All "Kids" Related Family Feud Questions
1. name a type of doctor that wouldnt need to wear gloves
Fight Eye Veterinarian Therapist
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2. name a type of entertainment provided on a cruise ship
Music Dancing Comedian
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3. name a type of key that wouldnt help you get into your house
Piano Key Car Key Cleats Map Key Florida Keys Computer Key
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4. name a type of payment that a parking meter doesnt usually accept
Check Paper Bills Pennies Cleats Credit Card
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5. name a type of place where you wouldnt want to be known as a regular
Bar Cleats Gentleman's Club
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6. name a type of product thats often advertised in magazines
Perfume Clothes Make Up Weight Loss Products Hair Product
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7. name a us city thats on the ocean
San Diego Boston Atlantic City Miami New York City San Francisco La
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8. name a way kids know that its time to stop playing and come home
Dark/street Lights Hungry/dinner Time Parent Calls Have A Curfew
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9. name a way to let someone know that you love them
Give Flowers Tell Them Kiss Write Letter/card
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10. name a website people often visit while they should be working
Ebay Facebook Google Youtube Myspace
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11. name a word or expression that describes someone whos inexperienced
Novice Rookie Amateur Virgin Naive Green Ignorant
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12. name a word that means the same as coward
Chicken Yellow Belly Scaredy Cat Freeze Pause Moly
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13. name a word that moms say to their children many times a day
No Be Quiet Freeze Stop I Love You Moly
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14. name an activity that you might wear goggles while doing
Construction Work Skiing/snowboarding Swimming Scuba Diving
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15. name an activity thats hard to get through without losing your temper
Having An Argument Cleaning Playing A Sport
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16. name an adjective that describes both your spouse and a piece of fruit
Sweet Juicy Walk/play In Snow Soft Round
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17. name an age at which people dont want to get any older
40 25 21 30 50
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18. name an age that many people look forward to
16 21 25 18
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19. name an american state thats often visited on family vacations
Florida California Hawaii Ozzy Osbourne
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20. name an animal likely to perform tricks
Elephant Dog Seal Monkey
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21. name an animal that many children want for a pet but seldom get
Monkey Pony Snake French Hens Swans
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22. name an animal that some people think others are crazy for eating
Snake Alligator Snails Frogs Dogs
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23. name an animal that would make a good bodyguard
Lion Gorilla Alligator Tiger Dog
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24. name an animal thats shown as cute in cartoons but is disgusting in real life
Skunk Frog Pig
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25. name an animal you might find in a junkyard
Dog Bird Of Prey Rat Alligator Raccoon
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26. name an animal you would not want to encounter hanging from a tree
Alligator Snake Moneky
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27. name an animal youre sometimes allowed to pet at the zoo
Monkey Goat Alligator Horse Sheep
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28. name an article of clothing thats often itchy
Socks Jacket Sweater Scarf
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29. name an event that might cause the local news to interrupt your regular tv show
Earthquake Traffic Blockage Fire Local Crime War Presidential Speech Extreme Weather
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30. name an event you always attend but never enjoy
Walk/run Funeral Graduation Church Family Reunion
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31. name an excuse a game show contestant might give for losing
I Was Nervous Tired Didn't Know Answer I Wasn't Ready Someone Cheated Brain Froze Didn't Feel Good
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32. name an excuse someone might give to get ahead of you in the checkout line
In A Hurry Emergency Not Feeling Well Late For Work/appt. Few Items Kids With Them Need To Use Bathroom
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33. name an herb people either love or hate
Parsley Tanning Bed Locker Room Use Rosemary Oregano Cilantro Basil
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34. name an imaginary creature that you once thought was real
Monster Boogeyman Big Foot Dragon Ghost Dracula Unicorn
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35. name an occasion in which dancing is part of the celebration
Anniversary Wedding Birthday Prom
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36. name an occupation in which the uniforms look a lot like pajamas
Baptism Doctor Custodian Wedding Nurse
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37. name an occupation in which you might need to send a photo in order to be considered
Baptism Model Actor Wedding Photographer
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38. name an occupation in which youd have an audience
Comedian Actor Talk Show Host Athlete
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39. name an occupation in which youd sometimes have to be on call
Athlete Nurse Doctor
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40. name an occupation where you might use a whistle
Bus Driver Coach/ Referee Traffic Cop Baker Lifeguard Train Engineer
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41. name an occupation where youd hate to find out that your customer lived on the 22nd floor
Pizza Delivery Window Washer Mover Mail Carrier Fire Fighter
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42. name an occupational hazard for a cowboy
Falls Off Horse Stampede Bulls Saddle Sores
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43. name an olympic event that youd hate to wear the uniform for
Ice Skating Swimming Gymnastics
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44. name another word for shy
Timid Noggin Bashful Quiet Coy Noodle Gray Matter
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45. name someone who takes care of you when you are sick
Doctor Fortune Teller Parent
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46. name someone you shouldnt get into an argument with because you will lose
Partner Boss Parent
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47. name somethign kids might collect from the beach
Shells Sand
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48. name something a baby cant do at her own birthday party
Have A Drink Eat Cake Blow Out Candles Open Presents Make Small Talk Sing Along Cut The Cake
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49. name something a babysitter shouldnt bring along on the job
Cellphone Junk Food Friend Alcohol Her Own Children
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50. name something a child does in the bathtub that an adult would not
Play With Toys Relieve Themselves Drink The Water Splash Blow Bubbles Drop Award
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