Name a Situation When Its Better To Ride A Bike Than Take A Taxi
traffic jam 69 no money 12 want exercise 7 short distance 5 nice weather 4
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tags: transportation exercise convenience environment cost kids category: 5 answers
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name a reason that someone might ride their bike to work.
No car 2 Exercise 1 Save gas 2 Environment 1
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2. Name A Reason A Person Might Prefer To Walk On A Treadmill Instead Of Taking A Walk Outside.
weather 62 safer 17 watch tv 11 privacy 8
Answers are hidden.
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3. Name Something Look For Rental Car Vs Regular Car
Cd Player Gps Sun Roof Gas Mileage Air Conditioner
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4. Name something in your car you can control with a push of a button.
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5. Name Something In Cars Now That You Cant Believe People Once Went Without
stereo 41 gps 28 air conditioning 17 seat belts 8 air bags 3
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6. Name a reason why a person who has a car would call a cab.
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7. Name A Reason Someone Might Prefer To Travel By Train.
Afraid Of Flying 63
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8. Name A Reason Why A Person might Prefer To Travel By Cruise Ship.
Fear Of Flying It’s Enjoyable Like Water No Traffic
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tags: travel vacation relaxation convenience transportation entertainment category: no points
9. besides a professional cyclist name a job that involves riding a bicycle
Cop Messenger Paper Boy Cake Buns Croissant
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10. Name a machine that lifts you up.
elevator 70 forklift 13 escalator 4 roller coaster 3 airplane 2 crane 2
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11. Name a big problem with owning a big car
Parking Maintenance Gas Fish Payments
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12. Name something that should cost less than $5.
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13. tell me how much a room at a cheap motel costs
$50.00 $30.00 $40.00 $15.00 $25.00 $35.00 $20.00
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14. Name a reason why people might not read books often
Lack+of+time 38 Lazy 27 Prefer+movies%2ftv 24 Don%27t+like+reading 15 Cost+of+books 13 Sight+issue 6
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15. Name something that can be recycled.
Aluminum 43 Plastic 27 Paper 20 Glass 10
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tags: environment kids category: 4 answers
16. What Are Some Actions People Might Take To Be More Earth Friendly?
recycling 43 buy hybrid car 20 use less paper 14 plant trees 12
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tags: environment category: 4 answers
17. Name Something You Might See In The Amazon Forest
Trees / Branches Rain Snakes
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tags: animals plants environment kids category: no points
18. Name something you recycle.
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tags: trash garbage environment kids category: no points
19. Name something that kids who are home schooled would have a hard time getting used to in public school.
classmates 47 different teachers 21 cafeteria food 16 bells/schedules 10 gym class 6
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20. Name A Household Item That You Would Take To A Special Facility To Throw Away
Oil Paint Batteries Computer TV Fridge
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tags: household waste environment category: no points
21. Tell me something that you might see in the Arctic.
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tags: animals environment geography kids nature category: 4 answers
22. Name Something That May Be Found Washed Up On The Beach
sea shells 18 seaweed 18 bottle 14 whale 12 garbage 8 shoes 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: nature animals travel environment kids category: 6 answers
23. Name An Item That Usually Comes With A Lot Of Packaging In The Box
glass/dishes 43 tv 33 computer 10 toys 6 stereo 5
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24. Tell me something people have to be careful of when swimming in the ocean.
Jellyfish Currents Rocks Sharks
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tags: animals plants water environment kids category: no points
25. Name something that is an American natural resource.
oil 12 water 11 coal 10 natural gas 10
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tags: nature resources environment outdoors kids category: 4 answers
26. Name Something A Rapper Might Wear That You’ll Never See Al Gore Wearing.
baggy pants gold chain
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tags: clothing fashion environment humor category: no points
27. name something you unplug when youre not using it
Bad Headache Bad Habit Iron Boomerang Curling Iron Toaster
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tags: home kids funny energy safety environment category: no points
28. Name A City With A Lot Of Pollution
los angeles new york st. louis cleveland chicago houston detroit
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29. Name Something That Grows Without Being Watered
hair 28 weeds 25 cactus 19 people 17 nails 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: plants outdoors nature environment animals kids category: 5 answers
30. Name something that is driven by the wind.
windmill 32 sailboat 29 kite 17 leaves 6 air balloon 4 fan 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: nature weather environment outdoors kids animals category: 6 answers
31. Name something you might see in the jungle.
trees 22 monkeys 20 tigers 10
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tags: animals plants nature jungle environment kids category: 3 answers
32. Name something that's disastrous for crops:
cold 34 insects 33 drought 17 hail 11
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tags: plants agriculture nature environment farming category: 4 answers
33. Name a type of weather.
Sunny 30 Rainy 25 Cloudy 20 Snowy 15 Windy 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: weather nature outdoors environment seasons fun category: 5 answers
34. Name an animal you wish didn't exist.
snakes 34 rats 26 cockroaches 17 mosquitoes 10 skunks 7 sharks 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: animals nature wildlife environment pets category: 6 answers
35. Name an animal who should be very worried about global warming.
polar bear 66 penguin 15 human 4 fish 4 seal 2 dolphin 2
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tags: animals environment climate nature wildlife category: 6 answers
36. If You Wanted To Have Conversation With Someone, Name A Noisy Place You’d Avoid.
bar 61 concert 16 mall 14 restaurant 4
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37. Name something in America that's a lot dirtier than it used to be
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tags: hygiene sanitation health pollution environment category: no points
38. If You Were Running For President Of The United States, Tell Me An Issue You’d Be Expected To Take A Stand On.
war 25 taxes 18
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tags: politics economy education environment healthcare category: 2 answers
39. Why Might Someone Refuse To Use A Swimming Pool?
dirty water 38 can't swim 35 cold 11 kids in it 5 clorine 3 crowded 3
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tags: superpowers animals community environment school category: no points
41. Name Something a Visiting Alien Would Say Is A Huge Problem On Earth
Computer Backpack Pollution
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tags: society humans lifestyle environment resources category: no points
42. Name a few trees.
Oak Pine Coconut Maple Willow
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tags: fast money plants nature outdoors environment kids category: fast money
43. Name Something Politicians Always Say Theyll Improve
tax system 25 budget deficit 21 health care 17 schools 14 war 9 welfare 7 roads 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work hospital environment taxes economy category: 7 answers
44. Name A Place Where You Hate To See Litter
park 68 beach 11 roadside 8 yard 7 schoolyard 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: environment pollution cleanliness nature scenery parks category: 5 answers
45. Name the creepiest setting for a horror movie.
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tags: settings horror creepy locations environment atmosphere category: no points
46. Name Something That Crawls.
spider 46 baby 23
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tags: animals bugs insects nature environment wildlife category: 2 answers
47. What are some of the alternatives to plastic bags?
Cloth bags Paper bags Jute bags Canvas bags Basket bags
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tags: fast money environment shopping home food storage category: fast money
48. What is the biggest complaint that people have about public transportation
Delayed Late Always Late Overdue Too Slow Tardy Due
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tags: transportation public transportation commuting complaints inconvenience category: no points
49. Name something cars have today that they didn't have 50 years ago
Airbags Seat Belt Cruise Control CD Player
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tags: technology safety convenience entertainment kids category: no points
50. Name a special feature people look for when renting an apartment
Space Expansiveness Largeness Area Room Size Square Footage
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tags: apartments amenities convenience category: no points
51. Name something in your car you can control with the push of a button
Transmitter Stereo Radio
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tags: automotive technology convenience car category: no points
52. Name A Chain Of Gas Stations.
texaco 27 shell 14 arco 22 mobil 7 chevron 8 conoco 8 mobile 7
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tags: travel vehicles convenience food kids funny category: 7 answers
53. Name something you always keep by your phone.
pen 31 phone book 28 paper 14 answering machine 12 clock 5 address book 3 pager 3
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tags: essentials convenience daily life comfort kids category: 7 answers
54. Name something that you would be willing to pay twice as much for at a convenience store because you need it quickly
milk 41 cigarettes 22 painkiller 14 feminine products 13 chocolate 6
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tags: convenience errands emergencies food kids pets category: 5 answers
55. Name A Reason Why Someone Might Prefer Eating At A Drive-Thru Restaurant.
Fast Service 46
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tags: food convenience time kids adults funny category: fast money
56. Name An Advantage Of Owning A Fake Christmas Tree.
Less Mess Use Again No Water
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tags: plants home funny convenience category: no points
57. Name something that you used to have to go to a store for that you can now buy on the internet
Hoodie Socks Tee-shirts Skirt Style Shirts Pants
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tags: shopping convenience technology innovation category: no points
58. Tell Me A Reason You Like To Shop On Line
easy 35 cheaper 27 no lines 18 faster 10 stay at home 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: shopping convenience work deals category: 5 answers
59. Name A Specific Type Of Business That Usually Has An ATM Inside
bank 29 grocery store 22 gas station 20 convenience store 15 bar 4 casino 4 restaurant 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: business convenience stores money category: 7 answers
60. name a reason why a child might not want to have a long last name
Have A Meeting People Can't Say It Have A Crush Hard To Spell Get Made Fun Of
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tags: school workplace paperwork convenience category: no points
61. Name a feature on your car that would be nice to have on a supermarket shopping cart
Decelerators Horn Brakes Abs Turn Signal Signal Blinkers
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tags: shopping convenience features car helpful category: no points
62. If Money Isn’t An Object, Who Do People Hire To Help Make Their Lives Easier?
maid 55 chef 20 butler 10 nanny 7 driver 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: home lifestyle services convenience comfort category: 5 answers
63. Why Might A Person Use Stairs Instead Of The Elevator?
exercise 61 fire 20 elevator broken 6 fear of small spaces 6 faster 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: fitness emergency convenience height phobia category: 5 answers
64. Name someplace you might call ahead so you will not have to wait as long
Eatery Inn Motel Hotel Cafeteria Diner Restaurant
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tags: waiting appointments convenience time management category: no points
65. Name a place in front of which people double park for a minute:
post office 50 store 14 bank 9 hospital 7 dry cleaners 6 airport 5 school 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: parking cars traffic convenience errands category: 7 answers
66. Name a kind of store you can find, even in the smallest town:
grocery 67 drugstore 13 general store 8 gas station 4
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tags: shopping small town convenience community category: 4 answers
67. Name a modern convenience most teenagers think they couldn't live without.
cell phone/phone 60 computer/internet 10 television 7 car 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: teenagers lifestyle technology convenience gadgets category: 4 answers
68. Name a reason why someone might leave a house through a window.
fire 56 burglar 23 sneak out/elope 10 lost the key 5 being chased 3 broken door 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: emergency fun convenience adventure mischief danger category: 6 answers
69. Name something you wish airports had for when you're stuck on a long layover
Free Food Arcades Comfortable Beds Free Internet Comfortable Showers
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tags: travel airports convenience entertainment comfort category: no points
70. Name A Good Reaon To Live Near In-Laws
Babysitting Eat Over Close For Holidays Visit Often
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tags: family relationships convenience support location category: no points
71. Name a reason a customer might choose one gas station over another.
gas price 78 convenient 9 location 5 service 3 better gas 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: convenience price rewards location amenities category: 5 answers
72. Name Something People Might Do With A Rental Car That They Wouldn’t Do With Their Own Car.
speed 40 not clean it 15 travel far 13 smoke in it 9 crash it 7 drive recklessly 7
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tags: travel recreation errands pets convenience category: 6 answers
73. Name something in your house you might program to automatically turn on
Lamps Lights Laserdisc Lanterns Headlights Flashing Lights
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tags: convenience daily routine technology household category: no points
74. Name Something You Might Pay Extra For When Renting A Car
Insurance 53 Better Stereo 13 Milage Fees 12 Bigger Car 10 GPS 7
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tags: travel vacation road trip convenience category: 5 answers
75. Name something cars have today they didnt’ have 50 years ago
Air Bags Seat Belt CD Player Cruise control Computer
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tags: technology entertainment safety convenience comfort category: no points
76. Tell me a type of business that usually has an ATM inside.
banks 40 grocery store 22 gas station 15 convenient store 13 bars 5 casino 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: business money convenience grocery bank category: 6 answers
77. If You Were Designing An Airport, Name Something You’d Make Sure There Was A Lot Of.
bathrooms 30 runways 24 chairs 22 computers 10 smoking areas 8
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tags: travel airport design amenities convenience category: 5 answers
78. Name Something Specific In A Hotel Handy To Have Camping
Bed Shower Soap Toilet Towel TV Room Service
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tags: travel comfort adventure convenience camping category: no points
79. If You Went Back In Time 10,000 Years, Name A Luxury Item You’d Probably Miss.
car 39 tv 23 air conditioning 11 telephone 8 toilet paper 6 computer 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: history luxury technology convenience comfort category: 6 answers
80. Name a food that is easy to eat while driving.
french fries 41 hambugers 23 chips 12 candy bar 11 sandwiches 7 hot dog 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: food driving road trip convenience category: 6 answers
81. What’s Something You Keep in Your Car, Just in Case?
Money/Coins 1 Food/Water 1 First Aid Kit 3 Spare Tire 2 Map 1 Jumper Cables 2 Spare Clothes/Shoes 2 Gas Can 2 Flare 1
Answers are hidden.
tags: car preparedness emergency essentials safety convenience category: 9 answers
82. Name something in your home you leave plugged in all the time.
telephone 37 refrigerator 17 lamp 10 clock 10 microwave 8 toaster 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: home electricity routine convenience habits category: 6 answers
83. why would a woman refuse a ride in a convertible
Driven By Stranger Rain Messy Hair Windy
Answers are hidden.
tags: driving weather appearance safety convenience children category: no points
84. Name A Type Of Business Thats Convenient To Have In Your Neighborhood
market/conv store 48 gas station 33 bank 8 restaurant 4 laundromat 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: convenience neighborhood services errands local amenities category: 5 answers
85. Name A Reason Why Someone Might Not Ride Their Bike To Work
Raining Dangerous Too Far Get Sweaty Lazy
Answers are hidden.
tags: work weather safety health convenience time category: no points
86. What Kinds Of Tasks Do We Now Handle Online That We Didnt Use To Years Ago
banking 34 paying bills 28 shopping 10 emailing 7 doing taxes 6 education 4 working 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology internet convenience school home lifestyle category: 7 answers
87. name an electronic device you could not live without
Tv Microwave Computer
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tags: technology daily life essential convenience tech category: no points
88. What Might You Ask To Borrow From Someone At The Laundromat
detergent 69 change 24 dryer sheets 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: laundry household convenience community funny borrow category: 3 answers
89. Tell Me An Invention That Probably Led To People Having Much Less Spare Time.
TV 44 Computer 23 Telephone 12 Car 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: productivity technology time management convenience multitasking category: 4 answers
90. Name Something You Expect To See Inside Every Hotel Room
bed 40 towels 28 tv 15 bible 7 soap 4 coffeemaker 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel hotel amenities rooms comfort convenience category: 6 answers
91. Name something you might keep in your pocket.
Money 30 Keys 27 Gum 24 Phone 19
Answers are hidden.
tags: everyday carry belongings personal items convenience category: 4 answers
92. Why Might You Fly Home For The Holidays Instead Of Driving
faster 55 distance 14 avoid traffic 13 road conditions 9 gas prices 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel time convenience weather safety comfort category: 5 answers
93. Name The Best Thing That Is Now Available Digital, But Hasn’t Always Been
tv 35 clock 20 canara 19 mp3/music 14 phone 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology entertainment convenience school work shopping category: 5 answers
94. Which Piece Of Technology Would People Have The Hardest Time Giving Up?
Cell Phone Computer TV Mp3 Player
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology gadgets daily life convenience essentials category: no points
95. Name Something Youd See At A Gas Station
gas pumps 41 cars 23 drinks 14 oil 7 people 6 lottery tickets 5 air pump 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: gas station cars travel convenience food drinks category: 7 answers
96. What one convenience do you think you'd miss most on a camping trip?
toilet 27 tv 20 shower 16 bed 14 running water 7 hair dryer 3 phone 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: camping convenience outdoors family funny travel category: 7 answers
97. Name something Many People Would Love To Live Next To
swimming area 52 park 16 shopping district 15 bar 6 celebrity's home 5 school 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: amenities community nature peace convenience relaxation category: 6 answers
98. Name something the Jetsons had that you’d love to have in your lifetime.
hover car 46 robot maid 29 dog that speaks 6 space mansion 5 jetpacks 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: retro technology home appliances convenience gadgets category: 5 answers
99. Based on how much you use it, what do you consider the greatest invention ever?
telephone 15 electricity 13 tv 12 car 12 computer 6 microwave 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology daily life convenience innovation productivity category: 6 answers
100. Name A Reason Why You Might Stay In A Hotel In Your Own City
natural disaster 30 romance 18 just for fun 13 moving 12 fight with spouse 11 remodeling 8 getting married 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel convenience escape amenities company peace category: 7 answers
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