The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name a city that is known for bad traffic.
new york city 43 boston 21 los angeles 16 chicago 9 atlanta 6 seattle 5
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tags: cities traffic travel transportation commuting driving category: 6 answers
2. Name A Reason Why Someone Might Miss Their Exit While Driving On A Freeway.
not paying attention 33 busy talking 26 cell phone 16 speeding 8 radio is on 6 in the wrong lane 5 weather 4
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tags: driving distraction traffic navigation tired late category: 7 answers
3. Name something you would do while stuck in traffic.
listen to music 33 sing 17 talk on the phone 11 honk 10 complain 8 read 7 yell 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: commuting transportation driving road trip travel category: 7 answers
4. Which city do you think has the rudest drivers?
new york 56 los angeles 18 chicago 4 atlanta 4 detroit 3 boston 2
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tags: driving cities transportation traffic category: 6 answers
5. Name a North American city you would not like to drive in.
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tags: traffic driving cars transportation category: 4 answers
6. What Would You Hate To Have Happen When Driving Home In A Brand New Car
accident 45 break down 25 flat tire 18 rain 6 run out of gas 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: driving commute car accidents traffic transportation category: 5 answers
7. Name something for which you've gotten a traffic ticket.
speeding 50 illegal parking 18 running red lights 15 running stop signs 7 illegal turn 4
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tags: traffic transportation driving laws tickets category: 5 answers
8. Name A Reason You Wouldn’t Want To Drive Behind A Bus
you're in a hurry 35 frequent stops 19
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tags: transportation traffic vehicles driving safety category: 2 answers
9. Name Something Specific That Causes You Honk Car Horn
Traffic Jam Cut Off About To Crash Slow Driver Animal
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tags: traffic driving animals children funny transportation category: no points
10. What do you do when another driver cuts you off in traffic?
curse/yell 39 ignore them 25 flip off/gesture 19 honk horn 15
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tags: driving traffic road rage transportation commute category: 4 answers
11. What are the annoying things other drivers do?
Overtake from the wrong side Blow the horn continuously Talk on the cell phone Not use turn signals Drive too fast
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tags: adults driving traffic vehicles transportation road rage category: no points
12. Name a common excuse for being late at work
Traffic+jam 39 Overslept 31 Car+accident 26 Delay+in+public+transport 22 Hangover 14 Hates+the+job 3
Answers are hidden.
13. What is the biggest complaint that people have about public transportation
Delayed Late Always Late Overdue Too Slow Tardy Due
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tags: transportation public transportation commuting complaints inconvenience category: no points
14. Name Something People Do In Their Car That You’d Be Surprised To See A Race Car Driver Do During A Competition.
on phone 56 reindeer ? 23
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tags: funny cars driving commuting entertainment food category: 2 answers
15. Name A Reason Why A Person Would Say They Had A Horrible Cab Driver
got lost 27 too fast 25 accident 21 too slow 9 expensive 7 smelly 5
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tags: travel transportation rude late vehicle category: 6 answers
16. Name A Way People Get Around In New York City.
Taxi 57 Subway 33
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tags: transportation travel commuting city life category: fast money
17. Besides trains, name something you would see at a train station
People Railroad Tracks Passengers Tracks Travellers Folks Riders
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tags: travel commuting transportation kids funny category: no points
18. Name Something That Annoys You When You Take The Bus
People Talking No Seats Loud Music Tramps Sitting Too Close
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tags: commuting public transportation travel annoyance humor category: no points
19. Name The First Thing You Do When You Get In Your Car
Put Seat Belt On Start Engine Close The Door Keys In Ignition Lock The Door
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tags: commuting errands chores kids funny transportation category: no points
20. Name A vehicle Where Passengers Can Also Stand While Riding
Bus 53 Subway 17
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tags: transportation commuting travel kids adults funny category: fast money
21. Name a way a student might get to school
Bus Trek Amble On Foot Stroll Power Walk Speed Walk
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tags: school transportation education commuting kids funny category: no points
22. Name Something You Change On Or In Your Car
Oil 45 Tires 25 Radio Station 11 Brake Pads 6 Windshield Wipers 4
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tags: cars transportation travel commuting maintenance kids category: 5 answers
23. How do people commute to work?
Car Bus Bike Walk Bicycle
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tags: fast money transportation work commuting lifestyle adults human category: fast money
24. How many Mph do you usually drive over the speed limit?
Five 49 Ten 41 Fifteen 5 Twenty 5
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25. Name Something A Police Officer Might Ask For After Pulling Someone Over.
License 40
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tags: police traffic driving law safety category: fast money
26. Why Might A Cop Who Pulls Someone Over Not Give A Ticket
Warning Nice Flirts Driver Cute Driver Cries Friend Light Out
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27. Name a city in North America that you would hate to drive in.
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28. Name something you do while driving, even though you know it's wrong.
talk on phone 46 eat/drink 16 speed 8 not use seatbelt 7 smoke cigarette 4 don't use signals 4
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29. What Might Somebody Do While Driving That Would Make You Think They’re Probably Arrogant?
Speed 37 Cut You Off 37 Honk 10 Talk On Phone 7 Tailgate 3 Apply Make Up 3
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tags: driving traffic behavior funny adults category: 6 answers
30. Name Something A Pizza Delivery Person Hates
Not Getting A Tip Dogs Driving Around Bad Neighbourhoods Bad Directions Hoax Calls
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tags: work food customers driving traffic category: no points
31. While Driving, Name Something You Have To Keep An Eye On
road 33 other cars 27 speed limit 16 traffic signs 7 gas guage 6 pedestrians 4
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tags: driving hazards traffic safety kids category: 6 answers
32. Name something you can get a traffic ticket for.
speeding 48 running a red light 25 no seat belt 12 on the phone 5
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tags: traffic driving rules police tickets category: 4 answers
33. Name Something People Might Have To Do At Traffic School.
learn how to drive 28 take driving test 20 learn rules of road 17 watch videos 11 read a book 10 take notes 7
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tags: school traffic driving education funny category: 6 answers
34. Name something you might do while stuck in traffic.
listen to radio 43 sing 20 talk on the phone 17 text 11 read 9
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tags: traffic commute bored driving travel category: 5 answers
35. Which Color Of Car Do You Think Gets Pulled Over Most Often
red 49 black 28 white 11 silver 6 blue 3 green 3
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36. Name Something A Driver Might Do When He Sees A Police Car.
slow down 67 pull over 10 put seat belt on 9 run the other way 7 panic 5
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tags: driving police funny traffic law enforcement category: 5 answers
37. Name Something You Might Have To Do If You Got A Speeding Ticket
pay money 42 go to court 35
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tags: driving police traffic court speed category: 2 answers
38. Name a moving violation you might get ticketed for
Boogers Speeding Hostile Running A Red Light Running A Stop Sign Broken Tail Light
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tags: traffic driving police accidents tickets category: no points
39. Name Something Drivers Often Do If They Spot A Police Car Up Ahead
slow down 71 move over 12 put seatbelt on 4
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tags: traffic driving police safety funny kids category: 3 answers
40. Name a moving violation you might be ticketed for.
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tags: vehicles laws safety driving cars traffic category: no points
41. Name Something People Really Shouldn't Do When Driving
Drink Talk On Phone Sleep Put On Make Up Pick Nose Shave
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tags: driving safety rules road vehicles traffic category: no points
42. After A Cop Pulls You Over, What Might You Try To Do To Avoid Getting A Ticket
cry 28 flirt 26 lie 18 smile 8 be nice 8 beg 6 apologize 3
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tags: legal traffic driving law enforcement tickets excuses category: 7 answers
43. what do drivers do when they see a police car behind them
Panic Text Message Slow Down Arrive Late Pull Over Look In Mirror Chew Gum
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tags: driving police traffic cars speeding laws category: no points
44. Other Than Speeding Name A Reason A Cop Might Pull You Over
light out 35 swerving 34 failure to stop 23 no seatbelt 6
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tags: traffic safety legal driving kids funny category: 4 answers
45. why might a cop who pulls someone over not give them a ticket
Dirver Is Cute Driver Cries Just A Warning Light Out Driver Flirts Cop Is Nice Cop Is A Friend
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tags: traffic laws police driving speeding safety category: no points
46. what might a driver fail to do that could cause an accident
Signal Stop Beg For A Date Pay Attention Say Wrong Name Yield
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tags: driving accidents road safety traffic vehicles category: no points
47. Name something an obnoxious driver does.
cuts you off 27 obscene gesture 26 honks the horn 15 yells/hollers 7 weaves in and out 7 tail gates 6 speeds 5
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tags: driving traffic safety vehicles road rage category: 7 answers
48. Name something you'd be surprised a traffic cop gave you instead of a ticket.
Warning Phone Number Money Compliment Kiss Smile Donut
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tags: traffic funny hilarious police driving questions category: 7 answers
49. whats the first thing you do when a cop pulls you over
Get License Roll Down Window Swear Panic
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tags: driving traffic safety police questions funny category: no points
50. What Is The First Thing You Would Do After A Fender Bender?
Call Police Cry Drive Away Call Insurance Get Out Of Car Pull Over Curse
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tags: road safety accidents driving traffic cars insurance category: no points
51. Name A Reason Why Another Driver May Flash Their Headlights At You
police ahead 38 driving too slow 23 lights off/on 20 brights on 9 deer/animal in the road 7
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tags: driving traffic road rage communication cars vehicles category: 5 answers
52. Name An Excuse People Give For Being Late
Traffic Overslept Car Trouble Someone Died Got Lost
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tags: excuses reasons school traffic weather category: no points
53. Name a part of the local news broadcast that people specifically watch for.
weather 87 sports 8 headline news 2 traffic 2
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tags: news tv weather sports traffic local category: 4 answers
54. What Might You Encounter On The Freeway That Would Make You Pull Off For A While
accident 37 traffic jam 17 animal 16 flat tire 12 rain/snow 11 police activity 5
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tags: traffic accident construction animals weather food category: 6 answers
55. Name a gripe people have about New York
Detours Residents Traffic Bumper-to-bumper Commute Gridlock
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tags: city life traffic weather noise crime category: no points
56. Name something you have no control over.
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tags: weather traffic taxes kids plants adults category: no points
57. What's something that could ruin a wedding if it got there late
Groom Bride Priest
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tags: food animals traffic work plants weather category: no points
58. Besides Music Name Something You Might Hear On A Morning Radio Show
news 53 talking 16 weather 13 jokes 5 commercials 4 traffic 4 sports 3
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tags: traffic weather news kids plants funny category: 7 answers
59. Tell me something you hope won't happen when you're driving.
car accident 81 fall asleep 6 heart attack/ill 6 hit pedestrian 2
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tags: traffic animals objects people weather kids category: 4 answers
60. Name A Reason Why Big City Bad Place For A Marathon
Traffic Smog Too Many People Crime
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tags: traffic pollution crowds crime construction weather category: no points
61. Name A Reason You Might Be Driving More Cautiously Than Normal
rain 35 children on board 24 snow 15 accident ahead 13 driver's test 9
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tags: traffic weather animals kids road conditions errands category: 5 answers
62. Name A Reason Why You Might Be Driving Slower Than Usual.
traffic 35 accident ahead 17
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tags: road conditions weather traffic animals kids adults category: 2 answers
63. Name Something You Dread Doing After A Snowfall
shoveling 42 driving 37 leaving the house 9 walking 6
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tags: chores transportation accidents traffic walking category: 4 answers
64. Name a kind of weather that would cause you not to see as well.
fog 47 snow 18
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65. Name a reason why people might suddenly close their car window
Precipitation Loudness Cold Rain Noise
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tags: driving passengers animals weather kids category: no points
66. why would a woman refuse a ride in a convertible
Driven By Stranger Rain Messy Hair Windy
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tags: driving weather appearance safety convenience children category: no points
67. Name A Weather Condition You Hate To Drive In
snow 46 rain 26 icy roads 9 sleet/ hail 8 fog 5
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tags: weather driving travel work school teenagers category: 5 answers
68. Tell Me How Fast Most People Drive On The Freeway. (Numeric Only)
70 33 75 31 65 14 80 12 60 7
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tags: cars driving transportation category: 5 answers
69. Who Would You Call First If Your Car Broke Down On The Side Of The Road?
partner 30 aaa 26 tow truck 24 911 11 best friend 5 parent 3
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tags: driving emergency transportation category: 6 answers
70. Name Something You Would Have To Be Without When Cops Pull Over
License Registration Insurance Cell Phone Seat Belt
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tags: driving car police transportation funny category: no points
71. When people drive with one hand on the steering wheel, name something they do with their other hand.
cell phone 28 radio 16
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tags: driving transportation fun kids hilarious category: 2 answers
72. Name Something On Everyone’s Driver’s License.
Birth Date 34 Name 25 Address 18 License Number 13 Description 10
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tags: safety transportation driving identification category: 5 answers
73. What might a teenager do to cause their parents to forbid them from using the family car?
crash it 51 drink 17 bad grades 11 speed 10 stay out 6 get ticket 5
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tags: teens driving transportation parenting category: 6 answers
74. Name Something You Do Driving But Never On A Driver’s Test
Speed Eat Run Red Light Not Buckling Up Sing Cuss Answer Cell Phone
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tags: driving car transportation multitasking food drinks category: no points
75. If Your License Has Expired, How Do You Get To The DMV To Renew It?
bus 25 drive anyway 23 walk 19 ask a friend 16 take a cab 11 bike 4
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tags: driving legal transportation vehicles funny category: 6 answers
76. Name An Occupation Whose Workers You Hold To A Higher Driving Standards That Anyone Else.
truck driver 30 bus driver 26 police officers 20 taxi driver 9 ambulance driver 7 chaffeur 5
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tags: driving safety occupations vehicles transportation category: 6 answers
77. If There Was No Speed Limit, How Fast Would You Drive On The Way To Work each Morning (Round To Ten)?
100mph 30 80 mph 29 70 mph 19 90 mph 11 60 mph 8
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tags: transportation work commute speed driving category: 5 answers
78. Name something on your car that might break, but wouldn't stop you from driving it.
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tags: cars transportation repairs driving broken category: 6 answers
79. Name something on a car that might break but wouldn't keep you from driving it.
lights 24 window wipers 22 radio/cd player 10 mirror 8
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tags: cars mechanics transportation driving funny category: 4 answers
80. Tell Me The First Thing You Do When You Get In Your Car.
put seat belt on 54 start car 17 close car door 8 keys in ignition 5 lock doors 4 fix mirrors 3 sit down 2
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tags: driving habits cars transportation commute category: 7 answers
81. Name something you might do if you accidentally drive through a ghost.
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tags: funny hilarious transportation driving accidents category: no points
82. How many hours can a person drive before they need a break?
four 26 eight 18 five 15 six 14 ten 12 twelve 11 fifteen 4
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tags: driving safety transportation health travel category: 7 answers
83. If Your Car Had A Brain, What Might It Advise You Not To Do.
Speed 44 Crash 34
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tags: transportation vehicles safety driving technology category: fast money
84. Name Something In Cars Now That You Cant Believe People Once Went Without
stereo 41 gps 28 air conditioning 17 seat belts 8 air bags 3
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tags: cars technology transportation convenience driving category: 5 answers
85. name something people do in their cars that you wouldnt want to be caught doing on a bus
Singing Smoking Smooching Someone Sleeping
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tags: transportation driving funny kids food category: no points
86. name something an adult can do in a car that a kid cant
Unique Clothes Drive Romance A Date Sit In Front
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tags: adults kids transportation driving cars category: no points
87. Whose car would A Thief Be Unlikely To Steal
police officer 50 president's 23 his parent's 9 cab driver's 5
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tags: cars automobiles driving vehicles transportation safety category: 4 answers
88. Name one of the disadvantages of driving an SUV.
gas guzzler 44 overturn easily 19 hard to park 18 too big 13 blind spots 2
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tags: cars transportation vehicles driving outdoors kids category: 5 answers
89. what makes a taxi driver say he has ahd a lucky day
Lots Of Customers No Traffic Big Tips Emailing
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tags: work driving lucky humor transportation funny category: no points
90. Name something cars have today that they didn't have 50 years ago.
airbags 24 seat belt 22 cd player 13 computer 6 cruise control 6 air conditioner 6
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tags: technology cars transportation innovation driving automobiles category: 6 answers
91. Name Something You Shouldn’t Do While Driving.
Drink Talk On Phone Eat
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tags: driving safety accidents distractions transportation vehicles category: no points
92. Name a job that involves a lot of driving.
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tags: work driving transportation travel errands commute category: no points
93. Name a popular color for a car.
Black 34 Red 27 White 20 Blue 12 Silver 7
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tags: cars colors vehicles transportation auto driving category: 5 answers
94. Name something it should be against the law for people to do in cars.
talk on phone 53 drink/eat 14 make out/sex 13 put on makeup 8 read 4 blast music 3 give finger 2
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tags: driving transportation safety rules vehicles laws category: 7 answers
95. Name Something You Do While Driving That You Don't Do On A Test
Speed Eat Run A Red Light No Seatbelt Sing
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tags: driving test habits transportation funny kids category: no points
96. Tell Me Something That’s Hard To Do While Driving In The Snow.
stop 29 turn 28
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tags: winter driving snow transportation roads vehicles category: 2 answers
97. Name a reason someone might make fun of a car.
Old Color Rusty Size Dents
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tags: cars transportation appearance driving funny kids category: no points
98. Name Something That people Do That Distracts Them While Driving.
Talk On Cell Phone Eat/Drink Adjust Radio Smoke Put on Makeup
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tags: driving distractions vehicles transportation safety dangerous category: no points
99. Name Something You Shouldn’t Have For Lunch Right Before A Driving Test
alcohol 41 beans 33 onions 12 garlic 11 leaving things 3
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tags: food funny driving safety vehicles transportation category: 5 answers
100. Name A SlowMoving Vehicle That You Hate To Get Stuck Behind
bus 34 semi truck 26 tractor 23 garbage truck 6 dump truck 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: transportation commute frustration driving road rage category: 5 answers
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