All "Kids" Related Family Feud Questions
1. name something kids do to cool off in summer that you wish you could do too
Take Off Clothes Washing Machine Swim In Kiddy Pool Run Thru Sprinkler Water Fight School Rules
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2. name something kids try to get as much of as their parents will let them have
Attention Candy Popsicle Allowance French Fries Driving
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3. name something kids use in the bathtub that an adult would look silly using
Bubble Bath Toy Boat Rubber Duck
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4. name something many grandpas have in common with santa claus
Beard Big Belly White Hair Generous
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5. name something many parents do for their child long after the child can do it for himself
Clean Their Rooms Tie Their Shoes Cook Feed Them Dress Them Laundry Pay Bills
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6. name something many people are afraid to do alone
Eat Out/go Out Live Walk At Night Sleep Travel Watch Scary Movie Swim
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7. name something many people do at the same time every day
Start Work Eat Meals Sleep
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8. name something men stand around at many parties
The Alcohol The Snack Table Women The Tv Troll Beast
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9. name something most classrooms have today that they didnt have 50 years ago
Towers Projectors Dungeons Computers Tv Sets Dry Erase Board Air Conditioning
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10. name something most dads get on fathers day
Socks Card Tie Tools
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11. name something most kids are afraid to try but then realize its no big deal after doing it
Swimming Vegetables Riding A Bike
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12. name something most parents dont let a child do by himself until hes at least 10
Cook Stay Home Alone Cross The Street Take A Bath
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13. name something most people probably dont consume enough of
Vitamins Vegetables Water
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14. name something most police officers carry with them
Gun Baton Badge Flashlight Handcuffs
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15. name something on a boat that might save your life
Life Boat Good Swimmer Life Jacket Float 2 Way Radio
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16. name something on a sandwich that might be slimy
Mustard Cheese Jelly Meat Tomato Mayonnaise Pickle
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17. name something on an elephant thats much bigger than on a human
Feet Ears Butt Nose/trunk
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18. name something on their body that a person might want to get rid of
Hair Freckle Tattoo Fat Pimple Wart
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19. name something overpriced that some people buy every day
Bottled Water Coffee Gas Band Dancers Dj
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20. name something parents put on kids before a day of swimming
Life Preserver Floats Swimsuit Sunscreen
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21. name something parents wish their children would do instead of playing video games
Homework Play Sports Read
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22. name something people build models of
Cars Ships Buildings Planes
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23. name something people commonly daydream about
Winning Lottery Romance Ships Vacation
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24. name something people do in their cars that you wouldnt want to be caught doing on a bus
Singing Smoking Smooching Someone Sleeping
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25. name something people fear that comes out at night
Tap Fingers Look At Watch Monsters Werewolves Ghost Bats Vampires
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26. name something people make with apples in the fall
Apple Sauce Candy Apples Caramel Apples Apple Pie Apple Cider
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27. name something people should never leave the house without
Id Keys Money
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28. name something people talk about often although its boring to listen to
Politics Gossip Themselves Weather Their Kids Work/ School Sports
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29. name something people use bumper stickers to show support for
Sports Team Home Town Political Beliefs Troops
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30. name something people use to keep their dog in the yard
Kennel Leash Dog House Fence
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31. name something people used more often before cell phones were invented
Pagers/beepers Land Line Phones Mail Pay Phones Mouth Wash
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32. name something robin hood wore that most men would never leave the house in
Stocks Tights Loans Feathered Hat Cloak/tunic Bloomers Mortgage
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33. name something short people can do better than tall people
Limbo Gymnastics Eat Take Walks Hide/ Fit In Small Space Dance
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34. name something some babies have that other babies dont
Teeth Hair Dimples Fuller Brushes Birthmarks Colic
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35. name something specific a parent wishes for their child on the first day of kindergarten
Safety No Crying Make Friends Good Teacher Mask
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36. name something specific about an old friend that makes it easy to recognize him/her
Smell Smile Voice Eyes
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37. name something specific at the movie theatre thats gotten too expensive
Popcorn Soda Smell Tickets Candy Teach Manners
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38. name something specific on a plane that you wish was bigger
Luggage Rack Aisle Seats Bathroom Amount Of Leg Room Food Portions
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39. name something specific that might be different when driving in a foreign country
Side To Drive On Types Of Cars Speed Limit Road Signs/language Driving Laws
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40. name something specific you always get for christmas but never want
Socks/slippers Tie Sweater
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41. name something specific you are likely to be awakened by when sleeping outside
Bugs Birds Rain Sun
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42. name something specific you do when talking to a child but not when talking to an adult
Change Pitch Make Faces Speak Slowly Use Small Words Bend Down
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43. name something that a single person has more freedom to do
Where They Put Items Party Date Focus On Career
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44. name something that can be hard to get off a carpet
Oil Juice Wine Gum Blood
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45. name something that can be renewed
Library Book Wedding Vows Mag. Subscription Driver's License Prescriptions
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46. name something that can be spiked
Hair Tires Drink Prescriptions
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47. name something that can cause a headache
Drinking Loud Noise Stress
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48. name something that can make a comeback
Actor Sports Team Movie Singer
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49. name something that causes you to become friends with someone you otherwise wouldnt have
Facial Hair Money Work/school Both Have Kids Mutual Friend
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50. name something that comes in a tube
Lotion Ipod Paste/glue Lipstick Toothpaste
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