Name something that's hard to stay on
Skateboard Glenn Beck Bull Bronco Diet
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44. Name a vehicle that's harder to operate than a car
Army Tank Tractor Truck Forklift Airplane
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45. Name an occupation where you don't have to look your best
Miner Janitor Gardener Telemarketer Trash Collector
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46. What animal is the most important to mankind
Ape Cattle Electronics Dog
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47. Name an article of clothing you don't wear two days in a row
Underwear Spouse Socks Shirt
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48. Besides a police officer, name a profession where it's important to carry identification
Firefighter Doctor Government Employees Security Guard
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49. Name a place that's fun to take a date, but not to take a baby
Bar Movie Theater
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50. Name something a baby will not remember about their first birthday party
Guests Presents/toys Alcohol Cake The Party
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