All "Modern" Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name the most important invention of the 20th century.
cell phone 48 laptop 39 internet 8 microwave 5
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category: 4 answers
2. If fairy tales were written in modern times where might a princess meet her Prince Charming?
at a bar 56 at the store 28 at work 7 online dating site 3
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category: 4 answers
3. Name Something You Expect To Find In A Modern Home
TV Computer Microwave Dishwasher
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category: no points
4. Name an appliance you have in your home that your grandparents did not
Microwave On Television Boob Tube Dishwasher
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category: no points
5. Name something that most cars have today that you would not find in Fred Flintstone's car
Ac Ghetto Blaster Radio Transmitter Stereo Cd Player Boombox
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category: no points
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