The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Tell me something people often have phobias about.
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2. What is a common fear that many people have?
Heights 1 Spiders 1 Public speaking 2 Flying 1
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3. Name something you're afraid of that you were afraid of as a kid:
the dark 30 snakes 15 lightning 11 spiders 9 heights 8 big dogs 3 death 3 bats 2 fire 2 horses 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: fears childhood phobia anxiety scary horror category: 10 answers
4. Name something that a person might have a phobia about.
bugs 40 heights 25 enclosed areas 13 the dark 6 snakes 6 water 5
Answers are hidden.
5. Name an animal people are afraid of.
bear 26 shark 11
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6. Name A Vacation Spot That A Person With A Fear Of Heights Would Dread.
mountains 42 grand canyon 37 eiffel tower 10 empire state bldg 9
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tags: travel heights vacations phobias fears category: 4 answers
7. Name Something About Which Many People Have Phobias
spiders 37 heights 25 snakes 14 water 7 darkness 6 flying 4 small spaces 3
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tags: fears phobias spiders heights public speaking category: 7 answers
8. Name something you're afraid to do by yourself.
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tags: fears phobia anxiety alone safety confidence category: 7 answers
9. We asked 100 people: name something people are afraid of.
Spiders Heights Death Ghosts Dogs
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10. Name something little kids are often afraid of
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11. name something most kids are afraid to try but then realize its no big deal after doing it
Swimming Vegetables Riding A Bike
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tags: kids childhood fears bravery parenting category: no points
12. Name Something A Person Might Worry About When Speaking In Front Of A Large Group.
lack of preperation 28 shuttering 24 mis pronunciation 15 sweating 8 impression 7 volume of voice 6 hair 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: public speaking anxiety nerves social anxiety category: 7 answers
13. Name something that makes you really nervous.
Tests Doctors Interviews Driving
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tags: anxiety fear phobia nerves social anxiety category: no points
14. Name something you're afraid of that you were afraid of as a kid
The Dark Lightning Heights Snakes Big Dogs Spiders
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15. Name something that people develop.
film/photos 22 illness/disease 22 habits/addictions 10 mind/wisdom 8 attitudes 6
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tags: hobbies relationships skills habits phobias children category: 5 answers
16. Name Something People Are Afraid To Try Even Through It Seems Fun
Bungee Jumping Parachuting Roller Coaster Hang Gliding Skiing
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tags: hobbies fears fun adventures category: no points
17. Name something that makes people tremble.
fear 19 being cold 16 earth quake 15 storms 11 spiders 5 death 5 car accident 4
Answers are hidden.
18. what beverage might the bride be afraid to drink in her gown before the wedding
Juice/punch Wine Campanion
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19. Which Fears, Adult/ Childish Men Pretend Not To Do
Dark Committment Rejection Heights Crying
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20. Which animals do we fear the most?
Spider 47 Rat 40 Viper 36 Wasp 30 Cockroach 24 Bear 15 Dog 2
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tags: animals fears kids questions trivia category: 7 answers
21. Name something specific you're afraid will happen to you on Friday the 13th.
car accident 45 black cat...path 16 fall down 8 break mirror 7 die 7
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tags: superstitions fears bad luck humor funny category: 5 answers
22. Name a tiny creature which frightens big people.
spider 63 snake 2
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23. Name something that scares you when you're driving
Animals Motorcycles Other Drivers Police Officers Trucks
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tags: driving fears phobia funny hilarious kids category: no points
24. Name something kids are afraid of on Halloween
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tags: kids halloween fears animals plants food category: no points
25. name something you worry about on a sleepless night
Job Money Work Love Life
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26. How Tell Person Next To You Is Nervous Flyer
Sweating Shaking Crying Drinking Alcohol Biting Nails Eyes Closed Praying
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27. Name something about which you think it's useless to worry
Future People's Opinion Weather Past
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tags: worry stress anxiety motivation category: no points
28. Name A Bad Habit Some People Haves When They Are Stressed
Bite Nails Smoking Eating Yelling
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29. name something people bite on when theyre nervous
Lip Nails Leslie Stahl Pencil Tough Questions Mike Wallace
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30. Name someone you might be nervous meeting for the first time.
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tags: first impressions social anxiety awkward category: no points
31. Name something you might do that could cause you to sweat a lot.
exercise 77 sports 5 work 3 in sun 2 spicy 2 nervousness 2
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tags: exercise hot weather stress anxiety category: 6 answers
32. Name something you worry about, even on vacation.
money/bills 29 house ok/secure 27 children/family 18 bad weather 6 pets 6 job/work 4
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33. name a test that people get very nervous about taking
Pregnancy Test Drug Test Flop Sat/act Test Bluff Driving Test
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34. Name Something You're Afraid To Try Even Though It Seems Fun
Bungee Jumping Parachuting Roller Coaster Hang Gliding Skiing
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35. Name a group with three initials that scare you.
kkk 70 irs 12 nra 7 fbi 7
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tags: fear groups anxiety hilarious kids category: 4 answers
36. Name something people tell themselves when they are scared.
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tags: fear anxiety courage bravery worry category: no points
37. Name Something You Worry About Before Falling Asleep At Night.
money 49 work 38
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tags: anxiety insomnia sleep worries stress category: 2 answers
38. Tell me a place where you were so nervous, you made promises to God.
hospital/doctor 29 church 21 airplane 16 jail 6 job/interview 5
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tags: anxiety nervousness promises situations funny category: 5 answers
39. Tell Me A Situation That Makes Just About Everyone Nervous
wedding 27 dating 21 job interview 16 doctor's appt 13 public speaking 12 taking a test 6
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tags: family nervousness anxiety situations funny category: 6 answers
40. Name something about which you think it's useless to worry.
weather 15 future 13 money 12 death 7 people's opinion 6 past 6
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tags: worries stress anxiety mental health category: 6 answers
41. Tell Me A Way That A Babysitter Knows The Parents Are Nervous About Leaving.
hesitate to leave 28 calling repeatedly 21 crying 19 lots of questions 12 leave phone numbers 10 lots of instructions 7
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tags: parenting childcare family anxiety questions category: 6 answers
42. Tell Me A Reason Why A Person Might Be Awake At 3AM.
insomnia 34 working 29 sick 13 new baby 8 studying 6 nightmare 4 use bathroom 3
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tags: anxiety hunger pets social media category: 7 answers
43. name something a person sitting next to you on a plane might do to make you think theyre afraid of flying
Throw Up Sweating Shaking Grip Armrest Get Too Loud Close Their Eyes Stare
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44. name something that happens to you after drinking too much coffee
Can't Sleep Headache Jitters Need To Use Bathroom Wired
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tags: caffeine insomnia headaches anxiety funny category: no points
45. Name something you're afraid to do by yourself
Flying Walk At Night Travel Sleep Swim
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46. Name Something A Grown Man Might Be Embarrassed To Admit That He Collects.
dolls 33 stamps 30 action figures 18 baseball cards 9 comic books 6 stuffed animals 3
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tags: adults funny embarrassing hobby social anxiety category: 6 answers
47. on a scale from 1 10 how much do you worry about the future
10 8 Sense Of Humor Riding A Bike
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tags: family future anxiety adults relationships children category: no points
48. Name a job you should avoid if you are afraid of public speaking.
send us your answers! 10 politician 52
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tags: work career funny social anxiety jobs category: 2 answers
49. which person in your life were you most nervous to introduce a partner to
Best Friend Dad Ex Mom
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tags: relationships family social anxiety first impressions humorous category: no points
50. When You’re Stressed Out, Name The Part Of Your Body Where You Feel It The Most
head 40 chest 2
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tags: stress body health anxiety relationships family category: 2 answers
51. Name a worry that causes you to eat non-stop
Coin Finances Currency Costs Savings
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tags: food worries eating stress anxiety funny category: no points
52. Name something that makes you sweat just thinking about it.
running 19 spicy food 17 sun 10 summer 8 bills 8 beach 6
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tags: exercise heat fear anxiety stress embarrassment category: 6 answers
53. Name something you do just before a visit to the dentist.
brush 76 floss 12 gargle 4 mint 2 sweat 2
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tags: healthcare teeth nerves fear hygiene anxiety category: 5 answers
54. Name something people can't stop worrying about, even on vacation
Money Work Pets Jimmy Carter
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tags: anxiety health money relationships family kids category: no points
55. What Might An Actor Do To Cure Stage Fright?
have a drink 38 rehearse 32 imagine crowd naked 12 deep breaths 5 mediate 5 count to 10 3
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tags: work adults nerves anxiety acting performance category: 6 answers
56. Name a type of test that people are nervous to get the results for.
pregnancy 48 blood 22 standardized 16 driver 12
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tags: school work hospital funny family anxiety category: 4 answers
57. Give me an expression which contains the word "ring"
Give Me A Ring Wedding Ring My Bell A Ding Ding Around Collar Around The Rosie Of Fire
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tags: common phrases category: no points
58. what do you worry about when bringing a date to your company holiday party
Date's Appearance Coworker's Gossip Uvula Date's Manners Date Getting Drunk
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tags: work relationships social anxiety parties family embarrassing category: no points
59. a reason a person might wake up at 2:00 in the morning.
Nature’s call 2 Thirsty 1 Hungry 1 Nightmare 1 Restless 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious work pets hunger kids anxiety category: 5 answers
60. What might a person do if they are nervous during a date?
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tags: dating relationships anxiety social situations communication conversation category: no points
61. What Are You Advised To To Do When You’re Nervous About Speaking In Front A Crowd?
picture crowd naked 56 deep breath 21 calm down 13 drink water 7
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tags: public speaking anxiety nerves presentation communication fear category: 4 answers
62. Name something you wish you could trade in for a new one.
car 55 partner 20 television 5 house 3
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63. Name A Word Or Phrase That’s Often Followed Up With An Exclamation Point
wow 30 hey/hi 22 stop/no 19 what 8 help 7 oh my 7 yes/yeah 5
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tags: common phrases games category: 7 answers
64. Give me a phrase that begins with the word "cut."
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65. Name something that comes in threes.
triplets 25 death 24 bad luck 11 blind mice 4 wishes 4 clothes 3 clover 3 holy trinity 2
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66. Name something people do when they are nervous.
nail biting 57 sweat 22 shakes 10 eat 6 fidget 5
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67. name a figure of speech people use to describe what their heart is doing
Fluttering Skipping A Beat Pumping Racing Aching Breaking Pounding
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tags: common phrases language humor category: no points
68. Name an appliance you keep plugged in all the time
Fridge 27
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tags: appliances home everyday common useful category: fast money
69. Besides Chocolate Chip, Name A Popular Cookie
oreo 44 oatmeal 22 peanut butter 17 sugar 8 vanilla wafers 3
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70. Name A Weather Condition That Is 4 Letters Long
snow 41 rain 35 cold 13 wind 6 hail 3
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71. Name A Phrase That Has The Word Home In It
Home Sweet Home No Place Like Home Welcome Home Home Is Where The Heart Is Home Alone Homeward Bound
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72. Name something found in almost every american household.
Television Kitchen Bathroom Bed Computer
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73. Name something you do, on average, once a week.
shop 24 do laundry 12 go to church 10 exercise/run 7 clean house 7
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tags: common daily routine habits lifestyle category: 5 answers
74. Name a flower often seen at weddings.
roses 46 carnations 20 lilies 16 orchids 9 tulips 8
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tags: plants weddings flowers popular common category: 5 answers
75. Name A Food Most People Eat Everyday
Bread Fruit Cereal Meat Potato
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76. Tell Me A Street Name Found In Almost Every Big City.
main 64 elm 15 first 5 martin luther king 5 broadway 5 washington 3
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tags: geography cities common places knowledge category: 6 answers
77. Name Something That’s Dangerous To Do One-Handed.
Drive 34 Cook 14 Ride A Bike 13 Cut/Carve 12 Swim 8 Use Tools 5
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tags: dangerous common sense safety funny category: 6 answers
78. Name something a lot of people do on Sunday morning.
go to church 65 sleep late 17 eat breakfast 9 watch tv/video 3 read/newspapers 3
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79. Name A Circumstance That People Say Only Happens To One In A Million.
winning lottery 49 struck by lightning 31
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tags: life events unexpected common surprising category: 2 answers
80. Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "W".
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tags: famous names people common entertainment category: 6 answers
81. Past or present, name a famous John.
john kennedy 33 john wayne 10 john travolta 7 john lennon 6 john hancock 6
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tags: names people history famous common category: 5 answers
82. Name A Common Sickness That Kids Seem To Get More Often Than Adults
cold 32 flu 30 chicken pox 28 ear infection 5 strep throat 3
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tags: kids sickness common children health category: 5 answers
83. Which Items Are Most Commonly Found In A Restaurants LostAndFound Box
keys 30 glasses 16 gloves 15 umbrella 10 jacket 7 wallet 6 phone 5
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tags: restaurants items objects common everyday category: 7 answers
84. Name a famous mary.
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85. Name a common last name.
smith 59 jones 20 taylor 4 williams 4 brown 3
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tags: names people families common funny category: 5 answers
86. Name something that you think superheroes do too often.
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tags: superhero common everyday funny kids category: no points
87. Name another word for "many".
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88. Name a word that rhymes with 'mean'.
Lean 31 Bean 29 Green 18 Clean 14 Seen 7
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89. Name A Food Many People Have In Their Freezer Right Now
ice cream 24 beef 20 chicken 18 pizza 15 hot dogs 12 vegetables 8
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90. Name something specific that you've lost more than once.
keys 40 watch/jewelry 10 money 9 weight 8 wallet/purse 8
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tags: common everyday funny humor objects possessions category: 5 answers
91. Name a word that completes the sentence "Middle of the..."
Road Night Day Ocean Week
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tags: common phrases language vocabulary word game category: 5 answers
92. Name something people remove glasses to do.
clean them 27 sleep 24 wash face/shower 15 read 14 rub/wipe eyes 8 play sports 2 kiss 2 watch television 2
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tags: drinks food kids funny everyday common category: 8 answers
93. Give me a woman's name that starts with the letter "D"
Diane Daniella Darlene Denise Donna Debroah
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tags: work school family people kids common category: no points
94. Name something you pay for once a year.
insurance 40 taxes 29 pet licence 15 gym membership 7
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tags: bills insurance kids hilarious common funny category: 4 answers
95. Give me a two word expression that starts with the word "Love"
Hurts Boat Me Stinks You
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tags: love words common simple family game category: no points
96. Name an animal that is mentioned in the bible a lot.
Lambs Camels Snakes Cows
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tags: animals bible kids easy common faith category: no points
97. Tell Me Something You’re Likely To Find At A Hotel Continental Breakfast.
eggs 44 cereal 18 muffins 10 coffee 9 bagels 9 toast 8
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tags: food travel breakfast dining hotels common category: 6 answers
98. Name something most people open at least once a day
Rope Door
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tags: everyday common daily routine kids hilarious category: no points
99. Name Something In Your House That Has To Be Changed From Time To Time.
Sheets 41 Light Bulb 30 Air Filter 7 Batteries 7 Furniture/Decor 6
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tags: everyday house kids funny common home category: 5 answers
100. Name soemthing that goes up and down.
elevator 58 seesaw 16 yoyo 11 thermometer 5 ball 4 airplane 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids food work hilarious common school category: 6 answers
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