The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something you sleep with in order to feel safe.
spouse 41 gun 27 stuffed animal 17 blanket 10 night light 5
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tags: security comfort sleep nighttime safety family category: 5 answers
2. Name something you do when you wake up in the middle of the night and you are not tired.
watch tv 30 read 29 eat 17 use bathroom 6 internet 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: nighttime insomnia bored late night funny category: 5 answers
3. Name a sound people lie awake all night listening to.
crickets 17 snoring 16 falling rain 11 faucet dripping 9 barking dog 6 waves 6 traffic 5 clock ticking 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids animals sleep funny nighttime category: 8 answers
4. What Is Something Your Spouse Does To Prevent You From Sleeping
snore 45 talk 30 snuggle 17 watch tv 4 toss and turn 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships nighttime sleep habits funny category: 5 answers
5. Name something your partner might say you do while you are asleep
Snore Sleepwalk Discuss Talk Chat Somnambulist Speak
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tags: sleep funny nighttime habits relationships couples category: no points
6. Name Something you use while sleeping at night.
Pajamas Teddy bear Bed lamp Blanket Pillow
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tags: adults nighttime sleep bedding comfort kids category: no points
7. Name Something A Child Asks For Just To Delay His Bedtime
drink 34 bedtime story 28 snacks 17 hug/kiss 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids funny sleep routine nighttime bedtime category: 4 answers
8. Name something you double-check before you go to bed.
doors are locked 64 alarm clock 16 lights off 12 stove 4
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tags: home safety sleep routine habits nighttime category: 4 answers
9. Name something insomniacs do when they cannot sleep
Flat Screen Watch Tv Big Screen Tube Watching Tv
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tags: insomnia sleep nighttime relaxation fatigue dreams category: no points
10. What do people do if they cannot sleep?
Browse the internet Chat with friends on the phone Count sheep Drink milk Read a book
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tags: adults sleep insomnia nighttime relaxation health kids category: no points
11. What Might You Do Before Bed If You Don’t Want Anything To Wake You Up In The Morning?
Turn Off Alarm 30 Put In Ear Plugs 16 Close Bedroom Door 14 Turn Off Phone 14 Take A Sleep Aid 12 Close Shades 7
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tags: sleep night morning rest relaxation category: 6 answers
12. Name Something People Turn On Just Before They Get In Bed.
alarm 50 tv 24 lamp 12 radio 7 electric blanket 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: home bed night sleep relaxation comfort category: 5 answers
13. Name Something People Do To Help Them Fall Asleep At Night
sleeping pill 18 count sheep 16 drink warm milk 16 read 13 watch tv 10 listen to music 8 listen to the radio 5
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tags: sleep bedtime relaxation night rest category: 7 answers
14. Name something a woman might put on before she goes to bed.
nightie/pj's 70 facial mask 19 perfume 5 cold cream 2
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tags: sleep bedtime night pajamas makeup category: 4 answers
15. Name something you might do when you can't sleep.
read 45 watch tv 34 count sheep 9 eat food 7 drink milk 5
Answers are hidden.
16. Name Something People Turn On Before They Get Into Bed
Alarm TV Light Radio Lamp
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tags: night bedtime sleep comfort relaxation category: no points
17. Name something that some people like to sleep with
Teddy Bear Spouse Pet Pajamas Pillows Blanket
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tags: sleep bedtime comfort night relaxation kids category: 6 answers
18. Name Something People Do In Their Sleep.
snore 72 dream 20
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tags: sleep dreams bedtime snoring pajamas night category: 2 answers
19. Name Something You Expect People To Do At Halloween, But Not At Christmas.
wear costumes 44 trick or treat 29
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tags: kids family costumes autumn nighttime category: 2 answers
20. After Having Kids Name Something That Happens That Interrupts A Couples Alone Time At Night
crying baby 37 nightmares 23 feeding times 18 sick kid 14
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tags: nighttime family time kids funny category: 4 answers
21. Name something in a person's house that stays on all night long
Fridge Lamps Lanterns Refrigerator Lights
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tags: household family nighttime electronics furniture appliances category: no points
22. Name a way people warm up their cold feet in bed.
put on socks 42 put on spouse 26 rub them 14 cover with blanket 14 hot water bottle 3
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tags: family nighttime winter cold feet warmth category: 5 answers
23. Name a holiday that might be nice to spend alone for a change
Xmas Thanksgiving Year's Eve Yule Christmas Santa
Answers are hidden.
24. Name a quiet animal:
cat 36 mouse 13 rabbit 13 deer 7 giraffe 6 fish 5 snake 4 hamster 3
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25. Name something you can often hear, when it's very quiet in church.
coughing 21 baby 20 sneezing 14 talking 14 snoring 7 cell phone 5
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26. Where Do You GoSpecificallyTo Find Peace And Quiet
library 36 bedroom 26 bathroom 15 park 9 church 7 beach 3 spa 3
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tags: relaxation solitude peace quiet category: 7 answers
27. Name a place you go where you turn your cell phone off.
church 33 movie 29 hospital 20 home 7 court 4 airplane 2
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tags: places quiet privacy activities rest category: 6 answers
28. Name something you can often hear, when it's very quiet in church
Baby Coughing Sneezing
Answers are hidden.
29. Name a place you might go when you need peace and quiet.
Bedroom 38 Libraries 33 Bathroom 15 Church 9 Beach 5
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tags: peace quiet relaxation nature solitude category: 5 answers
30. Name a form of transportation that makes very little noise.
bike 37 car 23 airplane 9 walking 5 monorail 2
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tags: transportation vehicles quiet school work category: 5 answers
31. Name something annoying at the library.
noise 27 people talking 26 librarian 7 quiet 6 child crying 4
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tags: school quiet kids books adults hilarious category: 5 answers
32. Name A Way You Might Know Your Neighbors Are On Vacation
papers in driveway 41 cars are gone 16 they told you 11 don't pick up phone 9 mail pile up 9 lights off at night 7
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tags: neighbors plants animals food mail quiet category: 6 answers
33. Name A Game You Can Play In Bed
Eye Spy Cards Sex Hide & Seek Playstation Pillow Fight
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34. Name An Animal That You Hear At Night
dog 33 cat 5
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tags: animals night sounds kids funny family category: 2 answers
35. When you get out of bed in the middle of the night, name something it's easy to trip over.
shoes 39 pet 34 clothes 5 cord 3 chair 2 bed 2
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tags: home kids funny family house night category: 6 answers
36. Name An Appliance You Avoid Using When People Are Sleeping
vacuum 34 blender 32 tv 10 dishwasher 7 washer/dryer 6 microwave 5
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tags: appliances night humorous family friends home category: 6 answers
37. Name a type of program you see on TV late at night
Show News Chat Show Talk Show Current Affairs Weather Infomercials
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tags: entertainment tv late night comedy game show family category: no points
38. Whats The Best Thing About Going To The Drive-In
Kissing Stay In Car Privacy Big Screen No Standing In Line
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tags: entertainment summer date night family time kids food category: no points
39. When it's the middle of the night, tell me an activity you try to do quietly.
go to the bathroom 32 watch tv 19 eat 14 sleep 7 read 6 type 5
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tags: nighttime general knowledge category: 6 answers
40. When you hear a strange noise in the house during the night, exactly what do you do about it?
investigate 60 nothing 12 get scared 8 wake up mate 7 call police 4 get weapon 4
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41. Name Something You Might See In A Dark Alley.
kitty cat trash can bum
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tags: nighttime danger hidden suspicious category: no points
42. Name A Good Present To Give A Werewolf.
a human meat comb
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43. If You Live In The Country Name A Type Of Lights That You Dont See At Night
street lights 64 traffic 21 neon light 10
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44. Name Something Kids Often Ask For Before Bed That Their Parents Refuse
drink 31 snack 29 another story 24 tv/ movies 4
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45. Tell Me Something You Do When You Stay Up Late At Night
watch tv/ movie 58 read 16 snack 14 drink 7 play computer games 3
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tags: hobbies entertainment studying nighttime relaxation category: 5 answers
46. Name Something You Might Use A Flashlight While Doing
camping 42 searching for something 27 reading 11 hiking 11 fixing a car 7
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tags: travel nighttime outdoor emergencies safety category: 5 answers
47. Name something people go outside to do in their pajamas.
get newspaper 67 take out trash 11 get mail 7 go to store 3 sleepwalk 2 sweep outside 2 stargaze 2
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tags: funny pajamas kids silly outside nighttime category: 7 answers
48. Name Something People Like To Drink At Bedtime
milk 53 water 27 hot chocolate 9 juice 6 tea 5
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49. Name a good excuse to get your date to come inside at the end of the night
Nightcap Cold Out Coffee Use The Bathroom
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tags: flirting dating romance nighttime excuses funny category: no points
50. Name something associated with a full moon
Tides Craziness Vampire Wolf Stars
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tags: animals plants nature nighttime superstitions kids category: no points
51. Name an errand a vampire might have trouble doing since they are only awake at night.
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tags: errands vampires nighttime work food hilarious category: no points
52. name something people fear that comes out at night
Tap Fingers Look At Watch Monsters Werewolves Ghost Bats Vampires
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tags: nighttime fear darkness animals kids funny category: no points
53. Name something new parents spend their time doing.
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tags: babies nighttime household chores routines mental health category: no points
54. Tell me how many hours of sleep parents of a newborn baby get (numeric only)
4 33
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tags: family sleep baby kids category: fast money
55. Tell me something you know about Ed McMahon.
losing home 40 publisher 18 carson's side 15 star search 8 funny 4
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tags: tv late night category: 5 answers
56. What Might You Do In Your Sleep That Someone Else Would Find Cute
talk 55 snore 25 smile 8 drool 7 suck thumb 3
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57. Name A Place You Might Sleep When You Stay At A Friend’s House
Couch 51
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58. Name a noise some people are able to sleep through while others find it impossible.
Snoring TV Thunder Train Rain Pet Alarm Clock Siren
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tags: sleep annoying family humor trivia category: 8 answers
59. Name Something A Ten Year Old Girl Might Take To A Sleep Over.
sleeping bag 35 pillow 10
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tags: kids family sleep fun friends games category: 2 answers
60. Name a way to wake a deep sleeper
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61. Name something new dads do immediately after the birth of their baby
Unconscious Pass Out Cord Faint Bawl Umbilical Cord Cut Cord
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62. Name the first thing a "Survivor" contestant might do when they get back home
Sports Gourmet Meal Shower
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63. Name something that shines at night.
Stars 42 Moon 36 Streetlights 9 Fire Flies 4 Headlights 3
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64. Name a word that means the opposite of 'dark'.
Light 51 Bright 20 Sunny 14 Lit 9 Luminous 5
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65. Name Something Stars In The Sky Have In Common With Criminals.
Bright 57
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tags: stars criminals night law category: fast money
66. name something you worry about on a sleepless night
Job Money Work Love Life
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67. Name something that never lasts as long as you hope it would.
money 46 love 20 vacation 17 making love 7 food 5
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tags: family food happiness relationships sleep vacation category: 5 answers
68. On average, how many hours of sleep do new parents get in a night?
Four Five Six Three Two
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tags: parenting sleep family babies newborns infants category: no points
69. Name A Reason Why You’d Wake Your Spouse Up In The Middle Of The Night
heard a noise 41 "in the mood" 17 snoring 16 you're sick 9 had a nightmare 5
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tags: family sleep annoying funny silly relationships category: 5 answers
70. Name something people wish they had more of
Bucks Riches
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tags: family friends time money sleep love category: no points
71. Name something you'd find in a hotel room.
bed 47 bible 17 mini bar 10 towels 6 tv 5 phone 5
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tags: travel hotel vacation sleep kids family category: 6 answers
72. Tell me a lullaby that always works on babies.
rock-a-bye baby 43 hush little baby 26 twinkle, twinkle 17 go to sleep little baby 9 brahms lullaby 5
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tags: parenting family kids funny music sleep category: 5 answers
73. Name something you might do at night.
Read a book 3 Play on your phone 4 Play a board game 4 Play a videogame 3 Meditate 1
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tags: sleep pets family games kids funny category: 5 answers
74. Name something you would prefer to do on Sunday morning instead of going to church.
sleep 61 television 10 exercise 7 breakfast 6 movie 5 shop 4 read newspaper 3
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tags: hobbies breakfast sleep relaxation family kids category: 7 answers
75. Name something a soldier in the Army might have to go without for a while.
good food 33 lovemaking 27 sleep/bed 14 bathing 9 seeing family 4
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tags: food sleep communication comfort family privacy category: 5 answers
76. Name something you'd find in a hotel room
Towels Bed Mini Bar Bible
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tags: travel vacation kids family accommodation sleep category: no points
77. Name something a child might sleep with.
teddy bear 39 blanket 31 pillow 10 parents 7 doll 5 night light 4 pacifier 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids family funny animals sleep bedtime category: 7 answers
78. Name a decision that children think they should be able to make for themselves.
bed time 55 clothes 21 food 10 date 4 curfew 3 friends 3
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tags: kids parenting school sleep food family category: 6 answers
79. Name something that might keep new parents awake at night
Answers are hidden.
tags: babies newborns parenting children family sleep category: no points
80. Name Something Kids Do Over Their Summer Vacation
swim 32 play 24 go to camp 17 sleep in 12 travel 5 watch tv 3 read 3
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tags: kids summer vacation play sleep family category: 7 answers
81. Name an object young children sleep with.
teddy bear 47 blanket 30 pacifier 6
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tags: kids family sleep toys objects bedtime category: 3 answers
82. Name something you routinely fall asleep while doing.
watching tv 55 reading 32 talking on phone 2 making love 2
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tags: sleep boredom relaxation family kids hilarious category: 4 answers
83. Tell me something that people hug in bed.
pillow 43 person 30 teddy bear 24 dog/pet 2
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tags: sleep comfort home family warmth funny category: 4 answers
84. Name Something Some Kids Need To Have In Order To Sleep.
blanket 32 teddy bear 23 night light 16 milk 11 bedtime story 8 pacifier 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids sleep family animals food funny category: 6 answers
85. Name an animal you might hear in the forest at night.
owl 28 coyotes 17 crickets 16 wolves 11 bear 10
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86. Name Something A Guy Might Take With Him To A Poker Game.
money 54 beer 17
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87. what might a bicyclist use to keep safe at night
Neon Clothes Headlight Reflectors
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88. Give me a word for a part of the day.
morning 37 midday 21 afternoon 21 evening 5 lunchtime 5 night 4
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89. Which Foods Are You Most Likely To Grab For A Late Night Snack
chips 39 cookies 24 ice cream 11 pizza 10 sandwich 8 cereal 5 popcorn 3
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tags: food late night snacks category: 7 answers
90. Name something associated with vampires.
Twilight 1 Blood/Bloodsucker 1 Garlic 1 Bat 1 Cape 1 Dracula 1 Fangs 1 Halloween 1
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91. Name something you're never too tired to do before going to bed at night.
make love 21 brush teeth 17 say prayers 17 bathe/shower 11 eat snack/drink 10 watch tv/movie 6 read a book 4
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92. Name Something A Parent Might Miss About Their Younger Years
freedom/ time alone 33 dating 19 youthful appearance 17 more friends 10 going to school 9 having energy 8 fewer bills 3
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tags: work school sleep free time kids family category: 7 answers
93. Name something you might do on a date.
kiss 33 go out for dinner 22 talk 17 watch a movie 15 pay 13
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tags: date romance activities couples night out category: 5 answers
94. Name something you check if you're last one to leave the office at night
Computers Off Doors Are Locked Lights Off
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95. When you're on a bad blind date, name something you wish you could be doing instead.
watching tv 35 sleeping 8 being alone 7 out with friends 7 reading 6 on different date 4 fishing 4
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tags: activities date night excuses funny category: 7 answers
96. Name something you put on a bed.
sheets 52 pillows 23 comforter 19 chocolate 6
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97. Name something only a vampire would love an endless supply of
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98. Tell me a way you might get ready for a date.
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tags: dates relationships love romance night out category: 5 answers
99. Name something a child might do right before going to bed
Pray Teeth Dental Hygiene Use Bathroom Bathroom Brush Teeth Toothbrush
Answers are hidden.
100. where might a man sleep if his wife is snoring
Couch Fancy Restaurant Spare Room Floor Hotel
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny adults bed couch noisy night category: no points
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