The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. What kind of nut butter could you use if you were allergic to peanuts?
almond 52 hazelnut 17 soy 10 cashew 9 walnut 9
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tags: food nutrition health allergies kids funny category: 5 answers
2. Name something a skinny model might keep in her refrigerator
Slim Down Lose Weight Diet Drinks Eat Less Drinks
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3. If A Health-Nut Ordered A Sandwich, What Ingredient Might They Leave Off?
mayo 40 cheese 31 meat 21 butter 4
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tags: food health nutrition diet family funny category: 4 answers
4. Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'L'.
Lettuce 46 Lose 30 Lunch 13 Lean 5 Light 5
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tags: food diet weight loss health nutrition funny category: 5 answers
5. What do kids love to eat, but is not good for health?
Candy Chips Burgers French fries Ice creams
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tags: kids food health nutrition parenting category: no points
6. Name A Food That You Wish Was Healthy So You Could Eat It Every Day
pizza 30 candy 24 ice cream 18 cake 10 chips 6 french fries 5 cookies 4
Answers are hidden.
7. Name An Excuse People Give For Not Eating Healthy
no time 55 lazy 18 too expensive 11 taste 7 only live once 5
Answers are hidden.
8. Which food would make kids healthy and strong?
Milk Vegetables Fruits Nuts Protein drinks
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tags: kids food health strength nutrition growth category: no points
9. Name a vegetable that is rarely served raw.
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tags: food kids learning family health nutrition category: 13 answers
10. Name An Unhealthy Ingredient You Often See In Kids Cereals
sugar 66 chocolate 16 corn syrup 8 salt 4
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tags: food kids health breakfast nutrition sugar category: 4 answers
11. What type of healthy lunchbox foods would kids most want to trade for junk food?
fruit 39 vegetables 31 sandwich 21 apple 5 carrots 4
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tags: food kids school nutrition health junk category: 5 answers
12. Name a healthy snack a mom might give to her child
Peanut Butter Jelly Carrot Preserves Banana Apple Plantain
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tags: family kids food nutrition health snacks category: no points
13. Name something that health-conscious people look for food to be low in.
fat 54 sodium 16 carbohydrates 9 calories 8 cholesterol 7 sugar 5
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tags: health food nutrition healthy eating category: 6 answers
14. Name the worst food to eat if you are on a diet. ("Dessert" is not an answer. Be more specific.)
football 22 baseball 10
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tags: food diet nutrition health wellness category: 2 answers
15. Name Something People Do To Their Food That Makes It Unhealthy
add salt 46 fry it 33 put sugar on top 9 butter it 8
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tags: food health cooking nutrition diet category: 4 answers
16. Name a food that a lot of people are allergic too.
Nuts Seafood Milk Onions Eggs
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tags: food health nutrition cooking genetics category: no points
17. Name a specific food that doctors tell patients to cut down on.
red meat 37 fried food 25 sweets 18 pizza 8 eggs 5 butter 4
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tags: food health doctors eating dieting nutrition category: 6 answers
18. Name something people do the day before they start a diet
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tags: diet food health nutrition weight loss category: no points
19. Name Something A Health Nut Order Lunch Without
Meat Mayonnaise Dressing Cheese Fries/ Chips Butter Dessert
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tags: health food nutrition healthy eating restaurants category: no points
20. Name a food that you hope scientists will someday discover is good for you
Cheeseburger Icecream Chocolate Pizza Pastry
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tags: food health science diet nutrition healthy category: no points
21. Name something that a person on a diet probably couldn’t eat.
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tags: food diet weight loss nutrition health category: no points
22. Name something you would stop eating if you wanted to lose weight.
candy 41 hamburders 15 cake 14 ice cream 11 bread 10 chips 9
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tags: food diet health nutrition weight loss category: 6 answers
23. Name a food that denture wearers should avoid
Sticks Of Gum The Cob Gum Chewing Gum On The Cob Corn On The Cob Apples
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tags: food health seniors dentists nutrition elderly category: no points
24. Name a gift a health nut might enjoy.
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tags: health fitness nutrition exercise workout food category: no points
25. Name a food dieters eat a lot of
Greens Celery Iceberg Apples Baston
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tags: diet food nutrition health weight loss category: no points
26. Name a food or drink which comes in a low-calorie version
Pop Ginger Ale Soda Club Soda Root Beer Tonic Water
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tags: food drinks calories dieting nutrition health category: no points
27. Name a food that many consider to be a “superfood”.
Kale Blueberries Spinach Broccolis Fish
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tags: food health nutrition healthy eating diet category: no points
28. Name The Holiday People Gan The Most Weight After.
thanksgiving 41 christmas 27
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tags: holidays food weight gain health nutrition family category: 2 answers
29. Name A Food With Almost No Calories
Lettuce Celery Tomato
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tags: food health trivia nutrition calories general knowledge category: no points
30. name a healthy choice that young people may put off til theyre older
Drink Less Vampire Quit Smoking Eat Right Princess Cop Exercise
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tags: health fitness nutrition longevity kids category: no points
31. Name a specific exercise you could do to burn off the Easter calories.
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tags: easter exercise health fitness nutrition category: 9 answers
32. Name a fitness expert.
richard simmons 47 jillian michaels 29 jack lalanne 11 chuck norris 6 billy blanks 6
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tags: fitness health exercise gym wellness nutrition category: 5 answers
33. Name something a man would need to go from beached whale to Ironman athlete.
gym 50 determination 17 diet food 5 good-looking... 4 running shoes 3
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tags: fitness health exercise nutrition motivation lifestyle category: 5 answers
34. If You Had No Teeth, Tell Me A Food You Couldn’t Eat Anymore.
corn on the cob 35 apples 23 steak 18 candy 12 ribs 10
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35. Name a vegetable moms make their kids eat because it is good for them.
broccoli 36 spinach 21 carrots 19 beans 10 peas 8 corn 3
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tags: family food kids vegetables nutrition funny category: 6 answers
36. Name A Specific Food That You Eat A Lot Of When You’re On A Diet.
salad 58 celery 7 oranges 7 carrots 7 apple 6 broccoli 6
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tags: food diet funny family nutrition eating category: 6 answers
37. Name something a vegetarian might eat at a 4th of july cookout.
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38. name a human food that many zoo animals eat
Comb Peanuts Meat Broom Banana Trash Can
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39. Name something that some people eat raw.
Fish Vegetables Meat
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tags: food kids healthy nutrition plants category: 3 answers
40. Name A Type Of Nut
Brazil Hazel Peanut Chestnut Cashew
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tags: food plants healthy nutrition kids category: no points
41. Name a food that has a lot of fiber.
cereal 51 bread 14
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tags: food nutrition healthy eating category: 2 answers
42. name a breakfast food thats not really food until its cooked
Eggs Waffles Bacon
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43. Name a fruit that is commonly added to yogurt.
Straberries Blueberries Peaches Cherries
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tags: food breakfast nutrition healthy eating kids category: no points
44. Name a food parents might insist their kids eat in the morning.
Cereals Eggs Fruit Oatmeal Toast
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tags: food kids family breakfast morning nutrition category: no points
45. Name A Vegetable That Is Not Green
carrot 32 corn 28 pumpkin 12 potato 9 beet 8 cauliflower 7 egg plant 4
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tags: food plants kids cooking nutrition vegetables category: 7 answers
46. What are the most popular Gluten Free foods?
vegetables 39 meat 22 dairy 14 rice 11 fish 8 eggs 4 soy 2
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tags: food diet healthy eating nutrition category: 7 answers
47. Name A Food Most People Eat Everyday
Bread Fruit Cereal Meat Potato
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48. name something diet food is usually lower in
Calories Cholesterol Taste Fat Carbohydrates Sugar
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tags: food diet healthy weight loss nutrition kids category: no points
49. Tell me the time of day when most people eat breakfast.
8:00 am 44 7:00 am 18 9:00 am 18 10:00 am 6 7:30 am 6 9:30 am 6
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tags: food daily routine breakfast nutrition morning category: 6 answers
50. Name something you might put on top of a salad.
dressing 45 croutons 24 cheese 22 fruit 5 bacon 4
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tags: food healthy nutrition lunch dinner plants category: 5 answers
51. Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'P'.
Pizza 33 Pounds 26 Pie 20 Protein 12 Peanuts 9
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tags: food diet weight loss healthy eating nutrition category: 5 answers
52. Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'T'.
Tomatoes 26 Tacos 18 Thin 17 Taste 15 Tea 13 Time 11
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tags: food diet dieting weight loss healthy eating nutrition category: 6 answers
53. Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'W'.
Weight 50 Water 24 Watermelon 14 Workout 7 Waists 5
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tags: food diet weight loss weight body nutrition category: 5 answers
54. Complete the statement: "all college students should learn how to _____."
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tags: education work life finance nutrition category: no points
55. Name A Flavor Kid’s Toothpaste Come In, But Adults Doesn’t
Bubblegum Cherry Grape
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56. Name something you shouldn't eat before a dental checkup.
candy/chocolate 54 garlic 10 onions 7 gum 5 nuts/p'nut butter 4
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57. Name something that moms say will cure any ailment
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58. Even though is taste good, name a downside to eating peanut butter.
sticky 59 fat 13 thick 6 diarrhea 3 high cholesterol 2 get into teeth 2 salty 2
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59. Besides soup, name something people eat when they aren’t feeling well.
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60. which food is most likely to make someone lose a tooth
Corn On The Cob Apple Candy
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61. Name a food that causes bad breath
Trout Chives Swordfish Scallions Onions Garlic Salmon
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62. Name a drink that is considered to be unhealthy.
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63. Name Something That Happens To You When You Eat Too Much Sugar
Stomach Ache Voice Dan Ackroyd
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64. Name A Reason You Might Stick Out Your Tongue
Play At Doctors Having It Pierced Passionate Kiss
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65. Tell Me Something You Avoid When You Are Sick
Other People 34 Other People 29 Eating 25 Alcohol 5 Smoking 5
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66. Name something you do on a hot day.
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tags: food health outdoors kids funny summer category: 4 answers
67. Name something that stains your teeth.
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tags: food drinks habits health kids funny category: 4 answers
68. Name A Reason You Might Skip Lunch
not hungry 45 too busy 16 on a diet 12 work/meeting 10 sick 5
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69. Name something a costumed character might have to remove their head to do.
Eat 56 Drink 17 Talk 12 Breathe 9 See 5
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tags: halloween food health animals kids funny category: 5 answers
70. Name something adults tell kids to eat so they grow up big and strong.
Milk 42 Spinach 34 Broccoli 19 Carrot 5
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tags: family kids food funny health parenting category: 4 answers
71. Name something that teeth do.
Chew Chatter Bite Grind Rot Hurt
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tags: food kids animals health family funny category: 6 answers
72. name something you wouldnt do just before running a marathon
Drink Alcohol Smoke Chow Down Work Out Chairs Thrown
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tags: health running marathon food kids funny category: no points
73. name a reason why you wouldnt enter an eating contest
Get Fat Not Hungry Get Sick Don't Like Food Busy
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tags: food eating stomach health kids funny category: no points
74. Name A Reason Why You Wouldn’t Have Cake On Your Birthday.
On A Diet 43 Allergic 20 Don’t Celebrate 15 Too Old 12 Don’t Like cake 5 Diabetic 3
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tags: food kids funny birthday cake health category: 6 answers
75. Name something that might happen if you eat too much candy.
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tags: food health kids funny animals stomach category: no points
76. Name something in your refrigerator that you should thank a cow for.
Milk 1 Cheese 1 Steak/hamburger 1 Butter 1
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tags: food dairy animals health kids funny category: 4 answers
77. Name Something That May Keep You Awake At Night
Noises Dogs Coffee Snoring Babies
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tags: work family kids food health funny category: no points
78. Name something a person might eat on a diet.
Salad Fruit Yogurt Carrot Celery
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tags: food diet health healthy kids funny category: no points
79. Give me another word for "throw up."
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80. Tell me foods that make your waistline expand.
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81. Name a doctor's order people never take seriously
Plenty Of Rest Weight Call Him Next Day Get Exercise
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82. Name something you put on your teeth.
toothpaste 38 braces 29 whitening 18 toothbrush 15
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tags: food health kids daily life hygiene funny category: 4 answers
83. Give me a sure cure for a hangover.
"hair of the dog" 18 drink water 14 take aspirin 14 sleep 11 tomato juice 9 drink coffee 8
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84. Which Thanksgiving food are you most likely to regret eating?
Turkey Apple Pie
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tags: food thanksgiving family health funny category: no points
85. Name something you've lost weight for and as soon as it was over you pigged out.
wedding 53 school reunion 10 date 9 relationship 6 swimsuit season 4
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86. Name something you get for someone who feels faint.
Water Chair Cold Cloth Fan
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tags: food health medicine hospital funny category: 4 answers
87. Name a special treat that a husband brings home to his wife who's sick in bed.
flowers 53 soup 13 chocolate/candy 12 ice cream 9 book/magazine 5
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88. Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter "C."
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tags: food diet weight loss health funny category: no points
89. Tell me a phrase that starts with the words, "Get to"
The Point Work Church On Time It
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tags: school work food plants health funny category: no points
90. Name someone who is living proof that diets do not work
Kirstie Alley Alley Myself Winfrey Oprah Winfrey
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tags: food health humor diet funny family category: no points
91. Name A Food That Dieters Dream About At Night
Chocolate Cakes Ice Cream Food Cream Buns
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tags: food dieting cravings dreams health funny category: no points
92. Tell me how many cups of coffee it takes to give you the jitters.
three 28 four 21 five 14 two 14 one 11 ten 4
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tags: funny adults food sleep caffeine health category: 6 answers
93. How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?
Three 36 Two 25 Four 16 Five 12 One 6 Zero 5
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tags: food drink health funny adults caffeine category: 6 answers
94. Name something you'd expect to see in a psychiatrist's office.
couch 56 patient 14 diploma 12 books 5 picture 4
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tags: psychology therapy mental health adults health category: 5 answers
95. Name something people eat or drink when they have a sore throat
Chai Drink Tea Tisane Tea Potage Chamomile
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96. Name Something That Might Stop The Hiccups
Water Fright Sex
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97. Name Something People Shouldn't Eat If they Have Braces
Toffee Chewing Gum Nuts
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98. Name something that makes your breath smell bad.
garlic 46 onion 39 fish 10 coffee 5
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99. Name a vegetable people add to a salad
Tomato Lettuce
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100. Name A Food You Might Wash Before Eating. (Be More Specific Than Fruit)
apple 53 grapes 20
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