The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name Something That Men Join
Gym Golf/Country Club Military Fraternity
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tags: family sports hobbies school work kids category: no points
2. name a profession where youd often say good job to someone
Teacher Photographer Sales Host News Reporter Police Coach
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tags: work school sports home pets hobbies category: no points
3. Name An Activity Some Men Do With Their Buddies Where Wives Aren’t Invited
play poker 35 go to bar 30 watch sports 12 golf outing 11 bachelor party 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: activities games hobbies sports work category: 5 answers
4. Name a water sport
Swimming 34 Surfing 29 Boating 14 Jet Skiing 11 Diving 9 Water polo 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: work office hobbies sports outdoors fun kids water category: 6 answers
5. Name a common topic of conversation at men's poker games
John F. Kennedy Sports Ronald Reagan Jobs/money Women/sex
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tags: hobbies sports beer women food work category: no points
6. Name A Good Gift For A Professional Boxer.
Gloves 54 Shorts 19
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tags: sports work money hobbies entertainment health category: fast money
7. Other than work, what do you talk to your coworkers about?
Family 44 Relationships 21 Sports 14 Weather 6 TV/Movies 5 Weekend 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: office work friends family current events hobbies sports kids category: 6 answers
8. Name a kind of league people join.
bowling 56 baseball 28 football 5 women voters 3 extraordinary 2 soccer 2
Answers are hidden.
9. If you were called to take part in an amateur contest, name something you might do.
sing/rap 60 dance 18 tell jokes 9 play instrument 5 juggle 4 read/poetry 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: hobbies skills work school kids funny category: 6 answers
10. Name A Reason You’d Go By A Nickname Instead Of Your Full Name
shorter 44 dislike full name 31 friends/family insist 12 rare name/hard to say 7 nickname sounds cool 5
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tags: work school relationships hobbies kids funny category: 5 answers
11. Name A Skill That A Person’s Resume Might Claim Than Are
Typing Working Hard Communication Computer Program Sales Customer Service Foreign Language
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tags: work school home technology hobbies funny category: no points
12. Name an autographed item a son might get for his father.
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13. Name a sport that super mario would be good at.
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tags: hobbies sports video games kids funny category: no points
14. Name something you could hurt while golfing.
Back Shoulders Arm Wrist Hand Knee Elbow
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tags: hobbies sports outdoors injuries funny category: no points
15. Name Something Women Do While Their Husbands Watch Monday Night Football
Cook Read Shop Sleep Talk On Phone Clean Watch The Game
Answers are hidden.
tags: hobbies family relationships sports home funny category: no points
16. What Hobby Or Activity Could Cause A Man To Have Missing Teeth
boxing 45 hockey 33 football 6 drugs 5 baseball 3 wrestling 3 rugby 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: activities accidents sports hobbies fighting funny category: 7 answers
17. Apart from TV and film, name something you watch.
sport 40 kids 8 people 8 a play 6 time 4 clock 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: animals food nature sports hobbies funny category: 6 answers
18. Name an activity that's easier to do when it's windy.
Fly a Kite 3 Sail 1 Surf 1 Air Dry Clothes 3
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tags: hobbies outdoors weather kids funny activities games sports category: 4 answers
19. Name A Button You’d Find On A Video Camera
record 31 play 22 power 12 pause 11 rewind 10 eject 7 stop 6
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tags: technology school work photography hobbies kids category: 7 answers
20. name the place where you met most of your current friends
School Online Work
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tags: school work hobbies social media kids category: no points
21. name an occupation in which you might need to send a photo in order to be considered
Baptism Model Actor Wedding Photographer
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tags: school work kids food animals hobbies category: no points
22. Name A Type Of Hat
Top Bowler Cowboy / 10 Gallon
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tags: work school fun animals hobbies fashion category: no points
23. Name something people might lie about at their high school reunion.
job 61 income 21 accomplishments 8 marital status 4 age 2
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tags: school work relationships money hobbies family category: 5 answers
24. what jobs do you associate with teenagers
Babysitting Fast Food Cashier Paper Route
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tags: work school animals food plants hobbies category: no points
25. Name something people shoot.
animals 56 guns 26 "the breeze" 4 basketballs 3 arrows 3
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tags: hobbies sports kids hilarious nature category: 5 answers
26. Name a reason why you might go a whole day without watching TV
Sick Nothing On Busy/Housework It's Broken On Vacation At Work Power Outage
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tags: work school errands hobbies family time outdoors category: no points
27. Name Something A Father/ Son Might Have The Same
Name Eyes Hair Shirt
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28. Name a term often used in golf.
fore 46 par 26 hole in one 9 birdie 7 tee 7 bogey 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: sports hobbies activities leisure games kids category: 6 answers
29. Name Something You Associate With Archery
Arrows Board Robin Hood
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tags: hobbies sports outdoors kids summer activities category: no points
30. Tell me something you buy tickets for.
concerts 27 movies 27 sporting events 24 air travel 22
Answers are hidden.
tags: events entertainment fun hobbies sports shows category: 4 answers
31. Name a gift a sports fan might enjoy.
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tags: sports gifts hobbies teams players category: no points
32. Name something men obsess about.
cars 18 money 16 hair loss 12 looks 10 sports 9 bodies 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: hobbies sports gadgets cars hunting category: 6 answers
33. Besides a bike, name something you need to compete in a cycling event.
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tags: sports hobbies exercise health cycling category: no points
34. Name a good outdoor sport for a husband and wife to do together.
playing tennis 23 golf/min. golf 18 walking/hiking 13 riding bikes 11 swimming 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: outdoors hobbies sports relationships family category: 5 answers
35. We surveyed 100 married women...Name something your husband has good taste in
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tags: food entertainment fashion pets sports hobbies category: no points
36. If diamonds are a girls best friend, what are a guy's?
Car Dogs Money Beer Tools
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tags: relationships hobbies sports gadgets tools food category: no points
37. Name something that most men don't do as well as they think they do
Housework Cook Drive Clean
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tags: skill relationships hobbies cooking driving sports category: no points
38. Name a sport that soldiers might play to pass the time.
Football Baseball Basketball Soccer
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tags: military sports entertainment leisure soldiers hobbies category: no points
39. What Do People Do While While Watching A Sports Game.
eat snacks cheer drink
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tags: entertainment sports family leisure hobbies games category: no points
40. Name A Winter Sport That You Think Never Add To Olympics
Skiing Curling Bobsled Ice Skating Snowboard Hockey Luge
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tags: sports winter activities hobbies outdoors olympics category: no points
41. Name something you need to go fishing.
fishing rods 58 bait 22 hook 14 lures 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: hobbies outdoors fishing sports recreation water category: 4 answers
42. Name Something You’d Find In A Boy’s High School Gym Locker Room.
Towels 25 Clothes 23 Lockers 19 Jock Straps 13 Shoes 10
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43. Name Something Men Enjoy Shopping For.
tools 44 cars 30
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tags: hobbies clothing electronics home improvement cars sports category: 2 answers
44. Name something that gets thrown.
ball 44 frisbee 26 game/contest 8 darts 7 tantrum 6 party 6
Answers are hidden.
45. Name Something That Has A Captain.
ship 60 team 27
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tags: work sports school military kids funny category: 2 answers
46. Name something americans are passionate about.
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tags: school sports work food kids funny category: no points
47. name an occupation where you might use a whistle
Bus Driver Coach/ Referee Traffic Cop Baker Lifeguard Train Engineer
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tags: work school sports animals kids funny category: no points
48. Name a sport where you get to sit down a lot
Hardball Auto Racing Nascar Baseball Racing Softball Field
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tags: sports work school kids adults funny category: no points
49. Name the worst kind of shoe to wear in a marathon
Katie Couric High Heels
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50. Name a sport in which foreign athletes are usually superior to Americans.
soccer 52 hockey 11 gymnastics 10 running/track 7 basketball 6
Answers are hidden.
51. Name a sport which is not played in the Olympics.
football 27 motocross 12 bowling 11 rugby 6 racquetball 5 auto racing 4
Answers are hidden.
52. Name A Good Occupation For A Woman Who Was Head Cheerleader.
dancer 33 coach/teacher 28 model 16 motivational speaker 12 fitness instructor 9
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tags: work school entertainment sports category: 5 answers
53. Name Someone Who Might Wear A Medal
Soldier Athlete Winner Hero Olympian
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tags: work school sports military awards kids category: no points
54. name something that is more difficult to do with glasses on
Exercise/sports Sleep Swim
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tags: work school kids animals sports cooking category: no points
55. Name something that has a string on it
Guitar Play Guitar Kite Six String Balloon Yo-yo
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tags: work kids food school clothes sports category: no points
56. Name A Problem People Have With Contact Lenses
Dry Eyes Putting Them In Taking Them Out
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tags: work school sports swimming animals kids category: no points
57. Name A Specific Occupation Where They Wear Sneakers.
basketball player 55 coach 15 tennis player 14 nurse 6 runner 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school hospital animals sports category: 5 answers
58. Name Something You Do To Refresh Yourself
Shower Swim Drink Wash Jump In Pool
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tags: food work plants hobbies kids funny category: no points
59. Name something you can tell about a man from looking at his hands
Laborer Occupation Manual Labor Work Job Office Vocation
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tags: work health appearance hobbies kids funny category: no points
60. Name A Kind Of Pyramid.
Egyptian Pyramid 42 Food Pyramid 31 Pyramid Scheme 10 Cheerleaders Pyramid 9 $100,000 Pyramid 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: food animals travel school work sports category: 5 answers
61. Name Something About Which Friends Say, “Keep Looking. You Can Do Better.”
Mate 46 Job 29 Clothes 11 Living Space 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships dating marriage work school sports category: 4 answers
62. Name Something A Mom Might Tell Her Kid To Shower After Doing
playing outside 52 playing sports 25 swimming 18 getting out of bed 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work animals food garden sports category: 4 answers
63. Name A Type Of Person Who Might Wear Goggles
swimmer 34 divers 25 lifeguard 14 welder 8 skier 7 pilot 6
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tags: school work hospital sports swimming skiing category: 6 answers
64. Name An Occupation Where You’d Hear A Lot Of Swearing
Comedian 28
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tags: work school military construction sports driving category: fast money
65. Name a reason why a student might stay late after school.
Detention Sports Tutoring Homework
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tags: school work friends sports clubs activities category: no points
66. Name an instance where a teenager might get sweaty palms.
first date/dance 38 test 23 lying 18 public speaking 12
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tags: school work crush public speaking sports test category: 4 answers
67. Name An activity the Requires Special Footwear
Football Skating Tennis Running Golf
Answers are hidden.
tags: activities footwear dress code work school sports category: no points
68. Name the place where you do most of your complaining.
home 51 work 25 on the phone 11 friend's place 3 over the internet 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school home family sports social media category: 5 answers
69. Name A Piece Of Info That May Be Revealed On Someones Coffee Mug
Name Age Where You Work Parent/Grandparent Sex Horoscope Sign
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tags: work family friends hobbies pets funny category: no points
70. name something youd hate to forget about a person you know
Birthday Towed Parking Ticket Name Flat Tire Age
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tags: work family childhood hobbies events funny category: no points
71. Name A Reason Somebody Would Wear A Hat All The Time
balding 63 bad hair day 19 protect from the sun 9 they're cold 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: fashion health weather work hobbies funny category: 4 answers
72. Tell me something you might rent for an hour.
movie/video 25 carpet cleaner 18 car/truck 13 tools 6 hotel room 5 boat 5
Answers are hidden.
73. Name Something A Parent May Grill Their Daughters About
Age Job Curfew Education Intentions
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74. We surveyed 100 married women...Name a place where your husband spends so much time, he might as well live there.
work/job 27 bathroom 14 bar/club 10 garage 8 golf course 6 basement 4
Answers are hidden.
75. Name something Many Women Regularly Buy For Their Husbands, But Men Don’t Buy For Their Wives ( More specific Then Clothes)
underwear 38 socks 26 cologne 15 tools 12 groceries 8
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tags: gifts accessories health work kids hobbies category: 5 answers
76. If a student did not have spring break plans what might they do to pass the time?
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tags: school students hobbies fun time kids category: 13 answers
77. Name something men do more of when their mate is away
Water Slurp Straw Use Straw Sip
Answers are hidden.
78. Tell me something that you split.
food 52 bills 14 firewood 9 trousers 8 atom 4 bowling pins 4
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tags: food chores activities hobbies work category: 6 answers
79. Name something that might be hard to do while pregnant.
run 29 bend over 22 tie shoes 15 sleep 13 exercise 9 walk 9
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tags: pregnancy challenges work food hobbies category: 6 answers
80. Name A Way That You Can Track Down An Old Friend
Internet 41 Phone Book 35 Friends 12 Parents 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: social media hobbies friends work category: 4 answers
81. Name Something A Young Man Would Not Want To Talk To A Girlfriend’s Father About.
Relationship 34 Marriage 31 Money 15 Ex Girlfriends 7 Maternity 6
Answers are hidden.
82. Name something that takes up too much of your time.
Work 55 Cleaning 18 Computer 12 Television 10 Traffic 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: time management work kids pets hobbies errands category: 5 answers
83. Other Than To Buy Books Why Might Someone Go To A Bookstore
read 58 coffee 31 socialize 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: school inspiration social education kids hobbies category: 3 answers
84. Other Than Work, Name Something You Often Find Yourself Talking To Co-Workers About.
family 44 relationships 21 sports 14 weather 6 tv 5 weekend 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: work social relationships entertainment food hobbies category: 6 answers
85. Name something people develop.
pictures 38 skills 24 habits 20 relationships 18
Answers are hidden.
tags: hobbies skills friendships work talents relationships category: 4 answers
86. Name something that a fisherman might keep in his garage.
fishing pole 35 boat 25 tackle box 18 net 9 bait/worms 7 fish hook 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: fishing tools vehicles hobbies outdoors work category: 6 answers
87. Name something a childless couple does more than a couple with kids.
travelling 41 going out 30 eat out 17 relax 7 shopping 5
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tags: travel sleep hobbies movies work parties category: 5 answers
88. Name A Hobby That Some People Can Make A Job Out Of.
Singing Sports Fishing Painting Needlework Writing Gambling
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tags: hobbies work lifestyle living income leisure category: no points
89. name something that gets in the way of a couple having time to spend alone with eachother
Friends Children Divorce Papers Work
Answers are hidden.
tags: children work animals hobbies friends food category: no points
90. Name something you could do if you wanted to ignore valentine’s day.
Answers are hidden.
tags: hobbies health work animals food sleep category: no points
91. Name something a man might have expensive taste in.
cologne 20 car 54 clothes/shoes 22 jewelry/watch 12 wine/alcohol 7 cigars 18
Answers are hidden.
tags: work cars clothes watches technology hobbies category: 6 answers
92. Name an occupation where people always ask you for free advice
Psychiatrist Doctor Medico Shrink Therapist Surgeon Physician
Answers are hidden.
tags: work money home health relationships hobbies category: no points
93. Name something you might find in a toolbox.
Hammer Screwdriver Wrench Pliers Nails
Answers are hidden.
tags: tools home repairs work hobbies hardware category: no points
94. Name something you might shave.
Arms Legs Chest Back Face
Answers are hidden.
tags: body home pets travel school hobbies category: no points
95. Name something a teenage boy might save his money to buy.
car 48 video games 20 bicycle 14 concert tickets 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: teen money saving school hobbies electronics category: 4 answers
96. Name Something People Lie About In An Internet Chatroom.
their age 60 their looks 16 how much they weigh 7 occupation 5 marital status 5 gender 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships school jobs hobbies travel food category: 6 answers
97. Name Something A New Parent Tries To Do While The Baby Is Napping.
nap 54 clean 27 spend time togeather 8 shower 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: household chores errands personal care work hobbies relaxation category: 4 answers
98. Where do the teenagers spend most time?
Their+room 28 School 21 Friend%e2%80%99s+house 14 Shopping+mall 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: family teenagers school friends hobbies social media category: 4 answers
99. Name Something A Referee Carries With Him
Whistle Red Card Yellow Card Notebook Pen / Pencil
Answers are hidden.
100. name something that works better if it has a driver
Screw Computer Golf Set Vehicle
Answers are hidden.
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