All "Kids" Related Family Feud Questions
1. Tell me one thing people associate with Pilgrims
Turkey Thanksgiving Outfits Plymouth Rock Indians Mayflower
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2. Name something a boy scout might learn
Bestfriend Honesty Camping Knot Tying Starting A Fire
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3. Name something people have a personal code for
Computer Lovers Atm Alarm
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4. Name another word for "stink"
Foul Reek Pew Odor Stench Smell
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category: no points
5. We asked 100 people: Name a mountain range
Smokey Mountains Rocky Mountains Appalachian Alps Burden
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6. Name something that is blue
Oceans The Sky The Smurfs Eyes Christmas Decorations
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7. Name something you wouldn't like to receive as a birthday gift
Nothing Books Cash Appliances Clothes Vacuum Cleaner
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8. Name a staple of a college student's diet
Pizza Ramen Hot Dog Pasta
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9. Name something Santa Claus has to look out for when he's flying in his sleigh
Clouds Birds Meteors Chimneys Planes Power Lines
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10. Name a country that begins with the letter "H"
Honduras Haiti Holy See Drift Wood London Eye Hungary
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11. What's something you've fallen out of at least once in your life
Chair Bed Swing Love
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12. Name another word for liar
Camel Untrustworthy Fibber Story Teller Cheat Sneak
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13. Name a US state that starts with the letter M
Maine Michigan Mississippi Missouri
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14. Name something people drink that's red
Tomato Juice Cranberry Juice Kool-aid Red Wine
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15. Give me a woman's name that starts with the letter "D"
Diane Daniella Darlene Denise Donna Debroah
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16. Name something tropical
Darlene Denise Palm Trees Fruit Rain Forest Island
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17. Name something of yours that's black
Cat Purse Shoes
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18. Name a type of bird that you wouldn't want to eat
Buzzard Pigeon Vulture Crows
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19. Name a place you can go without shoes and a shirt and still get serviced
Beach Video Games Candy Skinny Minnie Cell Phone Lying
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20. Name a fruit you don't need to peel to eat
Grapes Driving Test Apples Cherries Strawberries
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21. If a woman eats like a bird, what animal does a man eat like
Lion Elephant Pig Horse
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22. Name something you might find in a parent's room
Divorce Money Television
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23. Name something you're afraid to do by yourself
Flying Walk At Night Travel Sleep Swim
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24. Name something you can't do when it is cold outside
Sun Tan Wear Shorts Swimming Natalie Portman
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25. Name something that would ruin a cruise
Bad Food Illness Shipwreck Rough Seas Rain
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26. Tell me the worst place to celebrate Valentine's Day
Jail Magnum PI At Home At Work
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27. Name another word for "smell"
Stink Monsters Odor Sniff
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28. Name a character who is hired to perform at a kid's birthday party
Magician Big Bird Move Away Barney Clown Stop The War
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29. Name a time that might be proudest moment in a person's life
Giving Birth Gifts Buying A House New Job Graduation
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30. Name an animal that has a bushy tail
Squirrel Racoon Rabbit Fox
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31. Name an animal you'd never kiss on the lips
Monkey Snake Dog Alligator
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32. Name something you'd do if you could get away with it
Cheating Speed Not Pay Taxes Not Work Rob A Bank
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33. Name a children's story featuring a witch
Wizard Of Oz Hansel And Gretel Carbohydrates Cookies
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34. Name something a parent might do if their kid's pet goldfish dies
Give It A Funeral Bury It Buy A New One Flush Down Toilet
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35. On any given day what's the most expensive thing you wear
Bouncer Help Others Trampoline Clothes/shoes Jewelry
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36. Give me a woman's name that is 3 letters long
Sue Amy Ann Eve
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37. Name a place where it would be fun to play hide and seek, but where you aren't allowed to
Grave Yard Shopping Mall Schools Katy Perry
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38. Name an occupation that starts with the letter "P"
Photographer Podiatrist Physician Postman Painter Pediatrician
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39. Name something associated with Brazil
LL Cool J Carnival Lady Gaga Soccer Rio De Janeiro Brazil Nuts
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40. Name something in your house that's easy to break
Lamps Glasses Windows Vase Chinaware
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41. Name something babies throw out of the crib
Blanket Pillow Rattle Philippines Bottle Pacifier
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42. Name a popular musical
Annie The Sound Of Music Cats High School Musical Wicked Grease
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43. Name something you eat at the movies
Candy Nachos High School Musical Popcorn Alcohol
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44. Name Something Plants Need To Grow
Dirt High School Musical Roots Rocks Water Sunlight
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45. Name A Famous Turtle
High School Musical Donatello Squirtle Leonardo Raphael
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46. Name a place with lots of volcanos
China Philippines Japan United States
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47. Name a dessert that might come in red, white, and blue
Cake Jello Cookies Pickles Popsicles
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48. Tell me something people do at home when they can't afford to go out
Papaya Home Cooked Meal Watch Movies Watch Tv
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49. Name an item of clothing you remove at the door
Scarf Boots Coat Bill Collector
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50. Name something you might see in a children's playground
Merry Go Round Monkey Bars Sandbox Swing Set Slide
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category: no points
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