The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name A Button You’d Find On A Video Camera
record 31 play 22 power 12 pause 11 rewind 10 eject 7 stop 6
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tags: technology school work photography hobbies kids category: 7 answers
2. Name Something That Breaks Easily Without Its Case
glasses 40 cd 29 musical instrument 22 camera 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: home kitchen technology hobbies travel diy category: 4 answers
3. Name something people replace even if the old one is still working
Answers are hidden.
tags: home work school technology kids funny category: no points
4. Name something that can blow a fuse.
lights 21 air conditioner 12 hair dryer 10 person 9 fuse box 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: home work school relationships technology funny category: 5 answers
5. Name an electronic device people use today that they did not use twenty years ago.
computer 41 microwave 19 cd player 9 mobile phone 8 dvd player 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology home kids school work funny category: 5 answers
6. Name Something A Person Who Dislikes Technology Might Not Have
computer 49 cell phone 24 tv 12 microwave 6
Answers are hidden.
7. Name something a man might have expensive taste in.
cologne 20 car 54 clothes/shoes 22 jewelry/watch 12 wine/alcohol 7 cigars 18
Answers are hidden.
tags: work cars clothes watches technology hobbies category: 6 answers
8. name a profession where youd often say good job to someone
Teacher Photographer Sales Host News Reporter Police Coach
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tags: work school sports home pets hobbies category: no points
9. Name Something You Can Buy In A Cordless Version
telephone 74 shaver 10 drill 8 screwdriver 3
Answers are hidden.
10. Name something you have that you wish worked better.
Car 1 Computer 1 TV/Remote 1 My Body 2 Washer 1 Cell Phone/Phone 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny fun hilarious household technology home school pets kids category: 6 answers
11. Name The Electronic Device That You Use Most In A Day
cell phone 55 computer 24 tv 11 microwave 3
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tags: technology daily life work home communication category: 4 answers
12. Name a specific place where you'd hate to be when there's a major power failure
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tags: home travel technology animals work hospital category: no points
13. What Kinds Of Tasks Do We Now Handle Online That We Didnt Use To Years Ago
banking 34 paying bills 28 shopping 10 emailing 7 doing taxes 6 education 4 working 4
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tags: technology internet convenience school home lifestyle category: 7 answers
14. Tell me something you might rent for an hour.
movie/video 25 carpet cleaner 18 car/truck 13 tools 6 hotel room 5 boat 5
Answers are hidden.
15. Name something you might find in a toolbox.
Hammer Screwdriver Wrench Pliers Nails
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tags: tools home repairs work hobbies hardware category: no points
16. Name an occupation where people always ask you for free advice
Psychiatrist Doctor Medico Shrink Therapist Surgeon Physician
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tags: work money home health relationships hobbies category: no points
17. Name something you might shave.
Arms Legs Chest Back Face
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tags: body home pets travel school hobbies category: no points
18. Name Something You Do When Your Computer Freezes Up.
re boot 49 walk away 29 yell 11 curse 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school technology funny category: 4 answers
19. Name something a computer has that a typewriter does not.
monitor 38 mouse 19 hard drive 10 memory 7 printer 6 modem 4
Answers are hidden.
20. Name an outdated form of communication.
letters 27 pager 24 telegram 14 telegraph 11 mail 10 payphone 8 morse code 6
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tags: communication technology history work school funny category: 7 answers
21. Name something you might have to wait a long time for your computer to do
Reboot Download Shut Down Up Start Up Boot Up
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tags: computers technology school work funny hilarious category: no points
22. Name A Piece Of Technology That People Hate, But Need.
computer/internet 59 cell phone 36
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tags: technology work hilarious funny adults school category: 2 answers
23. Besides numbers,name a button on a calculator
Plus 25 Equal 19 Multiply 14 Divide 12 On/Off 8 Percent 8 Minus 6
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tags: school work technology math kids funny category: 7 answers
24. Name an item you might save up to buy
House 31 Car 25 Wedding Ring 19 Vacation 9 Computer 8 Phone 7
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tags: work office possessions school technology kids funny category: 6 answers
25. Name a kind of league people join.
bowling 56 baseball 28 football 5 women voters 3 extraordinary 2 soccer 2
Answers are hidden.
26. Name a favorite sport
1. Football 8 2. Soccer 8 3. Baseball 6 4. Basketball 4
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tags: kids sports hobbies school work funny category: 4 answers
27. If you were called to take part in an amateur contest, name something you might do.
sing/rap 60 dance 18 tell jokes 9 play instrument 5 juggle 4 read/poetry 2
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tags: hobbies skills work school kids funny category: 6 answers
28. Name A Reason You’d Go By A Nickname Instead Of Your Full Name
shorter 44 dislike full name 31 friends/family insist 12 rare name/hard to say 7 nickname sounds cool 5
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tags: work school relationships hobbies kids funny category: 5 answers
29. Name A Phone Company That Offers Low Long Distance Rates
at&t 54 sprint 26 mci 13 vonage 7
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tags: technology school work kids category: 4 answers
30. other than a letter name a keyboard key that you use often
Backspace Unicorn Shift Space Enter Fake Nose Period
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tags: school work computer technology kids category: no points
31. Name an instance when a teenager would be reminded to use their head.
school/test 46 driving 18 at a party 12 on a date 11 in a fight 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work animals technology kids category: 5 answers
32. Name Something That Plugs Into Your Computer.
printer 41 mouse 21 keyboard 14 phone 9 router 9 monitor 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: electronics technology computers productivity work school category: 6 answers
33. Name The Best Thing That Is Now Available Digital, But Hasn’t Always Been
tv 35 clock 20 canara 19 mp3/music 14 phone 10
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tags: technology entertainment convenience school work shopping category: 5 answers
34. Name something you get rid of when it doesn't work properly
Television Can Opener Coffee Pot Toaster Pen
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tags: work school appliances vehicles technology furniture category: no points
35. Tell me a word that starts with 'auto'.
Automobile 40 Automatic 25 Automotive 17 Autograph 10 Autobiography 8
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tags: school cars work technology transport vehicles category: 5 answers
36. Name Something You Are Smarter About Now Than When You Were A Teenager
Money Life Relationships Driving Drinking
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tags: life school work parenting relationships technology category: no points
37. What Could Your Computer Run Without But It Would Be A Bummer Not To Have
internet 31 mouse 30 printer 16 speakers 12 keyboard 8
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tags: computers technology school work entertainment kids category: 5 answers
38. Name A Skill Thats More Important For Teens To Learn Today Than Previously
computer skills 63 driving 30 second language 3
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tags: school work technology communication problem-solving category: 3 answers
39. Everyone wants the newest model when it comes to... what?
Phone Car Computer
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tags: school work hospital food technology clothing category: 3 answers
40. Name A Complaint People Have About Their Computers.
slow 58 freeze 14
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tags: computer technology frustration work school kids category: 2 answers
41. Name Something People Do On Your Answering Machine That Drives You Crazy.
don't leave message 89 leave long message 7
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tags: communication home technology funny category: 2 answers
42. Name A Type Of Hat
Top Bowler Cowboy / 10 Gallon
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tags: work school fun animals hobbies fashion category: no points
43. Name something in your house that makes a lot of noise.
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tags: home appliances technology kids funny category: 6 answers
44. name an occupation in which you might need to send a photo in order to be considered
Baptism Model Actor Wedding Photographer
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tags: school work kids food animals hobbies category: no points
45. Name Something That Men Join
Gym Golf/Country Club Military Fraternity
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tags: family sports hobbies school work kids category: no points
46. what jobs do you associate with teenagers
Babysitting Fast Food Cashier Paper Route
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tags: work school animals food plants hobbies category: no points
47. Name something people might lie about at their high school reunion.
job 61 income 21 accomplishments 8 marital status 4 age 2
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tags: school work relationships money hobbies family category: 5 answers
48. name the place where you met most of your current friends
School Online Work
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tags: school work hobbies social media kids category: no points
49. name something in your home that you rarely need to change the batteries in
Clock Smoke Alarm Tv Remote
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tags: home appliances technology gadgets kids funny category: no points
50. Name Something That Has Speakers
Stereo 68
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tags: technology transportation home entertainment animals funny category: fast money
51. Name something you'd hate to be on when it breaks down
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tags: transportation appliances technology home kids funny category: no points
52. Name a feature television sets have today they did not have fifty years ago.
remote control 59 color 23 cable 6 dvd 5
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tags: technology home entertainment electronics kids funny category: 4 answers
53. Name a reason why you might go a whole day without watching TV
Sick Nothing On Busy/Housework It's Broken On Vacation At Work Power Outage
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tags: work school errands hobbies family time outdoors category: no points
54. Name Something In Your Home You Probably Turn On Every Day.
television 49 lights 34 water 5 stove 5 microwave 3 radio 2 dishwasher 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: home daily routine appliances technology kids funny category: 7 answers
55. Name something you can do during a power outage.
sleep 44 play games 20 tell ghost stories 10 light candles 5 eat 3
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tags: home hobbies activities kids funny category: 5 answers
56. Name Something You Might Store In A Garage
Car Tools Lawn Mower Junk Boxes
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tags: home vehicles hobbies tools kids funny category: no points
57. Name Something Women Do While Their Husbands Watch Monday Night Football
Cook Read Shop Sleep Talk On Phone Clean Watch The Game
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tags: hobbies family relationships sports home funny category: no points
58. Name An Appliance You Have In You Home, That Your Grandparents Didn’t
microwave 41 computer 4
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tags: home appliances technology humor category: 2 answers
59. Name A Feature TV Sets Have Today That They Didn’t Have 50 Years Ago
remote control 58 color 30 video player 4 video jacks 3 cable 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology entertainment home gadgets category: 5 answers
60. Name Something That Used To Take Up Shelf Space In Your House, But Can Now Be Stored Electronically.
music 40 photos 27 movies 17 books 12
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tags: technology storage home organization memories category: 4 answers
61. Name A Sign That You Television Is Over 40 Years Old
black and white 36 has knobs 18 no remote control 14 doesn't work 12 small screen 8 fuzzy picture 7 console cabinet 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology entertainment nostalgia home appliances category: 7 answers
62. Name Something You Might Leave On All Night
TV Lights Clothing Fan
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tags: home appliances entertainment lights technology kids category: no points
63. What's the best home appliance that was invented in the past fifty years?
Microwave Dishwasher TV Tumble dryer Computer Washing machine
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tags: home appliances technology kitchen convenience adults category: 6 answers
64. Name A Common Household Item That Was A Luxury To Have 50 Years Ago
tv 48 dishwasher 32 phone 9 washing machine 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: home history inventions nostalgia lifestyle technology category: 4 answers
65. tell me something that comes with a remote control
Dvd Player Batteries Toy Car Stereo Tv
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tags: technology entertainment electronics home appliances tv streaming category: no points
66. Name something in your house you might start yelling at if it stopped working.
TV Fridge Oven Computer Spouse
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tags: appliances technology furniture home electronics kids category: 5 answers
67. Name A Complaint A Person Might Have About Their Cable TV Company.
Bad Reception 38 Cost To Much 30 Bad Service 15 Not Enough Channels 12
Answers are hidden.
tags: home customer service technology entertainment money category: 4 answers
68. Name something of yours that's black.
shoes 72 cat 7 purse 4 computer 4 car 4 hair 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothing home technology accessories food plants category: 6 answers
69. Name something the Jetsons had that you’d love to have in your lifetime.
hover car 46 robot maid 29 dog that speaks 6 space mansion 5 jetpacks 4
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tags: retro technology home appliances convenience gadgets category: 5 answers
70. Name Something You Should Switch Off Before Going To Bed
Lights Electric Blanket TV
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tags: home technology safety energy sleep children category: no points
71. Name something you find in a bowl
fruit 26 fish 24 cereal 15 soup 14 pasta 5 salad 5
Answers are hidden.
72. Name a job that you hire a professional to do but your parents probably didn't
Plumbing Car Repair Lawn Care Large Appliance
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tags: home improvement technology finances healthcare education pets category: no points
73. Name something you get rid of when it doesn't work properly.
television 25 pen 19 toaster 17 remote 14 can opener 7 coffee pot 5
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tags: technology home appliances cars clothes food plants category: 6 answers
74. Name something a kid might miss while they are at summer camp.
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tags: kids summer camp home friends technology routine category: no points
75. Name Something A Man Might Try And Fix, But Ends Up Having To Call A Professional For.
Sink 55
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tags: home improvement cars plumbing electrical appliances technology category: fast money
76. Name a device that you seriously think you could not live without
Television Can Opener Telephone
Answers are hidden.
tags: daily life household appliances technology essentials home category: no points
77. Name Something You Put In A Frame
Snooker Balls Criminal Picture
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tags: hobbies art family home decor kids category: no points
78. Name A Reason Youd Stay Inside On A Saturday
bad weather 46 sick 38 tired 6 watching tv 5 housework 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: home weather family relaxation hobbies category: 5 answers
79. Name something people convert their basements into.
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tags: home improvement living space hobbies fun category: 5 answers
80. Name Something a Person Might Keep in a Cellar
Wine 1 Canned Goods/Food 2 Dead Bodies 2 Tools/Hooks 1 Furnace 1 Gun 1
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tags: home drinks hobbies food plants kids category: 6 answers
81. Name something that takes a long time to dry after it gets wet.(Clothes is not an answer,be more specific.)
Hair 39 Jeans 18 Carpet 11 Jacket 6 Shoes 6 Dog 6 Blanket 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: animals plants home vehicles hobbies outdoors category: 7 answers
82. Tell me something people might keep in the garage.
Answers are hidden.
tags: home tools hobbies supplies vehicles seasonal category: 4 answers
83. Name something people have in their den
Television Tube Bookshelf Mac Boob Tube Tv
Answers are hidden.
tags: home furniture entertainment relaxation hobbies family category: no points
84. What do people do at home on a Saturday night if they can't afford to go out
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tags: home family kids food entertainment hobbies category: no points
85. Name something a person might knit.
Sweater Scarf Socks Hat
Answers are hidden.
tags: hobbies home goods clothing gifts kids adults category: no points
86. Name Something Men Enjoy Shopping For.
tools 44 cars 30
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tags: hobbies clothing electronics home improvement cars sports category: 2 answers
87. Name Something A Person Might Read Everyday.
newspaper 38 bible 14
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88. Name forms of discipline that are no longer acceptable today
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89. Name something flammable.
Gasoline Wood Hairspray Matches Paper
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90. Name something of yours that is in terrible condition.
car 24 clothes/shoes 23 body/health 18 house 13 furniture 6
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tags: possessions work home school funny category: 5 answers
91. Tell Me Something You Use At Work Everyday But Would Hate To Have To Use On Vacation
computer 50 phone 27 ax 6 calculator 3 tools 3
Answers are hidden.
92. Name something you can write.
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93. Name something kids think their parents are clueless about
Courtship Going On Cool Things Dating Happening What's Cool Wooing
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tags: kids parents school funny technology category: no points
94. Name a company that makes batteries.
energizer 52 duracell 23 rayovac 7 die hard 4 hard 4 ac delco 3 delco 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: work technology kids funny plants food category: 7 answers
95. Name something people sometimes bang on when it’s not working.
tv/remote 33 computer 20 car 15 vending machine 12 radio 12
Answers are hidden.
tags: work computer technology funny frustration adults category: 5 answers
96. Name something specific people are paid to clean.
House Bathroom Cars Windows Carpet Hotel Office
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tags: home school work hospital kids funny category: no points
97. Name something that has a seat
Jalopy Van Pickup Automobile Suv
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids funny school animals home work category: no points
98. Name something that needs to be changed often.
baby's diaper 31 underwear 28 sheets 6 cat's litter box 5 car oil 4 attitude 3
Answers are hidden.
99. name something you buy in bulk because you know youll lose a few of them
Paper Jersey Pens/pencils Socks Hair Accessories
Answers are hidden.
100. If you don't have a ruler, name something you use to measure things with.
tapemeasure 50 feet 11 hand 10 string 7 arm 5 book 4
Answers are hidden.
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