Name A Club Bill Gates Probably Belonged To In High School.
computer 32 chess 24 debate 10 glee club 7 boy scouts 7 math 7 science 6
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tags: school celebrities technology category: 7 answers
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
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re boot 49 walk away 29 yell 11 curse 6
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4. Name an instance when a teenager would be reminded to use their head.
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5. Name something a computer has that a typewriter does not.
monitor 38 mouse 19 hard drive 10 memory 7 printer 6 modem 4
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6. other than a letter name a keyboard key that you use often
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10. name something most classrooms have today that they didnt have 50 years ago
Towers Projectors Dungeons Computers Tv Sets Dry Erase Board Air Conditioning
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11. Name something a student with bad grades might not be allowed to do.
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tags: school entertainment outdoors friends travel technology category: no points
12. Name something you get rid of when it doesn't work properly
Television Can Opener Coffee Pot Toaster Pen
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school appliances vehicles technology furniture category: no points
13. Name A Skill Thats More Important For Teens To Learn Today Than Previously
computer skills 63 driving 30 second language 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work technology communication problem-solving category: 3 answers
14. Name an outdated form of communication.
letters 27 pager 24 telegram 14 telegraph 11 mail 10 payphone 8 morse code 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: communication technology history work school funny category: 7 answers
15. Name Something A Teen Wouldn’t Be Able To Go Without For A Day.
Cell Phone 50 TV 16 Snacks/Food 11 Video Games 8 Computer 5 Listening To Music 3 A Loan 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids school friends technology food entertainment category: 7 answers
16. Name something that is imported from Japan
Cars Kimonos Television Computers Saki
Answers are hidden.
tags: food school plants technology anime clothing category: no points
17. Name something people replace even if the old one is still working
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tags: home work school technology kids funny category: no points
18. Besides numbersname a button on a calculator
plus 25 equal 19 multiply 14 divide 12 on/off 8 percent 8 minus 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: math school kids technology tools funny category: 7 answers
19. What Kinds Of Tasks Do We Now Handle Online That We Didnt Use To Years Ago
banking 34 paying bills 28 shopping 10 emailing 7 doing taxes 6 education 4 working 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology internet convenience school home lifestyle category: 7 answers
20. What Could Your Computer Run Without But It Would Be A Bummer Not To Have
internet 31 mouse 30 printer 16 speakers 12 keyboard 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: computers technology school work entertainment kids category: 5 answers
21. Name something your teenager would say is their most prized possession.
car 48 cell phone 30 diary 14 clothes 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: school technology friends fashion music pets category: 4 answers
22. Name an electronic device people use today that they did not use twenty years ago.
computer 41 microwave 19 cd player 9 mobile phone 8 dvd player 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology home kids school work funny category: 5 answers
23. Name Something That Plugs Into Your Computer.
printer 41 mouse 21 keyboard 14 phone 9 router 9 monitor 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: electronics technology computers productivity work school category: 6 answers
24. Name The Best Thing That Is Now Available Digital, But Hasn’t Always Been
tv 35 clock 20 canara 19 mp3/music 14 phone 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology entertainment convenience school work shopping category: 5 answers
25. Name something you have at your thanksgiving that the pilgrims did not have at theirs.
Answers are hidden.
tags: food technology kids school animals plants category: no points
26. Name A Button You’d Find On A Video Camera
record 31 play 22 power 12 pause 11 rewind 10 eject 7 stop 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology school work photography hobbies kids category: 7 answers
27. Name a modern convenience most teenagers think they couldn't live without
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tags: school technology social media entertainment communication category: no points
28. Name Something A Teen Might Take Off Before Going To Grandma’s House For Dinner.
makeup 38 hat 32 piercing 13 shoes 9 hoodie 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: school friends clothes makeup food technology category: 5 answers
29. Name A Piece Of Technology That People Hate, But Need.
computer/internet 59 cell phone 36
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology work hilarious funny adults school category: 2 answers
30. Name something people associate with a nerd
Sunglasses Technology Glasses Eyeglasses Protector Spectacles
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tags: school technology intelligence games books computers category: no points
31. Name Something You Are Smarter About Now Than When You Were A Teenager
Money Life Relationships Driving Drinking
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tags: life school work parenting relationships technology category: no points
32. Name something that can blow a fuse.
lights 21 air conditioner 12 hair dryer 10 person 9 fuse box 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: home work school relationships technology funny category: 5 answers
33. Name Something Parents Worry That Their Kids Do Too Much Of.
watch tv 48 eat 14 sleep 12 party 10 play video games 5 text 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids parenting school food technology activities category: 6 answers
34. Everyone wants the newest model when it comes to... what?
Phone Car Computer
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tags: school work hospital food technology clothing category: 3 answers
35. Name something you might have to wait a long time for your computer to do
Reboot Download Shut Down Up Start Up Boot Up
Answers are hidden.
tags: computers technology school work funny hilarious category: no points
36. Name A Complaint People Have About Their Computers.
slow 58 freeze 14
Answers are hidden.
tags: computer technology frustration work school kids category: 2 answers
37. Besides numbers,name a button on a calculator
Plus 25 Equal 19 Multiply 14 Divide 12 On/Off 8 Percent 8 Minus 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work technology math kids funny category: 7 answers
38. Tell me a word that starts with 'auto'.
Automobile 40 Automatic 25 Automotive 17 Autograph 10 Autobiography 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: school cars work technology transport vehicles category: 5 answers
39. Name a reason a parent might not get their teenager a cell phone.
bad grades 34 bill 31 too expensive 16 too young 12 boys 4 irresponsible 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology school privacy safety maturity responsibility category: 6 answers
40. Name A Skill That A Person’s Resume Might Claim Than Are
Typing Working Hard Communication Computer Program Sales Customer Service Foreign Language
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school home technology hobbies funny category: no points
41. Name Something Teens Should Have To Promise Never To Do Before Getting A Cell Phone.
talk while driving 39 prank call 25 go over minutes 23 send dirty texts 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: school friends safety technology family social media category: 4 answers
42. Name something parents might forbid their teenagers to do until their grades improve.
go out 42 drive car 24 watch tv 14 play sports 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: school technology driving social media friends sports category: 4 answers
43. name something specific that a teenager might say their parents dont understand
Love X Ray Vision Them
Answers are hidden.
tags: school technology social media friends music sports category: no points
44. Name something teenagers think it's important to be good at.
school 10 sports 39
Answers are hidden.
tags: school friends appearance social media technology music category: 2 answers
45. Name an item you might save up to buy
House 31 Car 25 Wedding Ring 19 Vacation 9 Computer 8 Phone 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: work office possessions school technology kids funny category: 6 answers
46. Name something you have that you wish worked better.
Car 1 Computer 1 TV/Remote 1 My Body 2 Washer 1 Cell Phone/Phone 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny fun hilarious household technology home school pets kids category: 6 answers
47. Name A Teen Celebrity Who’s Famous Today
Miley Cyrus Wrestling
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tags: celebrities teenagers school famous category: no points
48. Name something people get autographed
Hardball Signature Book Picture Ball
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tags: school sports celebrities animals concerts kids category: no points
49. Name A Way People Communicated Before The Phone
Letters Telegram Telegraph Signals Talking
Answers are hidden.
tags: communication history technology category: no points
50. Name something in your car you can control with the push of a button
Transmitter Stereo Radio
Answers are hidden.
tags: automotive technology convenience car category: no points
51. Name A Piece Of Equipment That Was Once Considered Modern Technology, But Few People Even Own Anymore
vcr 29 typewriter 25 record player 13 radio 13 pader 11 home telephone 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology history nostalgia category: 6 answers
52. Name Something Most Answering Machine’s Greetings Tell You.
Leave A Message 38 Leave Name 27
Answers are hidden.
tags: greetings communication technology messages category: fast money
53. Name something that you used to have to go to a store for that you can now buy on the internet
Hoodie Socks Tee-shirts Skirt Style Shirts Pants
Answers are hidden.
tags: shopping convenience technology innovation category: no points
54. Name Something Flashy Movie Spies Have
Car Gun Watch Camera Sunglasses Phone Suits
Answers are hidden.
tags: gadgets technology movies action category: no points
55. Name Something Associated With The Cartoon Show “The Jetsons.”
Astro 30 Elroy 20 Spaceships 19 Future 9 Technology 8 Epp Opp Ork Ah Ah 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: cartoons tv comedy space technology category: 6 answers
56. Name Something Youd Be Disappointed To Find Your Computer Came Without
monitor 26 mouse 25 keyboard 16 speakers 10 internet capability 5 windows 4 power cord 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: computers technology essentials hardware category: 7 answers
57. Name a character from the Star Trek universe.
spock 59 captain kirk 29 data 7 worf 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: sci-fi tv space aliens future technology category: 4 answers
58. We asked 100 men: Name something you've tried to fix and failed
Telly DVD Player Car Relationship
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology food kids hilarious category: no points
59. before cds what did people listen to music on
Tapes 8 Tracks Lemonade Stand Records
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tags: music history technology entertainment 80s 90s category: no points
60. Name A Video Games System People Are Buying For The Holidays.
Xbox 360 36
Answers are hidden.
tags: gaming electronics technology christmas category: fast money
61. Besides guns, name something a supervillain might equip their minions with.
Answers are hidden.
tags: weapons technology gadgets costumes category: no points
62. Name A Complaint People Have About Their Cell Phones
No Service 21 Dropped Calls 19 Fuzzy Reception 16 Expensive 14 Batteries Die Fast 12 Break Easily 4 Can’t Hear Well 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology reception kids funny category: 7 answers
63. What do you use to listen to music?
Phone Speaker PC/Laptop Radio MP3 player
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids music entertainment technology category: no points
64. Tell me a word that starts with 'micro'.
Microwave 48 Microphone 19 Microscope 14 Microsoft 11 Microchip 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: science technology food animals category: 5 answers
65. Name Something You Can Do On Even The Oldest Of Computers
word processing 36 e mail 20 print 16 play solitaire 14 use calculator 11
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology general knowledge computers fun category: 5 answers
66. Name Something People Do On Your Answering Machine That Drives You Crazy.
don't leave message 89 leave long message 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: communication home technology funny category: 2 answers
67. Name something a police car has that a normal car does not.
sirens 55 flashing lights 11 on-board computers 8 police scanner 7 fast engine 5 guns 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: transportation technology vehicles jobs category: 6 answers
68. Name an electronic device some people have with them at all times.
cell phone/phone 72 walkman/cd play'r 6 palm pilot 6 pacemaker 3 pager/beeper 3 radio 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology devices phones funny category: 6 answers
69. Name A Reason Your Cell Phone Might Stop Working.
dead battery 60 out of range 26 didn't pay bill 7 wet 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology electronics communication devices category: 4 answers
70. What Are Some Things That People Send By Email That They Used To Send Through The Mail?
letter 37 pictures 23 cards 16 invitations 10 bills 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: communication technology mail correspondence category: 5 answers
71. Name Something Most Answer Machines Messages Ask You To Do
leave name leave number 28 8
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tags: phone technology communication messages category: no points
72. Name a video game console.
xbox 37 playstation 30 wii 16 sega genesis 12 atari 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: entertainment gaming technology kids category: 5 answers
73. Name A Feature TV Sets Have Today That They Didn’t Have 50 Years Ago
remote control 58 color 30 video player 4 video jacks 3 cable 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology entertainment home gadgets category: 5 answers
74. Name a videogame company.
nintendo 47 sony 29 microsoft 13 electronic arts 11
Answers are hidden.
tags: gaming entertainment technology kids category: 4 answers
75. Name An Appliance You Have In You Home, That Your Grandparents Didn’t
microwave 41 computer 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: home appliances technology humor category: 2 answers
76. Name Something You’re Told To Turn Off Before An Airplane Takes Flight
Cell Phone 60 Computer 22 Lights 9 Headphones 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel technology electronics kids funny category: 4 answers
77. tell me something that can fit in your hand but is very expensive
Cash Watch Gold Ring Mobile Device
Answers are hidden.
tags: expensive valuable technology jewelry collectibles category: no points
78. what might a library start offering if they really wanted to attract patrons
Alcohol Movie Presentations Food Service Free Books
Answers are hidden.
tags: library community entertainment education technology category: no points
79. Name something in your house you might program to automatically turn on
Lamps Lights Laserdisc Lanterns Headlights Flashing Lights
Answers are hidden.
tags: convenience daily routine technology household category: no points
80. Name something nerds might do on halloween.
Answers are hidden.
tags: halloween costumes technology comics anime category: no points
81. Name something people rely on too much these days.
cell phones 48 computers 26 money 16 cars 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: everyday life technology society habits category: 4 answers
82. Name a modern convenience most teenagers think they couldn't live without.
cell phone/phone 60 computer/internet 10 television 7 car 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: teenagers lifestyle technology convenience gadgets category: 4 answers
83. Name something in an office that drives people crazy when it is not working.
copier 32 printer 5 fax machine 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: work office frustration technology computers category: 3 answers
84. name something that often happens when you call a customer service number
Automated Voice Answering Machine Bourbon Street On Hold/music
Answers are hidden.
tags: work technology frustration waiting music category: no points
85. Name Something That Computers And Sports Cars Have In Common.
Speed 56
Answers are hidden.
tags: cars technology machines fun speed entertainment category: fast money
86. At what age does the average kid get their first cellphone?
Twelve Thirteen Ten Fourteen Fifteen Eleven
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids family parenting technology children category: no points
87. Name something from the 21st century that george washington might have liked to have while fighting the british.
Answers are hidden.
tags: history technology weapons food clothing category: no points
88. Name Something Men Do Today But Probably Didnt Do Years Ago
cook 50 clean 15 watch tv 14 change diapers 9 use computer 4 use cell phone 3 shop 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: daily life lifestyle technology funny category: 7 answers
89. If Your Car Had A Brain, What Might It Advise You Not To Do.
Speed 44 Crash 34
Answers are hidden.
tags: transportation vehicles safety driving technology category: fast money
90. Name the most important invention of the 20th century.
cell phone 48 laptop 39 internet 8 microwave 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: history technology innovation modern inventions category: 4 answers
91. Name A Model Of Video Game Console
Playstation X Box Dreamcast Megadrive Wii Snes
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology gaming kids entertainment hardware category: no points
92. Name Something You Associate With A Camera
Film Photos Flash Lens Holidays
Answers are hidden.
tags: photography equipment technology memories photos category: no points
93. Name something cars have today they didnt’ have 50 years ago
Air Bags Seat Belt CD Player Cruise control Computer
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology entertainment safety convenience comfort category: no points
94. Name Something You’re Not Supposed To Do To A CD
Answers are hidden.
tags: music entertainment technology kids funny category: no points
95. Name a piece of equipment you'd find in any office
Calculator Pencil Sharpener Typewriter Telephone Copier
Answers are hidden.
tags: work office technology furniture equipment category: no points
96. Name something in your house that makes a lot of noise.
Answers are hidden.
tags: home appliances technology kids funny category: 6 answers
97. Name Something That Breaks Easily Without Its Case
glasses 40 cd 29 musical instrument 22 camera 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: home kitchen technology hobbies travel diy category: 4 answers
98. Name A Part Of A Camera
Lens Shutter Lens Cap Film
Answers are hidden.
tags: photography equipment hardware technology kids category: no points
99. What Might A Tv Not Work Without,
Remote Control Power Cable Antenna
Answers are hidden.
tags: electronics technology entertainment living room category: no points
100. Other Than Books, What You Check Out At Library
Movies Magazines Music
Answers are hidden.
tags: library media movies music technology category: no points
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