The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Tell me something people worry about.
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tags: work school money relationships health safety category: no points
2. What is a problem most people have in their lives
Financial Poverty Economic Money Fiduciary
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tags: relationships school work money health kids category: no points
3. Even as an adult, name something you've asked for your dad's advice on
Santa Claus Car Repair Native Language Marriage/dating Finances
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tags: work school dating relationships money health category: no points
4. Name Something Many Men Refuse To Ask For Help With
directions 33 cooking 24 fixing cars 23 paying the bills 12
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships work sports money health household category: 4 answers
5. Name an occupation where people always ask you for free advice
Psychiatrist Doctor Medico Shrink Therapist Surgeon Physician
Answers are hidden.
tags: work money home health relationships hobbies category: no points
6. Name a topic people discuss and hardly ever tell the truth about.
sex life 40 money/finances 18 age 17 weight 10 mate/spouse 6
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tags: relationships health work money appearance food category: 5 answers
7. Name something that keeps a person from getting a college degree.
Answers are hidden.
8. Name something people wish they were smarter about
Coin Costs Currency Economy Finances
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tags: school work money health pets plants category: no points
9. Name a reason why a student might walk away from a scholarship.
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tags: school work money family goals health category: no points
10. Name something people might lie about at their high school reunion.
job 61 income 21 accomplishments 8 marital status 4 age 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work relationships money hobbies family category: 5 answers
11. Name something a father teaches his son about
Matches Football Competitions Field Games
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tags: school work life relationships animals money category: no points
12. Name something people can't stop worrying about, even on vacation
Money Work Pets Jimmy Carter
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tags: anxiety health money relationships family kids category: no points
13. Name something people worry about whether they are rich or poor
Well Being Health Sickness Medicine Illness Fitness Regularity
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tags: money health family love relationships safety category: no points
14. Name a reason Simon Cowell should be happy, not cranky
Famous Job Alive Rich Beautiful Women
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tags: fame money success relationships health lifestyle category: no points
15. Name something you wish you'd taken better care of when you were younger
Schooling Clothes Body Collectibles
Answers are hidden.
tags: regret health appearance relationships money time category: no points
16. Name someone you might discuss a serious problem with.
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tags: relationships health school work family friends category: no points
17. Name something a person might lie about in their resume
Birthdate Adolescence Old Maturing Teenage Senior Age
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tags: work school relationships health skills awards category: no points
18. name something you wish your relatives would stop asking you about
Money Love Life Job
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tags: relationships health career money personal life habits category: no points
19. What would be the worst thing that you could be turned down for?
loan 27 job/promotion 24 date/prom 15 credit card 12 house/mortgage 12 "nookie" 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships work school family body image mental health category: 6 answers
20. Name something that might make a person decide to retire.
job situation 31 getting older 29 health reasons 17 having enough 13 want to travel 5
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tags: retirement work age health money kids category: 5 answers
21. Name A Good Gift For A Professional Boxer.
Gloves 54 Shorts 19
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tags: sports work money hobbies entertainment health category: fast money
22. Name someone who can tell you good news and bad news
Newscaster Sister Doctor
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tags: health news relationships work funny kids category: no points
23. We asked 100 women to answer this sentence: "I judge a man by how he takes care of his ___"
Job Body Parents
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tags: relationships body car money appearance work category: no points
24. If diamonds are a girl's best friend, what's a guy's?
dog 22 car 19 women/sex 18 money 11 sports 8 remote/tv 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships work money cars sports grilling category: 6 answers
25. We asked 100 men: On what subject are you most often asking others for advice
Relationships Women Money
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tags: advice relationships family work technology money category: no points
26. Name Something People Daydream About
money 38 making love 22 vacation/travel 21 new house 5 love/marriage 5 new car 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: food work travel relationships money success category: 6 answers
27. We surveyed 100 men...Name something men worry about more than women
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships health finances appearance work category: no points
28. Name Something Womens Magazines Give Advice On
intimacy 46 romantic relationships 24 makeup 6 hair 5 keeping fit 5 fashion 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships work health beauty fashion category: 6 answers
29. According to single men: Name something you hate women giving you advice about.
women 39 marriage 21 clothes 16 money 9 parenting 6 driving 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships money fashion work life skills sports category: 6 answers
30. Name something a woman might want to keep hidden if she lies about her age
Id Birth Certificate Permit License Gray Hair Certificate
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships family friends work health appearance category: no points
31. Name Something People Do With Pennies.
Save Them 68 Throw In A Fountain 12 Roll Them Up 9 Throw Them Away 3 Spend Them 3
Answers are hidden.
32. Name Something You Might Keep In An Envelope
Letter Money Stamps A Card A Photo
Answers are hidden.
33. Name something that when you get it means nothing, but when you don't you get angry.
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tags: work school sleep food money funny category: 6 answers
34. Name something parents sacrifice buying in order to have money for their kid's college education.
new car 38 clothes 19 new house 17 vacation 7 toys 6 food 3 television 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: school kids funny education work money category: 7 answers
35. Name a job that teenagers do when they need money.
restaurant worker 32 yard work 26 babysit 20 supermarket 13 lifeguard 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: work money teenagers jobs school funny category: 5 answers
36. Name someone you see on a regular basis who charges too much.
doctor 28 gas station 16 dentist 9 hair dresser 7 supermarket 4 convenience store 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school food hospital money funny category: 6 answers
37. Give some idioms that have an animal in them.
Kill two birds with one stone The elephant in the room The early bird gets the worm Let the cat out of the bag A wolf in sheep’s clothing
Answers are hidden.
tags: fast money animals work school kids funny category: fast money
38. Tell me a phrase that starts with the words, "Get to"
The Point Work Church On Time It
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work food plants health funny category: no points
39. When You Call in Sick to Work or School, Name Something You Do to Make it Believable
Cough 1 Hoarse/Weak Voice 2 Fake Puke 2 Moan/Groan 1 Fake Doctor’s/Parent Note 3 Sneeze/Sniffle 1
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school funny silly kids health category: 6 answers
40. What do you do with an envelope before posting it?
Read the letter Fold and place the letter inside Write the To and From addresses Seal it Paste a stamp
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tags: fast money kids funny work school animals daily life category: fast money
41. Name a good college major if you want to make a lot of money
Medicine Business Programming Administration Medical School Computers Mba
Answers are hidden.
42. Name something people worry about not having in their old age.
money 57 health 18 insurance 6 friends 5 children 4 hair 3 teeth 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: health money independence mobility category: 7 answers
43. Name something students sell to raise money for a class trip
Suckers Lollipops Brownies Candy Sweets Licorice
Answers are hidden.
tags: school kids fundraising money work category: no points
44. Name Something That People Go Through A Lot Of Obstacles In Order To Get
job 38 money 23 love/married 18 degree 8 driver's license 5 house 4
Answers are hidden.
45. Name something that people don’t normally pay for in cash
Answers are hidden.
46. Complaint Someone Might Have About Paper Boy
Doesn’t Leave On Porch Skips Them Wet Paper Late Breaks Window
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tags: school work newspaper delivery lawn money category: no points
47. Name Something People Moan About
Weather Health Prices Partners Work Traffic
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school chores money weather noise category: no points
48. Name Something People Need Change In Order To Pay For.
laundry 31 tolls 24 parking 15 soda/snacks 13 pay phone calls 6 car wash 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: money school house food clothes work category: 6 answers
49. Name a profession where you need to be good at math.
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work kids math money finance category: 5 answers
50. Name something people pat their pockets to find
Wallet Keys Pen
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tags: school work keys wallet phone money category: no points
51. Why might parents not let their kids go on a spring break trip?
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tags: school work money safety responsibility plans category: 10 answers
52. what reason might a teen give for why theyre dropping out of college
Intelligence Education Start Working Having A Baby Confidence Can't Afford It Bad Grades
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tags: school work family future money stress category: no points
53. Name Something A Kid Would Do After School To Make An Extra Buck
Mow Lawns 49 Babysit 17 Paper Route 10 Sell Lemonade 8 Wash Cars 8 Chores 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids work money school chores errands category: 6 answers
54. Name an occupation that you think is underpaid.
Teacher Nurse Firefighter Cleaner Police Officer
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tags: work school adults hilarious money career category: 5 answers
55. Name A Reason Why A Married Couple May Have A Hard Time Getting Out For A Date Night
Children 44
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tags: work kids school money chores pets category: fast money
56. Name Something People Need Good Posture To Do.
model 35 dance 28 walk confidently 13 type 13 play piano 5 yoga 4
Answers are hidden.
57. Name something a doctor checks during a routine exam.
Heart rate 29 Blood pressure 25
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tags: fast money health medicine body doctor category: fast money
58. Name something people lose that can ruin a vacation
Luggage Car Keys Money/wallet John F. Kennedy Tickets Ronald Reagan
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tags: vacation baggage health money food keys category: no points
59. Name Something You Might Worry About While On A Cruise Ship
ship sinkong 48 iceberg 14 overeating 9 drowning 7 motion sickness 6 hurricane 5 fire 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel food health entertainment money safety category: 7 answers
60. What is something that requires your signature?
A check An agreement Shipment acknowledgment Authorization letter Email
Answers are hidden.
tags: fast money work school hospital finance adults category: fast money
61. Name A Reason You May Not Be Able To Get Home For The Holidays
sick 17 work 14 broke 12 far away 4 car problems 3 too much homework 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel work school family weather health category: 6 answers
62. Name An Occasion Where You Might Send Out Invitations.
wedding 57 birthday 22 party 10 graduation 6 baby shower 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work health events friendship celebrations category: 5 answers
63. Name something your parents ask you about every time they see you.
Answers are hidden.
tags: family parents children school work health category: 5 answers
64. Name something you stay up all night worrying about.
Family Money School Health Job
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tags: school work health family finances future category: 5 answers
65. What are some reasons people pull an all-nighter?
Work Study Party Insomnia Sickness
Answers are hidden.
tags: adults work school studying fun health kids category: no points
66. Tell Me A Reason Why A Kid Would Not Go Swimming All Summer Long
can't swim/afraid 31 in cast 23 grounded 17 cold weather 11 no pool 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids school work animals fear health category: 5 answers
67. Name a reason why a college student might miss a morning class.
no alarm 45 up all night 32 hangover 16 snow storms 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work sleeping health transportation emergencies category: 4 answers
68. Name Something Specific A Man Might Be Too Embarrassed To Ask His Wife For.
Money 47
Answers are hidden.
tags: personal hygiene health clothing money romance food category: fast money
69. When do people post flyers?
Parties Missing pets Garage sale Promoting business Announcing workshops or festivals
Answers are hidden.
tags: fast money school work animals food family friends category: fast money
70. Tell me something your partner spends money on that you think is frivolous.
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tags: relationships money spending funny category: 5 answers
71. Name qualities of a bad boss.
Micromanager 1 Incompetent 1 Angry 1 Irresponsible 1 Oblivious 1
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school relationships funny category: 5 answers
72. Name something that might take a nosedive.
stocks 43 airplane 36 bird 4 boxer 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work relationships funny category: 4 answers
73. Name something you might pretend to be in order to impress someone.
send us your answers! 10 wealthy 58
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school relationships funny category: 2 answers
74. We Asked 100 Husbands: Name Something Your Wife Spends More Money On Than You Do.
Clothes 58 Hair Products 27 Make Up 7 Jewelry 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny family money relationships marriage category: 4 answers
75. Tell me the worst thing people pawn when they need money.
jewelry 74 television 8 family heirlooms 6 wallet 2 cd player 2 guitar 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: hilarious family money relationships funny category: 6 answers
76. Name something Bill Gates cannot buy.
love 29 happiness 15 country 11 youth 6 yahoo 6 me 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships funny kids money love category: 6 answers
77. Name a place where you get chewed out a lot.
work 56 school/principal 16 home/bedroom 16 doctor's office 3 in military 3 court 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work relationships kids funny category: 6 answers
78. Name A Reason A Person Might Pretend To Be Older
Buy Beer See Music Drive FJob Interview Impress Someone Buy Cigarettes Date
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work hospital funny relationships age category: no points
79. A Mistake Determined Never To Make Again
Get Married Smoke Drugs Not Finish School Date Wrong Person Get Pregnant Cheating
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships school work kids funny category: no points
80. Name something wives say they want and husbands say they can't afford
Ring Necklace Gemstone Jewelry Gold
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships funny hilarious spending money family category: no points
81. Name An Important Date Some Men Forget.
Wedding Anniversary 51
Answers are hidden.
tags: spouse money kids funny relationships marriage category: fast money
82. We surveyed 100 married men...What's a famous store you hope never gives your wife a credit card?
macy's 24 saks 5th avenue 15 neiman marcus 15 wal-mart 8 tiffany & co. 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: marriage money relationships shopping funny adults category: 5 answers
83. Name a bill you'll be paying every month for the rest of your life.
electricity 38 insurance 12 phone 12 rent 11 credit card 4 car 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: bills expenses money family relationships funny category: 6 answers
84. Name something most people can't handle more than one of at a time
Son Youth Daughter Children Toddler Infant Girl
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work hospital relationships kids funny category: no points
85. Name a decision people might have second thoughts about.
marriage 45 career 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: decisions regrets funny work relationships school category: 2 answers
86. Name something that can blow a fuse.
lights 21 air conditioner 12 hair dryer 10 person 9 fuse box 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: home work school relationships technology funny category: 5 answers
87. Name a subject your friends seem to love giving free advice on.
relationships 55 babies 10 parenting 10 baby 10 job 7 money 7 health care 6 election 6 politics 6 healthcare 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: advice school work relationships parenting funny category: 10 answers
88. Unlike Age Or Weight Name A Number That Youd Be Surprised For Someone To Offer Before A Blind Date
phone number 36 income 26 social security 14 past lovers 8 iq 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work animals family relationships funny category: 5 answers
89. Name A Reason You’d Go By A Nickname Instead Of Your Full Name
shorter 44 dislike full name 31 friends/family insist 12 rare name/hard to say 7 nickname sounds cool 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school relationships hobbies kids funny category: 5 answers
90. Name Something That Will Make A Person Age Faster
smoking 44 sunbathing 23 drinking 16 lack of sleep 8 stress 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: adults funny health lifestyle relationships stress category: 5 answers
91. Name a reason a kiss might be bad
Copying Plagiarizing Protozoa Pathogens Cheating
Answers are hidden.
tags: love relationships health hygiene funny awkward category: no points
92. Name A Big Event That Happens To TV Characters In Order To Up Ratings.
death 44 wedding 36 new baby 10 fall in love 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: drama relationships health death kids funny category: 4 answers
93. Who often takes their sweet time when you are in a big hurry
Lover Significant Other Mate Husband Spouse Wife
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships kids funny school work daily life category: no points
94. Name something men hate losing.
Money/Wallet 1 Hair 1 Keys 1 Women 1 Jobs 1 Arguments 1
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny fun hilarious relationships arguments sports jobs money games category: 6 answers
95. Name Something That’s Hard To Hold Onto
Money Water Soap Love Fish Butter
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships money friends air category: no points
96. Name something you leave to chance.
pregnancy 35 love 27 job 20 lottery 13 retirement 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships money travel weather category: 5 answers
97. Name something a woman might get more of just because she's incredibly good looking
Gifts Men Attention Compliments
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships attention money children category: no points
98. We asked 100 men: Name something you spent your money on for your high school prom
Limo Ear Tuxedo
Answers are hidden.
tags: prom high school spending money school funny category: no points
99. On A Scale From 1-10, How Happy Do You Think Most People Are.
5 30
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships mental health category: fast money
100. name a phrase that ends with the word dating
Speed Dating Double Dating Blind Dating Online Dating
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships school work adults category: no points
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