The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something a woman might put on before she goes to bed.
nightie/pj's 70 facial mask 19 perfume 5 cold cream 2
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tags: sleep bedtime night pajamas makeup category: 4 answers
2. Name Something You Associate With Sleeping
Snoring Bed Dreams Pillow Night
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tags: sleep bedtime relaxation dreams comfort kids category: no points
3. Name Something People Do To Help Them Fall Asleep At Night
sleeping pill 18 count sheep 16 drink warm milk 16 read 13 watch tv 10 listen to music 8 listen to the radio 5
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tags: sleep bedtime relaxation night rest category: 7 answers
4. Name Something People Turn On Before They Get Into Bed
Alarm TV Light Radio Lamp
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tags: night bedtime sleep comfort relaxation category: no points
5. Name something that some people like to sleep with
Teddy Bear Spouse Pet Pajamas Pillows Blanket
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tags: sleep bedtime comfort night relaxation kids category: 6 answers
6. Name Something You Can Only Hear In Your House When Everyone’s Sleeping
snoring 32 ticking clock 28 furnace/ac 14 crickets/mice 8 creaks 7 leaky faucet 4 refrigerator 4
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tags: peace relaxation sleep snoring category: 7 answers
7. Name A Reason Why You Might Not Get A Good Night’S Sleep While Staying At Someone Else’S House
Not Your Own Bed 52 Noisy House 17 Host Has Pets 10 House Is Unfamiliar 9 Homesick 7
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8. Name Something That Causes Your Spouse To Snore Worse Than Usual.
cold/allergies 40 alcohol 28 exhaustion 21 sleeping on back 6 stress 4
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tags: snoring spouse health habits sleep relationships category: 5 answers
9. we asked 100 wives tell me something you do to get some sleep when your husband is snoring
Action Live Together Wake Him Up Pillow Over My Head Sleep In Other Room Use Ear Plugs
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tags: sleep marriage relationships husbands wives snoring category: no points
10. Name something you're never too tired to do before going to bed at night.
make love 21 brush teeth 17 say prayers 17 bathe/shower 11 eat snack/drink 10 watch tv/movie 6 read a book 4
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11. Name something a child might do right before going to bed
Pray Teeth Dental Hygiene Use Bathroom Bathroom Brush Teeth Toothbrush
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12. What do you often have nightmares about?
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13. What Might Someone Do While Sleeping That Tells You Theyre Having A Nightmare
scream 50 cry 16 kick 6 sweat 5 thrash 5 jump 3 talk 3
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tags: dreams sleep behavior psychology funny category: 7 answers
14. Name something insomniacs do when they cannot sleep
Flat Screen Watch Tv Big Screen Tube Watching Tv
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tags: insomnia sleep nighttime relaxation fatigue dreams category: no points
15. Tell me something you might do to help you fall asleep.
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tags: sleep relaxation bedtime category: no points
16. What Might You Do Before Bed If You Don’t Want Anything To Wake You Up In The Morning?
Turn Off Alarm 30 Put In Ear Plugs 16 Close Bedroom Door 14 Turn Off Phone 14 Take A Sleep Aid 12 Close Shades 7
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tags: sleep night morning rest relaxation category: 6 answers
17. Name something you might do when you can't sleep.
read 45 watch tv 34 count sheep 9 eat food 7 drink milk 5
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18. When it's the middle of the night, tell me an activity you try to do quietly
Go To The Bathroom Watch TV Type
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tags: night sleep quiet family nighttime category: no points
19. Name Something People Turn On Just Before They Get In Bed.
alarm 50 tv 24 lamp 12 radio 7 electric blanket 4
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tags: home bed night sleep relaxation comfort category: 5 answers
20. why might a child go to bed early without being asked
Tired Sick Christmas Eve Bored In Trouble
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21. Name Something That Would Keep You From Snuggling Up To Your Spouse In Bed.
Sick 25 Snoring 20 Bad Breath 22 Gas 13 Cold Feet 12 Body Odor 8
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tags: bedtime comfort intimacy sleep spouse category: 6 answers
22. Name Something People Do Before Bed That Makes It Hard To Sleep.
Eat 46 Drink Coffee 32 Watch TV 9 Shower 6 Exercise 5
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tags: sleep habits bedtime routine insomnia category: 5 answers
23. Name a reason a parent might have to send their kids to bed early.
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tags: children sleep bedtime parents routine category: 7 answers
24. What is that you do before going to bed?
Brush teeth Say prayers Change into pajamas Drink water Complete homework
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tags: kids bedtime routines habits sleep category: no points
25. Name something some people don't take off when they go to bed.
underpants 38 socks 33 jewelry/watch 12 underwear 10 makeup 3
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26. Name something people use at night that contains the word "night."
Night Light Night Gown Nightlight Nightgown Light Gown
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27. Name Something GrownUps Sleep With In Order To Feel Secure
spouse 39 extra pillows 19 stuffed animal 14 blanket 10 night light 8 gun 3 pet 2
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tags: adults funny sleep security comfort bedtime category: 7 answers
28. Name something some people don't take off when they go to bed
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tags: sleep bedtime habits clothing funny kids category: no points
29. Name something specific people might take off before they go to bed
Jeans Fur Shirt Garment Sock Stockings Jacket
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tags: bedtime clothes comfort hygiene sleep relaxation category: no points
30. To Feel Safer At Night, Name Something You Would Go To Sleep With.
Weapon 47 Teddy Bear 23 Bat 8 Dog 8 Night Light 6 Partner 3
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tags: sleep kids safety funny hilarious bedtime category: 6 answers
31. Name something people do to try to get a baby to go to sleep
Cuddle Rock Carry Chants Hug Embrace
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tags: parents babies sleep parenting bedtime routines category: no points
32. Name Something Children Ask Their ParentsTo Do Before They Go To Sleep
Bed Time Story Tucked In Kiss Them Turn Out Lights Brush Teeth
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tags: kids parents bedtime routines sleep funny category: no points
33. Name an object young children sleep with.
teddy bear 47 blanket 30 pacifier 6
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tags: kids family sleep toys objects bedtime category: 3 answers
34. Name something in bed you might fall asleep while holding.
pillow 34 book 22 remote control 11 stuffed animal 6 telephone 4
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tags: sleep bedtime comfort relaxation funny kids category: 5 answers
35. Name Something A Parent Might Do To Help Their Baby Fall Asleep.
sing lullaby 53 rock them 32 feed them 9 read to them 4
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tags: parenting babies sleep medicine bedtime routine category: 4 answers
36. Name Something A Child Asks For Just To Delay His Bedtime
drink 34 bedtime story 28 snacks 17 hug/kiss 10
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tags: kids funny sleep routine nighttime bedtime category: 4 answers
37. Name something a child might sleep with.
teddy bear 39 blanket 31 pillow 10 parents 7 doll 5 night light 4 pacifier 3
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tags: kids family funny animals sleep bedtime category: 7 answers
38. Name something that you sometimes don't bother to take off when you go to bed.
Clothes Jewelry Makeup Dentures
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tags: sleep clothing bedtime routines funny kids category: 4 answers
39. On An Average Night How Long Does It Take You To Fall Asleep?
1 hour 42 10 minutes 16
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tags: sleep insomnia bedtime relaxation fatigue health category: 2 answers
40. Name something a person might do before going to bed that would make it hard for them to get right to sleep.
coffee 35 eat 28 exercise 13 horror movie 9 argument 4 shower 3
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tags: bedtime sleep stress habits relaxation kids category: 6 answers
41. What do you double-check before going to sleep?
Door locks Lights in all the rooms Kids Alarm Mobile charging
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tags: adults sleep bedtime preparation safety routine planning category: no points
42. Name A Reason You Might Not Leave The House For An Entire Day.
sick 54 bad weather 25 cleaning/working 15 sports/tv 4
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43. Name something a man might wear to bed.
boxer shorts 53 pajamas 32 nothing 9 t-shirt 4
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44. name an occupation in which the uniforms look a lot like pajamas
Baptism Doctor Custodian Wedding Nurse
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45. Name something that might wake you up in the morning.
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46. Name Something Specific You Might Wear To Bed If You’re Really Cold
socks 48 sweater/sweatsuit 18 flannel pjs 16 long johns 7 robe 5 hat 4
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tags: sleepwear pajamas warmth comfort cozy category: 6 answers
47. Name something people go outside to do in their pajamas.
get newspaper 67 take out trash 11 get mail 7 go to store 3 sleepwalk 2 sweep outside 2 stargaze 2
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tags: funny pajamas kids silly outside nighttime category: 7 answers
48. Name a reason a married couple might sleep in separate beds
Arguing Snoring
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49. Name Something You Might Do If Your Partner Snores
Nudge Them Sleep Elsewhere Kick Em Outa Bed Ear Plugs Divorce Them
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tags: relationships sleeping snoring funny category: no points
50. Name an animal your mate sounds like when he or she snores.
bear 25 pig 23 dog 18 lion 8 elephant 6 horse 5
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tags: family animals snoring humor funny category: 6 answers
51. name something that people want to do early in life if possible
Get Chickenpox Have Kids Get Married Save Money Retire Get An Education
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tags: aspirations dreams category: no points
52. We asked 100 women: Name something the man of your dreams has
Nice Car Nice Clothes Good Looks Money Good Person Good Body
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tags: relationships love dreams romance category: no points
53. Tell me a dream job that you wanted as a kid and still want today.
doctor 27 astronaut 21 performer 19 athlete 12 pilot 10 lawyer 5
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54. Name something kids hope to someday have just like their parents.
car 36 house 26 money 20 their own family 7 job 3
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55. Name the celebrity you would like to have narrate your life story.
morgan freeman 38 oprah winfrey 30 james earl jones 17 maya angelou 8 julia roberts 6
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tags: entertainment celebrities dreams heroes category: 5 answers
56. Name something that some people are paid to chase after.
dogs 41 criminals 37 storms 12 footballs/balls 8
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57. What's the first thing you'd do if you were holding the winning lottery ticket
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tags: money lottery winning dreams fantasy category: no points
58. Name A Job, Often Depicted On TV, That You’ve Dreamt Of Having Yourself.
Doctor 30 Police Officer 26 Actor 16 Lawyer 12 Detective 7 Model 5
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tags: work entertainment career dreams tv-shows category: 6 answers
59. Which occupation do you think make you not necessarily the richest, but the happiest?
teacher 24 housewife 7 entrepreneur 7 animal care 5 musician 5 nurse 4
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tags: happiness occupation dreams life career category: 6 answers
60. If you had a million dollars to spend, what would you blow it on?
Car Holiday House Jewelry Gadgets Party Motorcycle
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tags: money spending wealth fortune dreams category: 7 answers
61. tell me something you need in order to win the lottery
Winning Numbers Ticket Luck Dollar
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tags: luck money numbers strategy dreams category: no points
62. Tell me the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery.
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63. Name something a wealthy person might have in their house that you wish you had
Housekeeper Cleaner Above Ground Servant In Ground Maid Pool
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tags: possessions luxury dreams envy wealth category: no points
64. If you could afford it, name a kind of car you would be driving.
mercedes 20 lexus 12 jaguar 10 cadillac 9 bmw 9
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tags: cars transportation dreams wealth hypothetical category: 5 answers
65. Name a place in the us where people go to follow their dreams.
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tags: travel dreams jobs inspiration motivation category: no points
66. name something that people dream of winning one day
Someone's Love Lottery Hollywood Awards The Olympics A New Car
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tags: dreams goals aspirations wishes future kids category: no points
67. What's the first thing you'd do if you were holding the winning lottery ticket?
yell/jump for joy 25 cash it 13 spend/share it 12 faint 9 call family 8 hide/put away 8 call lawyer 7
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tags: money winning lottery fortune dreams happiness category: 7 answers
68. Name someone a child wants to grow up and be like
President Famous Athlete Parent Superhero Moviestar
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tags: people role models family dreams future category: no points
69. If you inherited a million dollars tonight, what's the first thing you'd do tomorrow morning
Sleep In Go Shopping Quit My Job Pay Bills Go To Bank Buy A Car Move
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tags: money family finances legacy dreams future category: no points
70. Name one thing your dream house must have.
swimming pool 26 big/many bathr'ms 12 jacuzzi 7 air-conditioning 5 big kitchen 5 big yard 5
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tags: home family dreams preferences living space category: 6 answers
71. Name one thing you've always dreamed of owning
Boat House My Own Business Car
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tags: possessions dreams aspirations goals wishlist desires category: no points
72. if cinderella went to a therapist what might she complain about
Stepsisters Stepmother
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tags: therapy family relationships fairy tales dreams category: no points
73. Name Something You Might Do When You Make A Wish
Blow Out Candles Close Eyes Cross Fingers
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tags: luck wishes dreams stars birthday kids category: no points
74. name something people say theyd love to do if only they had time
Exercise Read More Learn An Instrument Travel Get More Sleep
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tags: hobbies procrastination dreams time management relaxation category: no points
75. Name something kids with summer jobs might dream about.
beach 32 swimming pool 32 friends 11 shopping 10 car 7 partying 4
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tags: kids summer jobs dreams vacation money category: 6 answers
76. Name an animal a child dreams about owning.
dog 64 pony 25 elephant 4 monkey 3
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tags: kids family animals pets dreams childhood category: 4 answers
77. Name Something People Dream About Owning
Car House / Mansion Boat Money Football Club Shop
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tags: dreams wishlist aspirations kids funny possessions category: no points
78. Name the first thing you would spend money on if you won the lottery.
house 39 car 20 travel 14 debts 8 children 7
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tags: money lottery finances wealth planning dreams category: 5 answers
79. Name a place where people hope to go someday
Hawaii Disneyland Heaven Poodle
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tags: travel family dreams kids destinations places category: no points
80. Name A Food That Dieters Dream About At Night
Chocolate Cakes Ice Cream Food Cream Buns
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tags: food dieting cravings dreams health funny category: no points
81. which country might an american woman fantasize about finding romance in
France Spain Italy
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tags: romance fantasy travel countries relationships dreams category: no points
82. Name a dream about the future that couples "pillow talk" about
Rrsp Apartment Flat Retirement Home Pension Condo
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tags: dreams future family kids hilarious adults category: no points
83. Name one thing you've always dreamed of owning:
house 31 car 28 boat 18 swimming pool 5 my own business 3 fur coat 2
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tags: dreams family kids funny random wishes category: 6 answers
84. Tell me something you know about Ed McMahon.
losing home 40 publisher 18 carson's side 15 star search 8 funny 4
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tags: tv late night category: 5 answers
85. Name things you spend lottery winnings on
Mansions 25 Vacations 23 Pay off debts 20 Cars 19 Education 10 Start a company 3
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tags: work office lottery money expenses dreams family category: 6 answers
86. Name a celebrity you wish you could trade lives with.
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tags: famous people dreams entertainment wealth lifestyle escape category: no points
87. Name something that shines at night.
Stars 42 Moon 36 Streetlights 9 Fire Flies 4 Headlights 3
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88. Name a word that means the opposite of 'dark'.
Light 51 Bright 20 Sunny 14 Lit 9 Luminous 5
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89. name something you worry about on a sleepless night
Job Money Work Love Life
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90. Name Something Stars In The Sky Have In Common With Criminals.
Bright 57
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tags: stars criminals night law category: fast money
91. Name an animal you might hear in the forest at night.
owl 28 coyotes 17 crickets 16 wolves 11 bear 10
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92. what might a bicyclist use to keep safe at night
Neon Clothes Headlight Reflectors
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93. Which Foods Are You Most Likely To Grab For A Late Night Snack
chips 39 cookies 24 ice cream 11 pizza 10 sandwich 8 cereal 5 popcorn 3
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tags: food late night snacks category: 7 answers
94. Give me a word for a part of the day.
morning 37 midday 21 afternoon 21 evening 5 lunchtime 5 night 4
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95. Name something associated with vampires.
Twilight 1 Blood/Bloodsucker 1 Garlic 1 Bat 1 Cape 1 Dracula 1 Fangs 1 Halloween 1
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96. Name Something A Guy Might Take With Him To A Poker Game.
money 54 beer 17
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97. where might a man sleep if his wife is snoring
Couch Fancy Restaurant Spare Room Floor Hotel
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tags: funny adults bed couch noisy night category: no points
98. Name something you put on a bed.
sheets 52 pillows 23 comforter 19 chocolate 6
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99. Name something you check if you're last one to leave the office at night
Computers Off Doors Are Locked Lights Off
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100. Tell me a way you might get ready for a date.
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tags: dates relationships love romance night out category: 5 answers
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