The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something you bring in from outdoors before a storm.
lawn furnature 24 pets 20 plants 18 laundry 14 flag 4 garbage cans 3
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tags: home yard garden pets furniture plants category: 6 answers
2. Name something neighbors might have a dispute about.
loud noise 35 property line 27 dogs 24 trees 9 kids 5
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tags: home decor noise yard work pets parking privacy category: 5 answers
3. Name Something You Might Build In The Backyard
treehouse 26 fence 22 swing set/playground 20 deck/patio 12 doghouse 7 bird feeder 6
Answers are hidden.
4. Name Something You Do To Your Lawn That You Would Never Do To Your Wall-To-Wall Carpet.
water it 39 cut it 36 fertilize it 13 plant flowers 4 rake it 2
Answers are hidden.
5. Name something people use to kill unwanted insects.
send us your answers! 10 pesticide 46 newspaper 6
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tags: home kitchen garden yard store kids category: 3 answers
6. Name Something You Might See In Front Of A House
Front Garden Fence Hedge / Plant Gate Bailiffs
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tags: house property home garden yard outdoors category: no points
7. Tell me something you try to fix yourself, rather than having a professional fix it for you.
Cars Sink Hair Bike
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tags: home improvement yard work plumbing cooking category: no points
8. Name something that people put on their front lawns.
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tags: outdoors home decor yard landscaping plants garden category: 7 answers
9. Name something that gets accidentally run over by a lawn mower.
toy 21 person/foot 16 hose/sprinkler 16 flower 8
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tags: lawn yard gardening landscaping home improvement outdoors category: 4 answers
10. Name Something You Hose Down On A Hot Day
Yourself Dogs Kids House Garden Car
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11. name something in their yard that people try to get rid of
Leaves Bugs Seaweed Weeds
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tags: yard pests animals garden bugs insects category: no points
12. Name something your cat might get you, if it could give gifts.
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13. Besides fish, name something you put in a fish tank
Botany Stones Pebbles Gravel
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tags: pets home water kids funny animals category: no points
14. Name something you might buy for a cat.
catnip 33 litter box 31 cat food 22 yarn 9 ball 5
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tags: animals pets kids funny family home category: 5 answers
15. Name a pet that isn't much work, but also isn't much fun
Hermit Crab Fish Reptile
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16. Without seeing the cat, name a way you can tell a person owns a cat just by looking around their house.
cat hair 32 litter box 25 bad smell 17 cat toys 16 torn furniture 3 cat food 3
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tags: pets animals home funny hilarious kids category: 6 answers
17. Tell me how many months it takes before a dog is house trained.(Numeric Only)
3 31 2 21 4 14 1 13 5 5 6 5 8 4
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tags: animals kids family pets training home category: 7 answers
18. Name A Way People Get Rid Of Mice.
Mousetrap 53
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tags: animals home food pets kids funny category: fast money
19. Unlike Dogs, Name A Type Of Pet That People Don’t Count On To Guard Their House.
cat 54 bird 27 fish 7 lizard 4 rat/mouse 3 hamster 3
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tags: animals pets home security funny category: 6 answers
20. Name A Reason One Dog Might Make A Better Security Dog Than Another.
Size 65
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21. Without seeing it, name a way you can tell someone has a cat in their house.
litter box 34 smell 27
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22. Besides Fish, Name Something Sold At A Tropical Fish Store.
aquarium 36 food 28
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tags: animals pets home supplies decorations plants category: 2 answers
23. Name Something That Happens To The Furniture Of A Person Who Owns Pets.
many scratches 30 strong smells 28 hair all over 25 lots of stains 4 chewed up 4
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tags: pets furniture home animals damage funny category: 5 answers
24. If you owned 101 dalmatians tell me something you’d need to buy 101 of.
collars/tags 43 food bowls 35 leashes 20
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tags: animals pets supplies home care food category: 3 answers
25. Name something you might find in a fish tank.
fish 45 castle 30 fish food 15 filter 10
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tags: animals pets fish home decorations plants category: 4 answers
26. what might a mail carrier see in someones yard that would prevent him from delivering their mail
No Tresspassing Barking Dog Alcohol Sprinklers
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27. Besides grass, name something people have in their front yard
Dried Flowers Lilies Flowers Tulips Daisies Marigolds
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28. What do people do with the grass clippings after they finish mowing the lawn?
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tags: yard lawn spring landscaping category: 9 answers
29. Name a job you might hire a kid from the neighborhood to do.
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tags: chores kids neighborhood school work yard category: 4 answers
30. Name Christmas directions you might see in someone’s yard.
Lights 35 Santa 28 Snowman 17 Reindeer 10 Tree 7
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tags: christmas decorations family yard holidays kids category: 5 answers
31. Name something you find in a wheelbarrow
Dirt Sand Grass Cement Bricks
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tags: tools kids garden yard work gardening toys category: no points
32. Name something you need when you do yard work.
rake 36 lawn mower 24 gloves 21 hoe 4 hat 3
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tags: garden yard plants flowers gardening tools category: 5 answers
33. Name something men put off doing for as long as they can
Surgeon Physician Seeing Doctor Housework Tidying Medico
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tags: chores repairs cooking laundry yard work category: no points
34. Name something specific a divorced man might have to learn how to do when living by himself.
Cook Laundry
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tags: housekeeping cooking laundry repairs yard work shopping category: no points
35. Beside people, name something you'd try to save if your house was on fire
Pictures Pets Purse Important Papers
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36. Name something in your home you might catch in a trap
Blackfly Vermin Squirrel Rodent Rat Bunny Mouse
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37. Name Something People Use To Smell Good But You Wouldnt Use To Eliminate You Dogs Odor
perfume 41 deodorant 39 lotion 9 after shave 6 mouth wash 3
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38. Name Something You Hope Your Friend Doesn’t Do When House Sitting For You.
party 44 steal 15 use my clothes 15 make a mess 8 smoke 8
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39. Name something specific you'd hate to find mold on
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tags: home body belongings food pets kids category: no points
40. Name something you'd hate to hear a house-sitter say happened while you were gone.
fire 33 break in 18 accident happened 16 house flooded 10 kid is sick 4 plants died 3
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tags: home pets kids food hilarious adults category: 6 answers
41. Tell me something that gets buried.
person/coffin 66 treasure 9 pet 9 plants/roots 5 dog bones 4 hatchet/conflict 4 time capsule 2
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42. Name A Reason Why You Might Use Candles.
electricity went out 80 romance 6 lightbulb burned out 5 birthday cake 5
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tags: home ambiance fragrance relaxation kids pets category: 4 answers
43. Name a place where you might keep a spare key.
doormat 45 under a rock 20 flower pot 15 next door 12 drawer 7
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44. Name something specific you might have insured.
car 49 house 31 jewelry 9 life 3 art 3 cell phone 2 computer 2
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45. Name something you miss while on vacation.
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46. Name Something You Close At Nighttime.
bedroom doors 33 eyes 31 window 12 curtains 10
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47. Name A Way In Which People Try To Keep Up With Their Neighbors.
New Cars 58
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tags: home school work food plants pets category: fast money
48. Name Something In The Home That People Might Trip Over
Extension Cable Childrens Toys Telephone Cable Carpet Shoes
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tags: home furniture clutter toys pets funny category: no points
49. Name something you might shave.
Arms Legs Chest Back Face
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tags: body home pets travel school hobbies category: no points
50. Name A Product That Might Be Disposable
Diapers Razors Paper Towels Cans Trash Bags Paper Cups
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tags: home school outdoors pets kitchen office category: no points
51. What's something waiting for you at home at the end of a hectic day
Spouse Chair Good Meal Coffee
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tags: home relaxation comfort family pets food category: no points
52. Something that requires almost constant maintenance.
car 38 home/building 27 yard/lawn 10 hair 5 pets 4 children/babies 3
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tags: home appliances cars relationships yardwork pets category: 6 answers
53. What is a decision that couples make together?
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tags: marriage home finances children pets travel category: no points
54. Name a lost item you'd hate to see sticking out of the cat's litter box.
Jewelry Toothbrush Keys Phone Dentures Lipstick Money
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tags: hilarious funny pets home household family category: 7 answers
55. what might a man be wearing that makes you suspect hes a burglar
Black Clothing Hood Up Mask Buy You A Drink?
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tags: safety pets theft home criminals police category: no points
56. Other Than Illness, Name An Acceptable Excuse For Missing Work.
funeral 61 car trouble 30 jury duty 8
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tags: work school pets home weather transportation category: 3 answers
57. name a profession where youd often say good job to someone
Teacher Photographer Sales Host News Reporter Police Coach
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tags: work school sports home pets hobbies category: no points
58. Name something you have that you wish worked better.
Car 1 Computer 1 TV/Remote 1 My Body 2 Washer 1 Cell Phone/Phone 2
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tags: funny fun hilarious household technology home school pets kids category: 6 answers
59. Name a job that you hire a professional to do but your parents probably didn't
Plumbing Car Repair Lawn Care Large Appliance
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tags: home improvement technology finances healthcare education pets category: no points
60. What is the advantage of working from home?
No traveling Flexible working hours Spend time with family No dress code Save money
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tags: adults work home office commute flexibility pets category: no points
61. Tell me a pet that requires very little maintenance.
fish 49 cats 20 birds 9 turtle 6 hamster 5 snake 3
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62. What Do cats Have the We Dont Have
tails 28 claws 25 fur 22 paws 16 9 lives 7
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63. Name an animal whose mouth trainers and vets put their heads in.
Lion Alligator Tiger Horse
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64. What is the best pet to own?
1. Dog 26 2. Cat 6 3. Reptile/ Amphibian 5 4. Horse 1
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65. Name a pet that doesn't live very long.
fish 45 birds 24 hamsters 21 housefly 3 mouse 2 turtle 2
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66. Name something dogs hate having done to them.
bathed 54 hair trimmed 22 nails clipped 9 brushed 6 shots 6
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67. Name a breed of dog that a macho man would never buy.
poodle 69 chihuahua 13 pomeranian 5 shihtzu 3 yorkie 3 pekingese 2
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68. Name a pet that lives a long time
Pit Bull Cur Mutt Pooch Canine Dog Puppy
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69. Which animals are some of the most common pets?
Cat Dog Fish Rabbit Hamster
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70. Animal Many Magicians Own
Rabbit Bird Tiger Monkey
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71. tell me something a person sees that causes them to scream
Snake Ghost Spider
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72. Name something your dog absolutely hates.
bath/water 29 cats 24 thunder/ld. noise 10 mailman/strangers 7 outside/alone 6 caged/tied up 4
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73. Name a domestic pet.
dog 36 cat 26 hamster 21 guinea pig 10 goldfish 7
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74. Name a reptile people keep as a pet [No 'lizard', be more specific].
snake 46 iguana 30 gecko 8 chameleon 7 alligator 4
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75. Name an animal with spots
Dalmatian Cow Giraffe Leopard Bull Cheetah
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76. name an animal youre sometimes allowed to pet at the zoo
Monkey Goat Alligator Horse Sheep
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77. Name A Wild Animal You’d Be Foolish To Keep As A Pet
Tiger 27
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tags: animals pets funny kids category: fast money
78. Name a pet you have to keep in cage
Lizard Bird Hamster Snake
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79. Name A Command A Dog Knows But You Wouldnt Bother Giving To Your Cat
sit 59 stay 20 roll over 12 fetch 5
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80. Name An Animal That Can Be Kept As A Pet
A Dog A Cat A Bird
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81. If your dog won Best in Show, name something he'd do with his trophy.
chew 22 lick it 20 sniff it 8 bury it 7 drink from it 6 cuddle it 5
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82. Name a superpower that a dog might enjoy having.
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83. Name a wild animal you would not like as a pet.
Lions Tiger Snake Bear Skunk Alligator
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84. Name something you might keep in a cage.
Bird Dogs Hamsters Rabbit
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85. Name Something You Associate With Pets
Fleas Dogs Children Food Friendship
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86. Name a TV animal you wish you could have as a pet.
lassie 59 garfield 11 flipper 10 benji 9 mr. ed 9
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87. Name a type of bird people keep as a pet
Canary Parakeet Parrot Macaw Lovebird Budgie African Grey
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88. Name a wild animal you would like as a pet.
tiger 39 lions 28 monkey 21 wolf 7 bear 5
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89. Name A Baby Farm Animal That A Child Would Probably Want To Keep As A Pet.
piglet 37 lamb 24 chick 19 kid/goat 9 bunny 8
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90. Name a dangerous animal that some people keep as a pet
Serpent Anaconda Cobra
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91. Name Something That Dogs Like To Chase
Cats Cars Balls Postman Sticks
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92. Name something dogs like to chase.
cats 47 cars 19 tails 16 balls 13 mailman 5
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93. Name a wild animal that you'd be foolish to keep as a pet.
tiger 27 lion 18 bear 10 wolf 7 skunk 5 alligator 4
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94. Name something you see in almost every hamster's cage.
wheel 37 hamster 18 food 12 water bottle 10
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95. Name something that dogs seem to enjoy doing.
sleeping 19 playing 16 licking 14 running 13 eating 12 barking 8 digging 5
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96. Name Something People Do That Ticks Off Animal Activists
wear fur 48 hunting 22 eat meat 14 tests 12
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97. If your pet could talk, what might they say to you?
feed them 57 walk them 12 treats 6 crazy 5
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98. Name something puppies like to chew on.
Shoes Bones Furniture Socks Hands Toys
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99. Animal You Would Refuse To Pet Sit For
Lion Tiger Snake
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100. Name something kids do when their pet goldfish dies.
cry 57 flush down toilet 23 bury it 14 funeral/ceremony 4 buy new one 2
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