All "Kids" Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name a specific reason kids give for not wanting to eat a vegetable
Don't Like Taste Green Color Too Full Pillow Make Them Sick
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category: no points
2. If you were driving someone else's car, name something that would be hard to get used to
Seat Stick Shift Brakes Steering Wheel Stereo
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category: no points
3. Name something a woman might ask her husband to get rid of once they have kids
Motorcycle Sports Car Dog Girly Magazines Smoking Habit
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category: no points
4. If a 10-year-old became president, what's the first thing they would outlaw
Eating Vegetables Bedtime School/homework 6
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category: no points
5. Name something you can do while riding in a motor home that you can't do in a car
Fisherman Use Bathroom Sleep Play Cards
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6. Give me an expression that has the word "out" in it
Of Countrol Go Get Out Look Out Outside Of Your Mind
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7. Name a pet that doesn't live very long
Housefly Birds Fish Turtle Hamsters
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8. Name a gift teenagers enjoy receiving
Clothes Music Money IPod
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9. Name something you'd hate to drop if you were holding it
Baby Bungee Jumping Hot Water Glass Telephone
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category: no points
10. Name something people lose when they're not paying attention
Their Life Money Keys Direction Train Of Thought Track Of Time Focus
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11. Name something you'd hate to hit while playing golf
Animal Another Person Myself Sand Trap
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12. Name a kind of place where you see people constantly checking the time
Bus Stop Airport Train Station Work
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13. Name something you can often hear, when it's very quiet in church
Baby Coughing Sneezing
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14. Name something associated with Batman
Guns Robin Batmobile Bat Cave Gotham City
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15. When the electricity goes out, name something it's hard to do in the dark
See Find Flashlight Read Walk Guns
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16. Name something men find it hard to ask for
Love His Work Anything Money
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17. Name something you've seen people chase
Dog Person Bus
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18. Name something you'd hate to see a spider crawling out of
My Clothes Bed Food
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19. Name something a kid hopes he doesn't get for Christmas
No Presents A Cold Clothes Coal Spanking
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20. Name a kind of grinder
Meat Tooth Conversation Sandwich Coffee
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21. Name a part of their own body that people bite
Inside Cheeks Lip Foot Tongue Fingers
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22. Name a kind of place where you wouldn't want to sit in the front row
Church Movies Theater Boxing
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23. Fill in the blank: City of _____
Angels Dreams Brotherly Love
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24. Name one word that never fails to start a dog's tail wagging
Hi Good Food Come Walk
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25. Name a type of food that might get caught on a man's moustache
Whipped Cream Soup Pasta Milk
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26. Name something that's a lot more expensive this year than it was last year
Everything Gasoline Clothes Food Rent
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27. Give me another name for "tattletale"
Stool Pigeon Snitch Rat Fink Squealer Narc
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28. Name something that you have only one of, but sometimes you wish you had more than one
Life Spouse Brain
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29. Name a famous Chuck
Norris Berry Taylor Conner E. Cheeze Woolery
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30. Name something about Santa that kids wouldn't dare to make fun of
Beard Gifts Costume Reindeer Big Belly
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31. Name a place where people hope to go someday
Hawaii Disneyland Heaven Poodle
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32. Name something you use for company when you're home alone
Music Pets Television Book
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33. Name something you'd find in a haunted house
Spiderwebs Blood Monsters Ghost Skeletons
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34. Name something you don't want to run over with a vacuum
Cat Cord Marble Coin Nail
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35. Name a word or phrase that starts with "spring"
Springtime Fever Cleaning Fling Forward
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36. Name something that starts with "Knock 'em..."
Out Down Dead Robot
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37. Name something that children say is always better at the neighbor's house
Toys Games Food Rules
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38. Name something parents tell their kids not to do so loudly
Burp Play Talk
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category: no points
39. Give me another word for "sloppy"
Careless Unkempt Disgusting Dirty Messy Pig Pen
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category: no points
40. Name something that's good when it's dry
Clothes Towel Food Weather
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category: no points
41. Name a way people spoil their dogs
Treats Feed Too Much Bone Sleep With Them Feed Table Scraps Sweaters
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category: no points
42. Name something a farmer might be embarrassed to say he doesn't know how to do
Use Computer Milk Cow Ride Horse Plant Fix Tractor Drive Tractor
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43. Name a country that begins with the letter "G"
Ghana Greenland Guam Greece Guatemala Germany
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44. Name a measurement people know on their body
Waist Greenland Height Shoe Size Facelift
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45. Name a kind of place where it's easy to catch other people's germs
Bathroom Movie Doctor
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46. Name a place people work that starts with the letter "M"
Macy's Mail Room Museum McDonald's
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category: no points
47. Name something that sways back and forth
Swing Pendulum Tree Rocking Chair
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category: no points
48. Complete this phrase: Bald as a(n)______
Cue Ball Eagle Draw Blood Coot Baby
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category: no points
49. Name something made in America that's loved by people worldwide
Cars Wine Coca-cola Food
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category: no points
50. Name something you do for your dog's own good, that he hates
Lock Him Up Bath Hit On Nose Take To Vet
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category: no points
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