The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something you might do that could cause you to sweat a lot.
exercise 77 sports 5 work 3 in sun 2 spicy 2 nervousness 2
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tags: exercise hot weather stress anxiety category: 6 answers
2. Name something that makes you really nervous.
Tests Doctors Interviews Driving
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tags: anxiety fear phobia nerves social anxiety category: no points
3. name something people bite on when theyre nervous
Lip Nails Leslie Stahl Pencil Tough Questions Mike Wallace
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4. Name something about which you think it's useless to worry
Future People's Opinion Weather Past
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tags: worry stress anxiety motivation category: no points
5. Name A Bad Habit Some People Haves When They Are Stressed
Bite Nails Smoking Eating Yelling
Answers are hidden.
6. Name something about which you think it's useless to worry.
weather 15 future 13 money 12 death 7 people's opinion 6 past 6
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tags: worries stress anxiety mental health category: 6 answers
7. Name Something You Worry About Before Falling Asleep At Night.
money 49 work 38
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tags: anxiety insomnia sleep worries stress category: 2 answers
8. Name a worry that causes you to eat non-stop
Coin Finances Currency Costs Savings
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tags: food worries eating stress anxiety funny category: no points
9. When You’re Stressed Out, Name The Part Of Your Body Where You Feel It The Most
head 40 chest 2
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tags: stress body health anxiety relationships family category: 2 answers
10. Name Something You're Afraid To Try Even Though It Seems Fun
Bungee Jumping Parachuting Roller Coaster Hang Gliding Skiing
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11. Name a reason why someone might start sweating.
stress 37 heat 23 exercise 18 change 4 hard work 3 embarrassed 2
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12. Name something you're afraid to do by yourself
Flying Walk At Night Travel Sleep Swim
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13. Name a group with three initials that scare you.
kkk 70 irs 12 nra 7 fbi 7
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tags: fear groups anxiety hilarious kids category: 4 answers
14. Name something people tell themselves when they are scared.
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tags: fear anxiety courage bravery worry category: no points
15. Name something you do just before a visit to the dentist.
brush 76 floss 12 gargle 4 mint 2 sweat 2
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tags: healthcare teeth nerves fear hygiene anxiety category: 5 answers
16. What Are You Advised To To Do When You’re Nervous About Speaking In Front A Crowd?
picture crowd naked 56 deep breath 21 calm down 13 drink water 7
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tags: public speaking anxiety nerves presentation communication fear category: 4 answers
17. Name Something A Person Might Worry About When Speaking In Front Of A Large Group.
lack of preperation 28 shuttering 24 mis pronunciation 15 sweating 8 impression 7 volume of voice 6 hair 6
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tags: public speaking anxiety nerves social anxiety category: 7 answers
18. Name Something Thats Hard To Do On A Particularly Hot Summer Day
run 50 go in to work 18 yard work 15 sleep 10 breathe 5
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19. name something a celebrity hopes wont happen while onstage to accept an award
Drop Award Forget Speech Lose Voice Fall
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tags: embarrassment category: no points
20. Name something you might see smoke coming out of.
chimney 43 car 11 pipe 9 barbecue 8 house 7 train 5 factory 2
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21. Name something no one wants to have to do during the summer.
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22. Name A State That Youd Hate To Live In During Summer
florida 41 arizona 27 texas 26 california 5
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tags: heat outdoors wildlife activities adults category: 4 answers
23. Name something that heats up when you turn it on.
Oven Heater Kettle Iron Coffee Pot
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tags: appliances electronics heat temperature power category: 5 answers
24. Name Something You Might Take To The Beach On A Hot Day
Suntan Lotion A Dingy Cold Drinks
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25. If gas gets much more expensive, name something you may have to go without.
driving car/gas 63 food/eating out 9 travel/vacation 7 new clothes/shoes 7 heat/air-cond. 6 cigarette/smoking 3
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tags: money transportation food heat entertainment category: 6 answers
26. Name something that you would see around a fireplace:
firewood 40 fireplace tools 31 fire screen 16 matches 3 andirons 2 mantel 2
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27. Name a city that might be too hot to run a marathon in.
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tags: running summer marathon cities weather heat category: no points
28. Name something you like to eat on hot days.
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tags: food summer heat drinks ice cream kids category: no points
29. Name a place where chocolate melts quickly.
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30. Name a household appliance that can get hot.
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tags: household appliances heat kitchen kids funny category: 5 answers
31. Name Something That Can Be Easily Be turned Off
lights 45 tv 36 oven radio 6 radio 6 partner 5
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tags: technology water lights heat kids funny category: 5 answers
32. Name something you find in a desert.
Cactus 44 Sand 41 Snakes 8 Camels 7
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tags: nature sand heat hiking camping animals category: 4 answers
33. Name The Worst Thing About Going To The Drive-In.
weather 36 waiting 27 can't hear 18 the bathroom 15
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tags: movies food waiting bugs heat weather category: 4 answers
34. Name A Home Appliance That Can Get hot.
iron 36 oven 23 computer 6 toaster 6 hair dryer 4 microwave 4
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tags: home appliances heat cooking kitchen electricity category: 6 answers
35. Name something you associate with chimneys
Sweeps Bricks Fire Smoke Soot
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tags: home fire heat holidays christmas santa category: no points
36. At What Age Does It Become Embarrassing To Still Live With Your Parents (Numeric Only)?
25 33 20 17 21 15 30 11 18 7 22 5 24 4
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tags: family parenting adulthood embarrassment category: 7 answers
37. Tell me something mothers tell their children not to do in public.
pick their nose 50 yell 22 cry 10 pee 7 misbehave 6 belch 5
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tags: kids etiquette embarrassment funny category: 6 answers
38. Name an activity that maight cause a man's toupee to fall off
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tags: funny hilarious accidents embarrassment category: no points
39. Name A Type Of TV Show That You Wouldn’t Want To See Your Grandma On
Reality TV 33 Talk Show 33 Dating Show 14 Romantic Drama 9 True Crime 5
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tags: tv funny inappropriate hilarious embarrassment category: 5 answers
40. Name something you felt guilty about doing soon after you did it.
over eating 27 lying 17 yelling 12 cheating 11 spending money 7 stealing 4
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tags: kids family embarrassment funny category: 6 answers
41. Name a place on the human body where people will find the most unwanted hair.
underarm 28 back 24
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tags: body hair hygiene embarrassment funny category: 2 answers
42. Name a reason why you might close your eyes.
sleep 39 scared 23 bright light 16 kiss 9 sneezing 8 praying 5
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tags: sleep pain relaxation privacy embarrassment category: 6 answers
43. What Would Be The Most Embarrassing Thing In Your House To Have Dirty When Company Pops Over
35 Bathroom Soap
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tags: family embarrassment cleaning surprises home category: no points
44. If You Were Out Of Town And Forgot To Pack A Change Of Clothes What Would You Do
buy some 50 borrow clothes 20 wash clothes 18 wear dirty clothes 5
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tags: clothes travel wardrobe embarrassment funny category: 4 answers
45. Which Activity Would A Celeb Least Like To Be Photographed Doing?
eating 34 showing affection 25 picking nose 11 wearing swimsuit 9 drinking 9 sleeping 8
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tags: celebrities paparazzi activities photos embarrassment category: 6 answers
46. Name a problem that could occur while kissing someone
Braces Lock Halitosis Lock Bad Breath Retainer Lock Orthodontics Lock
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tags: kissing relationships accidents embarrassment funny category: no points
47. without saying anything what might your date do to make you worry that you have bad breath
Refuse A Kiss Cover/plug Nose Offer Gum/mint Turn Head Away
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tags: hygiene dating social interaction embarrassment category: no points
48. Name Something You’d Hate To Notice About Your Clothes Just After You Left The House.
stain 46 ripped 5
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tags: clothing public embarrassment fashion funny category: 2 answers
49. Name hot things.
Fire 1 Coffee 1 Tea 1 Stove 1 Fireplace 1
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tags: fire sun heat oven food humans animals weather technology kids category: 5 answers
50. Name A Door That You’d Hate To Leave Unlocked Accidentally
front door 37 car door 35 bathroom door 13 safe 7 pet 5
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tags: security embarrassment privacy danger animals funny category: 5 answers
51. Name Something Thats Hard To Get Over
breakup 44 death 35 fence 8 virus 7 mountain 5
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tags: relationships breakups family work rejection embarrassment category: 5 answers
52. Name Something People Don’t Want To Do In Front Of Somebody They’re Dating, Until They Get Serious.
pass gas 60 show affection 13 eat 9 undress 9 use the restroom 4
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tags: dating relationships activities embarrassment intimacy funny category: 5 answers
53. Name Something That Might Be Ruined If It Had A Scratch On It.
CD/Record 44 Furniture 16 Glasses/Eyeglasses 11 Car 11 Mirror 6 Camera Lense 5
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tags: objects possessions valuables appearance embarrassment furniture category: 6 answers
54. Tell me something you might forget to put on in the morning and then feel weird all day.
deodorant 39 underwear 19 watch/jewelry 12 makeup 11 socks 10 belt 4 false teeth 2
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tags: clothing footwear hygiene appearance routine embarrassment category: 7 answers
55. Name Something You Do If You Run Out Of Clean Pants
Go Commando Wear Inside Out Wash Them Wear Partners Wear Dirty Ones
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tags: clothing laundry cleanliness hygiene embarrassment funny category: no points
56. Tell me someone you would be embarrassed to swear in front of.
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tags: family kids funny embarrassment relatives childhood category: no points
57. We surveyed 100 11-year-olds...Name a kind of place where you can get in trouble if you laugh.
church 35 school/principal 32 library 18 funeral 9 court 2
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tags: funny kids school humor trouble embarrassment category: 5 answers
58. Name a public place where you can cry without feeling embarrassed.
place of worship 42 bathroom 14 movie/theater 11 funeral home 10 park 7 hospital 5
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tags: public places crying embarrassment emotions funny category: 6 answers
59. Name a sport you would not want to practice if you ran out of deodorant.
Football Wrestling Basketball Tennis Soccer
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tags: hygiene sports embarrassment social situations daily life humor category: no points
60. name something you worry about on a sleepless night
Job Money Work Love Life
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61. How Tell Person Next To You Is Nervous Flyer
Sweating Shaking Crying Drinking Alcohol Biting Nails Eyes Closed Praying
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62. name something stressful that we associate with moving
Heavy Lifting Hold Hands Cuddle Packing Time Consuming
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63. Name someone you might be nervous meeting for the first time.
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tags: first impressions social anxiety awkward category: no points
64. Name something you worry about, even on vacation.
money/bills 29 house ok/secure 27 children/family 18 bad weather 6 pets 6 job/work 4
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65. Tell me something people often have phobias about.
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66. name a test that people get very nervous about taking
Pregnancy Test Drug Test Flop Sat/act Test Bluff Driving Test
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67. When You’re Stressed Out, Name The Part Of Your Body Where You Feel It Most.
head 40 neck 23 back 18 shoulders 10 feet 2 chest 2
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tags: stress relaxation headaches funny category: 6 answers
68. Name An Age That People Worry About Turning
40 42 50 31 30 23 60 3
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tags: aging milestones birthdays stress category: 4 answers
69. Name a major U.S. city whose mayor has major headaches
San Francisco New Orleans Chicago Washington DC New York
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70. Other than her kids name something a woman might blame her gray hair on.
work 34 husband 29 bills 14 age 9 parents 6 nature 3
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71. Name A Reason Why Someone Might Stay Up All Night
Party Work Nights Studying Insomnia Sick Watching TV New Year’s Eve
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72. Name The Most Stressful Job To Have On A Cruise Ship
Captain 52 Food Server 18 Cook 12 Housekeeper 7 Bartender 4 Lifeguard 3 Entertainer 3
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73. Name Something People Do When They’ve Lost Their Temper
yell 56 throw things 13 argue 11 curse 7 cry 7 turn red 3
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tags: anger frustration stress annoyance category: 6 answers
74. name something that happens to you after drinking too much coffee
Can't Sleep Headache Jitters Need To Use Bathroom Wired
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tags: caffeine insomnia headaches anxiety funny category: no points
75. name something a person sitting next to you on a plane might do to make you think theyre afraid of flying
Throw Up Sweating Shaking Grip Armrest Get Too Loud Close Their Eyes Stare
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76. Tell me a place where you were so nervous, you made promises to God.
hospital/doctor 29 church 21 airplane 16 jail 6 job/interview 5
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tags: anxiety nervousness promises situations funny category: 5 answers
77. Name a childhood fear that many people never outgrow
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tags: fears childhood common anxiety phobias category: no points
78. Tell Me A Reason Why A Person Might Be Awake At 3AM.
insomnia 34 working 29 sick 13 new baby 8 studying 6 nightmare 4 use bathroom 3
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tags: anxiety hunger pets social media category: 7 answers
79. Tell Me A Situation That Makes Just About Everyone Nervous
wedding 27 dating 21 job interview 16 doctor's appt 13 public speaking 12 taking a test 6
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tags: family nervousness anxiety situations funny category: 6 answers
80. Tell Me A Way That A Babysitter Knows The Parents Are Nervous About Leaving.
hesitate to leave 28 calling repeatedly 21 crying 19 lots of questions 12 leave phone numbers 10 lots of instructions 7
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tags: parenting childcare family anxiety questions category: 6 answers
81. Name something you're afraid to do by yourself.
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tags: fears phobia anxiety alone safety confidence category: 7 answers
82. name an occupation you wouldnt want your partner to have because its way too stressful
Police Officer Doctor
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tags: work stress relationship humor funny category: no points
83. Name A Workplace You Would Get Used To Stress
Hospital Police Dmv Law Office Post Office Fast Food Retail
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tags: work adults stress office hilarious category: no points
84. What occupation do you think requires nerves of steel?
surgeon 17 police officer 14 firefighter 8 teacher 6 construction 5 pilot 5
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tags: work stress nerves occupation kids category: 6 answers
85. Name something that stresses people out around the holidays.
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86. Name a reason that people overeat.
Sadness Stress Boredom Greed Hungry Nice Food
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tags: food emotions stress boredom social category: 6 answers
87. Name a happy event that can also be stressful.
wedding 51 birthday 16 giving birth 11 vacation 5 anniversary 3 sporting event 3 christmas 3
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tags: family life adults stress happiness category: 7 answers
88. Why Might A Waiter Say He Had Bad Day?
No Tips Rude Customers Spill/ Drop Food Busy Fired
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89. When you're upset, name a way you let off steam
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tags: stress relaxation hobbies emotions family category: no points
90. Name something high school students have nightmares about.
tests 62 graduating 7 homework 5 peer pressure 5 going to college 4
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tags: school teachers work homework stress category: 5 answers
91. Name something you need relief from on occasion.
kids 40 illness 18 work 17 school 6 stress 5 bills 5 lousy weather 3
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tags: pain stress emotions boredom fatigue category: 7 answers
92. Tell me something you might do to relax when you are feeling stressed.
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tags: stress relaxation coping mechanisms self-care well-being category: no points
93. Name a type of test that people are nervous to get the results for.
pregnancy 48 blood 22 standardized 16 driver 12
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tags: school work hospital funny family anxiety category: 4 answers
94. Name something you're afraid of that you were afraid of as a kid:
the dark 30 snakes 15 lightning 11 spiders 9 heights 8 big dogs 3 death 3 bats 2 fire 2 horses 2
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tags: fears childhood phobia anxiety scary horror category: 10 answers
95. on a scale from 1 10 how much do you worry about the future
10 8 Sense Of Humor Riding A Bike
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tags: family future anxiety adults relationships children category: no points
96. Name Something A Grown Man Might Be Embarrassed To Admit That He Collects.
dolls 33 stamps 30 action figures 18 baseball cards 9 comic books 6 stuffed animals 3
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tags: adults funny embarrassing hobby social anxiety category: 6 answers
97. Name something people can't stop worrying about, even on vacation
Money Work Pets Jimmy Carter
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tags: anxiety health money relationships family kids category: no points
98. Name a job you should avoid if you are afraid of public speaking.
send us your answers! 10 politician 52
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tags: work career funny social anxiety jobs category: 2 answers
99. What Might An Actor Do To Cure Stage Fright?
have a drink 38 rehearse 32 imagine crowd naked 12 deep breaths 5 mediate 5 count to 10 3
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tags: work adults nerves anxiety acting performance category: 6 answers
100. which person in your life were you most nervous to introduce a partner to
Best Friend Dad Ex Mom
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tags: relationships family social anxiety first impressions humorous category: no points
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