The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name A Reason Why Someone Might Not Ride Their Bike To Work
Raining Dangerous Too Far Get Sweaty Lazy
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tags: work weather safety health convenience time category: no points
2. why would a woman refuse a ride in a convertible
Driven By Stranger Rain Messy Hair Windy
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tags: driving weather appearance safety convenience children category: no points
3. Why Might You Fly Home For The Holidays Instead Of Driving
faster 55 distance 14 avoid traffic 13 road conditions 9 gas prices 6
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tags: travel time convenience weather safety comfort category: 5 answers
4. Name a time when you might wear a mask.
send us your answers! 10 halloween 59
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tags: health safety privacy fun kids funny category: 2 answers
5. Name something you should do when there is a heat warning.
stay home 46 drink water 39 use ac 10 go swimming 5
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tags: health safety summer hot weather category: 4 answers
6. Name a Situation When Its Better To Ride A Bike Than Take A Taxi
traffic jam 69 no money 12 want exercise 7 short distance 5 nice weather 4
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tags: transportation exercise convenience environment cost kids category: 5 answers
7. Why Might Someones Phone Number Be Unlisted
privacy 35 famous 17 avoid telemarketers 12 occupation 11 getting prank calls 10 just moved 5 bill collectors 5
Answers are hidden.
8. Name Something That Can Be Inconvenient To Do While Camping.
use bathroom 44 bathe 25 sleep 11 cook 10
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tags: camping travel outdoors cooking privacy weather category: 4 answers
9. Name A Reason Why Someone Might Not Want Their Phone Number listed In The Phone Book.
privacy 38 prank calls 18 stalker 13 telemarketers 13 ex 6 they're famous 5 bill collectors 4
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tags: privacy safety spam personal information category: 7 answers
10. Name a reason why you might not let someone else drive your car
Water It’s New Katherine Motorcycle
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tags: safety insurance privacy age habits skills category: no points
11. Name A Reason Why You Wouldnt Answer Door
Sleeping Not Dressed Salesperson Stranger Busy Sick Shower
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12. Name a reason a parent might not get their teenager a cell phone.
bad grades 34 bill 31 too expensive 16 too young 12 boys 4 irresponsible 3
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tags: technology school privacy safety maturity responsibility category: 6 answers
13. Name a reason you might not answer the door if you were home.
use the bathroom 41 sales person 20 jehovas witness 18 sleeping 14 bill collector 7
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tags: home privacy safety kids adults funny category: 5 answers
14. Name a piece of person info that you’d never list on Facebook
Address Social Security Number Weight Phone Number Age Income
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tags: personal privacy social media safety trivia category: no points
15. Name a reason someone turns off all the lights in their house.
going to bed 45 saving electricity 33 going out 4 hide from visitors 4 on vacation 2 it's day time 2
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tags: sleep privacy safety energy atmosphere bugs category: 6 answers
16. What’s Something You Keep in Your Car, Just in Case?
Money/Coins 1 Food/Water 1 First Aid Kit 3 Spare Tire 2 Map 1 Jumper Cables 2 Spare Clothes/Shoes 2 Gas Can 2 Flare 1
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tags: car preparedness emergency essentials safety convenience category: 9 answers
17. Name something cars have today they didnt’ have 50 years ago
Air Bags Seat Belt CD Player Cruise control Computer
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tags: technology entertainment safety convenience comfort category: no points
18. Name something cars have today that they didn't have 50 years ago
Airbags Seat Belt Cruise Control CD Player
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tags: technology safety convenience entertainment kids category: no points
19. Name something you might find in the glove compartment of your car.
registration 34 insurance card 33 owner's manual 16 map 9 flash light 8
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tags: cars travel preparedness convenience safety family category: 5 answers
20. Name something cars have today that they didn't have when they were first invented.
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tags: technology safety comfort convenience entertainment navigation category: 6 answers
21. Name something you keep in your car.
Money/Coins 1 Food/Water 1 First Aid Kit 3 Spare Tire 2 Map 1 Jumper Cables 2 Spare Clothes/Shoes 2 Gas Can 2 Flare 1
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tags: car travel safety convenience kids funny cars shopping animals food category: 9 answers
22. Name something you might do that could cause you to sweat a lot.
exercise 77 sports 5 work 3 in sun 2 spicy 2 nervousness 2
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tags: exercise hot weather stress anxiety category: 6 answers
23. Name a place people drag themselves to because they think it's good for them
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24. Nmae The Best Drink To Have After Exercising
Water 62
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tags: food exercise health wellness category: fast money
25. Name Something You Associate With Aerobics
Exercise Sweat Leotards Dance Gym
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tags: exercise fitness gym workout health category: no points
26. Name An Extra You Might Pay More For At The Gym
personal trainer 28 massage 18 laundry service 15 food/ drink 14 pool access 9 tanning bed 7 locker room use 3
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tags: fitness gym expenses exercise health category: 7 answers
27. Apart From Exercise Name Something You Associate With Aerobics
Sweat Leotards Gym Instructor Music
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28. Name a place people drag themselves to because they think it's good for them.
to church 42 to the gym 31 movies/theater 7 doctor's/hospital 7 to a spa 4 the dentist's 4
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tags: health fitness exercise gym well-being healthy category: 6 answers
29. name something specific a couple might do together to get in shape
Life Music Diet Mask Ride Bikes Jog/walk Together Join A Gym
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30. What Might You Hear In A Weather Forecast That Would Keep You From Going Outside?
rain 47 blizzard 21 thunder strorm 12 tornado 9 hurricane 4 cold temperature 3
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31. Tell me a form of transportation you wouldn't want to use in a rainstorm.
motorcycle 44 bicycle 23 airplane 20 boat 8 walking 5
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tags: rain transportation weather safety category: 5 answers
32. Name a type of weather advisory you may see in the summer.
Thunder Heat Tornado Hurricane Flood
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33. Name a kind of weather that would cause you not to see as well.
fog 47 snow 18
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34. Name a fitness expert.
richard simmons 47 jillian michaels 29 jack lalanne 11 chuck norris 6 billy blanks 6
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tags: fitness health exercise gym wellness nutrition category: 5 answers
35. Name a place where you see lots of joggers.
park 77 beach 5
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tags: exercise outdoors park health fitness category: 2 answers
36. Name Something You’d Be Surprised To Find That An Exercise Instructor Did
Eat Junk Food 48
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tags: fitness exercise gym workout health funny category: fast money
37. Name something you associate with fitness
Gym Running Muscles Sport
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tags: exercise gym health sports running healthy category: no points
38. Which Part Of The Body Do People Injure Most When Exercising
Back 47
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tags: fitness exercise injury health body category: fast money
39. Name Something Runners Do Right After They Finish A Marathon
drink water 63 rest 12 celebrate 9 walk around 5 eat 3
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tags: running exercise sports fitness health category: 5 answers
40. Name a popular way for people to exercise.
on foot 41 hike 41 speed walk 41 power walk 41 stroll 41 trek 41 walk 41 amble 41 run 30 jog 30 sprint 30 aerobics 11 fitaerobics 11 riding bike 4 cycling 4 biking 4 free weights 2 dumbbells 2 barbells 2 weights 2
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tags: exercise health fitness workout kids category: 20 answers
41. Name Something People Do To Keep Fit
Run / Jog Excercise Walk Aerobics Gym
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tags: exercise fitness health workout gym sports category: no points
42. What Would Be Surprised To Happen Riding Stationary Bike
Fall Off Start Moving Crash Flat Tire
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tags: exercise fitness workout gym health cycling category: no points
43. name a specific part of the body that people try to tone by working out
Stomach Butt Legs Arms Poisonous Substance
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tags: health exercise fitness muscles body category: no points
44. Name A Sport Where You Might Be Barefoot.
Swimming Beach Volleyball
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tags: sports exercise outdoors health kids category: no points
45. Name something people do to keep in shape.
Exercise 50 Jog 32 Diet 12 Walk 6
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tags: exercise sports fitness health activity gym category: 4 answers
46. Name a specific exercise you could do to burn off the Easter calories.
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tags: easter exercise health fitness nutrition category: 9 answers
47. Name An Exercise That Ends With The Word “UP.
Push-Up 50
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tags: exercise gym fitness workout health body category: fast money
48. Name something you might do at a gym.
use the treadmill 54 exercise 25 lift weights 21
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tags: home school fun fitness exercise health category: 3 answers
49. Name something people do while they're jogging on a treadmill
Sweat Listen To Music Watch TV Sing
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tags: fitness exercise sports health workout gym category: no points
50. Name A Class Offered At Gyms Now That Wasnt Offered Years Ago
yoga 44 spinning 28 pilates 18 dance workout 6 tae bo 3
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tags: fitness education exercise gym health workout category: 5 answers
51. Besides a bike, name something you need to compete in a cycling event.
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tags: sports hobbies exercise health cycling category: no points
52. Name A Part Of the Body People Stretch Before Exercising
Legs 68
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tags: fitness exercise body parts health category: fast money
53. Name an exercise that burns a lot of calories
Striding Swimming Sprinting Running Walking Jogging Go Swimming
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tags: fitness health workout exercise calories category: no points
54. Name something a pregnant woman does to make sure her baby is healthy.
take vitamins 27 no smoking 26 visit doctor 17 eat well 11 no drinking 10 exercise 6
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tags: health pregnancy baby food exercise category: 6 answers
55. Name a machine that people use at the gym.
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tags: fitness workout exercise equipment health gym category: 6 answers
56. Name something people take with them to the basement when a tornado is coming.
food 33 water 22 flashlight 21 children 7 radio 7
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tags: basement safety family weather kids category: 5 answers
57. Name A Reason A Lifeguard Might Make Everybody Get Out Of The Ocean.
Shark 59
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tags: weather water safety emergency beach category: fast money
58. Name something that might be on your roof
Snow Chimney Shingles Dogs Birds Antenna
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tags: building weather repairs construction safety category: no points
59. Name something a man would need to go from beached whale to Ironman athlete.
gym 50 determination 17 diet food 5 good-looking... 4 running shoes 3
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tags: fitness health exercise nutrition motivation lifestyle category: 5 answers
60. Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'E'.
Eat 40 Exercise 22 Eggs 17 Energy 12 Eclairs 9
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tags: food health diet exercise dieting wellness category: 5 answers
61. Name something you could do for exercise.
Jogging 41 Walking 30 Biking 9
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tags: exercise recreation fitness health activity sports category: 3 answers
62. name a sport that you can still play when youre out of shape
Tennis Golf Ping Pong Pool Bowling Martial Arts
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tags: sports fitness games health exercise recreation category: no points
63. Name a gift a health nut might enjoy.
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tags: health fitness nutrition exercise workout food category: no points
64. Where do bodybuilders have muscles that ordinary people don't?
Arms Legs Chest Stomach Back Shoulders Neck
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tags: anatomy exercise fitness health muscles strength category: 7 answers
65. Name A Part Of The Body That’s Often Sore After Exercise.
legs 41 arms 31 back 17 stomach 5 butt 4
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tags: body exercise health fitness muscles pain category: 5 answers
66. If you just ran a marathon,what would you need to do after the race was over?
drink water 49 rest 34 shower 9 stretch 4 use bathroom 3
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tags: running exercise marathon health fitness sports category: 5 answers
67. Name something people do while they're jogging on a treadmill.
listen to music 52 watch tv 19 sweat 10 read 7 sing 5 daydream 2 pant 2
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tags: fitness exercise health sports workout athletics category: 7 answers
68. What Part Of Your Body Gets Tired When You Swim?
Arms 56 Legs 40
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tags: kids funny body health water exercise category: fast money
69. Tell Me An Activity That Some People Are Told To Do More Of, And Others Are Told To Do Less.
exercise 44 eat 35 talk 8 work 8 sleep 3
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tags: health exercise relaxation kids family funny category: 5 answers
70. Name something you might see at a gym.
Weights 48 Treadmill 30 People 9 Mirrors 7 Towels 6
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tags: fitness workout exercise sports training health category: 5 answers
71. Name a reason why a parent might not let their kid go trick or treating.
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tags: safety weather allergies kids illness transportation category: no points
72. Name Something People Might Stock Up On Before A Huge Snowstorm
non perishable food 49 water 27 batteries 7 firewood 3
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tags: food entertainment warmth safety kids weather category: 4 answers
73. Name A Form Of Transportation You Wouldn’t Want To Use In A Rain Storm.
motorcycle 35 bicycle 22
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tags: transportation travel weather rain vehicles safety category: 2 answers
74. name a reason why a mail carrier might refuse to deliver to someones house
Haven't Shoveled Scary Dog No Path/road Bad Weather No Costume
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tags: pets children weather road conditions safety category: no points
75. Name A Sign That A Tornado Is Coming.
strong wind 46 dark sky/clouds 23 hail 9 rain 8 siren 6 thunder storm 5
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tags: weather nature kids funny outdoors safety category: 6 answers
76. What Everyday Activity Burns The Most Calories
walking/ running 67 cleaning 15 intercourse 8 laughing 5
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tags: exercise hobbies household chores food health fitness category: 4 answers
77. Name something a dieter might do after reaching their ideal weight
Snack Ingest Eat
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tags: food health weight loss diet exercise lifestyle category: no points
78. Name Something That Happens To Most People But Not To Santa Claus
death 41 get old 33 traffic problems 11 weight loss 5 taxation 3
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79. Name a reason parents might not want their kids playing in the rain.
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80. Name a creature that's known for carrying diseases.
rat 30 mosquito 25 monkey 10 fly 9 dog 6 rabbit 3
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81. What Might A Health Inspector Find In A Restaurant That Causes It To Get A Poor Score?
rodents 41 bugs/roaches 27 dirty dishes 16 mold 5 hair 5
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tags: food restaurant health safety category: 5 answers
82. Name A Reason You May Not Be Able To Get Home For The Holidays
sick 17 work 14 broke 12 far away 4 car problems 3 too much homework 2
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tags: travel work school family weather health category: 6 answers
83. Name a reason you might go home early from work
Sick 37 Emergency 29 Holiday 20 Quit 14
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tags: work office health family transportation weather category: 4 answers
84. Name something you hate about winter.
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tags: weather activities clothing chores health kids category: 3 answers
85. Name A Reason Somebody Would Wear A Hat All The Time
balding 63 bad hair day 19 protect from the sun 9 they're cold 4
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tags: fashion health weather work hobbies funny category: 4 answers
86. why might someone avoid raising their arms
Haven't Shaved Smell Sore Muscles Sweat Stains
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tags: health sports pain comfort weather animals category: no points
87. Tell me why you might avoid swimming in the ocean.
Sharks Jellyfish Aquaphobia Cold
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tags: animals plants weather health water kids category: no points
88. Name a reason a kid might not be able to go outside.
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tags: kids weather school chores health family category: 4 answers
89. How many hours can a person drive before they need a break?
four 26 eight 18 five 15 six 14 ten 12 twelve 11 fifteen 4
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tags: driving safety transportation health travel category: 7 answers
90. name a warning you hear on commercials for new drugs
Talk W/ Your Doctor Camaro Hummer Use Only As Directed Not While Pregnant May Be Side Effects Mercedes
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tags: health medicine safety drugs commercials category: no points
91. Name a reason people don't like living next door to an airport.
noise 93 people 3 airplanes 2 traffic 2
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tags: noise pollution inconvenience safety health category: 4 answers
92. Name a part of the body that we protect during sports
Head 25 Teeth 21 Knees 20 Elbows 16 Eyes 7 Shinbones 5
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93. name a reason you might take a childs halloween candy away
It's Unwrapped Check It Driver's Test Naughty Eating Too Much
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94. Name something you see in a restaurant that tells you its health standards are below par.
roaches/bugs 35 dirty dish/s'ware 16 health rating 14 rats/mice 9 dirty floors 9 hair in food 7 dirty bathroom 3
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tags: food hygiene cleanliness safety health category: 7 answers
95. Name Something You Shouldn't Do In An Aeroplane
Smoke Talk On The Phone Open Door Open Window Jump Out
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tags: travel kids adults funny health safety category: no points
96. Name something people worry about whether they are rich or poor
Well Being Health Sickness Medicine Illness Fitness Regularity
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tags: money health family love relationships safety category: no points
97. Tell me something people worry about.
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tags: work school money relationships health safety category: no points
98. Name Something You Might Worry About While On A Cruise Ship
ship sinkong 48 iceberg 14 overeating 9 drowning 7 motion sickness 6 hurricane 5 fire 3
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tags: travel food health entertainment money safety category: 7 answers
99. Name something parents wouldn’t let their kids go outside without in the winter.
Coat Hat Gloves Sweater Boots
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tags: kids winter clothing safety health family category: no points
100. Tell me something you do not want to see in your food.
Hair Bugs Mice Spit
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tags: food gross disgusting hygiene health safety category: no points
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