The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name Something Contagious That Kids Sometimes Catch, But Adults Seldom Do.
chicken pox 38 cold 32 measles 13 lice 7 mumps 5 pink eye 3
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tags: kids school germs health childhood funny category: 6 answers
2. Name Something A Child Does To Prove They’re Too Sick For School.
cough 50 vomit 25 cry 13 take temperature 10
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tags: school kids humor health childhood family category: 4 answers
3. Name Something That A Person Doesn’t Remember As They Get Old
Names Peoples Ages Birthdays The Past Where They Put Items Phone Numbr Grocery Items
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tags: memory aging childhood health family fun category: no points
4. Name something a kid might leave behind on a school bus.
lunchbox 37 books 26 backpack 21 coat 14
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tags: school kids funny humorous childhood transportation category: 4 answers
5. Name something a kid might leave on the school bus.
Backpack Coat Lunch Book Homework
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tags: school kids funny hilarious transportation childhood category: no points
6. Name Something Kids Play With On Their Way To School
Ball Tin Can Rocks Sticks Yo-Yo Mobile Phone
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tags: school kids funny childhood games toys category: no points
7. Name A School Supply That You Haven’t Used Since You Were Young.
crayon 38 ruler 25 pencil/eraser 18 paste/glue 11 compass 5
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tags: school education kids funny childhood nostalgia category: 5 answers
8. Name something you might find in an elementary school.
Students 38 Teachers 14 Desks 12 Books 12 Chalkboard 11 Crayons 8 Playgrounds 5
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tags: school kids funny education work childhood category: 7 answers
9. Name something you might stop believing in as you get older.
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tags: school food kids parents funny childhood category: no points
10. What Part Of The School Day Might A Kindergartener Look Forward To?
Recess 42 Lunch 23 Nap Time 18 Going Home 9 Art 6
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tags: school kids children funny kindergarten childhood category: 5 answers
11. When you were a kid, what would happen if you brought home a bad report card?
grounded 51 got lectured 13 spanking 12 nothing 9 punished 6 made to study 2
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tags: school childhood kids funny family parents category: 6 answers
12. Name Something Children Forget When Leaving For School
Homework Packed Lunch Dinner Money School Tie
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tags: school kids funny hilarious childhood memories category: no points
13. Name Something That Changes Every Year For A Kid In Elementary School
teacher 48 grade 19 uniform/dress code 9 age 8 friends 6 textbooks 4
Answers are hidden.
14. Name a game kids play in kindergarten
Tag Around Rosy Ring Around Rosy Rosie Hop Scotch Hide And Seek
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tags: kids education school childhood games category: no points
15. Name A Well Known Childrens Song
Twinkle Twinkle Ba Ba Black Sheep Humpty Dumpty Mary Had A Little Lamb Rock A Bye Baby
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tags: music kids school entertainment childhood learning category: no points
16. Name something people stop doing when they become adults.
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tags: childhood kids school play parents family category: no points
17. What Grade Were You In School When You Developed Your First Crush
5th 35 1st 24 6th 14 4th 8 7th 7 2nd 4 3rd 4
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tags: school crushes childhood love relationships kids category: 7 answers
18. Name Something You'd Associate With Roller Skates
Skaters Falling Rink Bruises Music
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tags: kids party outdoors school childhood music category: no points
19. Name a game that kindergarteners might play.
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tags: kids education school children games childhood category: no points
20. Fill in this blank: I’ll never forget my first ____
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tags: childhood relationship school food animals category: no points
21. What are most kids afraid of on their first day at kindergarten?
Parents leaving Leaving home Staying alone Teachers Not being liked by other kids
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tags: fast money kids school kindergarten children childhood category: fast money
22. Name something a school nurse might give to a student.
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23. When kids don't want to go to school, name an illness that's easy for them to fake
Headache Stomach Ache Sore Throat Cold
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tags: school kids funny illness health education category: no points
24. When You Call in Sick to Work or School, Name Something You Do to Make it Believable
Cough 1 Hoarse/Weak Voice 2 Fake Puke 2 Moan/Groan 1 Fake Doctor’s/Parent Note 3 Sneeze/Sniffle 1
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tags: work school funny silly kids health category: 6 answers
25. name something children use to help them pull out a loose tooth
Doorknob String Pliers Fingers
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tags: kids school health funny family parents category: no points
26. Name a part of the average person's body that weighs 3 pounds
Arm Brain Hand Heart
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tags: body health kids funny school trivia category: no points
27. Tell Me Something People Do To Brace Themselves While Getting A Shot
Close Eyes Hold Breath Look Away Cringe
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tags: medical hospital health kids school funny category: no points
28. Name Something You Do To Pop Stuffed Ears
Hold Nose & Blow Yawn Chew Gum Swallow Shake Finger In Ear
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tags: health daily life funny kids school adults category: no points
29. name something your parents ask about every time they see you
Grandkids Health/eating Right? Work/school Honey Partner/dating Anyone?
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tags: school work health relationships money funny category: no points
30. Tell me a phrase that starts with the words, "Get to"
The Point Work Church On Time It
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tags: school work food plants health funny category: no points
31. Name something you would expect to see in the school nurse's office.
Beds Bandaids Nurses Thermometer
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tags: school health kids medical first aid category: no points
32. Tell me something the human body has lots of.
Hair 25 Blood 20 Bones 20 Cells 18 Water 17
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33. Name an illness that kids give to each other.
chicken pox 29 flu 11
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tags: kids school illness children health category: 2 answers
34. How Long People Hold Their Breath For Before They Turn Blue
2 Mins 3 Mins 5 Mins
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35. Name A Type Of Gymnastic Move Most Children Know How To Do
Somersault Cartwheel Walk On Hands
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36. What are some reasons people pull an all-nighter?
Work Study Party Insomnia Sickness
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tags: adults work school studying fun health kids category: no points
37. What is a problem most people have in their lives
Financial Poverty Economic Money Fiduciary
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tags: relationships school work money health kids category: no points
38. Name a reason a kid might not be able to go outside.
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tags: kids weather school chores health family category: 4 answers
39. Name Something Parents Tell Their Kids To Do So They Don’t Get Sick During Flu Season
Wash Hands Dress Warm Eat Vegies/Fruit Get Vaccine Take Vitamins
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tags: health kids parents school animals food category: no points
40. What type of healthy lunchbox foods would kids most want to trade for junk food?
fruit 39 vegetables 31 sandwich 21 apple 5 carrots 4
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tags: food kids school nutrition health junk category: 5 answers
41. Name a specific reason why students visit the school nurse.
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tags: school kids health illness injury medicine category: no points
42. Tell Me A Reason Why A Kid Would Not Go Swimming All Summer Long
can't swim/afraid 31 in cast 23 grounded 17 cold weather 11 no pool 5
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tags: kids school work animals fear health category: 5 answers
43. Apart From Exercise Name Something You Associate With Aerobics
Sweat Leotards Gym Instructor Music
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44. Name something that keeps a person from getting a college degree.
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45. Name Something People Need Good Posture To Do.
model 35 dance 28 walk confidently 13 type 13 play piano 5 yoga 4
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46. Name something you might do at a gym.
use the treadmill 54 exercise 25 lift weights 21
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tags: home school fun fitness exercise health category: 3 answers
47. Name a kid's game you would be shocked to see old folks playing at a nursing home
The Bottle Spin The Bottle Video Games Hopscotch Gaming Twister Bottle
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tags: funny kids games childhood old age category: no points
48. Name something you didn't have to worry about when you were a kid
Bills Occupation Romantic Relationship
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49. Name something kids catch that might make them muddy.
Ball 44 Frog 28 Dog 9 Fish 6 Tadpole 5 Butterfly 4 Firefly 4 Worms Pig Turtles Snake
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tags: kids funny childhood rainy day category: 11 answers
50. Give me another word for "weird"
Strange Wacky Crazy Odd Queer Bizarre Different
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51. Name something you'd expect to see in a psychiatrist's office.
couch 56 patient 14 diploma 12 books 5 picture 4
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tags: psychology therapy mental health adults health category: 5 answers
52. Name a reason why a college student might miss a morning class.
no alarm 45 up all night 32 hangover 16 snow storms 7
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tags: school work sleeping health transportation emergencies category: 4 answers
53. Name something a person might lie about in their resume
Birthdate Adolescence Old Maturing Teenage Senior Age
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tags: work school relationships health skills awards category: no points
54. Even as an adult, name something you've asked for your dad's advice on
Santa Claus Car Repair Native Language Marriage/dating Finances
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tags: work school dating relationships money health category: no points
55. Name something your parents ask you about every time they see you.
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tags: family parents children school work health category: 5 answers
56. Name something drastic you might do to get ready for your high school reunion.
lose weight 53 plastic surgery 16 new hair style 15 workout 3 botox 3 new clothes 2
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tags: school reunion appearance health diet makeover category: 6 answers
57. Tell me something people worry about.
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tags: work school money relationships health safety category: no points
58. Name something people wish they were smarter about
Coin Costs Currency Economy Finances
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tags: school work money health pets plants category: no points
59. Tell me something parents always tell their kids they are lucky to have.
Food Shelter Parents School
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tags: food school home health family friends category: no points
60. Name A Reason You May Not Be Able To Get Home For The Holidays
sick 17 work 14 broke 12 far away 4 car problems 3 too much homework 2
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tags: travel work school family weather health category: 6 answers
61. Name A reason You Wouldn’t recognize Someone At Your High School Reunion
weight gain/loss 51 bald 19 older 19 plastic surgery 8
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tags: school aging time appearance fashion health category: 4 answers
62. Name something you stay up all night worrying about.
Family Money School Health Job
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tags: school work health family finances future category: 5 answers
63. Name someone you might discuss a serious problem with.
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tags: relationships health school work family friends category: no points
64. Name An Occasion Where You Might Send Out Invitations.
wedding 57 birthday 22 party 10 graduation 6 baby shower 5
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tags: school work health events friendship celebrations category: 5 answers
65. Name a reason why a student might walk away from a scholarship.
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tags: school work money family goals health category: no points
66. Name Someone Who Children Believe In
santa claus 50 god 27 tooth fairy 10 easter bunny 6 parents 5
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tags: family kids funny childhood entertainment category: 5 answers
67. Tell me something little kids hate.
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tags: kids funny hilarious dislike childhood category: 7 answers
68. Name Something You Did As A 5-Year-Old That You’d Be Embarrassed To Do Now.
urinate on self 27 urinate in bed 25 pick nose in public 24 cry 7 nothing 4 play in dirt 4
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tags: kids embarrassing childhood funny silly category: 6 answers
69. Where Would You Find An Adult Hanging Out,If He Refused To Grow Up?
arcade park bar toy store school amusement park
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tags: youth kids funny childhood behavior category: no points
70. Which cartoon character would you most want to hang out with.
bugs bunny 28 scooby-doo 18 mickey mouse 13 bars simpson 8
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tags: entertainment cartoons childhood kids funny category: 4 answers
71. Which job would a boy love for his dad to have on take-your-child-to-work day?
cop 39 firefighter 23 astronaut 19 pilot 10 pro athlete 5
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72. Name something a kid might play with, but an adult would not.
Mud/dirt 43 Sandbox 21 Kiddie pool 13 Ball pit 8 Tree/play house 5 Bathtub 3
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tags: kids toys childhood playtime fun funny category: 6 answers
73. Name something little kids are told not to play with
Matches Blades Knives Machetes Switch Blades Hunting Knives
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tags: kids funny family childhood naughty category: no points
74. Name something a kid hopes he doesn't get for Christmas.
clothes 50 coal 18 no presents 8 book 7 spanking 4 a cold 3
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tags: kids funny childhood presents christmas category: 6 answers
75. Name Something Kids Say They’d Do If They Were An Adult, But That Adults Rarely Do.
stay up late 34 party 20 become rich 13 sleep in 10 no house rules 8 eat junk food 6 travel 5
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tags: kids funny family childhood adulthood category: 7 answers
76. Name A Famous Puppet
Kermit Miss Piggy Pinnochio Punch / Judy Basil Brush
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tags: entertainment childhood kids funny nostalgic tv category: no points
77. Name something kids might throw at each other.
snowballs 36 water balloons 29 rocks 20 pillows 11 mud 4
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tags: kids funny siblings childhood toys category: 5 answers
78. name something many parents do for their child long after the child can do it for himself
Clean Their Rooms Tie Their Shoes Cook Feed Them Dress Them Laundry Pay Bills
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tags: kids funny parents parenting childhood category: no points
79. Name something a kid might practice kissing on.
pillows 34 hand 21 dolls 18 mirror 16 teddy bears 11
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tags: kids funny kissing practice childhood category: 5 answers
80. Name something people are born with a talent for
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tags: skills abilities childhood kids funny category: no points
81. Name Something Twins Might Always Share.
looks 40 parents 27 birthday 24 genes 5 last name 3
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tags: kids funny family siblings childhood category: 5 answers
82. Name a beloved cartoon character from your childhood.
bugs bunny 54 mickey mouse 26 scooby-doo 9 tweety 6 winnie the pooh 5
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tags: childhood cartoon entertainment kids funny category: 5 answers
83. Name a place in the house a little kid might think a monster is hiding.
Wardrobe Under Bed Cellar Loft Upstairs
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tags: kids funny homes childhood monsters category: 5 answers
84. Name something little kids are often afraid of
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85. Name a person who might call you by a childhood nickname even after you’ve outgrown it.
parent 52 old friend 24 grandparent 13 sibling 4
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86. Name Something Of Your That The Dog Likes To Play With.
shoes 40 socks 30 ball 25 newspaper 3
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tags: pets animals kids funny hilarious childhood category: 4 answers
87. Name something that most kids would eat until they ate themselves sick.
candy 54 ice cream 17 pizza 9 chocolate 7 cookies 3 cake 2
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tags: kids food funny disgusting childhood sugar category: 6 answers
88. Name something that children say is always better at the neighbor's house
Toys Games Food Rules
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tags: kids funny home neighborhood comparison childhood category: no points
89. Name An Accessory Children Put On Their Bikes
Bell Light Things In The Spokes A Clapper Stickers
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tags: kids transportation toys funny safety childhood category: no points
90. Name something a little boy might do that would make you suspect his father is Tarzan
Swing From Tree Beat His Chest Yell Climb A Tree Way He Dresses Run Around Barefoot
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tags: kids father animals funny childhood family category: no points
91. Name something mom still tries to do, even though you're grown up.
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tags: family kids funny childhood parents relationships category: no points
92. Name Something You Do When Alone
Sleep Read Bath / Shower Sing Computer / Internet
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tags: kids funny hilarious family friends childhood category: no points
93. up late at a sleepover what might kids do when they hear mom coming to check on them
Donkey Be Quiet Lights Off Pretend To Sleep Spades
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tags: sleepover kids funny family humor childhood category: no points
94. Name something siblings might be forced to share.
Bedroom Toys Clothes Bathroom Car
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tags: kids funny hilarious family siblings childhood category: no points
95. Name a popular fairy tale.
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tags: fairy tales books childhood kids funny category: no points
96. Tell me a word a child uses to describe a bruise.
boo-boo 63 owie 21 ouchy 8 sore 4 hurt 2
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tags: kids family funny childhood language words category: 5 answers
97. Name something kids say they'll never do like their parents
Drive Lose Temper Smoke Parent
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tags: kids funny parenting humor childhood family category: no points
98. Name Something At The Playground Wish Adult Size
Slide Swings Monkey Bar See Saw Merry Go Round
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tags: playground adult childhood funny kids family category: no points
99. Name a musical instrument that sounds terrible when someone’s learning to play it.
violin 33 trumpet 22 flute 12 clarinet 9 tuba 7 piano 6 drums 6
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tags: music instruments learning childhood funny kids category: 7 answers
100. Name A Food With Cheese That’s A Childhood Favorite.
pizza 43 grilled cheese 27 macaroni 21 cheeseburger 7
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tags: food family childhood cheese kids funny category: 4 answers
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