Name A reason You Might Be Less Productive Then Usual At Work
tired 40 sick 25 hung over 12 stressed 6 computer trouble 3
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tags: work productivity distractions health family technology category: 5 answers
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
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Answers are hidden.
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Cell Phone 58 Another Person 25 Ipod 8 Pet 5
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16. Name Something You Shouldn’t Do While You’re Driving
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17. Tell me something that can be distracting when driving.
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18. Name something drivers spend time looking at with their eyes when they should be on the road.
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19. Name Something That people Do That Distracts Them While Driving.
Talk On Cell Phone Eat/Drink Adjust Radio Smoke Put on Makeup
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tags: driving distractions vehicles transportation safety dangerous category: no points
20. Name a place where you shouldn't use your cell phone.
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tags: etiquette public places manners distractions inappropriate category: 5 answers
21. Name Something You Shouldn’t Do While Driving.
Drink Talk On Phone Eat
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tags: driving safety accidents distractions transportation vehicles category: no points
22. Name Key On Computer That Has Word On It
Shift Backspace Delete Tab Caps Lock
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tags: office productivity keys computers category: no points
23. Name A Household Chore That You Do Your Best Thinking While Doing
Dishes 34 Ironing 25 Sweeping 15 Vacuuming 9 Dusting 5 Laundry 5
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Answers are hidden.
25. Give me an excuse that people use to get out of jury duty.
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26. Name something that keeps a person from getting a college degree.
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27. Name a reason why a student might walk away from a scholarship.
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28. Name A Reason You May Not Be Able To Get Home For The Holidays
sick 17 work 14 broke 12 far away 4 car problems 3 too much homework 2
Answers are hidden.
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29. Name Something That May Keep You Awake At Night
Noises Dogs Coffee Snoring Babies
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30. Name something your parents ask you about every time they see you.
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tags: family parents children school work health category: 5 answers
31. Name a reason you might stand up a date.
illness 37 don't like 29 family emergency 10 changed mind 8 accidents 6 on another date 5
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tags: work family emergency transportation health pets category: 6 answers
32. Name something you stay up all night worrying about.
Family Money School Health Job
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tags: school work health family finances future category: 5 answers
33. Name something a woman might want to keep hidden if she lies about her age
Id Birth Certificate Permit License Gray Hair Certificate
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tags: relationships family friends work health appearance category: no points
34. Name someone you might discuss a serious problem with.
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tags: relationships health school work family friends category: no points
35. Name a reason you might go home early from work
Sick 37 Emergency 29 Holiday 20 Quit 14
Answers are hidden.
tags: work office health family transportation weather category: 4 answers
36. What would be the worst thing that you could be turned down for?
loan 27 job/promotion 24 date/prom 15 credit card 12 house/mortgage 12 "nookie" 5
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37. Name Something You Do When Your Computer Freezes Up.
re boot 49 walk away 29 yell 11 curse 6
Answers are hidden.
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38. Name A Phone Company That Offers Low Long Distance Rates
at&t 54 sprint 26 mci 13 vonage 7
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39. name something that often happens when you call a customer service number
Automated Voice Answering Machine Bourbon Street On Hold/music
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tags: work technology frustration waiting music category: no points
40. Name Something A Person Who Dislikes Technology Might Not Have
computer 49 cell phone 24 tv 12 microwave 6
Answers are hidden.
41. Name something a computer has that a typewriter does not.
monitor 38 mouse 19 hard drive 10 memory 7 printer 6 modem 4
Answers are hidden.
42. other than a letter name a keyboard key that you use often
Backspace Unicorn Shift Space Enter Fake Nose Period
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tags: school work computer technology kids category: no points
43. Name an instance when a teenager would be reminded to use their head.
school/test 46 driving 18 at a party 12 on a date 11 in a fight 8
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44. Name a piece of equipment you'd find in any office
Calculator Pencil Sharpener Typewriter Telephone Copier
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tags: work office technology furniture equipment category: no points
45. Name something in an office that drives people crazy when it is not working.
copier 32 printer 5 fax machine 4
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tags: work office frustration technology computers category: 3 answers
46. Name A Form Of Technology That Some People Refuse to Use
computer 33 cell phone 27 tv 17 microwave 9 car 7 gps 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology lifestyle habits preferences work category: 6 answers
47. Name something you have to give up to live the simple life.
money 36 fancy car 13 partying 6
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tags: living relationships work technology comfort possessions category: 3 answers
48. Name something a man might have expensive taste in.
cologne 20 car 54 clothes/shoes 22 jewelry/watch 12 wine/alcohol 7 cigars 18
Answers are hidden.
tags: work cars clothes watches technology hobbies category: 6 answers
49. Name The Electronic Device That You Use Most In A Day
cell phone 55 computer 24 tv 11 microwave 3
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tags: technology daily life work home communication category: 4 answers
50. Name something people replace even if the old one is still working
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tags: home work school technology kids funny category: no points
51. Name something that has a keyboard.
computer 55 piano 32 phone 8 typewriter 5
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52. Name A Button You’d Find On A Video Camera
record 31 play 22 power 12 pause 11 rewind 10 eject 7 stop 6
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tags: technology school work photography hobbies kids category: 7 answers
53. Name something you might have to wait a long time for your computer to do
Reboot Download Shut Down Up Start Up Boot Up
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tags: computers technology school work funny hilarious category: no points
54. Tell me a sign that you are becoming middle-aged
White Hair Folds Gray Hair Silver Hair Wrinkles Lines
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tags: body food technology kids work plants category: no points
55. Everyone wants the newest model when it comes to... what?
Phone Car Computer
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tags: school work hospital food technology clothing category: 3 answers
56. Name A Skill Thats More Important For Teens To Learn Today Than Previously
computer skills 63 driving 30 second language 3
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tags: school work technology communication problem-solving category: 3 answers
57. Name something you get rid of when it doesn't work properly
Television Can Opener Coffee Pot Toaster Pen
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tags: work school appliances vehicles technology furniture category: no points
58. Tell me a word that starts with 'auto'.
Automobile 40 Automatic 25 Automotive 17 Autograph 10 Autobiography 8
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tags: school cars work technology transport vehicles category: 5 answers
59. Name Something You Are Smarter About Now Than When You Were A Teenager
Money Life Relationships Driving Drinking
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tags: life school work parenting relationships technology category: no points
60. Name A Skill That A Person’s Resume Might Claim Than Are
Typing Working Hard Communication Computer Program Sales Customer Service Foreign Language
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tags: work school home technology hobbies funny category: no points
61. Name a company that makes batteries.
energizer 52 duracell 23 rayovac 7 die hard 4 hard 4 ac delco 3 delco 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: work technology kids funny plants food category: 7 answers
62. Name something that can blow a fuse.
lights 21 air conditioner 12 hair dryer 10 person 9 fuse box 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: home work school relationships technology funny category: 5 answers
63. Name something people sometimes bang on when it’s not working.
tv/remote 33 computer 20 car 15 vending machine 12 radio 12
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tags: work computer technology funny frustration adults category: 5 answers
64. Name a specific place where you'd hate to be when there's a major power failure
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tags: home travel technology animals work hospital category: no points
65. Name A Piece Of Technology That People Hate, But Need.
computer/internet 59 cell phone 36
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tags: technology work hilarious funny adults school category: 2 answers
66. Name an electronic device people use today that they did not use twenty years ago.
computer 41 microwave 19 cd player 9 mobile phone 8 dvd player 7
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tags: technology home kids school work funny category: 5 answers
67. Name A Complaint People Have About Their Computers.
slow 58 freeze 14
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tags: computer technology frustration work school kids category: 2 answers
68. What Could Your Computer Run Without But It Would Be A Bummer Not To Have
internet 31 mouse 30 printer 16 speakers 12 keyboard 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: computers technology school work entertainment kids category: 5 answers
69. Name an outdated form of communication.
letters 27 pager 24 telegram 14 telegraph 11 mail 10 payphone 8 morse code 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: communication technology history work school funny category: 7 answers
70. Name The Best Thing That Is Now Available Digital, But Hasn’t Always Been
tv 35 clock 20 canara 19 mp3/music 14 phone 10
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tags: technology entertainment convenience school work shopping category: 5 answers
71. Besides numbers,name a button on a calculator
Plus 25 Equal 19 Multiply 14 Divide 12 On/Off 8 Percent 8 Minus 6
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tags: school work technology math kids funny category: 7 answers
72. Name an item you might save up to buy
House 31 Car 25 Wedding Ring 19 Vacation 9 Computer 8 Phone 7
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tags: work office possessions school technology kids funny category: 6 answers
73. can you tell immediately that an email is spam?
Unknown sender 2 No subject 2 Goes to junk 3 Virus alert 2
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tags: funny fun hilarious spam technology security communication work category: 4 answers
74. At what age does the average kid get their first cellphone?
Twelve Thirteen Ten Fourteen Fifteen Eleven
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tags: kids family parenting technology children category: no points
75. If you had a robot to do just one job around the house which chore would it be?
dishes 35 laundry 24 sweep/vacuum 15 clean bathroom 10 cook 9
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tags: chores household family technology funny category: 5 answers
76. Name something that most children can operate better than their parents.
computer 57 video games 22 bike 8 dvd player 6 cellular phone 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids funny family parents children technology category: 5 answers
77. Name something dad refuses to use when lost on a road trip.
map 68 someone's help 23 gps 6
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tags: family funny road trip directions technology category: 3 answers
78. Name something dads do today that they didn’t do 50 years ago.
cook 46 clean 26 stay home with kids 14
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tags: parenting family relationships technology kids funny category: 3 answers
79. Name Something The Cartoon Characters The Jetsons Had That You Wish You Had.
Flying Cars 44
Answers are hidden.
tags: cartoons technology wishes nostalgia family-friendly category: fast money
80. Name something people do on Facebook.
upload content 36 chat 31 play games 14 stalk 11 find people 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: social media technology communication friends family funny category: 5 answers
81. Name Something Teens Should Have To Promise Never To Do Before Getting A Cell Phone.
talk while driving 39 prank call 25 go over minutes 23 send dirty texts 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: school friends safety technology family social media category: 4 answers
82. How Many Sick Days Does The Average Person Have A Year
5 4 7 10 3
Answers are hidden.
83. name an occupation in which youd be at greater risk of having a hernia
Wedding Mover Weight Lifter Construction Nurse
Answers are hidden.
84. Name an Excuse a Friend Gives For Not Helping You Move
Work/Too Busy 2 Bad Back 2 Sick/Tired 1 Going Out of Town 4
Answers are hidden.
85. What Might A Professional Athlete Do Just After A Sports Game To Avoid Getting Sore Muscles
stretch 48 get a massage 19 soak in hot tub 8 apply ice 7
Answers are hidden.
86. Name An Occupation That Involves Touching People
Doctor Massage / Beauty Nurse Dentist Hairdresser
Answers are hidden.
87. We surveyed 100 men...Name something men worry about more than women
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships health finances appearance work category: no points
88. Name a part of their body where men start to grow hair about the same time they start losing it on their heads.
ears 43 back 14 chest 12 nose 11
Answers are hidden.
tags: adults health funny work hilarious category: 4 answers
89. Name Something Womens Magazines Give Advice On
intimacy 46 romantic relationships 24 makeup 6 hair 5 keeping fit 5 fashion 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships work health beauty fashion category: 6 answers
90. Name a carpenter's tool that you hope a surgeon never uses
Answers are hidden.
91. Name something a doctor might use.
stethoscope 54 needle 12 scalpel 11 thermometer 8 tongue depressor 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: hospital work medicine health funny category: 5 answers
92. Name something you've lost weight for and as soon as it was over you pigged out.
wedding 53 school reunion 10 date 9 relationship 6 swimsuit season 4
Answers are hidden.
93. Name Something People Need Good Posture To Do.
model 35 dance 28 walk confidently 13 type 13 play piano 5 yoga 4
Answers are hidden.
94. Name something you would see in a hospital
Medicos Mds Patients Physicians Gps Doctors Menders
Answers are hidden.
95. Name something that might make a person decide to retire.
job situation 31 getting older 29 health reasons 17 having enough 13 want to travel 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: retirement work age health money kids category: 5 answers
96. Name A Job Where You Could Claim Disability If You Lost Your Voice.
telemarketer 26 singer 20 customer service 17 news reporter 13 radio broadcaster 11 oporator 6
Answers are hidden.
97. Name an occupation whose members should be very clean.
doctor 40 nurse 25 cook 25 house keeper 4 police officer 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: work hygiene cleanliness health kids category: 5 answers
98. Name a christmas gift a doctor might appreciate.
Answers are hidden.
tags: work hospital health equipment funny category: no points
99. Name something specific you might have insured.
car 49 house 31 jewelry 9 life 3 art 3 cell phone 2 computer 2
Answers are hidden.
100. Name a sport you could still practice with a bad knee.
Answers are hidden.
tags: sports health family adults fun family-friendly category: no points
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