The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something a child might do right before going to bed
Pray Teeth Dental Hygiene Use Bathroom Bathroom Brush Teeth Toothbrush
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2. Name Something A Child Asks For Just To Delay His Bedtime
drink 34 bedtime story 28 snacks 17 hug/kiss 10
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tags: kids funny sleep routine nighttime bedtime category: 4 answers
3. Name something you're never too tired to do before going to bed.
use bathroom 22 watch tv 20 brush teeth 19 eat 13 pray 10 reading 8
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4. why might a child go to bed early without being asked
Tired Sick Christmas Eve Bored In Trouble
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5. What Do Parents Do As Part Of Their Childrens bedtime Routine
read 43 tuck them in 17 brush teeth 10 give bath 9 pray 6 sing 6 kiss goodnight 5
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tags: kids bedtime routine parenting family category: 7 answers
6. Name Something You Do With Your Child To Get Ready For Bed
Read A Story 40
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tags: kids bedtime family routine bonding category: fast money
7. Name something you're never too tired to do before going to bed at night.
make love 21 brush teeth 17 say prayers 17 bathe/shower 11 eat snack/drink 10 watch tv/movie 6 read a book 4
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8. Name something a mom might do before tucking her kids into bed.
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tags: bedtime parenting kids family routine love category: no points
9. Name a reason a parent might have to send their kids to bed early.
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tags: children sleep bedtime parents routine category: 7 answers
10. Name Something People Do Before Bed That Makes It Hard To Sleep.
Eat 46 Drink Coffee 32 Watch TV 9 Shower 6 Exercise 5
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tags: sleep habits bedtime routine insomnia category: 5 answers
11. Name something you're never too tired to do before going to bed at night
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tags: bedtime habits daily routine fun family category: no points
12. Name something you sometimes forget to do before you hop into bed.
brush teeth/floss 30 turn off lights 22 go to bathroom 17 lock door/alarm 9 say prayers 7 take medicine 3 check thermostat 3
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tags: bedtime routine daily life habits memory category: 7 answers
13. Name Something A Parent Might Do To Help Their Baby Fall Asleep.
sing lullaby 53 rock them 32 feed them 9 read to them 4
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tags: parenting babies sleep medicine bedtime routine category: 4 answers
14. What do you double-check before going to sleep?
Door locks Lights in all the rooms Kids Alarm Mobile charging
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tags: adults sleep bedtime preparation safety routine planning category: no points
15. Name something a child might sleep with.
teddy bear 39 blanket 31 pillow 10 parents 7 doll 5 night light 4 pacifier 3
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tags: kids family funny animals sleep bedtime category: 7 answers
16. Name Something Kids Must Be Forced To Do, But Adults Love
Sleep Eat Take A bath Read
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tags: kids funny food vegetables bedtime category: no points
17. Name something you buy that you use mainly in the mornings.
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tags: food morning routine breakfast kids funny category: 6 answers
18. Name Something Parents Nag Their Kids About.
Cleaning Their Room 50
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tags: chores school food clothes bedtime friends category: fast money
19. Other Than An Alarm, What Do People Use To Wake Them Up?
cell phone 38 radio 22 rooster 21 sun 11 cat/dog 6
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tags: mornings daily routine animals sounds smells kids category: 5 answers
20. Name something people should do for their dogs at least once a day.
Walk Them Feed Them Pet Them Groom Them
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tags: pets dogs animals care routine responsibility category: 4 answers
21. Name Something That A Person Might Consume Every Morning In Order To Stay Healthy.
vitamins 34 milk 31 fruit 17 orange juice 16
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tags: food breakfast health morning routine kids category: 4 answers
22. Name something you miss while on vacation.
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23. What do kids often ask before going to bed?
Some more time to stay awake One more story Snacks Water To kiss goodnight
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24. Name something little boys don't like
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25. Name something a mom might ask her daughter to turn off because it's time for bed
TV Lights Computer IPod
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26. Name something children beg parents for at bedtime.
a drink 31 a story 23 stay up longer 21 snack 16
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27. Name something someone on a diet might do once every day.
cheating 54 weigh self 22 exercise 13 drink water 5 drink soda 2 drink beer 2
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tags: food diet health daily routine eating category: 6 answers
28. Tell me the time of day when most people eat breakfast.
8:00 am 44 7:00 am 18 9:00 am 18 10:00 am 6 7:30 am 6 9:30 am 6
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tags: food daily routine breakfast nutrition morning category: 6 answers
29. Name Something That You Dread Doing After A Break-Up
dating again 47 seeing your ex 20 crying/loneliness 17 sorting belongings 13
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tags: relationships breakups chores routine food exercise category: 4 answers
30. Name something parents use or say to keep their kids quiet.
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tags: parenting kids funny discipline bedtime category: no points
31. Name a place where you try to fall asleep, but somebody usually talks your ear off
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32. Name something babies throw out of the crib
Blanket Pillow Rattle Philippines Bottle Pacifier
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33. Name something some people don't take off when they go to bed.
underpants 38 socks 33 jewelry/watch 12 underwear 10 makeup 3
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34. Name something a mom might ask her daughter to turn off because it's time for bed.
tv 35 lights 21 computer 17 radio 12 mobile phone 7 ipod 4
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tags: kids funny family bedtime electronics category: 6 answers
35. Name something some people do not take off when they go to bed
Long Underwear Boxer Shorts Stockings Wristwatch Socks
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36. Besides his parents, name something a child might mention in his bedtime prayers
Brothers Guinea Pigs Siblings Hamsters Grandparents Gerbils
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tags: bedtime family children kids funny category: no points
37. Name something a child might do right before bed
Couch Food Eat
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38. Name Something A Pirate Has To Take Off Before He Goes To Bed
eye patch 32 hook 24 hat 21 wooden leg 7 sword 6 parrot 5
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39. We asked 100 people: name something kids do after lights out.
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40. At what time does the average person eat breakfast?
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tags: food morning routine breakfast habits daily life category: no points
41. Name something in bed you might fall asleep while holding.
pillow 34 book 22 remote control 11 stuffed animal 6 telephone 4
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tags: sleep bedtime comfort relaxation funny kids category: 5 answers
42. Name something some people don't take off when they go to bed
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tags: sleep bedtime habits clothing funny kids category: no points
43. Name something that you sometimes don't bother to take off when you go to bed.
Clothes Jewelry Makeup Dentures
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tags: sleep clothing bedtime routines funny kids category: 4 answers
44. Name Something Children Ask Their ParentsTo Do Before They Go To Sleep
Bed Time Story Tucked In Kiss Them Turn Out Lights Brush Teeth
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tags: kids parents bedtime routines sleep funny category: no points
45. How Can You Tell That The Person Who Shares Your Room Is Having Trouble Sleeping?
tossing and turning 72 talking 18 watching tv 4 lights on 4
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tags: funny kids adults family relationships bedtime category: 4 answers
46. How Late A Kid Might Stay Up At Sleepover
11 12 1 2 3
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tags: kids family bedtime sleepover parents funny category: no points
47. To Feel Safer At Night, Name Something You Would Go To Sleep With.
Weapon 47 Teddy Bear 23 Bat 8 Dog 8 Night Light 6 Partner 3
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tags: sleep kids safety funny hilarious bedtime category: 6 answers
48. Name Something GrownUps Sleep With In Order To Feel Secure
spouse 39 extra pillows 19 stuffed animal 14 blanket 10 night light 8 gun 3 pet 2
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tags: adults funny sleep security comfort bedtime category: 7 answers
49. When You Dont Want To Get Out Of Bed In The Morning Name Something That Gets You Up Anyway
alarm 35 kids 31 work 16 pet 5 hunger 4 sunlight 4 phone 3
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tags: morning routine kids funny category: 7 answers
50. Name something you just can't start the day without.
Coffee Shower Breakfast Soft Drink Tea Clean Teeth
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tags: morning routine kids funny category: 6 answers
51. If you were dead tired, name something you might forget to do before climbing into bed.
brush teeth 27 clothes 17 prayers 12 lock door 9 turn off light 9 shower 8
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52. Name the number of times per week that you stay up past 11:00pm
Three Seven Hurt Five
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53. Name Something A Person Does Often When They’re Sleepy.
yawn 58 snore 29
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54. Name something people look forward to a change of.
weather 17 season 11 scenery 10 job 9 president 7 pace 6 finances 6 clothes 5
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55. Tell me something you'd better remember to put on in the morning or you won't feel right all day
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tags: hygiene appearance routine kids funny category: no points
56. Before going to church, name something parents make their kids do.
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tags: family kids funny morning routine category: no points
57. What is that you do before going to bed?
Brush teeth Say prayers Change into pajamas Drink water Complete homework
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tags: kids bedtime routines habits sleep category: no points
58. Name a reason a kid might wake up his parents in the middle of the night
Spooked Nightmare Startled Bad Dream Fear Afraid Scared
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tags: kids family bedtime annoying hilarious category: no points
59. Which Style of Music Would Be Least Effective To Sing When Putting Your Baby To Sleep?
rock 38 hip hop 35 heavy metal 17 classical 4 jazz 3 opera 3
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60. Tell me something you might do to help you fall asleep.
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tags: sleep relaxation bedtime category: no points
61. What Do You Check Before Going To Bed?
Doors/ Locks Lights Alarm Clock Stove Kids
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62. Name Something In Your Daily Routine You Could Still Do Even If You’re Wearing a Strait Jacket.
Eat 30 Sleeping 28 Watch TV 23 Talk 13
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tags: daily routine humor funny hilarious kids category: 4 answers
63. Name Something You Do Same Time Every Day
Eat Meals Wake Up/ Sleep Brush Teeth Shower Go To Work/ School
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tags: routine daily habits schedules kids funny category: no points
64. Name something parents do before letting their kids leave for school.
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tags: school kids funny morning breakfast routine category: no points
65. How Long In Minutes Does It Take The Average Person To Take A Shower
10 Mins 15 Mins 5 Mins 20 Mins 30 Mins
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tags: kids school funny water routine bathroom category: no points
66. name something many people do at the same time every day
Start Work Eat Meals Sleep
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tags: routine daily life habits kids funny category: no points
67. Name something that some people like to sleep with
Teddy Bear Spouse Pet Pajamas Pillows Blanket
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tags: sleep bedtime comfort night relaxation kids category: 6 answers
68. Name an object young children sleep with.
teddy bear 47 blanket 30 pacifier 6
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tags: kids family sleep toys objects bedtime category: 3 answers
69. Name Something You Associate With Sleeping
Snoring Bed Dreams Pillow Night
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tags: sleep bedtime relaxation dreams comfort kids category: no points
70. Name something a person might do before going to bed that would make it hard for them to get right to sleep.
coffee 35 eat 28 exercise 13 horror movie 9 argument 4 shower 3
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tags: bedtime sleep stress habits relaxation kids category: 6 answers
71. Name something you're never too tired to do before going to bed
Use Bathroom Reading Watch Tv
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72. Name Something Specific You Wear To Work That You’d Probably Never Wear To Bed. (Be More Specific Than Work Clothes)
Horses Driving Tie
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73. What's the last thing you did before you left the house this morning
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tags: morning routine habits kids funny daily life category: no points
74. Name Something In Your Home You Probably Turn On Every Day.
television 49 lights 34 water 5 stove 5 microwave 3 radio 2 dishwasher 2
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tags: home daily routine appliances technology kids funny category: 7 answers
75. Name something people check as soon as they wake up
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tags: mornings routine habits daily life kids funny category: no points
76. which part of your morning routine would you refuse to leave home without doing
Brushing Teeth Getting Dressed Showering Make Up Fixing Hair
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tags: morning routine daily habits essentials kids funny category: no points
77. Name something that might be part of a student’s morning routine.
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tags: school morning routine kids funny daily life category: no points
78. Name something that's usually the job of the first person to get up in the morning.
coffee/breakfast 77 wake up kids 10 walk dog 5 turn heat on 4
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tags: morning routine chores family funny category: 4 answers
79. Name Something People Turn On Before They Get Into Bed
Alarm TV Light Radio Lamp
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tags: night bedtime sleep comfort relaxation category: no points
80. Name Something That Would Keep You From Snuggling Up To Your Spouse In Bed.
Sick 25 Snoring 20 Bad Breath 22 Gas 13 Cold Feet 12 Body Odor 8
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tags: bedtime comfort intimacy sleep spouse category: 6 answers
81. Name something people use at night that contains the word "night."
Night Light Night Gown Nightlight Nightgown Light Gown
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82. Name something a woman might put on before she goes to bed.
nightie/pj's 70 facial mask 19 perfume 5 cold cream 2
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tags: sleep bedtime night pajamas makeup category: 4 answers
83. If A Ten-Year-Old Went On Strike, Name Something That Might Be Demanded From The Parents.
bigger allowance 42 toys 6
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tags: school chores bedtime allowance snacks category: 2 answers
84. Name Something People Do To Help Them Fall Asleep At Night
sleeping pill 18 count sheep 16 drink warm milk 16 read 13 watch tv 10 listen to music 8 listen to the radio 5
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tags: sleep bedtime relaxation night rest category: 7 answers
85. Name something you do every day of your life:
eat 25 brush teeth 13 wake up 12 take shower 9 breathe 8 use bathroom 8 dress 7 sleep 7
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tags: daily routine lifestyle habits everyday tasks kids funny category: 8 answers
86. What was the last thing you did before you left the house this morning?
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tags: morning routine house daily life funny category: no points
87. Name the first thing you do at home when returning from a long vacation.
sleep/relax 39 unpack 27 shower 5 check mail 4 inspect house 4 open window 4 check messages 3
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tags: home family vacation daily routine funny category: 7 answers
88. Name the one thing you just don't want to do first thing in the morning
Eat Go To Work Get Dressed Get Out Of Bed Shower
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tags: morning routine habits daily life funny category: no points
89. Name something a mother consistently reminds a child to do
Room Cleaning Teeth Dust Straighten Up Brush Teeth Dental Hygiene
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tags: chores homework school teeth bedtime manners category: no points
90. Name Something You Wish Your Kids Would Do Without Having To Be Told Twice
clean 54 homework 14 go to bed 13 brush teeth 11 listen 5
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tags: chores homework manners bedtime mealtime hygiene category: 5 answers
91. On An Average Night How Long Does It Take You To Fall Asleep?
1 hour 42 10 minutes 16
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tags: sleep insomnia bedtime relaxation fatigue health category: 2 answers
92. name something you got before bed as a kid that youd like to get before bed now
Milk/ Snack Kiss/ Hug Sweaters Tucked In Bedtime Story
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tags: bedtime nostalgia comfort memories childhood relaxation category: no points
93. Name something people do to try to get a baby to go to sleep
Cuddle Rock Carry Chants Hug Embrace
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tags: parents babies sleep parenting bedtime routines category: no points
94. Name An Article Of Clothing That You Wouldnt Wear To Bed
shoes 31 jeans 23 hat 14 bra 9 dress 8 jacket 8 socks 4
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tags: clothing bedtime attire sleepwear comfort style category: 7 answers
95. Name Something People Do In Their Sleep.
snore 72 dream 20
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tags: sleep dreams bedtime snoring pajamas night category: 2 answers
96. Name Something Many Parents Want Their Kids Home At A Certain Time For.
Dinner Bedtime Homework Chores Curfew
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tags: routines safety chores family time bedtime category: no points
97. Name something specific people might take off before they go to bed
Jeans Fur Shirt Garment Sock Stockings Jacket
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tags: bedtime clothes comfort hygiene sleep relaxation category: no points
98. Name A Hygiene Product That You Hope Your Office Mate Uses Every Day
soap 34 deoderant 30 toothpaste 19 shampoo 5 mouthwash 4 hand sanitizer 4 perfume 3
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tags: work school hospital hygiene daily routine funny category: 7 answers
99. Name the first thing someone does when they get home from work
Watch TV Relax Shoes Off Change Clothes
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tags: work home routine daily life habits funny category: no points
100. Name Something You Might Cut Out Of Your Morning Routine If You Were In A Big Hurry
breakfast 42 makeup 14 shower 14 doing dishes 11 coffee 6 exercise 5
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