All "Kids" Related Family Feud Questions
1. tell me a question people ask right away when they find out a woman is pregnant
Boy Or Girl? Due Date? Who Is The Daddy? How Far Along?
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2. tell me a rebel who many women adore
Dead Battery James Dean Johnny Depp Jesse James
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3. tell me someone you might address as sir or maam
Boss Parent Teacher
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4. tell me something a person sees that causes them to scream
Snake Ghost Spider
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5. tell me something in your garage that only a very pushy neighbor would ask to borrow
Dirty/unkempt Facial Hair Bike/ Motorcycle Car Lawn Mower
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6. tell me something on your body that has an arch
Foot Back Facial Hair Eyebrow Bank Account
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7. tell me something that gets announced in the newspaper
Death Births Stereo Wedding Sports Results
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8. tell me something that gets passed around
Baby Money Germs/virus Notes Rumors Ball
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9. tell me something you take to work only on special occasions
Car Jack Presents Kids Dessert Blanket Jumper Cables
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10. tell me something you wouldnt want to do while in the front row at church
Swear Yawn Sleep/snore Laughing Jag Sneeze Forget Prayer/hymn Talk
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11. tell me the age at which young people think they have it all figured out
16 14 18 13
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12. tell me the age kids stop believing in the tooth fairy
10 7 12 8 5 6 9
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13. to avoid staining your clothes name something you might consume in the nude
Spaghetti Ice Cream Watermelon
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14. unlike a car name something of his dads that a teen wouldnt want to borrow
Clothes Watermelon Razor
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15. unlike the mustang or cougar what slow moving animal would never have a car named after it
Donkey Sloth Spades Snail Turtle
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16. up late at a sleepover what might kids do when they hear mom coming to check on them
Donkey Be Quiet Lights Off Pretend To Sleep Spades
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17. what activity do truckers do daily that they couldnt do if driving a school bus
Stop For Food Talk On Cb Leave Town Speed Smoke
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18. what are kids told to do when eating a food they dont like
Spit It Out Just Try It Eat It Anyway Leave Town Plug Your Nose
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19. what can some birds do that other birds cant
Fly Campanion Sing
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20. what daily activity would the queen of england have trouble doing in her crown
Exercising Drive Shower
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21. what day or occasion are you most likely to eat brunch
Saturday Easter Sunday Mother's Day
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22. what do you do if you cant pronounce someones last name
Ask Them Mumble First Name Only Spell It Sound It Out
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23. what do you do when reading to kids but not when reading by yourself
Sound Effects Change Voice Read Aloud Show Pictures Read Slowly
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24. what do you need to see in order to feel like the holidays are coming
Snow Santa Around Town Christmas Trees Lights/decorations
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25. what does a person with bad eyesight do first thing in the morning
Put On Glasses Talk On The Phone Stumble Squint Skin/hair Put In Contacts
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26. what is something youd be embarrassed if your dog did to someone
Bite Them Pee On Them Mate With Them Lick Them Scab Bark At Them Expression
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27. what is the first song you learn how to play when playing the piano
Chopsticks Hot Cross Buns Toss And Turn Mary/ Little Lamb Twinkle Littel Star
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28. what might a child do in the grocery store that embarrasses their parent
Act Up Curse Steal Something Break Something
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29. what might a cowboy be ridiculed for being bad at
Horse Riding Roping Dancing Shooting
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30. what might a kid bring home that would cause their mom to say get that out of here!
Say Wrong Name Bug Snake Id Dog Frog
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31. what might a kid have a hard time doing while in their halloween costume
Using Bathroom Seeing Walking/running Breathing Talking
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32. what might a kid want to do all day long during summer break
Be Outdoors Sleep Bike Backpack Play Games Swim
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33. what might a man complain that his wife treats him like
Buy You A Drink? Garbage A Dog Dirt A Child
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34. what might a woman try to keep dry while at the waterpark
Face Clothes Towel Purse Start A Fire Hair
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35. what might you want to have handy after eating an ear of corn
Napkin Floss Toothpick Sprinkler Spelling Errors Bushes
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36. what reasons would prevent you from becoming a teacher
Dislike Kids Low Pay No Degree Criminal Record
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37. what type of establishment should never have a drive thru window
Grocery Store Doctor's/dentist's Office Law Office
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38. what will a child do during a love scene in a movie
Say Ewww Witches Close Eyes Blush Clowns Laugh Leave The Room
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39. what would a clown have to remove in order to fit in a clown car
Shoes Wig Hat
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40. what would a new parent dread having to do
Spend Money Wake Up All Night Change Diapers Feed Baby
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41. what would make you leave a restaurant before ordering
Bugs Dirty Bad Service Noise Emergency
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42. what would you be annoyed to find that the valet parker had cranked up in your car
Radio Concentrate Heat Air Conditioner
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43. what would you expect to find in an enchanted forest
Sleep Talking Trees Fairy Elf Arrive Late Unicorn
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44. what would you pat on a babys body that you would never pat on an adult you dont know
Black Eye Head Bottom Foot Tummy
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45. what would you see at the rummage sale of someone was not planning to have more kids
Car Seat Baby Clothes Stroller Crib
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46. what would you see hanging from a rearview mirror in a car
Fuzzy Dice Air Freshener Graduation Tassel Beads
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47. whats the best way to order your eggs
Boiled Poached Fried Scrambled No Standing In Line
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48. whats the first question you ask the babysitter after walking in the door
No Standing In Line Kids Behave? Kids Asleep? Poached What Do I Owe You?
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49. whats the messiest thing you eat at a baseball game
Nachos Peanuts Hotdogs
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50. whats the worst thing that can happen when youre eating outside
Rain Bugs Swarm Food Food Blows Away Birds Overhead
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