The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. What could be the reason for going late to work?
Getting up late Traffic Bus delay Weather Car breakdown
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tags: adults work transportation family weather category: no points
2. Give me a reason you might be late for work.
overslept 52 traffic 25 car problems 17 illness 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: work transportation family pets weather errands category: 4 answers
3. Name A Reason You May Not Be Able To Get Home For The Holidays
sick 17 work 14 broke 12 far away 4 car problems 3 too much homework 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel work school family weather health category: 6 answers
4. Give me an excuse that people use to get out of jury duty.
Answers are hidden.
tags: work family health transportation financial category: no points
5. Name a reason you might stand up a date.
illness 37 don't like 29 family emergency 10 changed mind 8 accidents 6 on another date 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: work family emergency transportation health pets category: 6 answers
6. Name an item you might accidentally leave in a cab
Phone 26 Wallet/purse 26 Coat 20 Umbrella 16 Suitcase 12
Answers are hidden.
tags: work office travel transportation lost items personal belongings funny category: 5 answers
7. Name something that has caused almost everyone to be late for work.
overslept/alarm 35 traffic/accident 27 car trouble 9 bad weather 6 phone call 5 problem w/ kids 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: work transportation weather kids animals food category: 6 answers
8. Other Than Illness, Name An Acceptable Excuse For Missing Work.
funeral 61 car trouble 30 jury duty 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school pets home weather transportation category: 3 answers
9. Name something in your office that's covered in germs.
telephone 30 keyboard 25 toilet 10 doorknobs 8 desk 6 water cooler 4 pen 3 copy machine 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: work germs hygiene health office funny category: 8 answers
10. Name a food many people are allergic to
Nuts 29 Shellfish 27 Dairy 19 Wheat 14 Soy 11
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tags: work office food allergies health medical kids category: 5 answers
11. Name A Reason Why Someone Might Not Ride Their Bike To Work
Raining Dangerous Too Far Get Sweaty Lazy
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tags: work weather safety health convenience time category: no points
12. Name A Reason Somebody Would Wear A Hat All The Time
balding 63 bad hair day 19 protect from the sun 9 they're cold 4
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tags: fashion health weather work hobbies funny category: 4 answers
13. Name a reason a kid might not be able to go outside.
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids weather school chores health family category: 4 answers
14. Name a reason why a college student might miss a morning class.
no alarm 45 up all night 32 hangover 16 snow storms 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work sleeping health transportation emergencies category: 4 answers
15. Name something which you will keep on your office desk.
Computer Notepad Pen stand Water bottle Picture of spouse/ child
Answers are hidden.
tags: adults work office desk belongings furniture office supplies category: no points
16. Name a place where people like to read the morning newspaper.
kitchen table 41 bathroom 24 train/subway 10 coffee shop 8
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tags: home public transportation office library category: 4 answers
17. Name something you wish they'd get a new one of at the office.
photo copier 23 computer 19 boss 19 coffee maker 13 printer 9 chair 3
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tags: work office funny office supplies humor coworkers category: 6 answers
18. Name Something Specific You Might Borrow From Your Coworker’s Desk That You’re Least Likely To Return
Pen/Pencil 43 Stapler 20 Paperclip 18 Tape 8 Paper 7 Candy 4
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tags: work office funny hilarious coworkers office supplies category: 6 answers
19. Other than rain, name a reason a person might close the top of their convertible.
windy 10 snow 8 cold 6 sun 4 too hot 3 night time 2
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tags: car transportation weather funny category: 6 answers
20. Tell me a form of transportation you wouldn't want to use in a rainstorm.
motorcycle 44 bicycle 23 airplane 20 boat 8 walking 5
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tags: rain transportation weather safety category: 5 answers
21. Name A Kind Of Machine A Secretary Might Use While On The Job.
Computer 64
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tags: work school office office supplies category: fast money
22. Besides Walking Name A Way To Get Around In Snowy Weather
ski 28 sled 27 car 23
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tags: snow transportation kids winter weather category: 3 answers
23. Name A Reason Why A Plane May Be Delayed
weather 56 needs repairs 25 security advisory 8 refueling 6
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tags: travel transportation weather security kids category: 4 answers
24. Name a reason why a parent might not let their kid go trick or treating.
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tags: safety weather allergies kids illness transportation category: no points
25. name a weather condition that often causes traffic jams
Fog Hail Snow Tell Them Rain
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tags: traffic weather driving late transportation commuting category: no points
26. Name A Form Of Transportation You Wouldn’t Want To Use In A Rain Storm.
motorcycle 35 bicycle 22
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tags: transportation travel weather rain vehicles safety category: 2 answers
27. Name something Santa Claus has to look out for when he's flying in his sleigh
Clouds Birds Meteors Chimneys Planes Power Lines
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tags: weather obstacles animals transportation kids funny category: no points
28. how long do you usually wait in a doctors waiting room
1 Hour 15 Minutes Can't Breathe 30 Minutes 20 Minutes
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tags: office health waiting room patience appointments category: no points
29. Name a reason parents might not want their kids playing in the rain.
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30. Name Something That Happens To Most People But Not To Santa Claus
death 41 get old 33 traffic problems 11 weight loss 5 taxation 3
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31. Name something you should do when there is a heat warning.
stay home 46 drink water 39 use ac 10 go swimming 5
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tags: health safety summer hot weather category: 4 answers
32. Name a food many people dislike
Anchovies 22 Cilantro 21 Mushrooms 19 Olives 15 Tuna 14 Candy corn 9
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tags: work office food family funny kids category: 6 answers
33. Name Something You’d Do Differently, If You Worked From Home Instead Of An Office.
casual dress 47 sleep 39
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tags: work home office kids family funny category: 2 answers
34. Name something people brag about.
Kids 30 Income 22 Job 14 Body 12 Car 9 Sports ability 7
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tags: office work family school food animals funny category: 6 answers
35. Name questions you dread being asked at family reunions
Are you dating anyone? 30 How is the job search going? 28 When are you going to get married/have kids? 17 Can I borrow money? 13 Have you gained/lost weight? 12
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tags: work office family awkward reunion funny school category: 5 answers
36. Name things you spend lottery winnings on
Mansions 25 Vacations 23 Pay off debts 20 Cars 19 Education 10 Start a company 3
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tags: work office lottery money expenses dreams family category: 6 answers
37. Name things you never want your kid to bring home
Lice 28 Cat/Dog 24 Bad report card/failing grade 19 Germs 13 Cops 8 Boyfriend/girlfriend 3
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tags: work office kids family home school animals category: 6 answers
38. Name the worst month to be 9 months pregnant.
july 44 august 28 december 20
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tags: pregnancy hot weather cold weather holidays family travel category: 3 answers
39. why might someone avoid raising their arms
Haven't Shaved Smell Sore Muscles Sweat Stains
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tags: health sports pain comfort weather animals category: no points
40. Tell me why you might avoid swimming in the ocean.
Sharks Jellyfish Aquaphobia Cold
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tags: animals plants weather health water kids category: no points
41. Name A Reason A Person Might Prefer To Walk On A Treadmill Instead Of Taking A Walk Outside.
weather 62 safer 17 watch tv 11 privacy 8
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tags: health exercise weather safety convenience privacy category: 4 answers
42. Name something you hate about winter.
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tags: weather activities clothing chores health kids category: 3 answers
43. Name wedding traditions people would not miss
Tossing the garter 38 Smashing cake in the face 23 Spending money to be in the bridal party 22 Giving the bride away 17
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tags: work office family traditions weddings culture customs funny category: 4 answers
44. Name a kid’s “first” you might want to catch on video
Steps 34 Words 33 Birthday 18 Christmas 15
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tags: work office kids milestones childhood family memories funny category: 4 answers
45. Name a food you might eat at a carnival
Cotton candy 26 Corn dog 23 Funnel cake 22 Popcorn/kettle corn 15 Snow cone/ice cream 14
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tags: work office food carnival kids family funny hilarious category: 5 answers
46. Name something at your holiday party that could lead you to embarrass yourself.
Open bar 45 Dance floor 22 Karaoke 12 Mistletoe 9 Free food 7
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tags: office work food drinks family kids funny embarrassing category: 5 answers
47. Name things you bring on a camping trip
Tent 36 Sleeping bag 21 Backpack 12 Food/S’mores 11 Toilet paper 8 Bug spray/sunscreen 7 Compass 5
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tags: work office camping outdoors adventure family travel kids category: 7 answers
48. Name popular songs at karaoke
“I will always love you” by Whitney Houston 21 “Let it Go” from Frozen 19 “Don’t Stop Believin'” by Journey 18 “Piano Man” by Billy Joel 16 “Wanna Be” by the Spice Girls 15 “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen 11
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tags: work office music singing karaoke entertainment popular culture family fun category: 6 answers
49. Other than work, what do you talk to your coworkers about?
Family 44 Relationships 21 Sports 14 Weather 6 TV/Movies 5 Weekend 4
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tags: office work friends family current events hobbies sports kids category: 6 answers
50. How many hours can a person drive before they need a break?
four 26 eight 18 five 15 six 14 ten 12 twelve 11 fifteen 4
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tags: driving safety transportation health travel category: 7 answers
51. Name an unusual place where babies are sometimes born.
car/taxi 77 airplane 7 at home 6 elevator 6
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tags: kids funny health transportation places birth category: 4 answers
52. Tell Me The Number Of People Who Can Ride Comfortably In A Van. #
6 47 7 23
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tags: family transportation school work travel kids category: 2 answers
53. Name A Place Where They Always Keep You Waiting.
doctor's office department store airport dentist's office restaurant dmv pharmacy
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tags: hospital office school dmv doctor's office airport category: no points
54. Name A Reason The Bride And The Groom Might Leave The Reception Early
leave for honeymoon 38 a little privacy 26 tired 15 too much to drink 4 arguing 4
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55. Name something that keeps a person from getting a college degree.
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56. Name a supply that office managers frequently re-order
Bics Newspaper Paper Clips Paper Clips Letters
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tags: office work supplies office supplies category: no points
57. Name something a woman might want to keep hidden if she lies about her age
Id Birth Certificate Permit License Gray Hair Certificate
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tags: relationships family friends work health appearance category: no points
58. Name something your parents ask you about every time they see you.
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tags: family parents children school work health category: 5 answers
59. Name someone you might discuss a serious problem with.
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tags: relationships health school work family friends category: no points
60. Name A reason You Might Be Less Productive Then Usual At Work
tired 40 sick 25 hung over 12 stressed 6 computer trouble 3
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tags: work productivity distractions health family technology category: 5 answers
61. Name something you stay up all night worrying about.
Family Money School Health Job
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tags: school work health family finances future category: 5 answers
62. Name a reason why a student might walk away from a scholarship.
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tags: school work money family goals health category: no points
63. Name Something That May Keep You Awake At Night
Noises Dogs Coffee Snoring Babies
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tags: work family kids food health funny category: no points
64. If your company wanted people to hang around the office more, what should they bring in?
Free food 54 A TV set 14 Alcohol 13 Music 9 Childcare 4
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65. Name a US president whose first name was John
John F Kennedy 37 John Adams 27 John Quincy Adams 25 John Tyler 11
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66. Name Halloween costumes that are professions
Doctor or Nurse 26 Police officer 24 Firefighter 23 Construction worker 16 Astronaut 11
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67. Name holidays that people hate
Valentines Day 37 April Fools Day 28 Columbus Day 18 Black Friday 16
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68. Name something people wear that has a company logo on it.
Shirt 40 Hat 38 Jacket 10 Uniform 7 Badge 3
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69. What would be the worst thing that you could be turned down for?
loan 27 job/promotion 24 date/prom 15 credit card 12 house/mortgage 12 "nookie" 5
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tags: relationships work school family body image mental health category: 6 answers
70. In a secret gift exchange, what “gifts” might you get from an office thief?
Stapler 61 Pens 22 Money 6 Paper 3 Paper clips 3 Computer 3
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71. Name something little kids have nightmares about
Monsters 48 Spiders 17 Fire 15 Getting left behind 12 The dark 8
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72. Name the part of a secretary's job you would probably find the most annoying
Typing Fixing Coffee Filing Taking Notes Answering Phones
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73. What Occupation Might Someone Have If They Carry A Folder Marked Top Secret
private investigator 28 police officer 25 lawyer 17 politician 12 soldier 8 irs 3 doctor 3
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tags: work office government category: 7 answers
74. Name Something A Business Person Keeps In A Briefcase
A Lot Of Papers 36
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tags: work office documents category: fast money
75. Name a specific place at the office where people sneak off for romantic encounters.
closet 41 storage/supplies 14 bathroom 12 copy room 10 stairwell 6 conference room 4 lunchroom/cafe 4
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76. Name Something That’s Found In Just About Every Desk Drawer.
pencil 42 pen 31
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77. Name Something People Do In An Employee’s Lounge.
Eat 44
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tags: work office lunch workplace category: fast money
78. Other Than School, Name A Place Where You Find Lockers
Bus Station Theme/Water Park Work Gym
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tags: work gym airport doctor's office category: no points
79. Name Something Most People Bring With Them When They Go To Work
Lunch 52 Briefcase 14 Cell Phone 12 Coffee 8 Purse 7 Money 6
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80. Name an office responsibility that bosses consider to be "beneath them."
Cappuccino Latte Garbage
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81. In The Office, Name Something That People Borrow But Almost Never Return?
pen/pencil 51 money 26 stapler 10 paper 6
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82. Name Something An Office Worker Says They Could Use More Of
paper 28 time 16 money 16 pens/pencils 12 breaks/time off 11 assistance 7 coffee 6
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83. Name something in your office that's covered in germs
Doorknobs Desk Keyboard Water Cooler Telephone
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84. Name a skill a secretary should have
Shorthand Articulation Typing Sociable Skills Stenography Tachygraphy
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85. Name Something You Might Find On Top Of A Tall Office Building
Antenna 23 Satellite Dish 19 Flag 19 Helipad 13 Lightning Rod 8 Roof 8 Bird 5
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86. What is the maximum number of times it’s ok for your partner to call you at work?
Two 34 Three 23 One 19 Four 7 Zero 6 Five 3
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tags: office work relationships communication boundaries category: 6 answers
87. Name something in an office that makes lots of noise.
Phone 40 Copier 26 Fax machine 13 Printer 10 Shredder 5
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tags: office work noise equipment machinery category: 5 answers
88. name something you wouldnt want the co worker next to you to do non stop
Sing People Telephone Smoke Talk
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tags: work funny office adults hilarious category: no points
89. name someone whose office people are afraid to enter
Boss Lawyer Principal
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tags: work funny office hilarious adults category: no points
90. Name exotic house pets
Tiger/Lion 29 Monkey 25 Python/large snake 21 Parrot 18 Fox 5
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91. Name a snack you might keep at your work desk.
popcorn 42 cookies 29 pretzels 17 chocolate bar 8 peanuts 4
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92. Name Something You’d See In An Office’s Kitchen Area.
coffe pot/mugs 42 microwave 28 water cooler 21 refrigerator 7
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93. In Which Profession Would It Be Easiest To Get Away With Wearing Sweat Pants?
gym teacher/coach 51 personal trainer 39 janitor 3 babysitter 3
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94. Name a gift that might be insulting to receive on Xmas
Gym membership/gym equipment 28 Deodorant/soap 22 Toothbrush 21 Self-help book 10 Cookbook 9 Secondhand/Regifted item 8
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95. Name a profession that might use an alias
Spy 35 Criminal 28 Undercover cop 17 Private investigator 16 Journalist 4
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tags: work office privacy occupation employment category: 5 answers
96. Name a sport with rowdy fans
American Football 27 Hockey 26 Soccer 25 Race Car driving 22
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97. Name professions that deserve a raise
Teachers 27 Nurses 24 Farmers 21 Paramedics/EMTs 20
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98. name a way you may show your boss that you are interested in them romantically
Wink Flirt Send Flowers Send A Note Tell Them
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tags: workplace work office romance inappropriate category: no points
99. Name a profession that works long hours.
Doctor 38 Police 17 Firefighter 15 Lawyer 12 Teacher 11 Nurse 7
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100. Name An Office Supply That You’d Be Surprised To See On Your Kid’s List Of School Supplies.
computer 35 stapler 27 copier/fax 18 envelopes 5 paper clips 5
Answers are hidden.
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