Name Something That Has Speakers
Stereo 68
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tags: technology transportation home entertainment animals funny category: fast money
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
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14. Name something cars have today that they didn't have 50 years ago.
airbags 24 seat belt 22 cd player 13 computer 6 cruise control 6 air conditioner 6
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Hippies Music Vietnam 60S Hairstyles Bell Bottoms
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16. Name Something Cars Didn't Have 50 Years Ago
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19. Name Something People Do On Your Answering Machine That Drives You Crazy.
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20. Name Something You Can Buy In A Cordless Version
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21. Name something in your house that makes a lot of noise.
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tags: home appliances technology kids funny category: 6 answers
22. name something in your home that you rarely need to change the batteries in
Clock Smoke Alarm Tv Remote
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tags: home appliances technology gadgets kids funny category: no points
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Typing Working Hard Communication Computer Program Sales Customer Service Foreign Language
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tags: work school home technology hobbies funny category: no points
24. Name something that can blow a fuse.
lights 21 air conditioner 12 hair dryer 10 person 9 fuse box 9
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tags: home work school relationships technology funny category: 5 answers
25. Name an electronic device people use today that they did not use twenty years ago.
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tags: technology home kids school work funny category: 5 answers
26. Name something people replace even if the old one is still working
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tags: home work school technology kids funny category: no points
27. Name Something In Your Home You Probably Turn On Every Day.
television 49 lights 34 water 5 stove 5 microwave 3 radio 2 dishwasher 2
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28. Name Something You’re Not Supposed To Do To A CD
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tags: music entertainment technology kids funny category: no points
29. Name something you have that you wish worked better.
Car 1 Computer 1 TV/Remote 1 My Body 2 Washer 1 Cell Phone/Phone 2
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tags: funny fun hilarious household technology home school pets kids category: 6 answers
30. Name A Function You Have On Your Telephone That Your Child Doesnt Have On Their Tin Can Phone
redial 39 speaker phone 14 call waiting 14 caller id 11 speed dial 8 mute 4 voice mail 3
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microwave 41 computer 4
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Walking London Bike Venice
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tags: groceries home transportation funny category: no points
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computer 49 cell phone 24 tv 12 microwave 6
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34. Name Something That Breaks Easily Without Its Case
glasses 40 cd 29 musical instrument 22 camera 4
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music 40 photos 27 movies 17 books 12
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shoes 72 cat 7 purse 4 computer 4 car 4 hair 3
Answers are hidden.
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tv 48 dishwasher 32 phone 9 washing machine 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: home history inventions nostalgia lifestyle technology category: 4 answers
38. What Kinds Of Tasks Do We Now Handle Online That We Didnt Use To Years Ago
banking 34 paying bills 28 shopping 10 emailing 7 doing taxes 6 education 4 working 4
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39. Name something in your house you might start yelling at if it stopped working.
TV Fridge Oven Computer Spouse
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tags: appliances technology furniture home electronics kids category: 5 answers
40. Name Something You Should Switch Off Before Going To Bed
Lights Electric Blanket TV
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41. Name something the Jetsons had that you’d love to have in your lifetime.
hover car 46 robot maid 29 dog that speaks 6 space mansion 5 jetpacks 4
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42. Name The Electronic Device That You Use Most In A Day
cell phone 55 computer 24 tv 11 microwave 3
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tags: technology daily life work home communication category: 4 answers
43. What's the best home appliance that was invented in the past fifty years?
Microwave Dishwasher TV Tumble dryer Computer Washing machine
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tags: home appliances technology kitchen convenience adults category: 6 answers
44. Name a videogame company.
nintendo 47 sony 29 microsoft 13 electronic arts 11
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tags: gaming entertainment technology kids category: 4 answers
45. What do you use to listen to music?
Phone Speaker PC/Laptop Radio MP3 player
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tags: kids music entertainment technology category: no points
46. Name a video game console.
xbox 37 playstation 30 wii 16 sega genesis 12 atari 5
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tags: entertainment gaming technology kids category: 5 answers
47. before cds what did people listen to music on
Tapes 8 Tracks Lemonade Stand Records
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tags: music history technology entertainment 80s 90s category: no points
48. Name something the family takes turns using.
Bathroom Car Phone Computer TV Soap
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tags: kids funny family home school transportation category: 6 answers
49. Name a machine that lifts you up.
elevator 70 forklift 13 escalator 4 roller coaster 3 airplane 2 crane 2
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50. Name Something A Man Might Try And Fix, But Ends Up Having To Call A Professional For.
Sink 55
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51. Name something a kid might miss while they are at summer camp.
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tags: kids summer camp home friends technology routine category: no points
52. Name a device that you seriously think you could not live without
Television Can Opener Telephone
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tags: daily life household appliances technology essentials home category: no points
53. Name a job that you hire a professional to do but your parents probably didn't
Plumbing Car Repair Lawn Care Large Appliance
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tags: home improvement technology finances healthcare education pets category: no points
54. Name something you get rid of when it doesn't work properly.
television 25 pen 19 toaster 17 remote 14 can opener 7 coffee pot 5
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tags: technology home appliances cars clothes food plants category: 6 answers
55. Name something cars have today they didnt’ have 50 years ago
Air Bags Seat Belt CD Player Cruise control Computer
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tags: technology entertainment safety convenience comfort category: no points
56. Name Something That Computers And Sports Cars Have In Common.
Speed 56
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tags: cars technology machines fun speed entertainment category: fast money
57. Name something cars have today that they didn't have 50 years ago
Airbags Seat Belt Cruise Control CD Player
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tags: technology safety convenience entertainment kids category: no points
58. Name A Type Of TV Show That’s Popular Now, But Barely Existed 20 Years Ago.
Reality 58
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tags: entertainment tv streaming technology shows media category: fast money
59. Name a way people listened to music before iPods.
radio 49 cd player 36 cassette 8 vinyl records 7
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tags: music history entertainment technology nostalgic category: 4 answers
60. what might a library start offering if they really wanted to attract patrons
Alcohol Movie Presentations Food Service Free Books
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tags: library community entertainment education technology category: no points
61. What Might A Tv Not Work Without,
Remote Control Power Cable Antenna
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tags: electronics technology entertainment living room category: no points
62. Name A Model Of Video Game Console
Playstation X Box Dreamcast Megadrive Wii Snes
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tags: technology gaming kids entertainment hardware category: no points
63. Name something that has a screen.
television 23 computers 23 door 15 windows 12 cell phone 6 movie theater 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology entertainment homework devices television category: 6 answers
64. Name The Best Thing That Is Now Available Digital, But Hasn’t Always Been
tv 35 clock 20 canara 19 mp3/music 14 phone 10
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tags: technology entertainment convenience school work shopping category: 5 answers
65. Name something you can do with a cellphone.
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tags: communication entertainment information technology photography games category: no points
66. Name something a student with bad grades might not be allowed to do.
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tags: school entertainment outdoors friends travel technology category: no points
67. Name something cars have today that they didn't have when they were first invented.
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tags: technology safety comfort convenience entertainment navigation category: 6 answers
68. Name a modern convenience most teenagers think they couldn't live without
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tags: school technology social media entertainment communication category: no points
69. Name something made in America that's loved by people worldwide.
food 25 cars 12 coca-cola 11 movies 10 money 8 jeans 8 wine 5 television 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: entertainment food technology cars fashion education category: 8 answers
70. Name Something A Teen Wouldn’t Be Able To Go Without For A Day.
Cell Phone 50 TV 16 Snacks/Food 11 Video Games 8 Computer 5 Listening To Music 3 A Loan 3
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tags: kids school friends technology food entertainment category: 7 answers
71. name something flashy that movie spies always have be specific
Camera Wristwatch Weapon Suits Car
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tags: entertainment movies actors props gadgets technology category: no points
72. What Could Your Computer Run Without But It Would Be A Bummer Not To Have
internet 31 mouse 30 printer 16 speakers 12 keyboard 8
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tags: computers technology school work entertainment kids category: 5 answers
73. Besides For Work, Tell Me How Many Hours You Spend Using Your Computer In One Day. (Numeric Only Please.)
2 31 4 19 3 18 1 14 5 11 6 4
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tags: technology adults work leisure entertainment productivity category: 6 answers
74. In Today’s World, Name Something That Helps People Stay “Forever Young.”
plastic surgery 39 exercise 35 vitamins 10 makeup 6
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tags: health beauty lifestyle happiness technology entertainment category: 4 answers
75. Name a reason why people might not read books often
Lack+of+time 38 Lazy 27 Prefer+movies%2ftv 24 Don%27t+like+reading 15 Cost+of+books 13 Sight+issue 6
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tags: reading books time cost technology entertainment category: 6 answers
76. If you were literally "in the doghouse" for the night, name something you'd want in there with you.
Bedding TV Spouse Food Dog Book
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tags: home animals comfort entertainment fun kids category: 6 answers
77. Name Something A Hobo Does To Pass His Time While Ridin The Rails
sleep 33 sing 24 drink alcohol 19 eat 7 talk 5 read 3
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tags: travel entertainment funny kids transportation hobbies category: 6 answers
78. Name a mode of transportation used by superheroes.
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tags: superheroes transportation heroes kids entertainment funny category: no points
79. Name some popular social media platforms.
Facebook Instagram X Snapchat Tinder
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tags: adults social media technology communication internet apps entertainment category: no points
80. Name a part of a bicycle.
Tire Handlebars Peddles Seat Brakes Chains
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tags: kids transportation home vehicles category: no points
81. Name a place where people like to read the morning newspaper.
kitchen table 41 bathroom 24 train/subway 10 coffee shop 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: home public transportation office library category: 4 answers
82. Name something that has an antenna.
television 35 tube 35 on television 35 tv 35 boob tube 35 boombox 29 speaker 29 stereo 29 sub woofer 29 ghetto blaster 29 radio 29 jalopy 22 vehicle 22 truck 22 car 22 van 22 telephone 7 phone 7 mobile 7 cell phone 7 roaches 5 bees 5 bugs 5 cockroaches 5 termites 5 flies 5 insects 5 mites 5 spiders 5 beetles 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: animals technology kids funny insects category: 30 answers
83. Name A Reason Why You Might Have To Get Change For A Dollar
Vending Machine 38
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tags: shopping transportation entertainment category: fast money
84. Name something you use every day.
Toothbrush Bathroom Telephones Car Water Soap
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tags: home kids food school transportation hygiene category: no points
85. Other Than Illness, Name An Acceptable Excuse For Missing Work.
funeral 61 car trouble 30 jury duty 8
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tags: work school pets home weather transportation category: 3 answers
86. Name Something Associated With The 50?s
Mr Potato Head Hula Hoop Barbie Yo Yo
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tags: school transportation music fashion games home category: no points
87. Give me a word or phrase containing the word "chip":
chocolate chip 31 chip off the old block 20 potato chip 20 chip dip 7 chip on shoulder 6 chipmunk 3 poker chip 3 computer chip 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: food technology gambling kids funny animals category: 8 answers
88. Name something people do to a live mouse that would be strange to do to your computer's mouse.
trap it 45 kill it 29 pet it 10 feed it cheese 4 poison it 3 feed it to snake 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny animals pets hardware technology humor category: 6 answers
89. Name A Vehicle That Requires A Special License To Operate.
Semi Truck 42 Motorcycle 16
Answers are hidden.
tags: vehicles transportation laws knowledge entertainment category: fast money
90. If gas gets much more expensive, name something you may have to go without.
driving car/gas 63 food/eating out 9 travel/vacation 7 new clothes/shoes 7 heat/air-cond. 6 cigarette/smoking 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: money transportation food heat entertainment category: 6 answers
91. Name Something You'd Find In A Limousine But Not In A Car
Bar Television Alcohol Wine Glasses Chauffeur
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tags: transportation luxury travel entertainment amenities category: no points
92. Name A Reason Why A Person might Prefer To Travel By Cruise Ship.
Fear Of Flying It’s Enjoyable Like Water No Traffic
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel vacation relaxation convenience transportation entertainment category: no points
93. Name a place you stop going to when you're broke.
Restaurants 1 Store/mall 1 Bar/nightclub 1 Casino 1 The movies 2 The bank 2 Ball game 2 Racetrack 1
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tags: food shopping entertainment transportation hobbies travel category: 8 answers
94. Name something people do when riding in the back of a taxicab.
Watch Meter Talk Look Out Window Sleep Give Directions Read Use Phone
Answers are hidden.
tags: vehicles transportation passengers travel entertainment kids category: 7 answers
95. During A Long Distance Bus Trip, Name Something You’d Be Disappointed To Learn That The Bus Didn’t Have
bathroom 46 air conditioning 29 gas 11 television 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel transportation amenities entertainment comfort kids category: 4 answers
96. Name Something You Might Have To Wait For A While On An Airplane?
food 39 drink 28 bathroom 15 take off 9 landing 3 late passenger 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel transportation waiting food drinks entertainment category: 6 answers
97. Name A Place Where You Might See An Advertisement
Newspaper On TV On A Billboard
Answers are hidden.
tags: shopping entertainment transportation social media travel food category: no points
98. Tell me a word that starts with 'micro'.
Microwave 48 Microphone 19 Microscope 14 Microsoft 11 Microchip 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: science technology food animals category: 5 answers
99. Name an instance when a teenager would be reminded to use their head.
school/test 46 driving 18 at a party 12 on a date 11 in a fight 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work animals technology kids category: 5 answers
100. Name a public place you might see someone snoring.
church 23 movie theater 18 airport 18 bus 16 libraries 11 hospital 7
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tags: public transportation animals funny category: 6 answers
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