Name a public place you might see someone snoring.
church 23 movie theater 18 airport 18 bus 16 libraries 11 hospital 7
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tags: public transportation animals funny category: 6 answers
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. What is the biggest complaint that people have about public transportation
Delayed Late Always Late Overdue Too Slow Tardy Due
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tags: transportation public transportation commuting complaints inconvenience category: no points
2. Name Something Embarrassing That You Might Do While Listening To Headphones.
Sing 52 Speak Loudly 22 Dance 13 Ignore Someone 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: work public transportation kids funny category: 4 answers
3. Name Something You Wish People Wouldn’t Do In An Elevator.
smoke 34 pass gas 22 sneeze 12 talk 8 kiss 7 stand too close 4 cough 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: social etiquette annoying habits public transportation funny category: 7 answers
4. Name Something That Annoys You When You Ride The Bus
People Talking 27 No Seats 22 Crowds 21 The Homeless 11 swearing 7 Smell 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: commute public transportation daily life travel people funny category: 6 answers
5. Name a London tube line.
northern 23 central 8 piccadilly 8 bakerloo 8 district 7 jubilee 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel transportation commute public transport category: 6 answers
6. Name a place where people like to read the morning newspaper.
kitchen table 41 bathroom 24 train/subway 10 coffee shop 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: home public transportation office library category: 4 answers
7. Name Something That Annoys You When You Take The Bus
People Talking No Seats Loud Music Tramps Sitting Too Close
Answers are hidden.
tags: commuting public transportation travel annoyance humor category: no points
8. Name A Public Place Where Youre Likely To Catch A Cold Or Flu Bug
school 41 hospital 21 airplane 10 doctor's office 9 public transit 6 shopping center 6 work 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work hospital public transportation shopping mall gym category: 7 answers
9. Name something people hate about taking the bus.
waiting 31 crowded 24 late 11 stops 10 standing 4 slow 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: commute transportation annoyance kids adults public transport category: 6 answers
10. Name A Place Where You Might Have A Friendly Conversation With A Total Stranger.
Grocery store 24 Bar 21 Airplane 20 Park 13 Coffee Shop 10 Bus 7 Parking Lot 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: public transportation grocery store park waiting room category: 7 answers
11. Name a place perfect strangers sit next to each other.
movies 20 bus 16 diner 14 airplane 13 theater 8 church 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel transportation public spaces school work hospital category: 6 answers
12. Name A Place Where People Hope Not To Have A Baby Seated Near Them
airplanes 39 movies 23 restaurant 17 bus 8 place of worship 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: restaurant library grocery store movie theater public transportation category: 5 answers
13. Name a public place where you wish people wouldn't take their dog.
park 56 restaurant 14 playground 8 stores/market 7 sidewalk 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: pets dogs public places animals kids funny category: 5 answers
14. Name a public place where you wish people wouldn't take their dog
Answers are hidden.
tags: animals etiquette pets public places category: no points
15. Name The Worst Thing About Being On Noah’s Ark.
crowded 33 smell 23 animals 19 cleaning up 6 storms 6 boredom 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: animals family funny kids transportation category: 6 answers
16. Name Something You Associate With A Camel
Hump Desert Arabs
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tags: animals desert transportation travel funny category: no points
17. Name something you might race if you had super speed.
Answers are hidden.
tags: animals transportation food school kids funny category: no points
18. Name an animal that people use for transportation.
horse 77 camel 13 dog 7 elephant 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: animals transportation kids funny school work category: 4 answers
19. Name something Santa Claus has to look out for when he's flying in his sleigh
Clouds Birds Meteors Chimneys Planes Power Lines
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tags: weather obstacles animals transportation kids funny category: no points
20. Name Something That Has Speakers
Stereo 68
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tags: technology transportation home entertainment animals funny category: fast money
21. Name something you'd hate be on when it breaks down
Plane Bus Ferris Wheel Roller Coaster Boat Train Lift/Elevator
Answers are hidden.
tags: transportation kids funny embarrassing adults animals category: 7 answers
22. Name something a cowboy might ride if he lost his horse.
donkey 40 bull 30 motorcycle 11 truck 8 train 4 another horse 2 bicycle 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: animals cowboys funny kids transportation western category: 7 answers
23. Name something that travels at high speed.
Airplanes Trains Light Bullets Sound
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tags: animals food funny kids transportation vehicles category: no points
24. Name a way people got around before cars were invented.
horseback 63 walking 16
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tags: travel transportation kids funny quirky animals category: 2 answers
25. Name something you would see at a gas station
Fuel Pump Automobiles Trucks Hoses Vans Gas Pumps Pumps
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tags: work transportation kids food animals funny category: no points
26. Name Something Specific That Causes You Honk Car Horn
Traffic Jam Cut Off About To Crash Slow Driver Animal
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tags: traffic driving animals children funny transportation category: no points
27. Name Something You Might See On A Train
People Or Passengers Conductor Seats Guard Driver
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tags: transportation travel kids family funny animals category: no points
28. Name A Public Place Where It’s OK To Yell
Playground Concert Sports Event Amusement Park
Answers are hidden.
29. Besides horses, name an animal used for transportation.
Camel Donkey Elephants Cow Ox
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tags: animals transportation fun kids family category: no points
30. Name something that some people are afraid to ride on or in.
Airplane 1 Motorcycle 1 Roller coaster 2 Boat 1 Horse 1 Elevator 1
Answers are hidden.
tags: fear animals transportation kids category: 6 answers
31. Past or present, name something that soldiers have rode into battle on.
Horses Tanks Jeeps Helicopters
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tags: animals transportation war history kids category: no points
32. Besides A Horse, Which Animal Is Used For Transportation
Mule Camel Dog Elephant Ox
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tags: animals transportation travel kids category: no points
33. Name Something You Find In Every Country
People City Flag Trees Customs
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tags: food animals transportation kids category: no points
34. name a public place where it would be easy to fall asleep
Library Park
Answers are hidden.
35. Name a kind of place where you run into the rudest people.
mall 45 bar 7 restaurant 5 sporting event 5 church 4 dmv 4
Answers are hidden.
36. Name a kind of place where you're embarrassed when you doze off.
church 25 bus 18 work 17 classroom 15 movie/theater 9 subway/train 4 doctor's office 3 restaurant 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: embarrassing public sleep funny category: 8 answers
37. Name a public place where it’s OK to scream.
amusement park 31 rock concert 24 playground 18 movie theater 17 sports event 5 spookhouse 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: public places funny kids category: 6 answers
38. Name A Public Place Where It Is Okay To Yell
park 46 concert 19 sports event 17 amusement park 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: public social etiquette funny category: 4 answers
39. Name Something Considerate That People Often Do For You In An Elevator
hold door 51 push button 28 move over 16
Answers are hidden.
40. Name something that has passengers.
bus 37 airplane 29 car 17 train 12 boat 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: vehicles watercraft transportation animals objects category: 5 answers
41. Name something you associate with camels.
Hump 1 Desert 1 Cigarettes 1 Toe/foot 1 Water 1 Smell/bad breath 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: animals desert transportation food africa category: 6 answers
42. Name something that has many wheels.
truck 49 car 17 train 15 bus 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: transportation construction sports animals kids category: 4 answers
43. name a place where you would see lots of beautiful women
Bar Beach Fashion Show Beauty Pageant
Answers are hidden.
44. Name something you'd hate to be doing when you hear the call of mother nature.
driving in car 29 sleeping 11 making love 8 on the job 6
Answers are hidden.
45. Name a place where you would be embarrassed to run into your boss.
Answers are hidden.
tags: embarrassing public places funny awkward category: no points
46. Name a public place where it is ok to take off your pants.
Answers are hidden.
47. Name a place where you would not want to be trapped with a stranger.
Elevator 59 Bathroom 6 House 5 Island 5 Jail 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: indoors outdoors public private funny category: 5 answers
48. Name Something You Would Do In A Public Restroom That You Would Never Do In Your Own Bathroom
pee on the floor 24 pee on the toilet 14 put paper on seat 12 write on wall 11 leave it messy 10 don't flush toilet 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: public bathrooms habits funny kids category: 6 answers
49. Name Something You’d Hate To Notice About Your Clothes Just After You Left The House.
stain 46 ripped 5
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tags: clothing public embarrassment fashion funny category: 2 answers
50. Tell me a type of public place that always overuses their air conditioning
Restaurant Hospital
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work public places funny category: no points
51. Name A Public Place Where Least Romantic To Propose
Restroom Bar Library Fast Food Mall Work Sports Gym
Answers are hidden.
tags: public proposal awkward funny hilarious category: no points
52. Name something that has caused almost everyone to be late for work.
overslept/alarm 35 traffic/accident 27 car trouble 9 bad weather 6 phone call 5 problem w/ kids 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: work transportation weather kids animals food category: 6 answers
53. name something that a cowboy would never leave home without
His Gun His Cowboy Boots His Trusty Horse His Rope His Cowboy Hat
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tags: animals work food clothing transportation shelter category: no points
54. Name a word that rhymes with 'beat'.
Heat 44 Meat 23 Feet 14 Seat 12 Street 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: food kids animals home transportation clothing category: 5 answers
55. Name an industry where a workers' strike would be inconvenient.
Healthcare 39 Teacher 18 Sanitation 12 Airline 11 Transit 10 Automotive 9
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tags: work school transportation food healthcare animals category: 6 answers
56. Name An Animal That People Ride
Camel Hippo Horse
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tags: animals riding travel transportation nature kids category: no points
57. Name Someplace Where You Might See A Movie Advertised
Television 32
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tags: shopping transportation reading animals restaurants kids category: fast money
58. If Santa’s Reindeer Couldn’t Fly On Christmas Eve, What Mode Of Transportation Might He Use Instead?
airplane 41 car 26 bus 10 train 9 helicopter 8 sled 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: christmas kids santa claus animals transportation category: 6 answers
59. Name something that shakes, rattles, and rolls.
An Old Car 3 A Rattle/Toy 2 A Rattlesnake 2 Music/Singers 1 Dancing Bod/Booty 2 Dice 1
Answers are hidden.
tags: food music animals transportation appliances kids category: 6 answers
60. Name something associated with boston.
Answers are hidden.
tags: school food sports history transportation animals category: no points
61. Name a public place where there's always at least one baby crying
Restaurant Airport Park Mall Movie Church
Answers are hidden.
tags: public baby crying noisy family funny category: no points
62. Name a place where you’d be embarrassed if your cell phone went off.
Church 39 Funeral 37 Movies 7 Job interview 4 Wedding 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny embarrassing public etiquette adults kids category: 5 answers
63. Name Something Embarrassing That Happens To People At The Airport
get searched 44 get lost 32 miss flight 13 luggage comes open 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel embarrassing airport funny public hilarious category: 4 answers
64. Name a public place you might hear someone snoring.
bus/bus station 21 park 20 movie/theater 20 train/subway 14 church 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: public funny kids places relaxation sleep category: 5 answers
65. Tell me something you should never do in a crowded movie theater.
talk 35 fart 23 yell "fire" 19 talk on the phone 18 make out 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: etiquette public places movies funny kids category: 5 answers
66. name something annoying a person might do at an atm when theres a long line behind them
Talk On Phone Get A Tattoo Many Transactions Move Out Forget Pin Stay Out Late Get Married
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny annoying public place human behavior category: no points
67. Name a public place where you can cry without feeling embarrassed.
place of worship 42 bathroom 14 movie/theater 11 funeral home 10 park 7 hospital 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: public places crying embarrassment emotions funny category: 6 answers
68. Name a place parents take a baby where they hope it doesn't start crying.
Church Theatre Restaurant Doctor Shopping Plane Bus
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tags: kids funny parents babies crying public category: 7 answers
69. name a place where they should have public bathrooms but dont
Movie Theatre Small Stores Park Roller Rink Bank Beach
Answers are hidden.
tags: public bathrooms missing kids funny hilarious category: no points
70. Name A Place Where People Aren’t Afraid To Sing Really Loud.
place of worship 39 concert 10
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tags: funny singing public places music karaoke category: 2 answers
71. Name a public place where only the world’s least romantic guy would propose.
restroom 42 bar 24 library 9 fast food restaurant 9 workplace 5 mall 5 sports game 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny hilarious proposal embarrassing public romance category: 7 answers
72. Name something that you think is okay to do in public but is frowned upon by other people.
kiss 52 breast feeding 18 fart 13 belch 12 pee 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids funny social etiquette public behavior category: 5 answers
73. Name The Worst Place You Could Have A Sneezing Fit.
church 55 work 13 movies 10 library 9 driving a car 7 restaurant 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: embarrassing awkward funny humorous public uncomfortable category: 6 answers
74. Name An Inappropriate Place For Couple To Start Smooching
Place Of Worship Park Restaurant Mall Office Movie Theater Car
Answers are hidden.
tags: inappropriate kissing public places funny relationships category: no points
75. Name the worst place to accidentally fall asleep.
car 54 work 16 bus 10 church 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny accidents sleep public places embarrassing category: 4 answers
76. Name a place you go so often, the people who work there know your name.
store 48 restaurant 10 church 10 bar 9 bank 6 doctor 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: food people public places humor funny category: 6 answers
77. Name a place where a mom might embarrass her child.
Answers are hidden.
tags: family embarrassing school public kids funny category: no points
78. Tell me a public place that's perfect for people watching.
park 40 mall/store 23 beach/boardwalk 8 bar 3 train/subway 3 restaurant 3 museum 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: public place everyday life funny socializing category: 7 answers
79. Name Something A Kid Might Do At A Public Swimming Pool That Annoys Others.
"wee wee" in pool 46 splash 23
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tags: kids funny water swimming public children category: 2 answers
80. Name A Public Place Where You’d Expect Married Couples To Show Affection
Park Movie Theatre Bar/Restaurant Beach Church Wedding
Answers are hidden.
tags: public spaces affection inappropriate funny kids category: no points
81. Name something that has a horn.
car 54 unicorn 18 rhino 10 bull 5 deer 3 goat 2 bicycle 2 ship 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: animals music mythical creatures transportation tools sports category: 8 answers
82. Name something you find in the lobby of a post office.
stamps 38 stamp machine 16 postcards 9 mailbox 8 envelope 8 boxes 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: lobby public places everyday items kids funny category: 6 answers
83. Tell me something you wouldn't want your child to do in public.
Answers are hidden.
tags: parenting kids funny family public behavior etiquette category: 6 answers
84. Name A Place Where You See More Cops Than In A Jail
Donut/Coffee Shop In A Police Station At A Mall At A Concert In A Parade Streets/Sidewalk
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tags: cops kids funny hilarious public places law enforcement category: no points
85. Name a kind of place that kids must be reminded to mind their manners
Mass Church Chapel Mosque Cathedral Temple Basilica
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids manners behavior public spaces family funny category: no points
86. Name a profession that requires you to speak in front of people.
teacher 51 lawyer 16 politician 15 preacher 12
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school kids funny public speaking education category: 4 answers
87. Name a kind of place you're embarrassed when your stomach rumbles.
church 34 restaurant 19 movie/theater 16 work/meeting 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: embarrassing moments humorous public spaces social situations -funny category: 4 answers
88. Name a place you shouldn't flirt with someone
Prison Doctor's Office Love Story Courthouses Funeral
Answers are hidden.
tags: public places category: no points
89. Name a place where it would be inappropriate to tell a dirty joke.
place of worship 73 funeral 7 work 5 wedding 5 dinner 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: inappropriate public category: 5 answers
90. Name something that starts with the word "public."
Answers are hidden.
tags: public places category: no points
91. Name a place where you might find a payphone
Station Propane Gas Station Petrol Fuel Lighter Fluid
Answers are hidden.
tags: public places airports category: no points
92. Name something people hate about public restrooms.
dirty 60 smells 21 no toilet paper 12 no soap 2 small 2 no paper towels 2
Answers are hidden.
93. In Order To Seem Like A “Regular Guy,” Name A Place Where A Politician Might Hang Out.
bar 38 bowling alley 27 diner 23 rock concert 6 pool hall 5
Answers are hidden.
94. Name a public place where you've witnessed couples fighting and making a scene.
restaurant 29 mall/store 21 bar 21 park 7 street/sidewalk 6 subway 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: public places drama relationships category: 6 answers
95. Tell me a public place that's perfect for "people watching"
Mall Park Train
Answers are hidden.
tags: public places human behavior category: no points
96. Name A Place That You Wish You Had The Nerve To Go Alone
haunted house 34 cemetry 30 wedding 10 restaurant 5 woods 4 bar 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: public places amusement park category: 6 answers
97. Name A Place Where It Is Rude To Take Out Your Cell Phone
cinema 24 church 22
Answers are hidden.
tags: etiquette manners public places category: 2 answers
98. We asked 100 women: Name Something You’d Be Uncomfortable Wearing In Public when You Feel You Have 10 Pounds To Lose
Bathing Suit 47
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothing women fashion public category: fast money
99. Name A Public Place Where Bathrooms Are Disgusting
Gas Station Park Mall Bar Beach Restaurant Train Station
Answers are hidden.
tags: public places germs cleaning category: no points
100. Name Something That You Have To Do Sometimes That Billionaire Has Probably Never Done.
low end job 30 clean/laundry 26 borrow money 17 fly economy 8 buy used 8 clip coupons 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores homework public transport category: 6 answers
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