What Are Some Things That People Send By Email That They Used To Send Through The Mail?
letter 37 pictures 23 cards 16 invitations 10 bills 8
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tags: communication technology mail correspondence category: 5 answers
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
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2. Name Something Specific Thats Fun To Get In The Mail
paycheck/money 39 postcard 13 package/gift 12 magazine 12 letter 8 coupons 5
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3. Name Something You Look Forward To Getting In The Mail
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4. Name Something You Do To An Envelope Before Mailing It.
lick / seal it 61 stamp it 26
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5. Name Something Most Answering Machine’s Greetings Tell You.
Leave A Message 38 Leave Name 27
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6. Name A Way People Communicated Before The Phone
Letters Telegram Telegraph Signals Talking
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7. Name Something Most Answer Machines Messages Ask You To Do
leave name leave number 28 8
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8. Name A Reason Your Cell Phone Might Stop Working.
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9. Name Something People Do On Your Answering Machine That Drives You Crazy.
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10. name something that a long distance couple does to stay close
Flirt Talk On Phone Write Letters E Mail Visit
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11. Name an invention that made the world smaller.
the internet 34 airplanes 27 telephones 23 computers 16
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12. Name an outdated form of communication.
letters 27 pager 24 telegram 14 telegraph 11 mail 10 payphone 8 morse code 6
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13. Name A Skill Thats More Important For Teens To Learn Today Than Previously
computer skills 63 driving 30 second language 3
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14. What Might A Date Do On Your Answering Machine That Would Keep You From Calling Them Back
say i love you 28 ramble 19 shot 14 cry 10 beg for a date 9 say wrong name 8 sing 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny dating relationships humor technology communication category: 7 answers
15. Name The Electronic Device That You Use Most In A Day
cell phone 55 computer 24 tv 11 microwave 3
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tags: technology daily life work home communication category: 4 answers
16. Name something you can do with a cellphone.
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tags: communication entertainment information technology photography games category: no points
17. Name an invention that has brought people closer together.
phone 45 computer/internet 27 television 12 car 8
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18. Which Term Is Most Overused In Internet chatting
Lol 43
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19. Name A Function You Have On Your Telephone That Your Child Doesnt Have On Their Tin Can Phone
redial 39 speaker phone 14 call waiting 14 caller id 11 speed dial 8 mute 4 voice mail 3
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tags: technology communication children parents entertainment funny category: 7 answers
20. Name a modern convenience most teenagers think they couldn't live without
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tags: school technology social media entertainment communication category: no points
21. can you tell immediately that an email is spam?
Unknown sender 2 No subject 2 Goes to junk 3 Virus alert 2
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tags: funny fun hilarious spam technology security communication work category: 4 answers
22. What might your cell phone say to you if it could talk?
get off me 23 charge me 22 hello 17 answer me 15 stop texting 13 shut up 10
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tags: funny technology relationships communication humor daily life category: 6 answers
23. Name something people do on Facebook.
upload content 36 chat 31 play games 14 stalk 11 find people 8
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tags: social media technology communication friends family funny category: 5 answers
24. Name some popular social media platforms.
Facebook Instagram X Snapchat Tinder
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tags: adults social media technology communication internet apps entertainment category: no points
25. Name something you might log onto the Internet to check everyday.
email 36 blogs 19 stocks 17 news 15 sports 8 weather 5
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tags: technology internet communication daily routine information social media category: 6 answers
26. Name A Reason For Sending Someone A Card
Birthday Wedding Get Well Christmas New Baby Valentines
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tags: cards correspondence gratitude appreciation category: no points
27. Name Someone Specific You Send A Holiday Card To.
parents 33 grandparents 23
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tags: family holidays traditions correspondence funny category: 2 answers
28. Name a word or phrase the Post Office stamps on a package.
fragile 33 return to sender 15
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29. Name Something You Might Find On Your Doorstep
Mat Milk Newspaper Parcel Shoes
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30. what might a mail carrier see in someones yard that would prevent him from delivering their mail
No Tresspassing Barking Dog Alcohol Sprinklers
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31. Name Something You See On A Doorstep
Mat Milk Bottles Paper Pot Plant Cat
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32. Besdies Stamps, Name Something You Can Buy At A Post Office.
envelopes 45 boxes 23
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33. What holiday, other than Christmas, makes the post office busy?
valentine's day 48 mother's day 36 easter 13
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34. Name something specific that might be delayed because of snow.
School Flights Deliveries Trains
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tags: transportation mail errands appointments category: no points
35. Name Something You Might Sign Up For If You Like To Receive Mail
magazine 49 coupons 19 credit card 8 catalogs 8 sweepstakes 6 newspaper 4 fan club 3
Answers are hidden.
36. Name something you would see on an envelope
Postmark Street Address House Number Address Apartment Number Stamp
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tags: envelopes mail stamps letters packages category: no points
37. Name Something You Hate Getting In Your Mailbox
Bills 49 Junk Mail 33
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38. Name something you associate with postal carriers
Answers are hidden.
tags: mail stamps uniforms delivery kids category: no points
39. Name Something You Get From A Post Office
Stamps Pension Tv Licence Envelopes Lottery Ticket Car Tax
Answers are hidden.
tags: mail stamps packages envelopes letters category: no points
40. Name something people put in an envelope with their holiday cards.
Money 61 Pictures 30 Gift card 4 Letter 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: holiday holidays family mail winter category: 4 answers
41. Name something you would not like to receive in the mail.
Answers are hidden.
tags: mail food kids funny hilarious animals category: 5 answers
42. Name A Way You Might Know Your Neighbors Are On Vacation
papers in driveway 41 cars are gone 16 they told you 11 don't pick up phone 9 mail pile up 9 lights off at night 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: neighbors plants animals food mail quiet category: 6 answers
43. Name Something That Gets Delivered.
mail 45 pizza 36 newspaper 5 package 5 baby 4 flowers 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: food mail packages pets kids funny category: 6 answers
44. Name a reason a mailman might have a bad day on his route.
dogs 52 rain 16 heat 12 bad weather 8 too much mail 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: work animals weather kids mail interruptions category: 5 answers
45. What Might A Mail Carrier Keep On Hand To Deal With Unfriendly Dogs?
Mace 43 Stick 23 Treats 16 Bone 8 Meat 5 Whistle 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: work dogs animals safety mail humor category: 6 answers
46. What is something that you do not like to get in your mail?
Spam emails Advertisements Bulk emails Product catalogs Requests for donation
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tags: fast money mail advertising spam bills category: fast money
47. Name something the postal service uses to transport mail around the holidays.
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tags: kids adults funny transport holidays mail category: no points
48. Name Something That Gets Delivered To Your Door.
mail 30 pizza 28 newspaper 14 package 11 flowers 9 milk 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: food groceries mail packages pizza kids category: 6 answers
49. Name something you are always afraid to check.
bank account 37 mail 20 bills 19 basement 9 weight 9 under the bed 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: health food mail finances social media kids category: 6 answers
50. Without Yelling, How Does A Mime Defend His Position In An Argument?
gesture 45 point finger 26 facial expression 13 battle 5 stomp 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: communication category: 5 answers
51. Name A Reason A Person Might Phone Up A Radio Show
For Prizes To Complain A Phone In Agony Aunt
Answers are hidden.
tags: entertainment communication hilarious category: no points
52. Tell Me Something You’d Hear On The Radio That Would Lead You To Believe That The Host Is Inexperienced.
stuttering 39 dead air 31 profanity 12 belch/cough 10 wrong song 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: radio communication media category: 5 answers
53. Name A Specific Place Where It Usually Doesn’t Do Any Good To Argue
court 29 place of worship 23 work 19 home 8 police 7 school 6 store 5
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tags: arguments communication persuasion category: 7 answers
54. Other Than “Hello”, Which Greeting Do People Commonly Use When Sending A Text Message?
Hi 48
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tags: communication greetings language funny category: fast money
55. How do you let your partner know that youre thinking of them while your out of town
Phone Call Email Send Flowers Text Message
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tags: relationships love communication category: no points
56. name a way to determine the age of the person on the other end of the phone
Their Name Slang Voice Ask Them Chapped Lips
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tags: phone age conversation communication category: no points
57. What Is The Maximum Number Of Times Its Okay For Your Partner To Call You At Work
1 19 2 34 3 23 4 7 5 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: work relationships communication funny category: 5 answers
58. Tell Me A Way To Communicate Without Technology
face to face 36 mail 29 sign language 15 smoke signal 6 morse code 5 telapathy 4 body language 4
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tags: communication family conversation relationships category: 7 answers
59. Name something you don’t discuss with your mom because she’s too opinionated.
birds & bees 64 politics 15 getting married 7 finances 5 religion 3
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tags: family opinions relationships communication category: 5 answers
60. What Do You Do When Someone Says Hi, But You’re Sure You’ve Never Met Them?
say hi back 49 just smile 36 ignore them 10 ask who they are 4
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tags: social etiquette communication relationships category: 4 answers
61. what kind of message do people put into a bottle
Love Letter Secret Treasure Map Help
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tags: messages communication fun family games category: no points
62. What excuse do people use when they do not return phone calls?
busy 42 didn't get message 19 forgot 13 turned off 4 late 4 asleep 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: excuses communication phone relationships category: 6 answers
63. Name a reason you might want to change seats on a plane.
want window or aisle 34 annoying person 32 crying baby 11 cramped 9 bad hygiene 8 turbulence 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel comfort entertainment communication category: 6 answers
64. Name Another Word For Lying That Makes It Sound More Innocent
Fibbing 53 White Lie 29 Telling A Story 5 Kidding 4 Tall Tale 3 Stretching The Truth 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: communication language social skills category: 6 answers
65. Name an emotion people convey with a facial expression
Melancholy Sadness Grief Happiness Wellbeing Joy Delight
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tags: emotions communication body language category: no points
66. Name a job you’d have a hard time doing if you couldn’t type well.
secretary 55 data entry 14 accountant 10 writer 8 court reporter 6 programmer 4
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tags: work school computer communication category: 6 answers
67. name a quality people look for in their favorite news anchor
Friendly Smile Good Looks Personality Honesty Shopping Center Great Voice
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tags: news celebrity communication media tv category: no points
68. On which holiday are the most collect calls made?
christmas 54 mother's day 24 father's day 12 thanksgiving 9
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tags: holidays family communication kids category: 4 answers
69. Name a holiday when people call their moms
Xmas Day Yule Mother's Day
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tags: family holidays communication mothers category: no points
70. A Real Man Would Breakup With His Girlfriend In Person. Tell Me A Way A Coward Might Do It.
By Phone Email
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tags: relationships breakups communication funny category: no points
71. How Can You Tell Somebody Is Angry At You From Their Text Messages
all caps 68 exclamation points 12 swearing 7 angry face 6 no response 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: communication relationships family friends category: 5 answers
72. Name Someone Whose Phone Calls You Try To Avoid.
bill collector 40 telemarketer 22 parents 13 boss 10 in laws 7 your ex 5
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tags: family relationships communication funny category: 6 answers
73. Name something people talk to when they are alone.
Themselves Pets Television God Plants
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tags: communication conversation solitude privacy category: no points
74. Which animal communicates best with humans
Subway Skating Rink Taxi Airfare Dog
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tags: animals communication humans kids category: no points
75. Name A Form Of Communication That Few People Use Anymore.
written letters 55 telegraph 31 phone 6
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tags: communication letters vintage classics category: 3 answers
76. Name The First Person You Call When You Have Great News.
parent 47 spouse 22
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tags: family relationships communication support category: 2 answers
77. Name A Time When You Should Not Send A Text Message To Your Love Interest
at work 41 midnight 22 while driving 13 when mad 12 after drinking 10
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tags: communication love relationships manners category: 5 answers
78. Name a way to attract a person's attention
Yell Wave Vase Whistle Lamps
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tags: communication social interaction relationships category: no points
79. Name Something Irritating That Would Happen When Using A Pay Phone
doesn't make call 45 takes your money 23
Answers are hidden.
tags: phone communication annoyance funny category: 2 answers
80. Name The Person Who You Most Try To Avoid Having An Argument With.
partner 47 parent 36 boss 8 child 3
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tags: relationships family funny communication category: 4 answers
81. On A Scale From 1-10, How Good Are You At Keeping A Secret?
10 31 5 28 8 21 9 18
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships family social communication funny category: 4 answers
82. When Traveling In A Foreign Country Name Something Youd Hate To Forget The Word For
bathroom 43 hello 19 food 9 thank you 8 help 7 please 6 money 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel language communication words funny category: 7 answers
83. Instead Of Having A Shouting Match Name Another Tactic A Person Might Use To Win A Disagreement
silent treatment 38 fight 28 walk away 17 cry 13
Answers are hidden.
tags: psychology communication conflict resolution persuasion category: 4 answers
84. Name something teenagers pretend not to hear their parents say.
clean room/do chores 42 be home by curfew 18 no 18 go to bed 11 do your homework 5 you're grounded 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: family teenagers parents communication funny category: 6 answers
85. Name A Reason Why Your Kids Teacher Might Call From School
sick 51 bad behavior 17 bad grades 13 fight 11 skipping class 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: school kids behavior grades communication category: 5 answers
86. Name someone you know better than to interrupt when they're talking to you.
mother 32 boss 24 spouse 18 police officer 11 judge 3 teacher 2 neighbor 2 grandmother 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: family relationships communication manners funny category: 8 answers
87. Name a job that requires a lot of communication.
customer service 40 teacher 30 receptionist 16 doctor 9 lawyer 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: communication work school business adults category: 5 answers
88. Name Something A Real Estate Agent Needs To Do His Job.
homes for sale 53 car 16 clients 11 advertisement 8 good attitude 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: work skills tools knowledge communication category: 5 answers
89. Name someone you should never lie to.
your parents 54 your spouse 23 priests 9 yourself 7 your boss 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: family relationships trust honesty communication category: 5 answers
90. Name a job that requires a lot of public speaking.
politician 54 lawyer 12 broadcaster 9 teacher 8 motivational speaker 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: work public communication business presentation category: 5 answers
91. We surveyed 100 married men...When your wife is talking to you, what are you thinking about?
sex 27 topic at hand 23 i love her 22 golf/sports 7 why she complains 5
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tags: relationships marriage communication humor funny category: 5 answers
92. Tell Me A Way To Say Hi In Another Language
Hola 55 Bonjour 21 Aloha 13 Ciao 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: languages communication greetings travel culture kids category: 4 answers
93. Name A Day Of The Year When Most People Call Home.
Christmas 65 Mother’s Day 22 Thanksgiving 8 Family Birthday 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: holidays family communication travel love category: 4 answers
94. We surveyed 100 married women: Tell me something you'd love your husband to say to you without prompting
Lost Pounds/not Fat Let's Go Vacation You're Beautiful Let's Go Out/eat Here's Money To Shop How Was Your Day? I Love You
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships love marriage family communication category: no points
95. how can you tell that a family member has picked up a phone to eavesdrop on your call
Static On Line Hear Them Pick Up They Giggle They Breathe They Cough Evil Laugh
Answers are hidden.
tags: communication family privacy suspicious funny category: no points
96. We surveyed 100 married women...Tell me something you'd love your husband to say to you without prompting
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tags: relationships marriage communication love appreciation category: no points
97. Name A Time You Shouldn’t Send A text Message To Your Love Interest
at work 41 midnight 22 while driving 13 mad 12 when drinking 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships communication etiquette manners dating category: 5 answers
98. Name Something Your Spouse Does To Let You Know They’re “In The Mood For Love.”
kiss/touch 44 touch 18 turn on music 12 undress/change clothes 10 acty flirty 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage intimacy communication love category: 5 answers
99. We surveyed 100 married women...Tell me something you'd love your husband to say to you without prompting.
i love you 50 you're beautiful 15 here's $ to shop 6 let's go vacation 6 let's go out/eat 5 how was your day? 3 lost lbs./not fat 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: marriage relationships communication family couples category: 7 answers
100. name a specific sign of affection that a woman would like to get more often from her husband
Holding Hands Flowers/gifts Show Up Late Kiss Hug
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tags: relationships marriage affection communication intimacy category: no points
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