The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. why might a child go to bed early without being asked
Tired Sick Christmas Eve Bored In Trouble
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2. Name Something People Do Before Bed That Makes It Hard To Sleep.
Eat 46 Drink Coffee 32 Watch TV 9 Shower 6 Exercise 5
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tags: sleep habits bedtime routine insomnia category: 5 answers
3. Name Something A Child Asks For Just To Delay His Bedtime
drink 34 bedtime story 28 snacks 17 hug/kiss 10
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tags: kids funny sleep routine nighttime bedtime category: 4 answers
4. Name Something A Parent Might Do To Help Their Baby Fall Asleep.
sing lullaby 53 rock them 32 feed them 9 read to them 4
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tags: parenting babies sleep medicine bedtime routine category: 4 answers
5. What do you double-check before going to sleep?
Door locks Lights in all the rooms Kids Alarm Mobile charging
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tags: adults sleep bedtime preparation safety routine planning category: no points
6. Name Something Children Ask Their ParentsTo Do Before They Go To Sleep
Bed Time Story Tucked In Kiss Them Turn Out Lights Brush Teeth
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tags: kids parents bedtime routines sleep funny category: no points
7. Name something people do to try to get a baby to go to sleep
Cuddle Rock Carry Chants Hug Embrace
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tags: parents babies sleep parenting bedtime routines category: no points
8. Name something you're never too tired to do before going to bed at night.
make love 21 brush teeth 17 say prayers 17 bathe/shower 11 eat snack/drink 10 watch tv/movie 6 read a book 4
Answers are hidden.
9. Name something you're never too tired to do before going to bed.
use bathroom 22 watch tv 20 brush teeth 19 eat 13 pray 10 reading 8
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10. Name something a child might do right before going to bed
Pray Teeth Dental Hygiene Use Bathroom Bathroom Brush Teeth Toothbrush
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11. Name something you're never too tired to do before going to bed at night
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tags: bedtime habits daily routine fun family category: no points
12. What Do Parents Do As Part Of Their Childrens bedtime Routine
read 43 tuck them in 17 brush teeth 10 give bath 9 pray 6 sing 6 kiss goodnight 5
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tags: kids bedtime routine parenting family category: 7 answers
13. Name Something You Do With Your Child To Get Ready For Bed
Read A Story 40
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tags: kids bedtime family routine bonding category: fast money
14. Name something you sometimes forget to do before you hop into bed.
brush teeth/floss 30 turn off lights 22 go to bathroom 17 lock door/alarm 9 say prayers 7 take medicine 3 check thermostat 3
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tags: bedtime routine daily life habits memory category: 7 answers
15. Name Something A Child Might Do Before They Go To Bed
Brush Their Teeth Ask For A Story Pray Kiss Goodnite Turn Light Out
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tags: kids bedtime routine animals food funny category: no points
16. Name something a mom might do before tucking her kids into bed.
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tags: bedtime parenting kids family routine love category: no points
17. Tell me something you might do to help you fall asleep.
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tags: sleep relaxation bedtime category: no points
18. Name Something That Would Keep You From Snuggling Up To Your Spouse In Bed.
Sick 25 Snoring 20 Bad Breath 22 Gas 13 Cold Feet 12 Body Odor 8
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tags: bedtime comfort intimacy sleep spouse category: 6 answers
19. Name something people use at night that contains the word "night."
Night Light Night Gown Nightlight Nightgown Light Gown
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20. Name Something People Turn On Before They Get Into Bed
Alarm TV Light Radio Lamp
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tags: night bedtime sleep comfort relaxation category: no points
21. Name something some people don't take off when they go to bed.
underpants 38 socks 33 jewelry/watch 12 underwear 10 makeup 3
Answers are hidden.
22. Name Something People Do To Help Them Fall Asleep At Night
sleeping pill 18 count sheep 16 drink warm milk 16 read 13 watch tv 10 listen to music 8 listen to the radio 5
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tags: sleep bedtime relaxation night rest category: 7 answers
23. What is that you do before going to bed?
Brush teeth Say prayers Change into pajamas Drink water Complete homework
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tags: kids bedtime routines habits sleep category: no points
24. Name something a woman might put on before she goes to bed.
nightie/pj's 70 facial mask 19 perfume 5 cold cream 2
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tags: sleep bedtime night pajamas makeup category: 4 answers
25. Name something that you sometimes don't bother to take off when you go to bed.
Clothes Jewelry Makeup Dentures
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tags: sleep clothing bedtime routines funny kids category: 4 answers
26. Name Something You Associate With Sleeping
Snoring Bed Dreams Pillow Night
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tags: sleep bedtime relaxation dreams comfort kids category: no points
27. Name something that some people like to sleep with
Teddy Bear Spouse Pet Pajamas Pillows Blanket
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tags: sleep bedtime comfort night relaxation kids category: 6 answers
28. Name something some people don't take off when they go to bed
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tags: sleep bedtime habits clothing funny kids category: no points
29. On An Average Night How Long Does It Take You To Fall Asleep?
1 hour 42 10 minutes 16
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tags: sleep insomnia bedtime relaxation fatigue health category: 2 answers
30. Name something specific people might take off before they go to bed
Jeans Fur Shirt Garment Sock Stockings Jacket
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tags: bedtime clothes comfort hygiene sleep relaxation category: no points
31. Name something a person might do before going to bed that would make it hard for them to get right to sleep.
coffee 35 eat 28 exercise 13 horror movie 9 argument 4 shower 3
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tags: bedtime sleep stress habits relaxation kids category: 6 answers
32. Name Something GrownUps Sleep With In Order To Feel Secure
spouse 39 extra pillows 19 stuffed animal 14 blanket 10 night light 8 gun 3 pet 2
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tags: adults funny sleep security comfort bedtime category: 7 answers
33. Name Something People Do In Their Sleep.
snore 72 dream 20
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tags: sleep dreams bedtime snoring pajamas night category: 2 answers
34. To Feel Safer At Night, Name Something You Would Go To Sleep With.
Weapon 47 Teddy Bear 23 Bat 8 Dog 8 Night Light 6 Partner 3
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tags: sleep kids safety funny hilarious bedtime category: 6 answers
35. Name an object young children sleep with.
teddy bear 47 blanket 30 pacifier 6
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tags: kids family sleep toys objects bedtime category: 3 answers
36. Name something a child might sleep with.
teddy bear 39 blanket 31 pillow 10 parents 7 doll 5 night light 4 pacifier 3
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tags: kids family funny animals sleep bedtime category: 7 answers
37. Name something in bed you might fall asleep while holding.
pillow 34 book 22 remote control 11 stuffed animal 6 telephone 4
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tags: sleep bedtime comfort relaxation funny kids category: 5 answers
38. How Late A Kid Might Stay Up At Sleepover
11 12 1 2 3
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tags: kids family bedtime sleepover parents funny category: no points
39. Besides his parents, name something a child might mention in his bedtime prayers
Brothers Guinea Pigs Siblings Hamsters Grandparents Gerbils
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tags: bedtime family children kids funny category: no points
40. Name something you miss while on vacation.
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41. Name something a person might do if they were having a hard time waking up in the morning
Coffee Alarm Clock Latte Cappuccino Clock Espresso
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tags: sleep morning routine kids tired category: no points
42. What Time Is The earliest You’re Willing To Get Up On A Saturday?
10 34 8 32 9 13 11 6 noon 5 7:00:00 4
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tags: sleep morning routine habits weekends category: 6 answers
43. Tell Me The Latest Hour You Could Drink Coffee Without It Affecting Your Ability To Fall Asleep.
5pm 27 8pm 19 6pm 17 7pm 12 9pm 8 4pm 8 3pm 4
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tags: sleep coffee caffeine routine health lifestyle category: 7 answers
44. Name something you double-check before you go to bed.
doors are locked 64 alarm clock 16 lights off 12 stove 4
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tags: home safety sleep routine habits nighttime category: 4 answers
45. Name A Reason Why It’s Harder To Get Out Of Bed On Some Days Than On Others.
tired 37 sick 27 bad weather 17 going to work/school 12 stayed up late 3 it's monday 3
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tags: sleep health routine mood habits kids category: 6 answers
46. Name something that people put on during the course of a day.
clothes 60 makeup 10 deodorant 6 a smile 5 glasses 4 weight 3
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tags: daily life routine clothing fashion personal care children category: 6 answers
47. Name something kids do on a Saturday morning that parents wish they could spend the morning doing.
watch cartoons 47 sleep in 36 play/leisure time 11
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tags: kids parents funny school leisure sleep category: 3 answers
48. We surveyed 100 11-year-olds...Something your mom is always telling you it's time to do.
clean room/bed 28 chores 18 go to bed 18 bathe/wash up 11 homework 10
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49. Name something kids are always complaining about.
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50. Name something both adults and kids do to get into trouble with their parents.
lie 48 swear 23 talk back 18 drink 4 smoke 4 steal 3
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51. Tell Me The Age That A Girl Stops Telling Her Parents Everything (Numeric Only).
13 30 16 23 12 18 15 11 14 10 18 5
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tags: family relationships parents children age category: 6 answers
52. Name something kids ask their parents' permission to do.
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53. Name something that costs more money if you have a daughter instead of a son.
wedding 42 clothing 37
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54. Name A Class that Parents Enroll Their Kids In Before They Turn 3 Years Old.
swimming 40 dance 34 art 10 gymnastics 8 music 3
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55. Name an activity kids usually do with their grandparents rather than parents.
toy shopping 35 cook/bake 26 zoo 18 board games 13 fishing 8
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tags: family grandparents parents activities children category: 5 answers
56. Name an announcement that parents can’t wait to hear their grown children make.
having a baby 34 getting married 23 got a job 21 moving out 13
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tags: family milestones parents children announcements category: 4 answers
57. Name something grown men still ask their mommy to do for them.
cook for them 47 laundry/ironing 39 loan them money 7 shop for them 2 sing to them 2 give ride in car 2
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tags: family funny kids parents children category: 6 answers
58. What Do People Start Having More Of In Their Car Once They Have Kids?
toys 38 trash 28 car seats 15 food/drink 13 spills 4
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tags: parents children family kids funny category: 5 answers
59. Name a place that kids beg their parents to take them.
park 36 zoo 22 amusement park 13 movie theatre 7 mall 7 fast food restaurant 7 beach 4
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tags: kids children parents family entertainment fun category: 7 answers
60. Name An Instance When A Parent Might Try To Distract A Child
getting a shot 34 violence & movie 20 upset/hurt 15 tooth pulled 12 sopping trip 8 hiding a gift 8
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tags: children parents kids family hilarious category: 6 answers
61. Name something parents are always telling children they're lucky to have.
parents/family 46 home 20 food 14 education 4 toys 3 tv 2 health 2 life 2
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tags: lucky kids family parents children category: 8 answers
62. Name a phrase parents use to make their kids feel better about losing
Not About Winning Tried Your Hardest It's Only A Game Get 'Em Next Time It's OK
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tags: kids funny parents school children category: no points
63. Name an expense that's much bigger if you have kids.
grocery bill 58 clothes 18 travel 3
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tags: children family expenses kids parents category: 3 answers
64. At what age do children start to appreciate what their parents do for them?
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tags: kids family appreciation parents children age category: no points
65. Name something parents tell their kids not to do so loudly
Burp Play Talk
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tags: kids family parents children funny category: no points
66. Name something parents do for their children long after the children could do it themselves.
feed them 43 laundry 25 dress them 9 clean their rooms 7 pay bills 6 tie their shoes 5
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tags: family parents children responsibilities assistance category: 6 answers
67. Name something that might keep new parents awake at night
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tags: babies newborns parenting children family sleep category: no points
68. Name Something You Should Switch Off Before Going To Bed
Lights Electric Blanket TV
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tags: home technology safety energy sleep children category: no points
69. Name something parents buy for their children when they are going back to school
Tops Hoodie Clothes Pants
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tags: school kids family education children parents category: no points
70. Name something that most children can operate better than their parents.
computer 57 video games 22 bike 8 dvd player 6 cellular phone 5
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tags: kids funny family parents children technology category: 5 answers
71. At what age does a boy start wiping off his mother's kisses?
ten 18 eight 13 twelve 12 nine 9 seven 9 thirteen 8 four 7
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tags: family relationships children parents funny hilarious category: 7 answers
72. Name a place parents should not be allowed to bring babies.
movies 43 church 12 restaurant 5 work 5 concerts 4 store 4
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tags: children parents family babies kids places category: 6 answers
73. Name a reason why a babysitter might swear never to come back.
kids misbehave 66 low pay 17 parents late/hours 7 messy home 3
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tags: babies kids family babysitter parents children category: 4 answers
74. Name something parents do not trust their kids to remember.
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tags: kids funny family parents children home category: no points
75. Name something that parents can't wait for their children to get out of
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tags: family funny kids parents children home category: no points
76. Name a place where kids are told to hold their parent’s hand.
crossing the street 36 mall 34 parking lot 24 amusement park 5
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tags: kids school family funny parents children category: 4 answers
77. Name something in a divorce settlement that can't be divided in half.
child 67 house 18 pet 9 car 5
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tags: relationships kids children lawyer parents divorce category: 4 answers
78. What Do Parents Most Like To Receive From Their Children
hugs 37 love 23 kisses 11 good grades 8 artwork 6 cards 6 respect 5
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tags: family parents children gifts love appreciation category: 7 answers
79. Name something a parent might tell their child not to put in their mouth.
fingers 33 toys 25 money 24 dirt 13 paper 5
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tags: kids funny family hilarious children parents category: 5 answers
80. What Might A Babysitter Want To Know
Pay How Many Kids Hours Ages Of Kids
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tags: kids babysitter children family parents childcare category: no points
81. what might a child do in the grocery store that embarrasses their parent
Act Up Curse Steal Something Break Something
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tags: kids funny family embarrassing children parents category: no points
82. Tell me something that is ok for kids to do, but not parents.
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tags: kids parents family rules children parenting category: no points
83. Name something parents choose for their kids when they’re little but not when they’re adults.
clothes 49 food 26 school 22 friends 3
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tags: kids adults hilarious family children parents category: 4 answers
84. Name something your parents ask you about every time they see you.
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tags: family parents children school work health category: 5 answers
85. Name A Function You Have On Your Telephone That Your Child Doesnt Have On Their Tin Can Phone
redial 39 speaker phone 14 call waiting 14 caller id 11 speed dial 8 mute 4 voice mail 3
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tags: technology communication children parents entertainment funny category: 7 answers
86. Name a place parents hide Easter baskets so kids do not eat all of the candy at once.
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tags: kids easter children candy funny parents category: 9 answers
87. Name something parents tell their kids they are wasting:
Time Food Money Electricity Water Toilet Paper Youth
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tags: kids family funny hilarious parents children category: 7 answers
88. Name Something A Person Does Often When They’re Sleepy.
yawn 58 snore 29
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89. Name the number of times per week that you stay up past 11:00pm
Three Seven Hurt Five
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90. What Do You Check Before Going To Bed?
Doors/ Locks Lights Alarm Clock Stove Kids
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91. Which Style of Music Would Be Least Effective To Sing When Putting Your Baby To Sleep?
rock 38 hip hop 35 heavy metal 17 classical 4 jazz 3 opera 3
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92. If you were dead tired, name something you might forget to do before climbing into bed.
brush teeth 27 clothes 17 prayers 12 lock door 9 turn off light 9 shower 8
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93. Name something a mom might ask her daughter to turn off because it's time for bed
TV Lights Computer IPod
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94. Name something little boys don't like
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95. What do kids often ask before going to bed?
Some more time to stay awake One more story Snacks Water To kiss goodnight
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96. Name something children beg parents for at bedtime.
a drink 31 a story 23 stay up longer 21 snack 16
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97. Name something you're never too tired to do before going to bed
Use Bathroom Reading Watch Tv
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98. Name Something Specific You Wear To Work That You’d Probably Never Wear To Bed. (Be More Specific Than Work Clothes)
Horses Driving Tie
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99. We asked 100 people: name something kids do after lights out.
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100. Name something babies throw out of the crib
Blanket Pillow Rattle Philippines Bottle Pacifier
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