Tell me a piece of information that people place in a personal ad.
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tags: dating relationships hobbies interests personality category: no points
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name Something That People Believe Will Tell You A Lot About A Person
eyes 51 clothes 16 hands 12 smile 11 horoscope sign 4
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2. What Can You Find Out About Person By Reading Their Bumper Stickers
religion 37 politics 15 sense of humor 13 age 12 if they have kids 9 male/ female 9 where they live 3
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3. Name something you look for in a potential spouse.
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tags: relationships marriage dating love personality values category: 8 answers
4. What Signs Of Being A “Bad Boy” Might A Woman Be Attracted To?
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6. Name Something That Starts With “B” That People Look For In A Partner
Beauty Brains Body Bravery
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8. What is the first thing a lady notices when she meets a man.
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9. Name a subject people talk about when they're just getting acquainted?
weather 33 job 17 kids 11 hobbies 6 past loves 5 recent news 3 hometown 3
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tags: conversation starters hobbies interests category: 7 answers
10. Name something people collect.
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tags: collectibles hobbies interests quiz fun category: no points
11. We surveyed 100 married women...Your husband may not have a girlfriend, but I bet he has a love affair with something. What is it
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12. Name something a father and daughter might bond over.
Sports Movies Dancing Cars Homework
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tags: family bonding hobbies activities interests category: no points
13. Tell Me A Place Where It’s Easy To Make Friends.
work 30 school 23 bar 20 place of worship 15 internet 6 summer camp 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: social community friends hobbies interests category: 6 answers
14. Everyone has a favorite song. Name something else everyone has a favorite one of.
color 32 food/drink 16 movie 16 outfit/shoes 6 book 5
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tags: hobbies interests games movies teachers category: 5 answers
15. What's a very female hobby?
shopping 24 sewing 21 knitting 20 netball 4 fashion 3
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tags: hobbies women interests activities leisure crafts category: 5 answers
16. Name a gift someone might get for their grandparents.
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tags: family presents grandparents hobbies interests love category: no points
17. Name a type of music.
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tags: music hobbies interests preferences entertainment kids category: 4 answers
18. If You Didn’t Have To work, Name Something You’d Spend Your Life Doing
Traveling Sleeping In Watching TV Shopping Reading Volunteer Work
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tags: hobbies free time leisure retirement fun interests category: no points
19. Name A Piece Of Information That Post People List In Their Personal’s Ads.
age 46 name 22 phone number 10 sex 9 status 4 height 3
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tags: hobbies interests education occupation physical appearance family category: 6 answers
20. Which Hobby Should A Man Take Up If He Wants To Meet Women
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tags: dating relationships hobbies activities women socializing category: no points
21. Name something a person might have in their apartment that would make you not want to date them.
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tags: dating apartment lifestyle funny interests hygiene category: no points
22. Name something a person owns that reflects their personality.
car 57 clothes 13 pets 9 house 6 jewelry 4 furniture 2
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tags: personality possessions preferences lifestyle hobbies category: 6 answers
23. Name something that a picky girl always finds wrong with her date
Manners Clothes Cheap Looks
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tags: dating appearance personality manners conversation category: no points
24. Name Something That A Person Might Change Many Times Throughout Their Life.
hair 31 clothes 24 careers 20 address 9 last name 7 partners 4
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tags: life stages personal growth experiences relationships interests category: 6 answers
25. Name a reason why a person might have a big ego.
Attractive 31 Fame 8 Popularity 6
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tags: personality relationships psychology humor category: 3 answers
26. We surveyed 100 men...When it comes to women, name something more important to you than a great bod
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tags: relationships personality intelligence kindness conversation category: no points
27. We surveyed 100 men...When it comes to women, name something more important to you than a great bod.
good personality 42 brains/wisdom 19 kindness 12 money 8 beauty/looks 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships personality intelligence humor values category: 5 answers
28. Name a bad habit that can make a pretty girl look unattractive.
she smokes 47 bites her nails 7 attitude/grouchy 7 picks her nose 6 she chews gum 5 too much makeup 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships personality beauty health women habits category: 6 answers
29. Name a quality that is important in a spouse.
trustworthy 48 loyalty 24 loving 13 personality 8 respectful 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships family marriage qualities traits personality category: 5 answers
30. According to women: "I judge a man by his ______."
Virtuousness Personality Humor Honesty Charm Truthfulness Sincere
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tags: relationships character actions appearance personality wealth category: no points
31. Name something about yourself you'd hate to be told is bad
Haircut Breath Personality Attitude
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tags: personal appearance family relationships health personality category: no points
32. Name a quality you find desirable in people.
compassion 35 beauty 29 humor 19 educated 10 honesty 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: family friends workplace relationships values personality category: 5 answers
33. If Your Date Is Paying For The Meal, Name Something You Shouldn’t
Order Most Expensive Argue About Paying Complain About Meal Order Extras
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tags: dating food manners money relationships dating advice category: no points
34. Name red flags on a dating site
No photo 33 Creepy messages 25 Venmo/Cash App/Zelle 15 “No drama” 14 All group photos 13
Answers are hidden.
tags: work office relationships dating red flags online dating category: 5 answers
35. We asked 100 women: Name something you look at in a man's apartment to tell if he's clean or dirty
Bedroom Kitchen Dust In Corner Laundry Bathroom
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tags: relationships cleaning apartments hygiene home decor personality category: no points
36. On A Dating Website What Activity Do People Often List As A Pastime
reading 45 sports 20 dancing 15 hiking 10 watching movies 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: dating activities hobbies entertainment leisure category: 5 answers
37. Something People Lie About In Personals
Age Appearance Weight Money
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tags: relationships dating online dating honesty deception category: no points
38. According to women: What impresses a woman on a first date
Behavior Thank You Manners Please Decorum Good Manners Etiquette
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tags: relationships dating women first impressions dating advice category: no points
39. Name a kind of store a woman should spend time in if she wants to meet a man.
sporting goods 33 grocery store 23 men's clothing 15 hardware store 12 bookstore 4 autoparts 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: dating relationships men women shopping dating advice category: 6 answers
40. Name something people might lie about on their online dating profile
Looks Income Spare Tire Their Age Profession Their Weight
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tags: relationships dating online dating lying honesty category: no points
41. Name a way you might get ready for a date
Shower Coca Cola Buy Clothes Fix Hair Get Dressed
Answers are hidden.
tags: dating relationships dating advice preparation category: no points
42. Name A Dangerous Hobby You Wouldn’t Want Your Partner To Have
skydiving 48 hunting 16 flying 16 rock climbing 14 car racing 3 motorcycling 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships hobbies safety dangerous category: 6 answers
43. Name A Type Of Poster A 13-Year-Old Boy Might Have On His
Movie/TV Star 20 Their Favorite Band 14 Sports 12 Pro Wrestling 7 Superhero 4
Answers are hidden.
44. Name something a person having a midlife crisis might do.
buy a sports car 28 have an affair 27 drink 24 change appearance 13 change jobs 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: lifestyle relationships travel hobbies fun ridiculous category: 5 answers
45. If A Woman Had A MidLife Crisis What Might She Do
buy new car 45 have an affair 21 plastic surgery 17 shopping spree 8 cut/dye hair 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: women relationships career hobbies appearance category: 5 answers
46. Name a good outdoor sport for a husband and wife to do together.
playing tennis 23 golf/min. golf 18 walking/hiking 13 riding bikes 11 swimming 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: outdoors hobbies sports relationships family category: 5 answers
47. Name Something That Might Get You To Watch A New TV Show
advertisement 50 stars 20 appears funny 10 win money 9 different 6
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tags: interests entertainment curiosity boredom relaxation category: 5 answers
48. According to women: Why might a girl call her date cheap
Splits Bill Both Pay Taco Bell Dutch Goes Dutch Fast Food Wendys
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tags: relationships dating category: no points
49. Name something that people develop.
film/photos 22 illness/disease 22 habits/addictions 10 mind/wisdom 8 attitudes 6
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tags: hobbies relationships skills habits phobias children category: 5 answers
50. name something that a single person has more freedom to do
Where They Put Items Party Date Focus On Career
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tags: relationships travel hobbies food sleep kids category: no points
51. Name something people develop.
pictures 38 skills 24 habits 20 relationships 18
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tags: hobbies skills friendships work talents relationships category: 4 answers
52. Name something people fall into.
hole 46 love 20 well 7 pool 7 bed 4 ditch 3
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tags: hobbies emotions sleep relationships kids funny category: 6 answers
53. If diamonds are a girls best friend, what are a guy's?
Car Dogs Money Beer Tools
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tags: relationships hobbies sports gadgets tools food category: no points
54. Name something that most men don't do as well as they think they do
Housework Cook Drive Clean
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tags: skill relationships hobbies cooking driving sports category: no points
55. Other Than Work, Name Something You Often Find Yourself Talking To Co-Workers About.
family 44 relationships 21 sports 14 weather 6 tv 5 weekend 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: work social relationships entertainment food hobbies category: 6 answers
56. Name A Reason You’d Go By A Nickname Instead Of Your Full Name
shorter 44 dislike full name 31 friends/family insist 12 rare name/hard to say 7 nickname sounds cool 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school relationships hobbies kids funny category: 5 answers
57. Name something that couples in love always have a favourite one of
Song Restaurant Nickname Picture
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tags: relationships love hobbies experiences activities entertainment category: no points
58. Name something people might lie about at their high school reunion.
job 61 income 21 accomplishments 8 marital status 4 age 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work relationships money hobbies family category: 5 answers
59. Name an occupation where people always ask you for free advice
Psychiatrist Doctor Medico Shrink Therapist Surgeon Physician
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tags: work money home health relationships hobbies category: no points
60. Name Something Women Do While Their Husbands Watch Monday Night Football
Cook Read Shop Sleep Talk On Phone Clean Watch The Game
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tags: hobbies family relationships sports home funny category: no points
61. Who Or What Might You Give A Nickname To?
pet 34 friend 26 child 23 partner 12 car 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships entertainment objects hobbies education funny category: 5 answers
62. If Barbie And Ken Broke Up, What Might Barbie Do With All The Extra Time?
shop 36 date 23 model/get a job 15 party 12 go to the beach 8 cruise in corvette 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships lifestyle self-care hobbies family kids category: 6 answers
63. If A Woman Had A Mid-Life Crisis, What Might She Do?
Buy New Car 45 Have An Affair 21 Plastic Surgery 17 Shopping Spree 8 Cut/Dye Hair 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships travel shopping hobbies personal growth category: 5 answers
64. Tell me something people do with their old love letters.
Answers are hidden.
tags: hobbies romance emotions nostalgia writing relationships category: no points
65. Name Something People Lie About In An Internet Chatroom.
their age 60 their looks 16 how much they weigh 7 occupation 5 marital status 5 gender 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships school jobs hobbies travel food category: 6 answers
66. What Might Someone Leave Out Of A Personals Ad, That Would Make You Think They Were Hiding Something?
Age 44 Weight 36 Marital Status 6 Gender 6 Photo 5
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tags: relationships family health hobbies pets kids category: 5 answers
67. Name an occupation you'd like to have in the family.
doctor 50 lawyer 12 restaurant owner 5 dentist 4 painter/artist 4 supermarket owner 4 gardener 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: family occupations work interests funny kids category: 7 answers
68. Name A Way You Could Tell That The Person You’re Dating Is A Snowman.
He Melts 51
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tags: relationships funny dating category: fast money
69. Name a location where you had your first kiss.
car 20 home 17 school 16 park 11 beach 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: romance relationships dating category: 5 answers
70. For what reason might you suspect that the person you’re dating is in the mob?
Carries a gun 44 Lots of money 23 Italian accent 20 Black clothes 7 Secretive 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships dating red flags category: 5 answers
71. What Do Some Women Say About Men As A Reason For Why They Can’t Get Dates
Good Ones Taken After Younger Women Men Are Dogs/Pigs They Don’t Work Only Want One Thing Men Are Immature
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships dating men women category: no points
72. According to women: What career would the perfect man have
Entrepreneur Business Owner Physician Medico Owner Proprietor
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tags: relationships career men romance dating category: no points
73. we asked 100 women name a place where you see lots of handsome men
Bar Heels Live Together Shopping Center Beach
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tags: dating social life relationships category: no points
74. Name a reason parents might not approve of their daughter's boyfriend
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships family dating lifestyle category: no points
75. We surveyed 100 men...If you wanted to be a ladies' man, name something you would need
Answers are hidden.
tags: dating relationships men women funny category: no points
76. Name Something People Remember About Their First Date
Kiss Nerves Place Romance Didn't Turn Up
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tags: memories dating relationships first date category: no points
77. We surveyed 100 men...Name something some women do way too fast
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tags: relationships dating adult funny category: no points
78. Name something a woman who is dating several men needs a lot of
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships dating infidelity drama category: no points
79. Tell Me The Age Of A Woman That Is Too Young To Be Dating A 50 Year Old Man
20 43 18 20 25 14 30 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: age relationships family dating ethics category: 4 answers
80. what might a man ask a woman who hes trying to pick up
Buy You A Drink? Whats Your Sign? What's Your Name? How Old Are You? Phone Number?
Answers are hidden.
tags: dating relationships flirting funny category: no points
81. Name something men stop doing when they fall out of love.
being nice 18 kissing 16 buying flowers 12 talking 8 being romantic 8 self care 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships love men behavior dating category: 6 answers
82. Name A Profession That Someone May lie About Having Just To Impress A Guy or Girl.
doctor 41 lawyer 25 actor 15 police officer 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships job career dating funny category: 4 answers
83. What do men lie about in their online dating profiles?
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships online dating deception category: no points
84. We surveyed 100 women...What is it about foreign men that appeals to you most?
an accent 53 their looks 14 mysterious/sexy 12 polite/manners 10 their customs 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships women attraction dating category: 5 answers
85. If a woman were looking for love in all the wrong places what would be her first stop?
bar 45 internet 27 jail 16 fam. reunion/funeral 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: love relationships dating funny category: 4 answers
86. Name something a man does with his friends that he cannot do with his girlfriend.
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships friends dating men women category: no points
87. If you were dating someone 10 years older, about what might you have different tastes
Music Pillow Showing Affection Food
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships dating preferences lifestyle category: no points
88. We Asked Women Name Something You Would Not Like To Have a Man Do For You On a Date
order food 36 open car door 31 pay for everything 20 feed me 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: dating relationships humor women men category: 4 answers
89. According to women: What is something that makes a man unsexy
Belly Stink Tummy Gut Pooch Stomach Midsection
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships attraction dating men women category: no points
90. According to single men: What is the one thing you might want to know when you meet a women, but do not have the nerve to ask?
single 30 age 14 kids 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships dating women men questions category: 3 answers
91. We surveyed 100 women...Finish this sentence: A man doesn't have a chance with me if he doesn't have a
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships love dating men women category: no points
92. early In Dating Someone, Name Something You Shouldn’t Do Repeatedly Unless The Feelings Are Mutual
Kiss 46 Say ” I Love You” 23 Touch 9 Call 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: dating flirting relationships first impressions category: 4 answers
93. Name Something A Woman Might Stop Maintaining Once She’s In A Serious Relationship
Weight 41 Looks 33 Friendships 10 House 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships women dating funny category: 4 answers
94. With Regard To Dating, Name Something Moms Warn Their Sons To Avoid
becoming intimate 40 greedy girl 25 becoming a father 24 bad girls 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: dating relationships parents advice category: 4 answers
95. Name A Reason Why A Man Might Seem Too Immature To Date
younger man 35 lives with parents 23 no job 17 no car 8 goofs around 8 no money 4 baby face 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships maturity men dating red flags category: 7 answers
96. What might a person do to try to win back an old flame?
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships love breakups dating category: no points
97. Name someone who might not approve of the person you are dating.
Parents Friends Children Siblings Grandparents
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tags: family relationships values dating category: no points
98. I'd never want to date someone who had three what?
Exes Kids Nipples Pets Personalities Eyes
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships dating preferences funny category: 6 answers
99. Name A Vehicle You’D Hate To See A Man Pull Up In Before He Takes You On A Date
Motorcycle 25
Answers are hidden.
tags: dating vehicles humor relationships category: fast money
100. Name a height when men consider a woman tall.
5'8 27 6' 25 5'7 16 5'10 13 5'9 7 5' 2 6'1 2 taller than them 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships dating height funny category: 8 answers
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