The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something you might wear in winter that you wouldn't wear in summer.
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2. Name something that has a string on it
Guitar Play Guitar Kite Six String Balloon Yo-yo
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tags: work kids food school clothes sports category: no points
3. Name something a younger sister might hide if she didn't want her older sister to go out on a date
Sneakers Fashions Fabric Dresses Styles Shoes Wool
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tags: kids school work clothes makeup phone category: no points
4. Name something you can't wait to get out of at the end of your day.
Shoes Work Doing Dishes Cooking
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tags: work school clothes kids hilarious relatable category: 4 answers
5. Name an occasion for which you might wear lucky underwear.
Hot Date 2 Job Interview 2 Casino/Gambling 1 Sporting Event 2 Wedding/Night 1 Anniversary 1 Valentine’s Day 2 Exam/Finals 1
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tags: luck underwear special occasions clothes funny work school interview animals parties category: 8 answers
6. Name Something People Need Change In Order To Pay For.
laundry 31 tolls 24 parking 15 soda/snacks 13 pay phone calls 6 car wash 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: money school house food clothes work category: 6 answers
7. Tell me something you would trade in for a better one if you could.
car 50 house 20 spouse 15 dog 10 children 5
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tags: work school family food pets clothes category: 5 answers
8. Besides clothes, name something that has a zipper.
purse 24 backpack 22 sandwich bags 11 pillows 10 shoes 9 sleeping bag 8
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tags: clothes school work hospital animals food category: 6 answers
9. Tell Me Something Youd Be Reluctant To Buy From A Rummage Sale
underwear 51 shoes 12 tv 10 food 9 car 6 bed 5 computer 4
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tags: household clothes food kids adults funny category: 7 answers
10. Name something a superhero wears that most men don’t.
spandex pants 47 mask 29 cape 16
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tags: clothes fashion kids funny superheroes adults category: 3 answers
11. Name some animal prints you see on clothes.
Snake Cheetah Tiger Zebra Leopard
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tags: adults clothes fashion animals nature kids funny category: no points
12. Name something a woman wears when she's feeling fat.
girdle 26 sweats 22 big shirt 18 black clothes 13 muumuu 13
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tags: food funny hilarious adults clothes fashion category: 5 answers
13. name something you outgrow
Friends Toys Clothes/ Shoes
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tags: kids adults hilarious food clothes toys category: no points
14. Tell me something that looks terrible when it's wet
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tags: food animals clothes kids adults hilarious category: no points
15. If You Were Pretending To Be Pregnant, Name Something You Might Stuff Under Your Shirt.
pillow 72 a big ball 15 towels 6 balloon 2
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tags: food pregnancy babies clothes adults category: 4 answers
16. What do you picture when the word ‘cowboy’ comes up?
Hat Boots Horse Rope Denim Jeans
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tags: adults animals clothes food hats horses kids category: no points
17. Name a person who is paid to make decisions.
ceo 20 president 17 judge 16 supervisor 10 police officer 6 doctor 4 deputy 2
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18. Name something that might be paintful to do after you have a facelift.
Smile Eat Talk Frown Sneeze
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19. Name A Complaint A Person Might Have About Their Dance Partner.
step on feet 42 clumsy 30
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20. Name an occupation that would cause Pinocchio’s nose to grow constantly
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21. What Does A Businessman Use When Making Speeches, But Pastors Don’t During Their Sermons?
note cards 55 chart 14 pointer 11 powerpoint 11 projector 7
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22. Name Something You Might Keep In Your Top Pocket
Pen Calculator Phone Cigarettes
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23. Name A Sport You Play In Teams
Football Hockey Basketball Rugby Volleyball Polo
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24. Name something people hide on purpose and can't remember where they put it.
money 67 keys 16 jewelry 3 teeth 3 papers 2 creditcards 2 credit cards 2
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25. Name Another Word For “Courage.”
Brave 69 Strong 7
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26. Which Trait Of A Good Teacher Would Also Be Important For A Good Con Man?
smart 54 outgoing 17 convincing 12 trusted 7 looks professional 7
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27. what reasons would prevent you from becoming a teacher
Dislike Kids Low Pay No Degree Criminal Record
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28. Name a type of machine that requires coins.
vending machine 44 slot machine 28 payphone 12 washer 6 parking meter 3
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29. Name something a boss has that the worker might envy.
money 43 prestige 13 authority 11 nice office 9 nice car 6 more time off 3
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30. Name something you wouldn't want to have two of.
spouses 31 pets 9 noses 8 homes 7 illness 6 kids 5 heads 5 cars 4
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31. Name another word for mistake
Accident 27
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32. Name an occupation in which you’d have to get used to kids being afraid of you
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33. name an age that many people look forward to
16 21 25 18
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34. Name a job you need a lot of training for.
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35. Name a kind of meter.
Parking Gas Electric Water
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36. Name an occupation in which you’d have to get used to kids being afraid of you.
clown 41 teacher 30 doctor 19 police 6 principal 4
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37. Name A Bad Job For Someone Who Always Tells The Truth.
lawyer 37 used car sales 21 politician 20 spy 17
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38. Name An Occupation That Adult Men Still Dream About Having
Firefighter Pro Athlete Astronaut Actor Race Car Driver Pilot President
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39. Name something you wouldn't want to get in your eye.
Dirt 24 Chemicals 22 Soap 16 Glass 15 Sand 14 Pepper 8
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40. Name A Place That Gets Crowded At The End Of A Work Day.
bar 26 highway 20 bank 18 public transit 9 shopping center 9 grocery store 7 restaurant 6
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41. Name A Term For Someone Who Isn’t Very Generous.
stingy 45 tightwad 25 cheap 13 greedy 12
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42. Name A Reason Why A Kid Might Not Wear His Ordinary Clothes To School.
they're dirty 33 picture day 29 it's halloween 24 wear's a uniform 9
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tags: school kids clothes hilarious funny category: 4 answers
43. Name a stain children get on their clothes
Grass Grime Soil Cut Grass Mow Lawn Lawn
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44. Name Something You Can’t Wear To Work At An Office Job.
shorts 33 jeans 32 mini skirt 12 bathing suit 12 cap 5 sneakers 4
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tags: work clothes funny kids office inappropriate category: 6 answers
45. Tell me something you get when you join the army.
uniform 39 guns 19 combat boots 18 haircut 17 dog tags 7
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46. Name a common way to sign off an email.
regards 37 cheers 14 bye 11 see ya 10 love 5 thanks 5
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47. Name a type of worker who often goes on strike
Factory Mill Plant Manufacturing Assembly Line
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48. Name a profession that should only be done by very smart people.
doctor 44 engineer 32 astronaut 15 teacher 9
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49. Name A Common Type Of Ache
Head Tooth Back Ear Heart
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50. name something that might be happening at school that makes a kid want to stay home that day
Getting Bullied Test Picture Day Talent Show Contest
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tags: school kids funny work plants adults category: no points
51. Name Something You See In A Jail Cell
Bed Toilet Inmate Bars
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tags: adults funny kids school work hilarious category: no points
52. Name another word for "happy".
Excited Glad Joyful Elated Cheerful
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tags: school kids work hilarious funny adults category: no points
53. Name something at which many people fail the first time they try it.
driving test 67 riding a bike 6 dieting 6 cooking 4 sports 3
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tags: school kids funny hilarious work adults category: 5 answers
54. Profession Where Talk To Strangers All Day
Telemarketer Hair Dresser Cab Driver Secretary Bartender Waitress Psychiatrist
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tags: work kids funny school adults animals category: no points
55. Name The High School Subject You Use Least Often Today
advanced math 39 science 21 history 15 art 10 foreign language 6
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tags: school work kids teens adults funny category: 5 answers
56. Name a women who's not afraid to say what she thinks
Oprah Winfrey Hillary Clinton
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tags: adults work home kids school funny category: no points
57. Name Something You Did Every Day in Kindergarten That You Wish You Could Do Every Day Now
Nap 1 Play/Toys/Recess 1 Color/Paint 1 Get Free Snacks 3
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tags: kids funny school work hilarious adults category: 4 answers
58. Name a place that should never host the Summer Olympics.
alaska 53 greenland 16 canada 9 iceland 9 russia 6
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tags: funny school work food adults kids category: 5 answers
59. Name something that has the word ‘lock’ in it.
Locksmith Padlock Deadlock Lockdown Lockup
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tags: adults work school food kids funny category: no points
60. Name A Kind Of Cookie People Love To Dunk In Milk
Chocolate Chip 54 Oreo 42 Oatmeal 5
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tags: food kids funny adults school work category: 3 answers
61. Two heads are better than one. Name another part of your body you might want to have two of.
heart 26 nose 18 brain 15 mouth 12 stomach 6 hands 6
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tags: work school body funny kids adults category: 6 answers
62. Tell me a modern convenience you could not live without.
cell phone 59 computer 17 refrigerator 13 electricity 11
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tags: home kids funny school work adults category: 4 answers
63. Name A Good Gift For Someone Who Is Always Late.
watch 58 alarm clock 34 calendar 3
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tags: work funny kids school adults hilarious category: 3 answers
64. Name a job that doesn't allow you to be very creative.
police officer 30 accountant 28 secretary 15 fast food worker 15 cashier 10
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tags: work school kids adults hilarious funny category: 5 answers
65. Name A Piece Of Personal Information They Might Ask On A Job Application
Age 26
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tags: work school funny hilarious kids adults category: fast money
66. Name Something That Kids Are Bummed To Get, But Is Worse To Get As An Adult.
chicken pox 43 cavity/pulled tooth 30 braces 13 acne 9
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tags: kids adults school work hospital funny category: 4 answers
67. Name something a grown man might ask santa for.
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tags: adults funny hilarious kids school work category: no points
68. Name something men often carry in their pockets
Cash Wallet Keys
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tags: work school adults funny kids food category: no points
69. Name A Type Of Test You Can’t Study For
blood test eye test drug test
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tags: school test funny work adults kids category: no points
70. Name A Good Job For Someone Who Asks A Lot Of Questions
lawyer 27 reporter 21 telemarketer 17 doctor 11 detective 10 teacher 6 therapist 4
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tags: work school adults kids hilarious funny category: 7 answers
71. Name a job a clumsy person might be fired from.
Food server 35 Surgeon 28 Construction worker 10 Dancer 6 Acrobat 5 Bartender 5
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tags: office work funny kids school adults category: 6 answers
72. name a good day job for a magician
Card Dealer Teacher Waiter Gift Ceftificate
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tags: work kids funny adults school animals category: no points
73. Which Office Supply Is Most Likely Cause An Injury
Stapler Scissors Paper Writing Utensils Paper Cutter Paper Shredder Letter Opener
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tags: work school hospital kids funny adults category: no points
74. What do you do when someone tells a joke that’s not funny?
Smile 45 Fake laugh 42 Ignore it 7 Groan 4
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tags: funny fun family kids adults school work category: 4 answers
75. Job You Shouldnt Apply For If You Dont Like Waking Up Early
Baker Doctor Newspaper Deliverer Bus Driver Mail Carrier Construction Milk Deliverer
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tags: work school kids hilarious adults funny category: no points
76. Name Something You Do To Keep Yourself From Laughing.
hold breath 34 cover mouth 24 bite lip 21 think of something sad 7 look away 6 pinch yourself 6
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tags: funny hilarious kids adults work school category: 6 answers
77. Name Something That Might Accidentally Get Caught In A Paper Shredder.
tie 56 fingers 25 shirt 5
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tags: work school funny animals adults kids category: 3 answers
78. name a job you need a license for
Medicine Bartender Real Estate Pilot Driver
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tags: work school kids adults hilarious funny category: no points
79. Name a favorite dessert
1. Ice Cream 16 2. Cake 7 3. Donuts 4 4. Cookies 2 5. Brownies 2
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tags: kids food funny school work adults category: 5 answers
80. Give me a word that means the opposite of "clever".
Dumb Stupid Dunce
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tags: school work kids funny plants adults category: no points
81. What do you call someone who scares easily?
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tags: school work kids funny animals adults category: 4 answers
82. Name A Type Of Person That Wears A Name Tag
store clerks 24 waitress 22 doctor 16 police officer 16 nurse 11 teacher 3
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tags: work kids funny school animals adults category: 6 answers
83. Name an animal that starts with the letter "R."
Rhinoceros Roadrunner Rabbit Skating Rink Raccoon
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tags: animals kids school work adults funny category: no points
84. Name a place you have to apply to get into.
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tags: school work hospital adults kids funny category: no points
85. Name a sport where you get to sit down a lot
Hardball Auto Racing Nascar Baseball Racing Softball Field
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tags: sports work school kids adults funny category: no points
86. Name something you might do after you get a bad grade on a test.
get upset 51 retake exam 33 get drunk 10 eat 6
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tags: school work kids funny adults test category: 4 answers
87. Name something a person with overly large feet might have a hard time doing.
buying shoes 45 dancing 17 walking 15 running 6 jumping rope 4 putting shoes on 3
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tags: funny work kids school hilarious adults category: 6 answers
88. in which profession are you most likely to find lots of people with tattoos
Tattoo Artist Shirt Professional Sports Music Industry Towel Bartender
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tags: school work hospital kids funny adults category: no points
89. Name a way to stay awake when you're dead tired:
drink coffee 63 take a walk 8 cold shower 4 listen to music 4 sing 4
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tags: work school hilarious funny kids adults category: 5 answers
90. Name something a workman might wipe on his workpants.
grease 50 hands 19 paint 8 dirt 8
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tags: work clothes cleaning hygiene funny category: 4 answers
91. Name something you shouldn't photocopy, but do anyway
ID Martin Short Pictures Buttocks
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92. Name a piece of equipment a plastic surgeon might use if he was going to give Mount Rushmore a face-lift
Electric Drill Jack Hammer Chisel Rock Chisel Drill Jackhammer
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93. Name Something You Can’t Do Until You’re A Certain Age.
drink alcohol 44 drive 31 vote 9 smoke 7 gamble 4 retire 3
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94. Name a type of pole.
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95. Name a slang expression for the phrase "be quiet."
Up Can It Shut Up Shh Hush
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tags: funny work school hilarious adults category: no points
96. Name a place where women dress sexy.
night club/bar 68 bedroom 12 beach 8 party/wedding 8
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97. Name Someone Who You’d Hate To Accidentally Forward A Personal Email To
boss 59 parent 25 ex 10 grandparent 4
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tags: work school funny hilarious adults category: 4 answers
98. Name something you shouldn't photocopy, but do anyway.
id 39 pictures 31 buttocks 20 books 5 money 5
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99. what do you do if you cant pronounce someones last name
Ask Them Mumble First Name Only Spell It Sound It Out
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tags: social interactions work school funny kids adults category: no points
100. Name a reason for people to wake up in the middle of the night.
Need to visit the bathroom Bad dream Hunger/thirst Attend a crying child Heard a noise
Answers are hidden.
tags: adults school work animals kids food funny category: no points
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