The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something men obsess about.
cars 18 money 16 hair loss 12 looks 10 sports 9 bodies 8
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tags: hobbies sports gadgets cars hunting category: 6 answers
2. name something you imagine an inventors house would be full of
Trash/scraps Blueprints Tools Of The Trade Inventions Computers
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tags: home inventions gadgets creativity tools workshop category: no points
3. Name something you might buy you father for Father's Day.
Tie Socks Nothing Shirt Card Gadget
Answers are hidden.
tags: father's day gift ideas family gadgets tools outdoors category: 6 answers
4. Name something men think they know more about than women.
cars 52 sports 33 driving 8 everything 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships cars sports finances technology tools category: 4 answers
5. If diamonds are a girl's best friend, what's a guy's
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships friends toys tools sports video games category: no points
6. Name a good outdoor sport for a husband and wife to do together.
playing tennis 23 golf/min. golf 18 walking/hiking 13 riding bikes 11 swimming 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: outdoors hobbies sports relationships family category: 5 answers
7. Name Something Women Do While Their Husbands Watch Monday Night Football
Cook Read Shop Sleep Talk On Phone Clean Watch The Game
Answers are hidden.
tags: hobbies family relationships sports home funny category: no points
8. Name something that most men don't do as well as they think they do
Housework Cook Drive Clean
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tags: skill relationships hobbies cooking driving sports category: no points
9. name something that can be spiked
Hair Tires Drink Prescriptions
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tags: food drinks weapons tools sports kids category: no points
10. Name something repairmen ruin as often as they fix it.
toilet/plumbing 28 car 24 television 12 washing machine 7 roof 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: home cars relationships finances appliances gadgets category: 5 answers
11. Name Something You Might Store In A Garage
Car Tools Lawn Mower Junk Boxes
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tags: home vehicles hobbies tools kids funny category: no points
12. Name something that a fisherman might keep in his garage.
fishing pole 35 boat 25 tackle box 18 net 9 bait/worms 7 fish hook 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: fishing tools vehicles hobbies outdoors work category: 6 answers
13. Name something you might find in a toolbox.
Hammer Screwdriver Wrench Pliers Nails
Answers are hidden.
tags: tools home repairs work hobbies hardware category: no points
14. Tell me something people might keep in the garage.
Answers are hidden.
tags: home tools hobbies supplies vehicles seasonal category: 4 answers
15. Name Something A Father/ Son Might Have The Same
Name Eyes Hair Shirt
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16. Name an autographed item a son might get for his father.
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17. We surveyed 100 married women...Name something your husband has good taste in
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tags: food entertainment fashion pets sports hobbies category: no points
18. Apart from TV and film, name something you watch.
sport 40 kids 8 people 8 a play 6 time 4 clock 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: animals food nature sports hobbies funny category: 6 answers
19. Name a common topic of conversation at men's poker games
John F. Kennedy Sports Ronald Reagan Jobs/money Women/sex
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tags: hobbies sports beer women food work category: no points
20. Name Something A Golf Caddy Might Carry
Golf Clubs Golf Bag Golf Balls Towel Tees
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21. Name something you'd expect to find in the home of a man who thinks he's macho
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tags: home men funny masculinity tools sports category: no points
22. Name something you might place both of your hands on at the same time.
Steering Wheel Myself Ball Desk
Answers are hidden.
tags: body parts furniture tools sports category: 4 answers
23. Name Something People Lie About In An Internet Chatroom.
their age 60 their looks 16 how much they weigh 7 occupation 5 marital status 5 gender 4
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tags: relationships school jobs hobbies travel food category: 6 answers
24. name something that a single person has more freedom to do
Where They Put Items Party Date Focus On Career
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tags: relationships travel hobbies food sleep kids category: no points
25. Other Than Work, Name Something You Often Find Yourself Talking To Co-Workers About.
family 44 relationships 21 sports 14 weather 6 tv 5 weekend 4
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tags: work social relationships entertainment food hobbies category: 6 answers
26. Name A Job That in Most Households, A Man Is More Likely To Do Than His Wife
Yard 36
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tags: work tools outdoors sports grilling cars category: fast money
27. What Might Your Cell Phone Provider Charge Extra For
Texting Long Distance Roaming Overage Minutes Internet Games
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tags: money entertainment travel government tools sports category: no points
28. name something most people store in the garage
Car Boxes Lawn Mower Tools Bikes
Answers are hidden.
29. Name something that has a horn.
car 54 unicorn 18 rhino 10 bull 5 deer 3 goat 2 bicycle 2 ship 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: animals music mythical creatures transportation tools sports category: 8 answers
30. Besides a bike, name something you need to compete in a cycling event.
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tags: sports hobbies exercise health cycling category: no points
31. Name something people shoot.
animals 56 guns 26 "the breeze" 4 basketballs 3 arrows 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: hobbies sports kids hilarious nature category: 5 answers
32. Tell me something you buy tickets for.
concerts 27 movies 27 sporting events 24 air travel 22
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tags: events entertainment fun hobbies sports shows category: 4 answers
33. Name something you could hurt while golfing.
Back Shoulders Arm Wrist Hand Knee Elbow
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tags: hobbies sports outdoors injuries funny category: no points
34. Name a gift a sports fan might enjoy.
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tags: sports gifts hobbies teams players category: no points
35. Name An Activity Some Men Do With Their Buddies Where Wives Aren’t Invited
play poker 35 go to bar 30 watch sports 12 golf outing 11 bachelor party 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: activities games hobbies sports work category: 5 answers
36. Name something a man owns that he hates other people to play with:
car 29 stereo 23 tools 6 computer 5 tv 5 vcr 4 shotgun 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage tools cars finances category: 7 answers
37. Name a term often used in golf.
fore 46 par 26 hole in one 9 birdie 7 tee 7 bogey 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: sports hobbies activities leisure games kids category: 6 answers
38. Name Something That Men Join
Gym Golf/Country Club Military Fraternity
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tags: family sports hobbies school work kids category: no points
39. Name A Winter Sport That You Think Never Add To Olympics
Skiing Curling Bobsled Ice Skating Snowboard Hockey Luge
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tags: sports winter activities hobbies outdoors olympics category: no points
40. Name A Good Gift For A Professional Boxer.
Gloves 54 Shorts 19
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tags: sports work money hobbies entertainment health category: fast money
41. name a profession where youd often say good job to someone
Teacher Photographer Sales Host News Reporter Police Coach
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school sports home pets hobbies category: no points
42. What Hobby Or Activity Could Cause A Man To Have Missing Teeth
boxing 45 hockey 33 football 6 drugs 5 baseball 3 wrestling 3 rugby 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: activities accidents sports hobbies fighting funny category: 7 answers
43. Name a favorite sport
1. Football 8 2. Soccer 8 3. Baseball 6 4. Basketball 4
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tags: kids sports hobbies school work funny category: 4 answers
44. Name a sport that soldiers might play to pass the time.
Football Baseball Basketball Soccer
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tags: military sports entertainment leisure soldiers hobbies category: no points
45. Name something you need to go fishing.
fishing rods 58 bait 22 hook 14 lures 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: hobbies outdoors fishing sports recreation water category: 4 answers
46. Name a sport that super mario would be good at.
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tags: hobbies sports video games kids funny category: no points
47. Name Something You Associate With Archery
Arrows Board Robin Hood
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tags: hobbies sports outdoors kids summer activities category: no points
48. What Do People Do While While Watching A Sports Game.
eat snacks cheer drink
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tags: entertainment sports family leisure hobbies games category: no points
49. Name Something Men Enjoy Shopping For.
tools 44 cars 30
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tags: hobbies clothing electronics home improvement cars sports category: 2 answers
50. Name a water sport
Swimming 34 Surfing 29 Boating 14 Jet Skiing 11 Diving 9 Water polo 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: work office hobbies sports outdoors fun kids water category: 6 answers
51. Name an activity that's easier to do when it's windy.
Fly a Kite 3 Sail 1 Surf 1 Air Dry Clothes 3
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tags: hobbies outdoors weather kids funny activities games sports category: 4 answers
52. Other than work, what do you talk to your coworkers about?
Family 44 Relationships 21 Sports 14 Weather 6 TV/Movies 5 Weekend 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: office work friends family current events hobbies sports kids category: 6 answers
53. Name something that gets heated.
water 19 soup 18 griddle 10 coffee 7 house 6 dinner 4 stove 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: food arguments sports competition relationships category: 7 answers
54. Name A Dangerous Hobby You Wouldn’t Want Your Partner To Have
skydiving 48 hunting 16 flying 16 rock climbing 14 car racing 3 motorcycling 3
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tags: relationships hobbies safety dangerous category: 6 answers
55. Name something a person having a midlife crisis might do.
buy a sports car 28 have an affair 27 drink 24 change appearance 13 change jobs 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: lifestyle relationships travel hobbies fun ridiculous category: 5 answers
56. If A Woman Had A MidLife Crisis What Might She Do
buy new car 45 have an affair 21 plastic surgery 17 shopping spree 8 cut/dye hair 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: women relationships career hobbies appearance category: 5 answers
57. Tell me a piece of information that people place in a personal ad.
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tags: dating relationships hobbies interests personality category: no points
58. Name an artificial body part a person might have
Calf Knee Shin Thigh Wrist Ankle Leg
Answers are hidden.
59. Name something men probably lie about most.
Age 1 Being Single 2 Income 1 Success With Women 3 Job Title 2 Weight 1
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny fun hilarious relationships finances emotions sports food work category: 6 answers
60. Name A Reason You’d Go By A Nickname Instead Of Your Full Name
shorter 44 dislike full name 31 friends/family insist 12 rare name/hard to say 7 nickname sounds cool 5
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tags: work school relationships hobbies kids funny category: 5 answers
61. Which Hobby Should A Man Take Up If He Wants To Meet Women
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tags: dating relationships hobbies activities women socializing category: no points
62. Name something people develop.
pictures 38 skills 24 habits 20 relationships 18
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tags: hobbies skills friendships work talents relationships category: 4 answers
63. Name something that couples in love always have a favourite one of
Song Restaurant Nickname Picture
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tags: relationships love hobbies experiences activities entertainment category: no points
64. Who Or What Might You Give A Nickname To?
pet 34 friend 26 child 23 partner 12 car 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships entertainment objects hobbies education funny category: 5 answers
65. Name something people fall into.
hole 46 love 20 well 7 pool 7 bed 4 ditch 3
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tags: hobbies emotions sleep relationships kids funny category: 6 answers
66. Name an occupation where people always ask you for free advice
Psychiatrist Doctor Medico Shrink Therapist Surgeon Physician
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tags: work money home health relationships hobbies category: no points
67. Name something people might lie about at their high school reunion.
job 61 income 21 accomplishments 8 marital status 4 age 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work relationships money hobbies family category: 5 answers
68. If Barbie And Ken Broke Up, What Might Barbie Do With All The Extra Time?
shop 36 date 23 model/get a job 15 party 12 go to the beach 8 cruise in corvette 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships lifestyle self-care hobbies family kids category: 6 answers
69. If A Woman Had A Mid-Life Crisis, What Might She Do?
Buy New Car 45 Have An Affair 21 Plastic Surgery 17 Shopping Spree 8 Cut/Dye Hair 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships travel shopping hobbies personal growth category: 5 answers
70. Tell me something people do with their old love letters.
Answers are hidden.
tags: hobbies romance emotions nostalgia writing relationships category: no points
71. What Might Someone Leave Out Of A Personals Ad, That Would Make You Think They Were Hiding Something?
Age 44 Weight 36 Marital Status 6 Gender 6 Photo 5
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tags: relationships family health hobbies pets kids category: 5 answers
72. Name something that people develop.
film/photos 22 illness/disease 22 habits/addictions 10 mind/wisdom 8 attitudes 6
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tags: hobbies relationships skills habits phobias children category: 5 answers
73. Name A Feature TV Sets Have Today That They Didn’t Have 50 Years Ago
remote control 58 color 30 video player 4 video jacks 3 cable 2
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tags: technology entertainment home gadgets category: 5 answers
74. Name something you might find in a mad scientist’s lab.
Chemicals Beakers Microscopes Organs Bodies Eyeglasses
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tags: science inventions gadgets funny category: no points
75. Name Something Flashy Movie Spies Have
Car Gun Watch Camera Sunglasses Phone Suits
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tags: gadgets technology movies action category: no points
76. Besides guns, name something a supervillain might equip their minions with.
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tags: weapons technology gadgets costumes category: no points
77. Name a modern convenience most teenagers think they couldn't live without.
cell phone/phone 60 computer/internet 10 television 7 car 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: teenagers lifestyle technology convenience gadgets category: 4 answers
78. Name Something People Buy, And Then Don’t Know How To Use.
computer 39 cell phone 18 tv 17 camera 9 dvd player 6 car 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: appliances technology gadgets diy kids hilarious category: 6 answers
79. Name Something That Spies In Movies Always Carry
weapon 34 binoculars 20 camera 18 phone 9 magnifying glass 8 briefcase 4 flashlight 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: movies spies accessories equipment gadgets category: 7 answers
80. In Action Movies, Name Something The Hero Is Always Trying To Get His Hands On.
money 33 leading lady 28 gun 20 bad guy 15
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tags: heroes objects weapons artifacts gadgets category: 4 answers
81. Name something you see in every James Bond movie.
james bond 43 guns 30 alcohol 17 explosions 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: action adventure gadgets women villains category: 4 answers
82. name something in your home that you rarely need to change the batteries in
Clock Smoke Alarm Tv Remote
Answers are hidden.
tags: home appliances technology gadgets kids funny category: no points
83. Name something you might see in iron man’s bathroom.
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tags: technology metal gadgets superhero funny kids category: no points
84. name something flashy that movie spies always have be specific
Camera Wristwatch Weapon Suits Car
Answers are hidden.
tags: entertainment movies actors props gadgets technology category: no points
85. Name a really expensive gift a kid might want for christmas.
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids christmas family toys electronics gadgets category: no points
86. Name something associated with Batman
Guns Robin Batmobile Bat Cave Gotham City
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tags: superhero comics movies villains gadgets kids category: no points
87. Which Piece Of Technology Would People Have The Hardest Time Giving Up?
Cell Phone Computer TV Mp3 Player
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology gadgets daily life convenience essentials category: no points
88. Name something the Jetsons had that you’d love to have in your lifetime.
hover car 46 robot maid 29 dog that speaks 6 space mansion 5 jetpacks 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: retro technology home appliances convenience gadgets category: 5 answers
89. Name something that most cars have today that you would not find in Fred Flintstone's car
Ac Ghetto Blaster Radio Transmitter Stereo Cd Player Boombox
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tags: cars technology automotive modern gadgets funny category: no points
90. What would you find on a man’s arm?
Watch Bracelet Tattoo Hair Scar
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids body parts clothing jewelry gadgets tattoos category: no points
91. What Do A Barber And Butcher Have In Common
cutting 46 own a shop 30 often male 13 white coat 9
Answers are hidden.
92. Name something other than an animal or a human that has an eye
Needle 35
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tags: objects plants food kitchenware furniture tools category: fast money
93. Name a gift that would be ideal for a chef.
kitchen knives 54 pots and pans 18 apron 12 spatula 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: food kitchen cooking gifts home tools category: 4 answers
94. Name something people associate with cavemen.
Clubs Caves Hairy Fire Dinosaurs
Answers are hidden.
tags: animals food clothing weapons tools shelter category: no points
95. Name something you grease.
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tags: food cooking kitchen tools machinery automotive category: no points
96. Name something commercials claim that every father needs.
Answers are hidden.
97. Name something the pilgrims needed to found plymouth rock.
Answers are hidden.
tags: food plants shelter tools clothing religion category: no points
98. Name something imported from Germany:
beer 48 cars 31 clocks 8 chocolate 5 hummel figures 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: food cars beer dogs christmas tools category: 5 answers
99. Name something neighbors swap with each other.
tools recipes sugar lawn mower gossip/talk phone numbers food
Answers are hidden.
tags: community food kids plants tools work category: no points
100. Name something a pirate might have on their belt.
Answers are hidden.
tags: weapons food treasure maps tools clothing category: no points
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