Name something people associate with a nerd
Sunglasses Technology Glasses Eyeglasses Protector Spectacles
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tags: school technology intelligence games books computers category: no points
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
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2. Name Something That Plugs Into Your Computer.
printer 41 mouse 21 keyboard 14 phone 9 router 9 monitor 6
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3. Name something you might have to wait a long time for your computer to do
Reboot Download Shut Down Up Start Up Boot Up
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4. What Could Your Computer Run Without But It Would Be A Bummer Not To Have
internet 31 mouse 30 printer 16 speakers 12 keyboard 8
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5. Besides books, name something you can find at a local library.
Movies Computers Magazines Librarian Newspaper
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6. Name Something Youd Be Disappointed To Find Your Computer Came Without
monitor 26 mouse 25 keyboard 16 speakers 10 internet capability 5 windows 4 power cord 3
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7. Name Something You Can Do On Even The Oldest Of Computers
word processing 36 e mail 20 print 16 play solitaire 14 use calculator 11
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8. Name something you associate with Bill Gates
Computers Liar Microsoft Money Brush
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tags: technology wealth philanthropy innovation computers category: no points
9. Name something in an office that drives people crazy when it is not working.
copier 32 printer 5 fax machine 4
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tags: work office frustration technology computers category: 3 answers
10. Name something that has a keyboard.
computer 55 piano 32 phone 8 typewriter 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: computers technology music writing education work category: 4 answers
11. Name something teenagers teach their parents how to use.
computer 51 mobile phone 22 ipod 15 video game 5 electronics 2
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tags: technology phones social media apps electronics computers category: 5 answers
12. Name something a man owns that he doesn't like his wife to use
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tags: chores tools video games computers television category: no points
13. Name something in the house teens use for hours at a time.
telephone 40 computer 24 television 15 video game 12
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tags: phones computers internet social media video games homework category: 4 answers
14. Name a reason why people might not read books often
Lack+of+time 38 Lazy 27 Prefer+movies%2ftv 24 Don%27t+like+reading 15 Cost+of+books 13 Sight+issue 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: reading books time cost technology entertainment category: 6 answers
15. what would you see at the rummage sale of someone was not planning to have more kids
Car Seat Baby Clothes Stroller Crib
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16. Name something an 8-year-old might bring with them when they stay over at Grandma's house.
stuffed animal 36 sleeping bag 5
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tags: kids family toys games clothes books category: 2 answers
17. Name Something That’s Often Sold At A Swap Meet. (Be More Specific Than Junk Or Stuff)
clothes 46 baseball cards 11 furniture 10 tools 7 dishes 7 cars 6 books 4
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tags: shopping home clothing books movies games category: 7 answers
18. Name a christmas gift a toddler might get.
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tags: kids christmas family toys games books category: no points
19. Name something that is an oldie but goodie.
music 58 car 13 movies 9
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tags: food music movies books games kids category: 3 answers
20. Name Something That Most Children Have In Their Bedroom
Bed Toys Teddy Bear Books TV Wardrobe
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21. Name something critics review.
movies 67 plays 13 books 9 music 3 tv shows 2
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tags: movies books music food games performances category: 5 answers
22. Name something to which some people love to give away the ending.
Movie Book Joke
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tags: movies books tv shows games puzzles riddles category: 3 answers
23. Name something you might find in a kid's room
Toys 57 Bed 17 Computer 10 Posters 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids home toys games books stuffed animals category: 4 answers
24. Name Something That Is Different About Writing A Research Paper On A Computer Than On A Typewriter.
faster editing 41 spell check 24 printing 12 nternet access 8 quieter 7 screen 6
Answers are hidden.
25. What kind of high school clubs do you think Bill Gates was in?
computer 32 chess 24 debate 10 glee club 7 boy scouts 7 math 7 science 6
Answers are hidden.
26. Name something that can be frustrating to use for the very first time.
computer 23 dvd player 13 car 11 tools 7 video games 6 can opener 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology appliances games kids funny category: 6 answers
27. Name something kids do these days instead of reading.
video games 46 watch tv 30 computer/internet 10 sports/exercise 7 eat/drink 3 play cards/poker 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology social media games sports friends category: 6 answers
28. Name Something Children Have Today That Their Parents Didn't
Computers Video Games Televisions Video Recorder Dvd Internet
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tags: technology internet social media video games category: no points
29. Name something you can do with a cellphone.
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tags: communication entertainment information technology photography games category: no points
30. Give me another term for "nerd."
Wimp Geek Dork Weirdo Dweeb Jerk
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tags: education intelligence school kids funny category: no points
31. Name the smartest woodland animals
Fox Grizzly
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tags: animals kids funny school intelligence category: no points
32. Name something gifted children do at an early age
Read Walk Play Instrument Talk Sing
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tags: education kids school adults intelligence family category: no points
33. what stereotypical features might a nerd have
Gasp Brains Laugh Buck Teeth Pocket Protector Thick Glasses
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tags: school friends family humor intelligence social category: no points
34. Name a popular college major
Nursing Liberal Arts Law Engineering Business Administration
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tags: school education career knowledge learning intelligence category: no points
35. einstein failed a subject in school, what might it have been?
English/language 1 Physical ed 2 Art 1 History 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious school knowledge education intelligence genius science category: 4 answers
36. what novel did you hate reading in highschool
Kill A Mockingbird War And Peace Great Expectations Moby Dick Lord Of The Flies Catcher In The Rye Of Mice And Men
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tags: school reading high school books literature category: no points
37. Name A Book That Students Keep On Hand For Reference.
dictionary 56 encyclopedia 22 thesaurus 13 atlas 6
Answers are hidden.
38. Name A Type Of Book That You’re Not Expected To Read All Of.
bible 36 dictionary 28 encyclopedia 15 text book 10 phone book 8
Answers are hidden.
39. Name something that gets backed up
Highway Potty Autoroute Toilet
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40. Name something people alphabetize.
address book 39 flies 23 recipes 8 lists 6 soup 4 spices 3
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41. Name a book you expect a high school student to read in English class.
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tags: education books school literature teenagers category: 5 answers
42. Besides books, name something you find at a bookstore.
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tags: books school paper office supplies category: 4 answers
43. What Do People Use To Keep Their Place In A Book If They Dont Have A Bookmark
paper 55 fold page 18 pen 13 card 8 napkin 4
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tags: books reading library education school category: 5 answers
44. Name something you might see at Hogwarts.
harry potter 31 ghosts 20 wizards 19 magic 12 wands 10 owls 8
Answers are hidden.
45. Name Something You Buy At A Bookshop From The Reference Section
Dictionary Encyclopedia Atlas
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tags: books knowledge school work animals category: no points
46. Name one thing about Harry Potter
Wizard Magic Eyeglasses Sorcery Sunglasses Spectacles Glasses
Answers are hidden.
47. Name a book students keep on hand for reference.
dictionary 59 encyclopedia 19 bible 7 phonebook 4 comics 2
Answers are hidden.
48. Name Key On Computer That Has Word On It
Shift Backspace Delete Tab Caps Lock
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tags: office productivity keys computers category: no points
49. Name Something A Really Smart Kid Probably Spends His Summer Doing.
reading 50 study 17 summer school 15 working 5 camp 5 stay on computer 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: learning reading research computers category: 6 answers
50. Besides Books, Name Something You’d Find In Most School Libraries
Compters 39 Magazines 20 Librarian 11 Chairs 6 Desks 5 Students 5 Videos 5
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tags: school education learning library books students category: 7 answers
51. Name A Profession That Would Help You Be Good At Solving Crossword Puzzles
teacher 58 writer 17 librarian 13 editor 8 journalist 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: language books reading education school funny category: 5 answers
52. What Might You Find Inside A Book That Tells You It Was Meant For Children?
pictures 65 animal characters 11 princess 7 once upon a time 4 pop up pages 4 small words 3
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tags: kids books school animals plants food category: 6 answers
53. Name the class that traditionally has the biggest text books.
History Science Math English Geography
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tags: school books education learning students teachers category: no points
54. Name something annoying at the library.
noise 27 people talking 26 librarian 7 quiet 6 child crying 4
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tags: school quiet kids books adults hilarious category: 5 answers
55. Name a book that could knock you out if you were hit over the head with it.
dictionary 39 encyclopedia 25 bible 14 phonebook 14 war and peace 6
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tags: school education kids funny hilarious books category: 5 answers
56. Name a writer who everyone studied in high school.
shakespeare 51 mark twain 12 edgar allen poe 11 charles dickens 7 ernest hemingway 3 j.d. salinger 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: school education authors literature writers books category: 6 answers
57. Name something you might find in a teenage girl's bedroom.
stuffed animal 19 makeup 15 diary 14 posters 8 magazines 7 photos 6 mirror 4 stereo 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: school clothes makeup books electronics posters category: 8 answers
58. Name a famous american newspaper.
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tags: school learning education history books kids category: no points
59. Name a famous Shakespeare play that's been turned into a movie
Macbeth Juliet Hamlet Romeo And Juliet And Juliet Othello A-midsummer-nights-dream
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tags: books movies entertainment school kids classics category: no points
60. Name a book that is found in most people's homes
Torah Bible Testament Gospel Scripture Holy Book
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tags: books family pop culture kids school funny category: no points
61. Name A Shakespeare Play Which Was Made Into A Movie
romeo & juliet 34 hamlet 24 othello 14 macbeth 9 taming of the shrew 7 midsummer nights dream 5 much ado about nothing 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work literature books movies classics category: 7 answers
62. Name something you hope doesn't break down while you're inside of it.
car 50 airplanes 21 elevator 20 roller coaster 9
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tags: vehicles appliances computers relationships body category: 4 answers
63. Name Something You Might Lease
Car House Shop Land Boat
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tags: cars housing computers equipment kids category: no points
64. Name something in the office that breaks down often.
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tags: work office hardware machinery computers internet category: 5 answers
65. Name A Profession That Has A Nerdy Reputation.
Scientist Programmer
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tags: science computers education animals kids funny category: no points
66. Name Something That Makes A Noise When It's Turned On
Radio Tv Car Engine / Motor Mower Partner
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tags: appliances cars computers animals kids funny category: no points
67. Name something specific that people repair for a living.
cars 52 plumbing 10 air-conditioner 8 roof 6 computers 3 television 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: home work cars computers appliances kids category: 6 answers
68. What Might You FInd In A Briefcase That Would Make You Think It Belonged To A Spy
weapon 44 camera 18 money 13 magnifying glass 8 binoculars 6 spy glasses 4 tape recorder 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: intelligence weapons category: 7 answers
69. Name A Club Bill Gates Probably Belonged To In High School.
computer 32 chess 24 debate 10 glee club 7 boy scouts 7 math 7 science 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: school celebrities technology category: 7 answers
70. Something About A Person That Cosmetic Surgery Can’t Fix.
personality 65 hight/stature 14 eye color 11 hair 6
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tags: personality intelligence values category: 4 answers
71. Name an animals that could rule the world if it were as smart as humans.
ape 43 lion 16 elephant 11 house cat 9 dog 5 bear 3 tiger 3
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tags: animals intelligence hypothetical category: 7 answers
72. Name A Phone Company That Offers Low Long Distance Rates
at&t 54 sprint 26 mci 13 vonage 7
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tags: technology school work kids category: 4 answers
73. Name Something You Do When Your Computer Freezes Up.
re boot 49 walk away 29 yell 11 curse 6
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tags: work school technology funny category: 4 answers
74. Which country has the smartest men?
united states 55 china 16 japan 16 germany 5 italy 2
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tags: knowledge intelligence trivia funny category: 5 answers
75. Name An Occupation Where You Have To Be Really Smart
doctor 41 lawyer 28 scientist 13 engineer 6 accountant 6
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tags: intelligence work careers knowledge category: 5 answers
76. name a place that only the worlds dumbest thief would try to rob
Police Station White House Bank Fort Knox
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tags: security intelligence crime police category: no points
77. Name Something Oprah Winfrey Has That The Average Woman Admires.
money 49 talk show 15 self esteem 12 charisma 11 style 8
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tags: wealth intelligence power success category: 5 answers
78. Name a good job for the smartest person in the world.
president 45 scientist 17 doctor 10 teacher 8 computer 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: intelligence genius work world category: 5 answers
79. Besides his appearance, name something that makes a man seem sexy
Personality Brains Charisma Sound Of Voice Congeniality Timber Voice
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tags: personality intelligence humor confidence category: no points
80. Name something you don’t have to be intelligent to win
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tags: game show intelligence funny category: no points
81. Name Something A Person Who Dislikes Technology Might Not Have
computer 49 cell phone 24 tv 12 microwave 6
Answers are hidden.
82. Name something a computer has that a typewriter does not.
monitor 38 mouse 19 hard drive 10 memory 7 printer 6 modem 4
Answers are hidden.
83. name something most classrooms have today that they didnt have 50 years ago
Towers Projectors Dungeons Computers Tv Sets Dry Erase Board Air Conditioning
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tags: school kids education learning technology category: no points
84. Name something kids think their parents are clueless about
Courtship Going On Cool Things Dating Happening What's Cool Wooing
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tags: kids parents school funny technology category: no points
85. other than a letter name a keyboard key that you use often
Backspace Unicorn Shift Space Enter Fake Nose Period
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work computer technology kids category: no points
86. Name an instance when a teenager would be reminded to use their head.
school/test 46 driving 18 at a party 12 on a date 11 in a fight 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work animals technology kids category: 5 answers
87. Name Something You Can Buy In A Cordless Version
telephone 74 shaver 10 drill 8 screwdriver 3
Answers are hidden.
88. Name an inventor kids learn about in school.
thomas edison 60 benjamin franklin 14
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tags: school education science technology kids category: 2 answers
89. Tell me who is the smartest member of your family.
Myself Mother Father Spouse
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tags: family intelligence knowledge education kids category: 4 answers
90. What do you think your occupation would be if you had a genius IQ
Physicist Biologist Scientist Chemist Doctor Physician Medico
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tags: intelligence work career occupation skills category: no points
91. Name something about which people say: "You have to be born with it to have it."
looks 26 talent 20 money 14 brains 9 common sense 4 birthmark 4 luck 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: personality talent intelligence charisma creativity category: 7 answers
92. Name A Way You Can Tell Someone Is A Doctor By Just Looking At Them.
stethoscope 39 white coat 28 scrubs 19 id photo 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: work medical people adults intelligence category: 4 answers
93. name something miss america needs in order to win
Friendly Smile Beauty Beast Swimsuit Troll Talent
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tags: beauty personality intelligence confidence charisma category: no points
94. Besides a doctor, name a profession people think has really smart people on it
Solicitor Attorney Litigator Barrister Advocate
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tags: professions intelligence jobs career education category: no points
95. Which particular occupation is commonly held by people with the highest I.Q.
Doctor Sneakers Chain-link Leather Microwave
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tags: intelligence occupations trivia funny kids category: no points
96. We surveyed 100 men...When it comes to women, name something more important to you than a great bod
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tags: relationships personality intelligence kindness conversation category: no points
97. Fill in the blank: Pamela Anderson owes her success to her _______.
body 68 face 18 baywatch 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: work tv beauty intelligence luck popularity category: 3 answers
98. What Does A human Have That A Robot Doesn’t
Heart Brain Blood Emotions Skin/Hair
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tags: body parts emotions intelligence creativity category: no points
99. If a man were intimidated by smart women where would he avoid looking for a date?
library 67 college 17 the office 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships dating psychology intelligence compatibility category: 3 answers
100. Complete this sentence: Most girls would love to go out with a guy who has a great...
personality 37 body 23 job/big wallet 17 car 17 smile 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: personality smile intelligence style pets category: 5 answers
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