The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something you double-check before you go to bed.
doors are locked 64 alarm clock 16 lights off 12 stove 4
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tags: home safety sleep routine habits nighttime category: 4 answers
2. why might a child go to bed early without being asked
Tired Sick Christmas Eve Bored In Trouble
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3. Name a reason a parent might have to send their kids to bed early.
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tags: children sleep bedtime parents routine category: 7 answers
4. What Time Is The earliest You’re Willing To Get Up On A Saturday?
10 34 8 32 9 13 11 6 noon 5 7:00:00 4
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tags: sleep morning routine habits weekends category: 6 answers
5. Name something a person might do if they were having a hard time waking up in the morning
Coffee Alarm Clock Latte Cappuccino Clock Espresso
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tags: sleep morning routine kids tired category: no points
6. Name Something People Do Before Bed That Makes It Hard To Sleep.
Eat 46 Drink Coffee 32 Watch TV 9 Shower 6 Exercise 5
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tags: sleep habits bedtime routine insomnia category: 5 answers
7. Tell Me The Latest Hour You Could Drink Coffee Without It Affecting Your Ability To Fall Asleep.
5pm 27 8pm 19 6pm 17 7pm 12 9pm 8 4pm 8 3pm 4
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tags: sleep coffee caffeine routine health lifestyle category: 7 answers
8. Name A Reason Why It’s Harder To Get Out Of Bed On Some Days Than On Others.
tired 37 sick 27 bad weather 17 going to work/school 12 stayed up late 3 it's monday 3
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tags: sleep health routine mood habits kids category: 6 answers
9. Name Something A Child Asks For Just To Delay His Bedtime
drink 34 bedtime story 28 snacks 17 hug/kiss 10
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tags: kids funny sleep routine nighttime bedtime category: 4 answers
10. Name Something A Parent Might Do To Help Their Baby Fall Asleep.
sing lullaby 53 rock them 32 feed them 9 read to them 4
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tags: parenting babies sleep medicine bedtime routine category: 4 answers
11. What do you double-check before going to sleep?
Door locks Lights in all the rooms Kids Alarm Mobile charging
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tags: adults sleep bedtime preparation safety routine planning category: no points
12. Name something parents wish a baby could do for himself
go to bathroom 48 eat 38
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tags: food pets entertainment chores sleep kids category: 2 answers
13. Name something you’d skip if you were late for work.
Breakfast/Coffee 1 Taking shower 2 Answering phone 2 Brushing teeth 2 News/Newspaper 1 Putting on makeup 3
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tags: funny fun hilarious work food plants pets sleep coffee category: 6 answers
14. Name something people should do for their dogs at least once a day.
Walk Them Feed Them Pet Them Groom Them
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tags: pets dogs animals care routine responsibility category: 4 answers
15. Name Something A Truck Driver Might Have To Go Without For A While.
bathroom break 28 comfortable bed 22 a meal 18 intimacy 13 a bath 8 home 6
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tags: travel home food sleep shower kids category: 6 answers
16. name a house pet that you wouldnt let sleep at the end of your bed
Snake Rat/mouse Dog Lizard
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17. Name something you might do at night.
Read a book 3 Play on your phone 4 Play a board game 4 Play a videogame 3 Meditate 1
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tags: sleep pets family games kids funny category: 5 answers
18. What does a dog do most of the time?
Sleep Eat Bark Play Dig
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tags: kids animals funny pets sleep dogs category: no points
19. Name Something You Clean that Only Gets Dirty Again in A Day
dishes 28 clothes 27 bathroom 17 floors 17
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tags: daily routine home life category: 4 answers
20. Name A Way To Tell If You Neighbors Are Home.
Lights On 53 Car In Driveway 30 Noice 8 Knock On Door 6
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tags: neighbors home signs daily routine category: 4 answers
21. Name something in your home you leave plugged in all the time.
telephone 37 refrigerator 17 lamp 10 clock 10 microwave 8 toaster 6
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tags: home electricity routine convenience habits category: 6 answers
22. If you wanted to simplify your life, name something you'd get rid of.
bills 23 telly 12 spouse 12 telephone 10 credit card 6 computer 5
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tags: decluttering daily routine home life category: 6 answers
23. Name Something You Do At Home, But Not While Staying In A Hotel.
cook 51 clean 12 smoke inside 11 play loud music 9 walk around naked 7 laundry 5
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tags: home routine activities daily life kids category: 6 answers
24. Name the first thing you do at home when returning from a long vacation.
sleep/relax 39 unpack 27 shower 5 check mail 4 inspect house 4 open window 4 check messages 3
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tags: home family vacation daily routine funny category: 7 answers
25. What at your house would you miss most if it suddenly wasn't there?
tv 51 family 7 computer 7 pictures 4 stereo/cd player 4 bathroom 3 pet 3
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tags: family home belongings routine comfort safety category: 7 answers
26. Name something a kid might miss while they are at summer camp.
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tags: kids summer camp home friends technology routine category: no points
27. Name something besides yourself, that you wash.
Clothes Car Dishes Kids Pets
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tags: laundry kitchen cleaning home hygiene daily routine category: 5 answers
28. What's something a young couple argues about the most in their first year of marriage
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tags: relationships marriage arguments home life daily routine category: no points
29. Name the first thing someone does when they get home from work
Watch TV Relax Shoes Off Change Clothes
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tags: work home routine daily life habits funny category: no points
30. Name something you wash in a sink.
dishes 73 pantyhose 13 hands 8 lingerie 3
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tags: home daily routine cleaning dishes kids hilarious category: 4 answers
31. Name Something In Your Home You Probably Turn On Every Day.
television 49 lights 34 water 5 stove 5 microwave 3 radio 2 dishwasher 2
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tags: home daily routine appliances technology kids funny category: 7 answers
32. Name something in your home you might catch in a trap
Blackfly Vermin Squirrel Rodent Rat Bunny Mouse
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33. Name Something You Hope Your Friend Doesn’t Do When House Sitting For You.
party 44 steal 15 use my clothes 15 make a mess 8 smoke 8
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34. Name A Way People Get Rid Of Mice.
Mousetrap 53
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tags: animals home food pets kids funny category: fast money
35. Name A Way In Which People Try To Keep Up With Their Neighbors.
New Cars 58
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tags: home school work food plants pets category: fast money
36. Name something specific you'd hate to find mold on
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tags: home body belongings food pets kids category: no points
37. Name something you'd hate to hear a house-sitter say happened while you were gone.
fire 33 break in 18 accident happened 16 house flooded 10 kid is sick 4 plants died 3
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tags: home pets kids food hilarious adults category: 6 answers
38. What's something waiting for you at home at the end of a hectic day
Spouse Chair Good Meal Coffee
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tags: home relaxation comfort family pets food category: no points
39. If you owned 101 dalmatians tell me something you’d need to buy 101 of.
collars/tags 43 food bowls 35 leashes 20
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tags: animals pets supplies home care food category: 3 answers
40. name a noise in the house that can keep you up when youre trying to sleep
Ticking Clock Flute Oboe Trumpet Tv Snoring Dripping Faucet
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41. Name A Reason Why You Might Not Get A Good Night’S Sleep While Staying At Someone Else’S House
Not Your Own Bed 52 Noisy House 17 Host Has Pets 10 House Is Unfamiliar 9 Homesick 7
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42. Name Something People Turn On Just Before They Get In Bed.
alarm 50 tv 24 lamp 12 radio 7 electric blanket 4
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tags: home bed night sleep relaxation comfort category: 5 answers
43. Other Than Sheets, Something On Bed
Pillows Blanket Teddy Bear Hot Water Bottle
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tags: home comfort bedding bedroom sleep category: no points
44. Name Something In The House That You Might Not Use When People Are Trying To Sleep.
Vacuum 36 TV 32 Stereo 14 Blender 6 Phone 5 Lights 4
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45. Name a noise that keeps you up at night
House Sitters Snoring Neighbors Woofing Dog Barking Barking Ruffing
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tags: sleep interruptions home roommates neighbors category: no points
46. Name a place in the house where sleeping dogs lie.
bed 36 couch 16 floor 12 everywhere 6 next to fireplace 5 living room 4 kitchen 4 by the door 4
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47. Name something people buy to help them sleep better.
sleeping pill/med 65 good mattress 17 herbal tea 6 pillow 6 alcohol 3
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48. Name a popular color for bedsheets
Green Black Azure Blue Off White Eggshell
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49. Name a type of bed
Queensize Twin King Day Bed Bunkbed Waterbed Featherbed
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50. What Would You Hate To Live Next To, Because The Noise Would Prevent You From Sleeping?
airport 31 train 24 bar 19 fire station 9 highway 7 dog 6
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51. Other than a baby, name something you'd see in a crib
Blanket Pillow Pet Bumber Pads Toy
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52. Name something people dislik about a sleeper sofa.
uncomfortable 31 too hard 11
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tags: furniture home comfort kids sleep funny category: 2 answers
53. Name something you might find at the foot of the bed.
Slippers Clothes Bedding Furniture Dust
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tags: home bedroom furniture sleep comfort kids category: 5 answers
54. Tell me something that people hug in bed.
pillow 43 person 30 teddy bear 24 dog/pet 2
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tags: sleep comfort home family warmth funny category: 4 answers
55. Who would you call if you discovered the invisible man sleeping in your bed?
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tags: funny adults kids sleep home horror category: no points
56. Name Something You Should Switch Off Before Going To Bed
Lights Electric Blanket TV
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tags: home technology safety energy sleep children category: no points
57. Name Something People Use To Smell Good But You Wouldnt Use To Eliminate You Dogs Odor
perfume 41 deodorant 39 lotion 9 after shave 6 mouth wash 3
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58. Beside people, name something you'd try to save if your house was on fire
Pictures Pets Purse Important Papers
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59. Without seeing it, name a way you can tell someone has a cat in their house.
litter box 34 smell 27
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60. Name something your cat might get you, if it could give gifts.
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61. Name A Reason One Dog Might Make A Better Security Dog Than Another.
Size 65
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62. Name something specific you might have insured.
car 49 house 31 jewelry 9 life 3 art 3 cell phone 2 computer 2
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63. name something people use to keep their dog in the yard
Kennel Leash Dog House Fence
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64. Name Something You Close At Nighttime.
bedroom doors 33 eyes 31 window 12 curtains 10
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65. Unlike Dogs, Name A Type Of Pet That People Don’t Count On To Guard Their House.
cat 54 bird 27 fish 7 lizard 4 rat/mouse 3 hamster 3
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tags: animals pets home security funny category: 6 answers
66. What is a decision that couples make together?
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tags: marriage home finances children pets travel category: no points
67. Name something you bring in from outdoors before a storm.
lawn furnature 24 pets 20 plants 18 laundry 14 flag 4 garbage cans 3
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tags: home yard garden pets furniture plants category: 6 answers
68. Besides Fish, Name Something Sold At A Tropical Fish Store.
aquarium 36 food 28
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tags: animals pets home supplies decorations plants category: 2 answers
69. Tell me how many months it takes before a dog is house trained.(Numeric Only)
3 31 2 21 4 14 1 13 5 5 6 5 8 4
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tags: animals kids family pets training home category: 7 answers
70. Name a lost item you'd hate to see sticking out of the cat's litter box.
Jewelry Toothbrush Keys Phone Dentures Lipstick Money
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tags: hilarious funny pets home household family category: 7 answers
71. Name a place where you might keep a spare key.
doormat 45 under a rock 20 flower pot 15 next door 12 drawer 7
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72. Name something you might find in a fish tank.
fish 45 castle 30 fish food 15 filter 10
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tags: animals pets fish home decorations plants category: 4 answers
73. name a profession where youd often say good job to someone
Teacher Photographer Sales Host News Reporter Police Coach
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tags: work school sports home pets hobbies category: no points
74. Name something you might buy for a cat.
catnip 33 litter box 31 cat food 22 yarn 9 ball 5
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tags: animals pets kids funny family home category: 5 answers
75. Name something you might shave.
Arms Legs Chest Back Face
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tags: body home pets travel school hobbies category: no points
76. Name A Reason Why You Might Use Candles.
electricity went out 80 romance 6 lightbulb burned out 5 birthday cake 5
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tags: home ambiance fragrance relaxation kids pets category: 4 answers
77. Name A Product That Might Be Disposable
Diapers Razors Paper Towels Cans Trash Bags Paper Cups
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tags: home school outdoors pets kitchen office category: no points
78. Other Than Illness, Name An Acceptable Excuse For Missing Work.
funeral 61 car trouble 30 jury duty 8
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tags: work school pets home weather transportation category: 3 answers
79. Something that requires almost constant maintenance.
car 38 home/building 27 yard/lawn 10 hair 5 pets 4 children/babies 3
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tags: home appliances cars relationships yardwork pets category: 6 answers
80. Besides fish, name something you put in a fish tank
Botany Stones Pebbles Gravel
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tags: pets home water kids funny animals category: no points
81. what might a man be wearing that makes you suspect hes a burglar
Black Clothing Hood Up Mask Buy You A Drink?
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tags: safety pets theft home criminals police category: no points
82. Name a pet that isn't much work, but also isn't much fun
Hermit Crab Fish Reptile
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83. Name Something That Happens To The Furniture Of A Person Who Owns Pets.
many scratches 30 strong smells 28 hair all over 25 lots of stains 4 chewed up 4
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tags: pets furniture home animals damage funny category: 5 answers
84. Name Something In The Home That People Might Trip Over
Extension Cable Childrens Toys Telephone Cable Carpet Shoes
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tags: home furniture clutter toys pets funny category: no points
85. Without seeing the cat, name a way you can tell a person owns a cat just by looking around their house.
cat hair 32 litter box 25 bad smell 17 cat toys 16 torn furniture 3 cat food 3
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tags: pets animals home funny hilarious kids category: 6 answers
86. Tell me something that gets buried.
person/coffin 66 treasure 9 pet 9 plants/roots 5 dog bones 4 hatchet/conflict 4 time capsule 2
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87. Name something someone on a diet might do once every day.
cheating 54 weigh self 22 exercise 13 drink water 5 drink soda 2 drink beer 2
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tags: food diet health daily routine eating category: 6 answers
88. Tell me the time of day when most people eat breakfast.
8:00 am 44 7:00 am 18 9:00 am 18 10:00 am 6 7:30 am 6 9:30 am 6
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tags: food daily routine breakfast nutrition morning category: 6 answers
89. Name Something A Child Might Do Before They Go To Bed
Brush Their Teeth Ask For A Story Pray Kiss Goodnite Turn Light Out
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tags: kids bedtime routine animals food funny category: no points
90. Name Something That A Person Might Consume Every Morning In Order To Stay Healthy.
vitamins 34 milk 31 fruit 17 orange juice 16
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tags: food breakfast health morning routine kids category: 4 answers
91. Name something you buy that you use mainly in the mornings.
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tags: food morning routine breakfast kids funny category: 6 answers
92. Name Something That You Dread Doing After A Break-Up
dating again 47 seeing your ex 20 crying/loneliness 17 sorting belongings 13
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tags: relationships breakups chores routine food exercise category: 4 answers
93. Name a job that you hire a professional to do but your parents probably didn't
Plumbing Car Repair Lawn Care Large Appliance
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tags: home improvement technology finances healthcare education pets category: no points
94. What is the advantage of working from home?
No traveling Flexible working hours Spend time with family No dress code Save money
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tags: adults work home office commute flexibility pets category: no points
95. At what time does the average person eat breakfast?
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tags: food morning routine breakfast habits daily life category: no points
96. Name something neighbors might have a dispute about.
loud noise 35 property line 27 dogs 24 trees 9 kids 5
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tags: home decor noise yard work pets parking privacy category: 5 answers
97. Name something you have that you wish worked better.
Car 1 Computer 1 TV/Remote 1 My Body 2 Washer 1 Cell Phone/Phone 2
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tags: funny fun hilarious household technology home school pets kids category: 6 answers
98. Name something an expectant mother might have a hard time doing in her last month of pregnancy.
getting sleep 38 tying shoes/bending 29 walking 19
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99. Name Something People Do More Of When They’re Tired
sleep 50 yawn 25 eat 9 lose temper 5
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100. Name something people reach for once they are in bed
Lamp Channel Changer Controller Tv Remote Remote Clicker Lights
Answers are hidden.
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