The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Tell Me A Reason Why A Person Might Be Awake At 3AM.
insomnia 34 working 29 sick 13 new baby 8 studying 6 nightmare 4 use bathroom 3
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tags: anxiety hunger pets social media category: 7 answers
2. Name A Reason Why Someone Might Be Up Late At Night.
Baby 26
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tags: work entertainment kids hunger funny category: fast money
3. Name something that makes you really nervous.
Tests Doctors Interviews Driving
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tags: anxiety fear phobia nerves social anxiety category: no points
4. Name Something A Person Might Worry About When Speaking In Front Of A Large Group.
lack of preperation 28 shuttering 24 mis pronunciation 15 sweating 8 impression 7 volume of voice 6 hair 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: public speaking anxiety nerves social anxiety category: 7 answers
5. If you became a billionaire today, name something you'd get rid of tomorrow
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tags: money work stress poverty hunger boredom category: no points
6. Name a group with three initials that scare you.
kkk 70 irs 12 nra 7 fbi 7
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tags: fear groups anxiety hilarious kids category: 4 answers
7. Name a job you should avoid if you are afraid of public speaking.
send us your answers! 10 politician 52
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tags: work career funny social anxiety jobs category: 2 answers
8. Name a type of test that people are nervous to get the results for.
pregnancy 48 blood 22 standardized 16 driver 12
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tags: school work hospital funny family anxiety category: 4 answers
9. Name a bad job for someone who is afraid of dogs
Postman Carrier Dogcatcher Letter Carrier Mailman Veterinarian The Pound
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tags: animals work kids funny hilarious pets category: no points
10. Name something people try to get out of.
Jury duty 2 Work 1 Bills 1 Bad relationships 2 Traffic tickets 2 Debt 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious school work hospital pets plants food category: 6 answers
11. Name something you’d skip if you were late for work.
Breakfast/Coffee 1 Taking shower 2 Answering phone 2 Brushing teeth 2 News/Newspaper 1 Putting on makeup 3
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tags: funny fun hilarious work food plants pets sleep coffee category: 6 answers
12. name a test that people get very nervous about taking
Pregnancy Test Drug Test Flop Sat/act Test Bluff Driving Test
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13. What Might An Actor Do To Cure Stage Fright?
have a drink 38 rehearse 32 imagine crowd naked 12 deep breaths 5 mediate 5 count to 10 3
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tags: work adults nerves anxiety acting performance category: 6 answers
14. Name something that gets buried
Bodies Treasure Coffin Bones Garbage
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tags: funerals pets gardening work kids hilarious category: no points
15. what do you worry about when bringing a date to your company holiday party
Date's Appearance Coworker's Gossip Uvula Date's Manners Date Getting Drunk
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tags: work relationships social anxiety parties family embarrassing category: no points
16. Name Someone You Would Hate To Get Fender Bender With
Police Mom Kids Lawyer Neighbor
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tags: work pets famous people kids food hilarious category: no points
17. Name something that might wake you up in the morning.
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18. Name something that people's bodies tell them it's time to do
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19. Tell Me Something A Child Might Complain About On A Road Trip.
sitting too long 36 need a bathroom 30 hungry 22 bored 6 temperature 4
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20. Name something you hope you have milk to go with.
cereal 52 cookies 27 cake 6 coffee 5
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21. Name something your body tells you it's time to do.
sleep 33 go to bathroom 28 eat 28 wake up 3
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22. Tell Me The Longest You’ve Ever Gone Without Eating.
24 hours 35 2 days 27 18 hours 7 10 hours 6 12 hours 6 20 hours 5 1 and a half days 5
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23. Name a reason a baby might be cranky that is also a reason some grown-ups are cranky
Peckish Sleepy Famished Snoozy Starving Needs Nap Hungry
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24. name something that politicians say theyd like to end
Poverty World Hunger High Taxes War
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tags: government poverty taxes crime hunger war category: no points
25. Name something for which people want quick relief
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tags: sickness pain frustration stress hunger boredom category: no points
26. name something a person sitting next to you on a plane might do to make you think theyre afraid of flying
Throw Up Sweating Shaking Grip Armrest Get Too Loud Close Their Eyes Stare
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27. Name something you're afraid to do by yourself
Flying Walk At Night Travel Sleep Swim
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28. Tell me something impossible to do standing up.
Sleep 59 Driving 15 Sitting 9
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29. Tell me a place where you were so nervous, you made promises to God.
hospital/doctor 29 church 21 airplane 16 jail 6 job/interview 5
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tags: anxiety nervousness promises situations funny category: 5 answers
30. Tell Me A Situation That Makes Just About Everyone Nervous
wedding 27 dating 21 job interview 16 doctor's appt 13 public speaking 12 taking a test 6
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tags: family nervousness anxiety situations funny category: 6 answers
31. name something that happens to you after drinking too much coffee
Can't Sleep Headache Jitters Need To Use Bathroom Wired
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tags: caffeine insomnia headaches anxiety funny category: no points
32. Name something a dog does when it's angry with you.
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33. Name Something Dog Owner Wish Never Did
Go To Bathroom Bark Bite Shed Dig
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34. name something you can do with a pet dog but not with a pet rock
Play Fetch Feed It Teach Tricks Use Calculator Walk It Meet People
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35. Name a pet that doesn't live very long
Housefly Birds Fish Turtle Hamsters
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36. Tell Me Something A Dog Can’t Stand.
cats 61 getting a bath 18 vacuum cleaner 5 mail carrier 5
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37. name something that you have accidentally sucked up with a vacuum cleaner
Rug Sock Coins
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tags: household kids funny hilarious pets category: no points
38. Name Something A Grown Man Might Be Embarrassed To Admit That He Collects.
dolls 33 stamps 30 action figures 18 baseball cards 9 comic books 6 stuffed animals 3
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tags: adults funny embarrassing hobby social anxiety category: 6 answers
39. Name a worry that causes you to eat non-stop
Coin Finances Currency Costs Savings
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tags: food worries eating stress anxiety funny category: no points
40. Name Something Dog Owners Probably Wish Their Dogs Never Did
go to the bathroom 56 bark 27 bite 5 shed 3 dig holes 3
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tags: pets animals dogs funny kids hilarious category: 5 answers
41. Name a animal that you are surprised that some people keep as a pet
Shorts Tiger
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tags: animals pets surprising kids funny hilarious category: no points
42. Name something you would do if you were imitating a cat
Clean Scratch Grapple Purr Meow Claw Tidy
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tags: animals pets cats funny hilarious kids category: no points
43. Name An Animal Thats Not Loved By Many People
snake 45 bear 19 shark 16 rat 10
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tags: animals kids funny hilarious pets trivia category: 4 answers
44. Name Something You Need When You Give A Dog A Bath
Shampoo Water A Hose A Dog A Bath
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tags: pets animals family kids funny hilarious category: no points
45. Name Something Dogs Hate Owners To Put On Them
Leash Collar Clothes Flea Spray Muzzle
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tags: pets animals funny hilarious kids family category: no points
46. Tell Me Something That Waddles
duck 68 penguin 16 pregnant woman 4 toddler 4
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tags: animals pets kids funny hilarious nature category: 4 answers
47. Name a way you'd know a dog is mad at you.
growl 52 barking 16 bites you 15 shows teeth 7 snarling 6
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tags: pets animals dogs funny hilarious kids category: 5 answers
48. Name something you would NOT borrow from a friend.
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tags: belongings money pets kids funny hilarious category: 4 answers
49. Name Something Of Your That The Dog Likes To Play With.
shoes 40 socks 30 ball 25 newspaper 3
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tags: pets animals kids funny hilarious childhood category: 4 answers
50. Name something a dog likes to play with.
ball 50 chewing bone 32 toys 7 frisbee 6 shoes 5
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tags: animals kids pets toys funny hilarious category: 5 answers
51. Name an animal that would look cute in a pirate's hat
Microwave Dog Parrot Monkey Play Cards
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tags: animals pets kids funny hilarious pirate category: no points
52. Without seeing the cat, name a way you can tell a person owns a cat just by looking around their house.
cat hair 32 litter box 25 bad smell 17 cat toys 16 torn furniture 3 cat food 3
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tags: pets animals home funny hilarious kids category: 6 answers
53. Name a pet people would not take for a walk
Hawk Finch Robin Hummingbird Parrot Parakeet Eagle
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tags: animals pets kids funny hilarious family category: no points
54. Name Something Cats Can Chase All Day
nice 38 tail 25 ball of yarn 12 birds 10 toy/ball 9
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tags: animals pets cats funny kids hilarious category: 5 answers
55. Name Something That Has A Tail
Dog Cat Cow Horse
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tags: animals pets kids food funny hilarious category: no points
56. Name Something Cats Hate
dogs 54 water 33 grab their tail 3 mouse 3 vacuum cleaner 2
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57. Name something a really lazy person might get their dog to fetch for them.
Paper 1 Slippers 1 Remote 1 Beer 1 Shoes 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious pets animals lazy category: 5 answers
58. Name a lost item you'd hate to see sticking out of the cat's litter box.
Jewelry Toothbrush Keys Phone Dentures Lipstick Money
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tags: hilarious funny pets home household family category: 7 answers
59. Name something people put on their cat for a silly photo.
hat 44 sweater/shirt 36 glasses 12 bow/tie 3
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tags: pets cats hilarious funny photography costumes category: 4 answers
60. Name something dogs do to get acquainted that you'd never see people do.
sniffing 66 lick each other 16 snake tail 7
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tags: animals funny hilarious dogs pets trivia category: 3 answers
61. Name something you have that you wish worked better.
Car 1 Computer 1 TV/Remote 1 My Body 2 Washer 1 Cell Phone/Phone 2
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tags: funny fun hilarious household technology home school pets kids category: 6 answers
62. Name something you worry about, even on vacation.
money/bills 29 house ok/secure 27 children/family 18 bad weather 6 pets 6 job/work 4
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63. name something you worry about on a sleepless night
Job Money Work Love Life
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64. How Tell Person Next To You Is Nervous Flyer
Sweating Shaking Crying Drinking Alcohol Biting Nails Eyes Closed Praying
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65. Name Something Specific That People Flip
coin 44 pancake 26 burger 13 hair 8 house 6
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66. name something people bite on when theyre nervous
Lip Nails Leslie Stahl Pencil Tough Questions Mike Wallace
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67. Name something about which you think it's useless to worry
Future People's Opinion Weather Past
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tags: worry stress anxiety motivation category: no points
68. Tell me something people often have phobias about.
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69. Name something you might do that could cause you to sweat a lot.
exercise 77 sports 5 work 3 in sun 2 spicy 2 nervousness 2
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tags: exercise hot weather stress anxiety category: 6 answers
70. Name Something You're Afraid To Try Even Though It Seems Fun
Bungee Jumping Parachuting Roller Coaster Hang Gliding Skiing
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71. Name A Bad Habit Some People Haves When They Are Stressed
Bite Nails Smoking Eating Yelling
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72. Name someone you might be nervous meeting for the first time.
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tags: first impressions social anxiety awkward category: no points
73. Name something people can't stop worrying about, even on vacation
Money Work Pets Jimmy Carter
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tags: anxiety health money relationships family kids category: no points
74. Name something people tell themselves when they are scared.
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tags: fear anxiety courage bravery worry category: no points
75. Name Something You Worry About Before Falling Asleep At Night.
money 49 work 38
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tags: anxiety insomnia sleep worries stress category: 2 answers
76. Name a childhood fear that many people never outgrow
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tags: fears childhood common anxiety phobias category: no points
77. Tell Me A Way That A Babysitter Knows The Parents Are Nervous About Leaving.
hesitate to leave 28 calling repeatedly 21 crying 19 lots of questions 12 leave phone numbers 10 lots of instructions 7
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tags: parenting childcare family anxiety questions category: 6 answers
78. Name something you're afraid to do by yourself.
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tags: fears phobia anxiety alone safety confidence category: 7 answers
79. Name something about which you think it's useless to worry.
weather 15 future 13 money 12 death 7 people's opinion 6 past 6
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tags: worries stress anxiety mental health category: 6 answers
80. Tell me how many months it takes before a dog is house trained?
three 31 two 21 four 14 one 13 five 5 six 5 eight 4 nine 3
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tags: pets animals family kids hilarious category: 8 answers
81. Tell Me Something You Would Let Your Dog Do, But Not Your Child.
pee outside 31 lick 24 drink from toilet 17 eat scraps 15 run loose 9
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tags: pets kids fun hilarious family animals category: 5 answers
82. Name Something You Associate With A Pirate
Eye Patch Ship Sword Treasure Skull & Crossbones
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tags: kids family hilarious pets objects category: no points
83. Name A Pet All Children Want
Dog Gerbil Hampster Rabbit
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tags: family animals pets kids hilarious category: no points
84. Name A Dangerous Occupation Which Probably Shouldn’t Observe “Take Your Kids To Work Day.”
police 35 fireman 32
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85. Name something you're afraid of that you were afraid of as a kid:
the dark 30 snakes 15 lightning 11 spiders 9 heights 8 big dogs 3 death 3 bats 2 fire 2 horses 2
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tags: fears childhood phobia anxiety scary horror category: 10 answers
86. which person in your life were you most nervous to introduce a partner to
Best Friend Dad Ex Mom
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tags: relationships family social anxiety first impressions humorous category: no points
87. Name something you do just before a visit to the dentist.
brush 76 floss 12 gargle 4 mint 2 sweat 2
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tags: healthcare teeth nerves fear hygiene anxiety category: 5 answers
88. on a scale from 1 10 how much do you worry about the future
10 8 Sense Of Humor Riding A Bike
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tags: family future anxiety adults relationships children category: no points
89. Name something that makes you sweat just thinking about it.
running 19 spicy food 17 sun 10 summer 8 bills 8 beach 6
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tags: exercise heat fear anxiety stress embarrassment category: 6 answers
90. When You’re Stressed Out, Name The Part Of Your Body Where You Feel It The Most
head 40 chest 2
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tags: stress body health anxiety relationships family category: 2 answers
91. Name something cats love to play with.
yarn 52 ball 20
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tags: animals pets cats toys kids hilarious category: 2 answers
92. Name a breed of dog that you're doggone nuts about.
lab 14 poodle 12 collie 10 golden retriever 10 dachshund 7 beagle 6
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tags: pets animals dogs kids hilarious trivia category: 6 answers
93. Name something bored dogs do when their owner is gone for the day
Snooze Sleep Dream Nap Eat Furrniture Furniture
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tags: pets dogs animals boredom hilarious kids category: no points
94. Name Something That Often Gets Tied Up
Traffic Shoe Laces Boat Rope Dog Phone Lines Horse
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tags: pets vehicles balloons kids hilarious plants category: no points
95. Name something dogs fetch.
bone 26 frisbee 6
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tags: animals kids school pets food hilarious category: 2 answers
96. Name a way you know your dog is happy to see you.
wags tail 62 jumps on you 18 licks you 6 jump up and down 5 bites you playfully 4 runs towards you 3 sniffs your butt 2
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tags: family kids animals pets dogs hilarious category: 7 answers
97. Name something you'd hate to hear a house-sitter say happened while you were gone.
fire 33 break in 18 accident happened 16 house flooded 10 kid is sick 4 plants died 3
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tags: home pets kids food hilarious adults category: 6 answers
98. Name Something Some Pets Wear Although Its Usually Only Worn By Humans
sweater 39 shirt 25 coat 14 shoes 8 jewelry 4
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tags: animals pets clothing dress-up hilarious kids category: 5 answers
99. Tell me something that gets buried.
person/coffin 66 treasure 9 pet 9 plants/roots 5 dog bones 4 hatchet/conflict 4 time capsule 2
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100. Name something a pirate might train a monkey to do.
Steal Fetch Sail Fight Talk Climb
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tags: animals funny kids pets work training category: no points
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