All "Financial" Related Family Feud Questions
1. Give me an excuse that people use to get out of jury duty.
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category: no points
2. What do you call someone who is too careful with money?
send us your answers! 10 cheap 35
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category: 2 answers
3. Who In Your Personal Life Would You Least Expect To Swindle You?
mom 59 significant other 20 dad 7 best friend 5 sister 5 grandma 3
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category: 6 answers
4. Name an excuse people give to get out of jury duty.
medical reason 54 have to work 22 being prejudiced 7 care for children 6 religious reason 3 didn't get notice 2 death 2 can't read 2
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category: 8 answers
5. Name a bill you'll be paying every month for the rest of your life
Rent Phone Insurance Electricity
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category: no points
6. Name an expense that's likely to skyrocket with a teen in the house
Clothing Car Insurance Sing Food
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category: no points
7. name something you check online that you wouldnt want your ex to have your password for
E Mail Umbrella Social Networking Site Water Bottle Dating Site
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category: no points
8. Name something new you just can't afford to buy right now
Car Furniture House Boat Ipad Big TV
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category: no points
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