The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. name something police cars do that youd be ticketed for doin
Tailgate Run Red Light Speed U Turns Tie
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tags: police cars traffic speeding lights adults category: no points
2. Which Color Of Car Do You Think Gets Pulled Over Most Often
red 49 black 28 white 11 silver 6 blue 3 green 3
Answers are hidden.
3. Tell Me Something You Would See In A Blues Brothers Movie.
Sunglasses 38 Dancing 16 Hats 15 Musical Insruments 13 Black Suits 12
Answers are hidden.
4. what do drivers do when they see a police car behind them
Panic Text Message Slow Down Arrive Late Pull Over Look In Mirror Chew Gum
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tags: driving police traffic cars speeding laws category: no points
5. Name something a robber would hate to have happen to his car while he was inside robbing a bank.
stolen 29 towed 20 not start 15 ticketed 9 accident 8 slashed tires 5
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tags: funny adults vehicles security crime police category: 6 answers
6. Name a type of professional that wears sunglasses a lot.
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tags: work outdoors adults funny police construction category: no points
7. Tell me a noise that would make you call the police:
gunshot 48 breaking glass 21 scream 19 car crash 6 explosion 3
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tags: noise suspicious police home kids adults category: 5 answers
8. Which job requires a uniform?
Police Doctor Pilot Nurse Military
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tags: adults work school hospital restaurant police kids category: no points
9. Name something you check under the bonnet of your car.
oil 45 water 28 engine 13 battery 6 radiator 5
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tags: cars vehicles transportation funny adults kids category: 5 answers
10. Name something a scorned woman might do to her ex-boyfriend's car.
key it/scratch it 44 flatten tires 25 break windows 20 throw something 3 sugar in gas tank 3 dent it 2
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tags: cars relationships love adults funny category: 6 answers
11. Name something about a man's car that he might brag about
Tires Leather Interior Power Nirvana Price
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tags: cars hobbies men funny hilarious adults category: no points
12. name something an adult can do in a car that a kid cant
Unique Clothes Drive Romance A Date Sit In Front
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tags: adults kids transportation driving cars category: no points
13. Name an expensive foreign car.
ferrari 25 porsche 21 bmw 19 mercedes 14 audi 5 peugeot 3 lamborghini 3
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tags: cars transportation vehicles luxury adults category: 7 answers
14. When people buy a new car, name something they do with their old one
Trade In Sell It In Trade It In It Junk It It In
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tags: cars transportation family money adults humor category: no points
15. Name something for which you get a warranty.
Car 53 TV 28 Watch 8 Computer 4 Appliance 3
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tags: adults home appliances furniture cars electronics tools kids category: 5 answers
16. What are some things that come with a warranty?
Television Phone Refrigerator Camera Furniture
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tags: adults home appliances electronics cars furniture tools toys category: no points
17. What Would A Car Thief Hate To Find In The Backseat Of The Car He’d Just Stolen?
child 55 dog 25 police officer 13 owner 5
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18. Name Another Word For A Policeman Or Woman
Copper Bill Pigs Mr Plod Sweeney The Fuzz
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tags: work kids police funny law enforcement category: no points
19. name something a burglar would hate to have in the car when the cops pull him over
Weapon Stolen Goods Crowbar/tools Newspaper
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20. Name something a rookie police officer would be embarrassed to admit he misplaced
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tags: work police embarrassing funny category: no points
21. If you got access to a police car what’s the first thing you’d want to do?
turn on siren 51 speed 32 turn on lights 8 pull someone over 7
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tags: funny police law enforcement hypothetical category: 4 answers
22. Name Something You Would Have To Be Without When Cops Pull Over
License Registration Insurance Cell Phone Seat Belt
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tags: driving car police transportation funny category: no points
23. Name Something A Police Officer Might Be Embarrassed To Say He Or She Doesn’t Know How To Do.
shoot a gun 41 write a ticket 35
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tags: work kids hilarious embarrassing police funny category: 2 answers
24. Name Something Drivers Often Do If They Spot A Police Car Up Ahead
slow down 71 move over 12 put seatbelt on 4
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tags: traffic driving police safety funny kids category: 3 answers
25. Name something you'd expect to see inside a police car.
two way radio 41 police officer 15 gun 13 handcuffs 6 computer screen 4 criminal 4
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tags: police vehicle safety equipment kids funny category: 6 answers
26. Name A Reason A Policeman Might Say He Had A Bad Day On The Job.
got shot 52 someone was murdered 15 couldn't catch crook 15 visited the morgue 10
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27. Name Something A Driver Might Do When He Sees A Police Car.
slow down 67 pull over 10 put seat belt on 9 run the other way 7 panic 5
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tags: driving police funny traffic law enforcement category: 5 answers
28. What Might A Woman Do On A First Date To Make You Suspect He Was An Undercover Cop?
ask many questions 49 carries a gun 29 wears a badge 10 ask for id 6
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tags: relationships dating humor police funny category: 4 answers
29. Name An Excuse People Give To Police For Speeding
Didn't Realise Didn't See The Sign Late For Work Going To Hospital
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tags: speeding excuses police traffic funny category: no points
30. Tell Me An Excuse People Give The Police When Pulled Over For Speeding.
didn't notice speed 32 late 28
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tags: excuses speeding traffic police funny category: 2 answers
31. Name A Professional You May Come In Contact With But Should Never Flirt With
cop 37 boss 25 teacher 14 priest 9 lawyer 8
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tags: work doctor school lawyer police funny category: 5 answers
32. whats the first thing you do when a cop pulls you over
Get License Roll Down Window Swear Panic
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tags: driving traffic safety police questions funny category: no points
33. Name something you'd be surprised a traffic cop gave you instead of a ticket.
Warning Phone Number Money Compliment Kiss Smile Donut
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tags: traffic funny hilarious police driving questions category: 7 answers
34. name a less interesting part of the job that the tv show cops probably doesnt show
Booking Pudding Lunch Traffic Violation Tomato Sauce Paperwork Driving/waiting
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tags: work police cops tv shows paperwork funny category: no points
35. Tell Me An Excuse People Give The Police for Speeding
Late/Work 28
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tags: excuses speeding police traffic reasons funny category: fast money
36. a crime that most cops have probably committed themselves.
Speeding 1 Stealing 1 Jaywalking 1 Littering 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious police law enforcement crime speeding parking category: 4 answers
37. is a dead body in the house. What do you do with it?
Bury it 2 Hide it in the fridge 5 Call cops anyway 3 Leave it/don’t touch 3 Burn it 2 Take to neighbor’s 3 Toss in lake 3 Trash/dumpster 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious death family mystery police murder category: 8 answers
38. Name Something A Police Officer Needs A Lot Of
Patience Bullets Courage Donuts Citations Coffee Back Up
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39. Name A TV Show About Police.
nypd blue 41 cops 32 csi 22
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40. Name something people call the police to report.
burglary 53 noisy neighbors 19 accidents 15 a cookie 4 stolen car 2 vandalism 2
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tags: police crime emergencies safety kids category: 6 answers
41. Name a form of transportation used by the police.
Car Motorcycle Helicopter Horse
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tags: transportation police law enforcement vehicles kids category: 4 answers
42. name an excuse youd give to a cop to try and get out of a speeding ticket
Going To Hospital Need To Use Bathroom New In Town Late For Work
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43. Name Something The Police Might Look For When They Search A Suspects House
drugs 65 evidence 17 weapon 13 suspect 3
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44. Name something a criminal would ditch if the Feds were after him.
weapon 32 car 25 disguise/mask 18 money/loot 17 accomplice 3
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tags: crime investigation police category: 5 answers
45. Name Something A Criminal Might Do To Avoid Being Recognized In A Police Line-Up.
shave 32 look down 16 cut hair 14 smile 12 dye hair 12 wear a disguise 9
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46. Name an occupation in which you are 'on duty'.
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tags: work kids police hospital military security category: 5 answers
47. Name something a policeman might get out of his squad car to do.
write a ticket 66 make an arrest 10 use gun 8 get donuts 6 check driv. lic. 3
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tags: police law enforcement safety crime traffic kids category: 5 answers
48. Name someone who uses a baton.
majorette 60 conductor 10 police officer 9
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tags: work police traffic cheerleading category: 3 answers
49. Name Something A Police Officer Might Ask For After Pulling Someone Over.
License 40
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tags: police traffic driving law safety category: fast money
50. Name something that's routinely done to a person when he's arrested.
handcuffed 38 read rights 36 fingerprinted 10 mug shot 6 questioned 4
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tags: law enforcement police jail criminals category: 5 answers
51. Name A Vehicle With A Siren
A Police Car An Ambulance A Fire Engine
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tags: vehicles emergencies safety police category: no points
52. Why Might A Cop Who Pulls Someone Over Not Give A Ticket
Warning Nice Flirts Driver Cute Driver Cries Friend Light Out
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53. name a place that only the worlds dumbest thief would try to rob
Police Station White House Bank Fort Knox
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tags: security intelligence crime police category: no points
54. If everyone obeyed the law, name something we would no longer need
Law Enforcement Guns Jail Traffic Tickets
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tags: law society rules government police category: 4 answers
55. Name something that has flashing lights.
police cars 59 send us your answers! 10
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tags: safety traffic amusement park party police kids category: 2 answers
56. Name an occupation whose members use the expression "Off Duty".
police officer 63 taxi driver 17 military 11 firefighter 2 security guard 2 lifeguard 2
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tags: work police security military firefighters category: 6 answers
57. Name something a cop might carry.
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tags: work police safety weapons equipment category: 5 answers
58. Name Something Thats Legal For A Police Officer To Do But Not For Anyone Else
speed 63 arrest someone 21 run red lights 8 carry/ use gun 7
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tags: legal police authority power law crime category: 4 answers
59. Name someone who might ask to see your driver's license.
police officer 77 cashier 13 bank teller 5 bouncer 3 bartender 2
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tags: driving police alcohol rent job travel category: 5 answers
60. Name something the police might use when searching for something
Pooches Bloodhounds Flashlight Pit Bulls Terriers Torch Puppies
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tags: police evidence investigation crime safety category: no points
61. Name an occupation where there's no sitting down on the job
Waiter Factory Worker Cashier Traffic Cop
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tags: work police animals construction performance category: no points
62. Name a vehicle that has lights on top of it
Squad Car Paramedic Car Patrol Car Cruiser Police Car Cop Car
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tags: vehicles transportation lights emergency police category: no points
63. Name Something You Might Have To Do If You Got A Speeding Ticket
pay money 42 go to court 35
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tags: driving police traffic court speed category: 2 answers
64. Name something you can get a traffic ticket for.
speeding 48 running a red light 25 no seat belt 12 on the phone 5
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tags: traffic driving rules police tickets category: 4 answers
65. Name a moving violation you might get ticketed for
Boogers Speeding Hostile Running A Red Light Running A Stop Sign Broken Tail Light
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tags: traffic driving police accidents tickets category: no points
66. Name Something You Hear Cops Say In A Police Movie
freeze 31 put your hands up 19 right/remain silent 17 under arrest 14 drop your weapon 8 book em 6 ten four 5
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tags: police movies cops speech law enforcement category: 7 answers
67. Name another term for "detective."
Private Eye Tv Show Smiles Singing Inspector Investigator Sleuth
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tags: work police criminals clues mystery category: no points
68. Name a person who wears gloves.
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tags: work hospital police gardening law enforcement category: no points
69. why might a cop who pulls someone over not give them a ticket
Dirver Is Cute Driver Cries Just A Warning Light Out Driver Flirts Cop Is Nice Cop Is A Friend
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tags: traffic laws police driving speeding safety category: no points
70. after getting pulled over what might a driver do that makes the cops really angry
Drive Off Yell Run Away Curse Get Out Of Car Argue
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tags: traffic police laws consequences authority respect category: no points
71. what might a man be wearing that makes you suspect hes a burglar
Black Clothing Hood Up Mask Buy You A Drink?
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tags: safety pets theft home criminals police category: no points
72. Other Than For A Passenger Name A Reason A Cab Driver Would Stop The Car
red light 32 accident 23 traffic jam 21 police/sirens 12 needs gas 8
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tags: food animals police bathroom accident vehicle category: 5 answers
73. Name something that has a siren.
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tags: vehicles emergency hospital animals police fire category: no points
74. name a place where you might be given a ticket
Vacation Highway Movie Theater Schoolyard
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tags: traffic school work police parking airport category: no points
75. Name Something Permanent On a Criminals Skin That Police Use To Be Sure Theyve Got Their Man
tattoo 41 fingerprint 34 scar 12 birthmark 9
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tags: police criminals identification tattoos evidence body category: 4 answers
76. Name something that hits your car and leaves a ding.
car/car door 38 shopping cart 24 stone/rock 21 bicycle 8
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77. Name something the batmobile might have that you would like for your car.
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78. Name Something You’D Hate To See The Valet Driver Doing With Your Car
Smoking Speeding Eating Drinking Sleeping Picking Nose Talking On Phone
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79. Name something Shaquille O'Neal probably has to bend down to do
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tags: basketball cars furniture kids funny category: no points
80. Name something you need to wash a car.
Water 42 Soap 31 Sponges 12 Hose 7 Rags 4 Bucket 4 Car Swimsuit Wax Driveway
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tags: vehicles cleaning cars kids funny category: 10 answers
81. Name A Liquid That Is Put Into A Car
Petrol Diesel Water Oil Anti Freeze
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tags: school transportation cars funny kids category: no points
82. Name something people put on top of their cars.
Luggage Bicycles Canoes Surfboards Antenna Flags
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tags: cars transportation kids funny objects category: no points
83. Name something that makes ecto-1 standout.
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84. Name an accessory you might buy at a car wash
Freshener Wax Air Freshener Turtle Wax Car Wax Cloth Pine Scented
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tags: accessories cars cleaning kids funny category: no points
85. Name something a girl might do to her ex-boyfriend's car as revenge
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tags: relationships revenge cars funny kids category: no points
86. Name a reason someone might make fun of a car.
Old Color Rusty Size Dents
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tags: cars transportation appearance driving funny kids category: no points
87. Name a rule at a drive-in theater.
no noise/honking 41 turn off lights 24 no sneaking in 8 return speaker 8 stay in car 5 no littering 4
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tags: funny kids family entertainment cars movies category: 6 answers
88. What do you think of when you hear the word, "Bond"?
james bond 53 jail 13 stocks 8 marriage 8 glue 5 money 3
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tags: family spies cars movies kids funny category: 6 answers
89. Name something you might find in a taxi
Wallet Meter Driver
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tags: transport vehicles cars travel funny kids category: no points
90. Name something a student probably would not want to attempt the first day of driving school.
parallel parking 44 speeding 15 highway 13 u-turn 11 driving 8 reversing 4
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tags: driving teenagers cars school funny kids category: 6 answers
91. If Your Car Could Talk Name Something It Might Complain About
driving to fast 26 wash me 25 not enough gas 14 being run too much 10 irregular oil change 8 too much weight 5 left in the rain 4
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tags: cars funny kids school transportation vehicles category: 7 answers
92. Name something people do in their cars if they think no one is watching.
pick nose 61 make love 21 sing 6 kiss 3
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93. Name Something That Makes A Noise When It's Turned On
Radio Tv Car Engine / Motor Mower Partner
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tags: appliances cars computers animals kids funny category: no points
94. What did service station attendants once do when you bought gas?
wash windows 50 check oil 32 check tires 11 pump gas 5
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tags: kids history cars transportation funny hilarious category: 4 answers
95. What should you always be on the look out for when you're driving
Animals Bicycles Other Drivers Pot Holes Red Lights Pedestrians
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tags: cars pedestrians hazards animals kids funny category: no points
96. If you were driving someone else's car, name something that would be hard to get used to
Seat Stick Shift Brakes Steering Wheel Stereo
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tags: cars driving funny habits kids vehicles category: no points
97. Name a job you should avoid if you are a lousy driver.
driver 28 cab 28 taxi driver 28 bus driver 23 city bus driver 23 school bus driver 23 lorry 14 pick up 14 eighteen wheeler 14 big rig 14 semi 14 truck driver 14 mack truck 14 pizza delivery 10 ups 10 fedex 10 delivery 10 chauffer 4 nascar 2 formula one 2 race car driver 2 car driver 2 indy 2
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tags: work driving cars transportation funny kids category: 23 answers
98. name a slang term for a car
Sales Computer Programs Whip Ride Customer Service Wheels
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tags: cars transportation vehicles slang funny kids category: no points
99. Name a part of your car that most people have heard of but have no idea what it does
Converter Alternator Transmission Radiator Carburetor
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tags: cars knowledge transportation funny category: no points
100. We surveyed 100 women: Name something specific under the car's hood that you can identify
Engine/motor Battery Carburetor Radiator Air-conditioning Oil Tank/cap Dipstick
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