The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. If Barbie aged like the rest of us name a way that she’d look different now.
wrinkles 44 heavier 23 gray hair 18 sagging chest 13
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tags: nostalgia aging appearance makeover toys funny category: 4 answers
2. Name something that has changed about a man's appearance that would cause others not to recognize him at a class reunion
Shap Portly Physique Size Gaining Weight Rotund Large
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tags: appearance reunion hair weight style category: no points
3. Name A reason You Wouldn’t recognize Someone At Your High School Reunion
weight gain/loss 51 bald 19 older 19 plastic surgery 8
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tags: school aging time appearance fashion health category: 4 answers
4. Name A Specif Food That Someone With High Cholesterol Might give Up
eggs 36 butter 14 bacon 14 fired chicken 12 pizza 11 french fries 10
Answers are hidden.
5. Name A Diet Method That Doesn’t Seem Very Reliable.
no carb diet 36 fasting 28 diet pills 19 diet shakes 9
Answers are hidden.
6. What’s The First Thing You’re Likely To Be Asked About At Your High School Reunion?
what do you do? 51 married? 21 have any kids? 12 how are you? 8
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tags: school reunion family friends history category: 4 answers
7. Name the worst food to eat if you are on a diet. ("Dessert" is not an answer. Be more specific.)
football 22 baseball 10
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tags: food diet nutrition health wellness category: 2 answers
8. Name Something People Do To Their Food That Makes It Unhealthy
add salt 46 fry it 33 put sugar on top 9 butter it 8
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tags: food health cooking nutrition diet category: 4 answers
9. Name something a skinny model might keep in her refrigerator
Slim Down Lose Weight Diet Drinks Eat Less Drinks
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10. Name Something You Would Eat If You Wanted To Gain Weight
Crisps Burgers Chips Sweets
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tags: food health weight gain diet category: no points
11. Name An Occupation That You Could Show Off At A High School Reunion.
doctor 65 lawyer 26 actor/model 5 business person 4
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tags: school work funny reunion bragging careers category: 4 answers
12. Name a food dieters eat a lot of
Greens Celery Iceberg Apples Baston
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tags: diet food nutrition health weight loss category: no points
13. Name something specific santa should try doing if he wanted to lose weight.
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tags: santa christmas workout diet health humor category: no points
14. Name something someone on a diet might do once every day.
cheating 54 weigh self 22 exercise 13 drink water 5 drink soda 2 drink beer 2
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tags: food diet health daily routine eating category: 6 answers
15. Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'E'.
Eat 40 Exercise 22 Eggs 17 Energy 12 Eclairs 9
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tags: food health diet exercise dieting wellness category: 5 answers
16. Name A Popular New Year’s Resolution.
lose weight 51 quit smoking 20
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tags: goals health fitness weight loss diet category: 2 answers
17. Name something that a person on a diet probably couldn’t eat.
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tags: food diet weight loss nutrition health category: no points
18. Name something you would stop eating if you wanted to lose weight.
candy 41 hamburders 15 cake 14 ice cream 11 bread 10 chips 9
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tags: food diet health nutrition weight loss category: 6 answers
19. Name a food that many consider to be a “superfood”.
Kale Blueberries Spinach Broccolis Fish
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tags: food health nutrition healthy eating diet category: no points
20. Name Something That’s Weighed On A Scale
Fruit 36
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tags: food health produce fish weight diet category: fast money
21. Name someone who is living proof that diets do not work
Kirstie Alley Alley Myself Winfrey Oprah Winfrey
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tags: food health humor diet funny family category: no points
22. Name something people do the day before they start a diet
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tags: diet food health nutrition weight loss category: no points
23. Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter "C."
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tags: food diet weight loss health funny category: no points
24. Name a food that you hope scientists will someday discover is good for you
Cheeseburger Icecream Chocolate Pizza Pastry
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tags: food health science diet nutrition healthy category: no points
25. If A Health-Nut Ordered A Sandwich, What Ingredient Might They Leave Off?
mayo 40 cheese 31 meat 21 butter 4
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tags: food health nutrition diet family funny category: 4 answers
26. Name something people put on salads.
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tags: food plants cooking diet health kids category: 5 answers
27. Name something a person might eat on a diet.
Salad Fruit Yogurt Carrot Celery
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tags: food diet health healthy kids funny category: no points
28. Name questions you dread being asked at family reunions
Are you dating anyone? 30 How is the job search going? 28 When are you going to get married/have kids? 17 Can I borrow money? 13 Have you gained/lost weight? 12
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tags: work office family awkward reunion funny school category: 5 answers
29. Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'L'.
Lettuce 46 Lose 30 Lunch 13 Lean 5 Light 5
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tags: food diet weight loss health nutrition funny category: 5 answers
30. Name something a dieter might do after reaching their ideal weight
Snack Ingest Eat
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tags: food health weight loss diet exercise lifestyle category: no points
31. Name A Reason You Look Bad When You Have A Cold
Red Nose Puffy Eyes Pale No Sleep Messy Hair
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tags: health appearance flu category: no points
32. Name something men fear about getting older
Going Bald Hair Loss Of Hair Salt And Pepper Weight Gain Balding Grey
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tags: health relationships finances appearance category: no points
33. Name the first thing that tells you to go on a diet.
the scale/heavy 50 clothes too tight 40 friend/family 4 doctor/health 4
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tags: food health weight appearance clothes category: 4 answers
34. Tell Me The Age A Man Might Start Losing His Hair.
40 28 30 24
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tags: health hair men aging appearance biology category: 2 answers
35. name a physical sign of aging that many peopl work hard to prevent
Out Of Shape Gray/white Hair Baldness Wrinkles
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tags: health looks vanity appearance self-care aging category: no points
36. Tell me the first thing you might ask about someone's newborn baby
Gender Name Weight Age Health
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tags: family baby appearance health name nursery category: 5 answers
37. We surveyed 100 men...Name something men worry about more than women
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tags: relationships health finances appearance work category: no points
38. Name something you wish you'd taken better care of when you were younger
Schooling Clothes Body Collectibles
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tags: regret health appearance relationships money time category: no points
39. Name something about yourself you'd hate to be told is bad
Haircut Breath Personality Attitude
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tags: personal appearance family relationships health personality category: no points
40. Name a topic people discuss and hardly ever tell the truth about.
sex life 40 money/finances 18 age 17 weight 10 mate/spouse 6
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tags: relationships health work money appearance food category: 5 answers
41. Name something people can inherit genetically from their parents:
eye color 39 hair color 33 height 5 nose 4 heart problems 3 baldness 2 skin color 2
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tags: genetics health physical appearance kids family category: 7 answers
42. Name something people often lie about
Adolescence Age Teenage Maturing
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tags: relationships health finances travel entertainment appearance category: no points
43. Name something a woman might want to keep hidden if she lies about her age
Id Birth Certificate Permit License Gray Hair Certificate
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tags: relationships family friends work health appearance category: no points
44. Name a place on the body where people have liposuction
Legs Ankles Stomach Thighs Tummy
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tags: body health appearance beauty medical surgery category: no points
45. Name something you can tell about a man from looking at his hands
Laborer Occupation Manual Labor Work Job Office Vocation
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tags: work health appearance hobbies kids funny category: no points
46. Name something that might motivate a man to lose weight.
dating 54 health problems 27 wife lost weight 4 break up 3
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tags: health appearance social fitness relationship self-esteem category: 4 answers
47. Name something a kid might worry about inheriting from their parents.
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tags: family kids health appearance personality funny category: no points
48. Name Something That Will Happen If You Stop Brushing Your Teeth.
cavity 61 teeth fall out 21 gum disease 11 tartar 4
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tags: health hygiene mouth teeth dentist appearance category: 4 answers
49. Name something that changes in a before-and-after photo on an infomercial.
weight 41 hair 24 skin/complexion 22 teeth 8
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tags: products makeover transformation surprise category: 4 answers
50. Name something women do to their hair.
Dye it 31 Curl it 27 Wash it 13 Cut it 10 Brush it 9 Braid it 4
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tags: beauty fashion haircare hairstyle makeover category: 6 answers
51. Name something every beauty parlor needs
Shampoo Hairbrushes Brushes Dryers Combs Conditioner Hair Dryers
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tags: beauty salon makeover hairstyle makeup category: no points
52. Name Something You Do After Getting A Bad Haircut
cry 66 wear a hat 22 complain 8 hide 3
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tags: funny hilarious hair salon makeover category: 4 answers
53. What are common games to play at a family reunion?
horseshoes 30 cards/board game 18 volleyball 15 charades 12 baseball 10 bingo 10 tag 5
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54. Name an event where you get more pictures taken in one day, than during the rest of the year
Birthday Vacation Graduation Wedding
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tags: family holiday reunion celebration special occasion kids category: no points
55. Name Something A Shy Man Might Wear To Hide His Face.
hat/headband 45 glasses 24 facial hair 16 scarf 9 hood 4
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tags: fashion appearance clothing school work funny category: 5 answers
56. Name something a teen boy does to make himself look older.
mustache 53 build muscles 21 dress up 12 style his hair 10
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tags: school friends fashion appearance grooming humor category: 4 answers
57. What Kinds Of Things Might People Lie About At Their High School Reunions?
job 59 money 20 weight 9 how many kids 4 marital status 4 grades 3
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tags: school work relationships appearance social status category: 6 answers
58. Tell me a part of your body you would NOT want to get tattooed.
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tags: body personal appearance work school kids category: 4 answers
59. Name Something Specific About Mickey Mouse That Other Mice Might Make Fun Of
Gigantic Ears 2 Clothes/Gloves 1 Voice/Laugh 1 His Huge Feet 3 BFFs With a Duck 4 Honker/Big Nose 2
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tags: animals kids funny school appearance recreation category: 6 answers
60. Name a reason a boy says he hates wearing braces on his teeth.
looks funny 25 gets teased 17 can't kiss 15 food gets stuck 15 they hurt 13 girls 6
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tags: school work friends food appearance funny category: 6 answers
61. Name something teenagers think it's important to be good at.
school 10 sports 39
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tags: school friends appearance social media technology music category: 2 answers
62. Name something a teen girl might ask her mom to stay out of
Her Bedroom Her Diary To A Hotel Her Business Her Love Life
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tags: school friends crushes appearance social media secrets category: no points
63. Name Something Teenagers Stress Out About.
School 38 Acne/Looks 23 Dating 17 Friends/Clique 14 Parents/Rules 6
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tags: school friends family social media grades appearance category: 5 answers
64. Name a food or beverage that might ruin a diet during the holidays.
Eggnog Cookies Cake Pie Turkey Ham
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65. Name Something The Average Person Might Have To Do If They Wanted To Be A Sumo Wrestler
gain a lot of weight 59 train 19 work out 14 visit japan 8
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66. Place You Don’t Like To Set Foot If On A Diet
Restaurant Bakery Candy Shop Scale Ice Cream Shop
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67. We asked 100 dieters, "Name the first thing you ate when you went off your diet."
Candy Icecream Cake Spa
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68. Past or present, name a famous diet.
atkins 58 jenny craig 13 south beach diet 11 weight watchers 7 zone diet 3 scarsdale diet 3
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69. What are the most popular Gluten Free foods?
vegetables 39 meat 22 dairy 14 rice 11 fish 8 eggs 4 soy 2
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tags: food diet healthy eating nutrition category: 7 answers
70. Name A Food Most People Eat Everyday
Bread Fruit Cereal Meat Potato
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71. Name an activity that burns the most calories
Sprint Jog Foot Stroll Ramble Hike Walking
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tags: fitness exercise weight loss gym diet lifestyle category: no points
72. Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'S'.
Salad 32 Sugar 21 Slim 12 Skinny 11 Snacks 11 Salt 8
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tags: food diet healthy calories weight sweets category: 6 answers
73. Name Something That Is Hard To Start
Lawnmower Conversation A Business
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tags: work relationships mornings conversations diet hilarious category: no points
74. Name A Specific Food That You Eat A Lot Of When You’re On A Diet.
salad 58 celery 7 oranges 7 carrots 7 apple 6 broccoli 6
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tags: food diet funny family nutrition eating category: 6 answers
75. Name Something A Person On A Diet Might Eat For Breakfast.
fruit 33 yogurt 26 dry toast 12 cereal 11 slim fast 8 bran muffins 6 breakfast bar 4
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tags: food breakfast diet kids family funny category: 7 answers
76. name something diet food is usually lower in
Calories Cholesterol Taste Fat Carbohydrates Sugar
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tags: food diet healthy weight loss nutrition kids category: no points
77. Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'P'.
Pizza 33 Pounds 26 Pie 20 Protein 12 Peanuts 9
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tags: food diet weight loss healthy eating nutrition category: 5 answers
78. name something you might buy when you go on a diet
Fruit Slim Fast Diet Soda Vegetables
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tags: food diet healthy weight loss eating fitness category: no points
79. Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'T'.
Tomatoes 26 Tacos 18 Thin 17 Taste 15 Tea 13 Time 11
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tags: food diet dieting weight loss healthy eating nutrition category: 6 answers
80. Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'W'.
Weight 50 Water 24 Watermelon 14 Workout 7 Waists 5
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tags: food diet weight loss weight body nutrition category: 5 answers
81. Apart From Exercise Name Something You Associate With Aerobics
Sweat Leotards Gym Instructor Music
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82. Name something you would expect to see in the school nurse's office.
Beds Bandaids Nurses Thermometer
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tags: school health kids medical first aid category: no points
83. Name something a school nurse might give to a student.
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84. Tell me something the human body has lots of.
Hair 25 Blood 20 Bones 20 Cells 18 Water 17
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85. How Long People Hold Their Breath For Before They Turn Blue
2 Mins 3 Mins 5 Mins
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86. Name an illness that kids give to each other.
chicken pox 29 flu 11
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tags: kids school illness children health category: 2 answers
87. Name an injury people often get as children
Knee Broken Leg Busted Arm Scraped Knee Arm Broken Arm
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tags: school kids funny childhood health category: no points
88. Name A Type Of Gymnastic Move Most Children Know How To Do
Somersault Cartwheel Walk On Hands
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89. Name something you might do at a gym.
use the treadmill 54 exercise 25 lift weights 21
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tags: home school fun fitness exercise health category: 3 answers
90. Name something that keeps a person from getting a college degree.
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91. Name Something People Need Good Posture To Do.
model 35 dance 28 walk confidently 13 type 13 play piano 5 yoga 4
Answers are hidden.
92. Name something you'd expect to see in a psychiatrist's office.
couch 56 patient 14 diploma 12 books 5 picture 4
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tags: psychology therapy mental health adults health category: 5 answers
93. Name a reason a kid might not be able to go outside.
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tags: kids weather school chores health family category: 4 answers
94. Name Something Parents Tell Their Kids To Do So They Don’t Get Sick During Flu Season
Wash Hands Dress Warm Eat Vegies/Fruit Get Vaccine Take Vitamins
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tags: health kids parents school animals food category: no points
95. Tell me a phrase that starts with the words, "Get to"
The Point Work Church On Time It
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tags: school work food plants health funny category: no points
96. What is a problem most people have in their lives
Financial Poverty Economic Money Fiduciary
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tags: relationships school work money health kids category: no points
97. Tell me something people worry about.
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tags: work school money relationships health safety category: no points
98. Tell Me A Reason Why A Kid Would Not Go Swimming All Summer Long
can't swim/afraid 31 in cast 23 grounded 17 cold weather 11 no pool 5
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tags: kids school work animals fear health category: 5 answers
99. Tell me something parents always tell their kids they are lucky to have.
Food Shelter Parents School
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tags: food school home health family friends category: no points
100. Name Something Contagious That Kids Sometimes Catch, But Adults Seldom Do.
chicken pox 38 cold 32 measles 13 lice 7 mumps 5 pink eye 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids school germs health childhood funny category: 6 answers
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