The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name Something Youd Be Afraid To Do By Yourself
travel 43 skydive 16 sleep 12 swim 10 walk at night 6 watch scary movie 6 camp 4
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tags: night water heights spiders funeral public speaking category: 7 answers
2. Name A Vacation Spot That A Person With A Fear Of Heights Would Dread.
mountains 42 grand canyon 37 eiffel tower 10 empire state bldg 9
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tags: travel heights vacations phobias fears category: 4 answers
3. Name something that a person might have a phobia about.
bugs 40 heights 25 enclosed areas 13 the dark 6 snakes 6 water 5
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4. Name something some people fear that starts with the letter "s".
Spiders Snakes Skyscrapers Sharks
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tags: snakes spiders heights sickness strangers category: no points
5. Tell me something people often have phobias about.
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6. What is a common fear that many people have?
Heights 1 Spiders 1 Public speaking 2 Flying 1
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7. Name a childhood fear that many people never outgrow
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tags: fears childhood common anxiety phobias category: no points
8. Name an animal people are afraid of.
bear 26 shark 11
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9. Name Something A Politician Has To Be Good At.
lying 45 speaking 36
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tags: politics charisma public speaking leadership category: 2 answers
10. Which U.S. President gave the best speeches
Ronald Reagan Bill Clinton Abraham Lincoln John F. Kennedy Barack Obama Franklin Roosevelt
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tags: history politics presidents public speaking category: no points
11. Name Something People Worry About When Speaking In Front Of A Group
Stutter Forgetting Lines Breaking Wind
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tags: public speaking nervousness audience fear presentation category: no points
12. Name an instance where a teenager might get sweaty palms.
first date/dance 38 test 23 lying 18 public speaking 12
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tags: school work crush public speaking sports test category: 4 answers
13. Name a profession that requires you to speak in front of people.
teacher 51 lawyer 16 politician 15 preacher 12
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tags: work school kids funny public speaking education category: 4 answers
14. What Are You Advised To To Do When You’re Nervous About Speaking In Front A Crowd?
picture crowd naked 56 deep breath 21 calm down 13 drink water 7
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tags: public speaking anxiety nerves presentation communication fear category: 4 answers
15. Name Something A Person Might Worry About When Speaking In Front Of A Large Group.
lack of preperation 28 shuttering 24 mis pronunciation 15 sweating 8 impression 7 volume of voice 6 hair 6
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tags: public speaking anxiety nerves social anxiety category: 7 answers
16. Name something you're afraid of that you were afraid of as a kid
The Dark Lightning Heights Snakes Big Dogs Spiders
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17. Name A Reason Why Basements Are Often Less Cozy Than The Rest Of A House
cold 33 dark 23 cement floors 17 damp 14 creatures live there 8
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18. Name something nobody wants living in their house.
bugs 26 mice 20 snakes 8 relative 6 mother-in-law 6
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19. Name Somewhere You Would Look If You Wanted To Find A Spider
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20. If You Were Turned Into A Spider, Name Something You’d Have To Learn How To Do.
spin a web 64 climb 14 eat bugs 12
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21. Name something that people develop.
film/photos 22 illness/disease 22 habits/addictions 10 mind/wisdom 8 attitudes 6
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tags: hobbies relationships skills habits phobias children category: 5 answers
22. Name Something People Are Afraid To Try Even Through It Seems Fun
Bungee Jumping Parachuting Roller Coaster Hang Gliding Skiing
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tags: hobbies fears fun adventures category: no points
23. Name something that makes people tremble.
fear 19 being cold 16 earth quake 15 storms 11 spiders 5 death 5 car accident 4
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24. Which Fears, Adult/ Childish Men Pretend Not To Do
Dark Committment Rejection Heights Crying
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25. what beverage might the bride be afraid to drink in her gown before the wedding
Juice/punch Wine Campanion
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26. Name something people bungee jump off of.
bridge 51 cliffs 23 buildings 9 mountain 7 tower 6
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27. Name something a tall person might say is too short for them.
pants/clothing 35 doorway/ceiling 20 bed 14 a partner 11 sink 9 shower head 7
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28. Name Something That Action Movie Stars Always Jump Off Of.
Buildings 51 Bridge 21 Cliff 11 Moving Cars 10
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29. Name A Height In Feet And Inches Where People Consider A Man Tall
Six Foot 6 Foot Three 6 Foot Two 6 Foot One 7 Foot
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30. Which animals do we fear the most?
Spider 47 Rat 40 Viper 36 Wasp 30 Cockroach 24 Bear 15 Dog 2
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tags: animals fears kids questions trivia category: 7 answers
31. name something most kids are afraid to try but then realize its no big deal after doing it
Swimming Vegetables Riding A Bike
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tags: kids childhood fears bravery parenting category: no points
32. Name something you're afraid to do by yourself.
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tags: fears phobia anxiety alone safety confidence category: 7 answers
33. Name something specific you're afraid will happen to you on Friday the 13th.
car accident 45 black cat...path 16 fall down 8 break mirror 7 die 7
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tags: superstitions fears bad luck humor funny category: 5 answers
34. Name something little kids are often afraid of
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35. We asked 100 people: name something people are afraid of.
Spiders Heights Death Ghosts Dogs
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36. Name a tiny creature which frightens big people.
spider 63 snake 2
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37. Tell me a sport that you don’t have to be tall to play.
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38. Name something that scares you when you're driving
Animals Motorcycles Other Drivers Police Officers Trucks
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tags: driving fears phobia funny hilarious kids category: no points
39. Name something you're afraid of that you were afraid of as a kid:
the dark 30 snakes 15 lightning 11 spiders 9 heights 8 big dogs 3 death 3 bats 2 fire 2 horses 2
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tags: fears childhood phobia anxiety scary horror category: 10 answers
40. Name something kids are afraid of on Halloween
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tags: kids halloween fears animals plants food category: no points
41. Name Something You Wouldn’t Want To Do On A Rope Bridge.
Jump 26 Lose Balance 22 Run 17 Swing It 13 Drive 7 Dance 6 Look Down 3
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tags: activities fear heights outdoors travel category: 7 answers
42. Name Something Children Climb On That Makes Their Parents Worry.
Trees Monkey Bars Table/Chairs Ladder
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tags: kids funny danger heights playground category: no points
43. Name Something That Many People Are Afraid To Drive On
icy roads 47 snow 31 bridge 13 freeway 8
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tags: roads bridges animals heights water category: 4 answers
44. Name something that scares you when you're driving.
other drivers 68 animals 9 trucks 9 police officers 5 weather 3 motorcycles 2
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tags: cars animals road conditions heights category: 6 answers
45. If a person was deathly afraid of heights, then tell me something they would avoid at all costs.
Flying Skyscrapers Elevators/Lifts Ladders Bungee Jumping Roof Terrace Mountains
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tags: heights airplanes amusement parks mountains category: 7 answers
46. Name something some people are nervous about getting on.
airplane 49 amusement ride 15 mechanic bull 5 motorcycle 5 elevator 5 boat 2
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tags: hospital stage heights strangers flying category: 6 answers
47. Name A Bad Job For Someone Who’s Afraid Of Heights
window washer 39 pilot/flight attendant 37 construction worker 16 firefighter 6
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48. Name the worst thing for a circus performer to be afraid of.
heights/falling 51 animals 23 clowns 15 performing 8
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49. Name something action heroes are not afraid of.
Villains Guns Heights Death Danger
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tags: animals heights speed fire darkness danger category: no points
50. Name Something You’d Hate To Have Happen If You Went Up In A Hot Air Balloon.
fall out 43 pops 28 collision 23 rains 4
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tags: travel fear heights weather animals children category: 4 answers
51. Name something people are afraid of.
spiders 31 the dark 22 snakes 15 ghosts 13 heights 11 death 8
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tags: animals food heights insects water kids category: 6 answers
52. Name a job you would not want to have if you were afraid of heights.
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tags: work heights fear jobs professions funny category: no points
53. Name something you cannot be afraid of it you hope to become an astronaut.
heights 57 flying 21 outer space 8 close quarters 6 weightlessness 4 speed 2
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tags: space heights flying darkness kids funny category: 6 answers
54. Tell Me An Activity You Might Do To Prove You Arent Afraid Of Heights
sky dive 43 bungee jump 26 rock climb 12 climb a ladder 6 paraglide 5
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tags: heights activities fear outdoors courage adventure category: 5 answers
55. Name something that starts with the word "public."
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tags: public places category: no points
56. Name a place where it would be inappropriate to tell a dirty joke.
place of worship 73 funeral 7 work 5 wedding 5 dinner 3
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tags: inappropriate public category: 5 answers
57. Name a place you shouldn't flirt with someone
Prison Doctor's Office Love Story Courthouses Funeral
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tags: public places category: no points
58. Name A Public Place Where It’s OK To Yell
Playground Concert Sports Event Amusement Park
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59. Name a place where you might find a payphone
Station Propane Gas Station Petrol Fuel Lighter Fluid
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tags: public places airports category: no points
60. Name Something That You Have To Do Sometimes That Billionaire Has Probably Never Done.
low end job 30 clean/laundry 26 borrow money 17 fly economy 8 buy used 8 clip coupons 6
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tags: chores homework public transport category: 6 answers
61. Name a public place where it’s OK to scream.
amusement park 31 rock concert 24 playground 18 movie theater 17 sports event 5 spookhouse 3
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tags: public places funny kids category: 6 answers
62. Tell me a public place that's perfect for "people watching"
Mall Park Train
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tags: public places human behavior category: no points
63. Name A Place That You Wish You Had The Nerve To Go Alone
haunted house 34 cemetry 30 wedding 10 restaurant 5 woods 4 bar 3
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tags: public places amusement park category: 6 answers
64. Name A Place Where Itd Be Smart For A Lawyer To Advertise
jail 35 court 31 tv 11 billboard 9 hospital 7
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tags: law lawyer advertising public places category: 5 answers
65. Name a public place you might see someone snoring.
church 23 movie theater 18 airport 18 bus 16 libraries 11 hospital 7
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tags: public transportation animals funny category: 6 answers
66. Name a kind of place where you run into the rudest people.
mall 45 bar 7 restaurant 5 sporting event 5 church 4 dmv 4
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67. Name A Public Place Where Bathrooms Are Disgusting
Gas Station Park Mall Bar Beach Restaurant Train Station
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tags: public places germs cleaning category: no points
68. Name something people hate about public restrooms.
dirty 60 smells 21 no toilet paper 12 no soap 2 small 2 no paper towels 2
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69. Name A Public Place Where It Is Okay To Yell
park 46 concert 19 sports event 17 amusement park 5
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tags: public social etiquette funny category: 4 answers
70. Name Something Considerate That People Often Do For You In An Elevator
hold door 51 push button 28 move over 16
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71. Name a public place where you've witnessed couples fighting and making a scene.
restaurant 29 mall/store 21 bar 21 park 7 street/sidewalk 6 subway 4
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tags: public places drama relationships category: 6 answers
72. Name A Place Where It Is Rude To Take Out Your Cell Phone
cinema 24 church 22
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tags: etiquette manners public places category: 2 answers
73. name a public place where it would be easy to fall asleep
Library Park
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74. Name a kind of place where you're embarrassed when you doze off.
church 25 bus 18 work 17 classroom 15 movie/theater 9 subway/train 4 doctor's office 3 restaurant 3
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tags: embarrassing public sleep funny category: 8 answers
75. In Order To Seem Like A “Regular Guy,” Name A Place Where A Politician Might Hang Out.
bar 38 bowling alley 27 diner 23 rock concert 6 pool hall 5
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76. Name the last place you'd want to be when your child has a tantrum
Out For Dinner Place Of Worship Shopping Center To A Hotel
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tags: embarrassing public formal event category: no points
77. We asked 100 women: Name Something You’d Be Uncomfortable Wearing In Public when You Feel You Have 10 Pounds To Lose
Bathing Suit 47
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tags: clothing women fashion public category: fast money
78. Name something you don't mind asking a complete stranger for
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tags: public strangers help politeness assistance category: no points
79. Name A Place Where You Would Not Want To Get Into An Argument With Your Partner.
place of worship 35 restaurant 25 in law's/parnts 12 work 10 movie theatre 7 supermarket 4
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tags: places arguments relationships public awkward category: 6 answers
80. Name something you'd hate to be doing when you hear the call of mother nature.
driving in car 29 sleeping 11 making love 8 on the job 6
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81. Name a job that requires a lot of public speaking.
politician 54 lawyer 12 broadcaster 9 teacher 8 motivational speaker 5
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tags: work public communication business presentation category: 5 answers
82. Name Something Embarrassing That You Might Do While Listening To Headphones.
Sing 52 Speak Loudly 22 Dance 13 Ignore Someone 8
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tags: work public transportation kids funny category: 4 answers
83. Name a place where it would be rude to laugh.
funeral 48 church 17 library 16 serious movie 5 hospital 5 court 4
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tags: social etiquette public behavior respect category: 6 answers
84. Name Something You’d Hate To Notice About Your Clothes Just After You Left The House.
stain 46 ripped 5
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tags: clothing public embarrassment fashion funny category: 2 answers
85. Name a place you don't want your cell phone to start ringing.
church 45 library 4 meeting 16 movie 15 driving 4
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tags: embarrassing inappropriate public private kids category: 5 answers
86. Name Something You Would Do In A Public Restroom That You Would Never Do In Your Own Bathroom
pee on the floor 24 pee on the toilet 14 put paper on seat 12 write on wall 11 leave it messy 10 don't flush toilet 9
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tags: public bathrooms habits funny kids category: 6 answers
87. Name a place you would be embarrassed to be caught taking a nap.
Work Church Bathroom Class
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tags: public private embarrassing sleep kids category: no points
88. name a place where you would see lots of beautiful women
Bar Beach Fashion Show Beauty Pageant
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89. name a good place to people watch
Mall Therapist Airport Cafe Park Teacher
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tags: entertainment observation public spaces gatherings category: no points
90. Name a place where you would not want to be trapped with a stranger.
Elevator 59 Bathroom 6 House 5 Island 5 Jail 5
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tags: indoors outdoors public private funny category: 5 answers
91. Name a place you don't want your cell phone to start ringing
Church Meeting Library
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tags: inappropriate embarrassing public private polite category: no points
92. Name a public place where you've witnessed couples fighting and making a scene
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tags: public places couples fights drama category: no points
93. Name a place where a superhero could change into their costume.
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tags: buildings public privacy bathroom work category: no points
94. Name a public place where you wish people wouldn't take their dog
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tags: animals etiquette pets public places category: no points
95. Name something teenagers are embarrassed to be seen doing with their families
Buying Boutique Purchasing To Movies Mall Store Shopping
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tags: family embarrassing teenagers parents public category: no points
96. Name A Public Place Where Least Romantic To Propose
Restroom Bar Library Fast Food Mall Work Sports Gym
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tags: public proposal awkward funny hilarious category: no points
97. Name a place where you would be embarrassed to run into your boss.
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tags: embarrassing public places funny awkward category: no points
98. Name a public place where it is ok to take off your pants.
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99. Name a London tube line.
northern 23 central 8 piccadilly 8 bakerloo 8 district 7 jubilee 6
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tags: travel transportation commute public transport category: 6 answers
100. Tell Me A Place You Would Dread Being When Your Laxative Kicks In
work 40 church 21 school 10 car 9 movies 9 airplane 5 pool 4
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tags: embarrassing public bathroom school work category: 7 answers
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