All "Microwave" Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name A Food Thats Baked In The Oven But Cant Be Cooked In The Microwave
cake 46 chicken 15 bread 14 cookies 11 pie 8 roast 3
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category: 6 answers
2. Name something that gives off heat:
sun 30 stove 29 fire 19 radiator 5 heater 4 car motor 3
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category: 6 answers
3. Name a food that is often cooked in a microwave.
popcorn 34 pizza 14 tv dinner 12 hot dog 7 soup 6 potato 6 burrito 6 eggs 3
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category: 8 answers
4. Name a food that is often cooked in the microwave
TV Dinner Tube Tv Dinner Television Dinner Popcorn
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category: no points
5. name a specific food that youd never put in the microwave without covering it
Vacation Eggs Spaghetti Soup
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category: no points
6. name something you heat up in the microwave besides leftovers
Sweaters Coffee Popcorn Soup 5. Tv Dinner
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category: no points
7. name something youre advised not to do with a microwave
Repair Damage Stand Closeby Put Metal In It Overheat Food Make Hair Soft Boil Water
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category: no points
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