What is the biggest complaint that people have about public transportation
Delayed Late Always Late Overdue Too Slow Tardy Due
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tags: transportation public transportation commuting complaints inconvenience category: no points
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name Something That Annoys You When You Take The Bus
People Talking No Seats Loud Music Tramps Sitting Too Close
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tags: commuting public transportation travel annoyance humor category: no points
2. Name something that can make traveling a pain.
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tags: travel inconvenience transportation kids funny category: no points
3. Besides trains, name something you would see at a train station
People Railroad Tracks Passengers Tracks Travellers Folks Riders
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tags: travel commuting transportation kids funny category: no points
4. Name A Way People Get Around In New York City.
Taxi 57 Subway 33
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tags: transportation travel commuting city life category: fast money
5. Name something you would do while stuck in traffic.
listen to music 33 sing 17 talk on the phone 11 honk 10 complain 8 read 7 yell 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: commuting transportation driving road trip travel category: 7 answers
6. Name a city that is known for bad traffic.
new york city 43 boston 21 los angeles 16 chicago 9 atlanta 6 seattle 5
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tags: cities traffic travel transportation commuting driving category: 6 answers
7. Name A vehicle Where Passengers Can Also Stand While Riding
Bus 53 Subway 17
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tags: transportation commuting travel kids adults funny category: fast money
8. Name a way a student might get to school
Bus Trek Amble On Foot Stroll Power Walk Speed Walk
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9. Name Something You Change On Or In Your Car
Oil 45 Tires 25 Radio Station 11 Brake Pads 6 Windshield Wipers 4
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tags: cars transportation travel commuting maintenance kids category: 5 answers
10. name a weather condition that often causes traffic jams
Fog Hail Snow Tell Them Rain
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tags: traffic weather driving late transportation commuting category: no points
11. Name The First Thing You Do When You Get In Your Car
Put Seat Belt On Start Engine Close The Door Keys In Ignition Lock The Door
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tags: commuting errands chores kids funny transportation category: no points
12. How do people commute to work?
Car Bus Bike Walk Bicycle
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tags: fast money transportation work commuting lifestyle adults human category: fast money
13. Name a public place you might see someone snoring.
church 23 movie theater 18 airport 18 bus 16 libraries 11 hospital 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: public transportation animals funny category: 6 answers
14. Name Something Embarrassing That You Might Do While Listening To Headphones.
Sing 52 Speak Loudly 22 Dance 13 Ignore Someone 8
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tags: work public transportation kids funny category: 4 answers
15. Name a place where people like to read the morning newspaper.
kitchen table 41 bathroom 24 train/subway 10 coffee shop 8
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tags: home public transportation office library category: 4 answers
16. Name a London tube line.
northern 23 central 8 piccadilly 8 bakerloo 8 district 7 jubilee 6
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tags: travel transportation commute public transport category: 6 answers
17. Name a place perfect strangers sit next to each other.
movies 20 bus 16 diner 14 airplane 13 theater 8 church 8
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tags: travel transportation public spaces school work hospital category: 6 answers
18. Name A Public Place Where Youre Likely To Catch A Cold Or Flu Bug
school 41 hospital 21 airplane 10 doctor's office 9 public transit 6 shopping center 6 work 5
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tags: school work hospital public transportation shopping mall gym category: 7 answers
19. Name Something You Wish People Wouldn’t Do In An Elevator.
smoke 34 pass gas 22 sneeze 12 talk 8 kiss 7 stand too close 4 cough 4
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tags: social etiquette annoying habits public transportation funny category: 7 answers
20. Name A Place Where You Might Have A Friendly Conversation With A Total Stranger.
Grocery store 24 Bar 21 Airplane 20 Park 13 Coffee Shop 10 Bus 7 Parking Lot 5
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tags: public transportation grocery store park waiting room category: 7 answers
21. Name something people hate about taking the bus.
waiting 31 crowded 24 late 11 stops 10 standing 4 slow 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: commute transportation annoyance kids adults public transport category: 6 answers
22. Name Something That Annoys You When You Ride The Bus
People Talking 27 No Seats 22 Crowds 21 The Homeless 11 swearing 7 Smell 5
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tags: commute public transportation daily life travel people funny category: 6 answers
23. Name A Place Where People Hope Not To Have A Baby Seated Near Them
airplanes 39 movies 23 restaurant 17 bus 8 place of worship 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: restaurant library grocery store movie theater public transportation category: 5 answers
24. Name A Last Minute Problem That Could Make You Late For Work
traffic 35 car trouble 31 lost keys 11 child is sick 7 no gas 6 bad hair 5
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tags: work transportation category: 6 answers
25. Name A Type Of Vehicles That’s Really Long.
limo 57 bus 9
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tags: vehicles transportation funny category: 2 answers
26. Name something specific that might delay a plane's takeoff
Storm Sleet Blizzard Snow Precipitation Rain
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tags: travel airport transportation category: no points
27. Name A British Airport
Manchester Heathrow Gatwick Luton Liverpool Stanstead
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tags: travel airport uk transportation category: no points
28. Other than rain, name a reason a person might close the top of their convertible.
windy 10 snow 8 cold 6 sun 4 too hot 3 night time 2
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tags: car transportation weather funny category: 6 answers
29. How Can You Tell One Car Apart From Another Of The Same Model And Year?
color 47 license plate 34 dents 6 bumper stickers 4 tires 3 dirty/clean 3
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tags: cars transportation vehicles category: 6 answers
30. Tell Me How Fast Most People Drive On The Freeway. (Numeric Only)
70 33 75 31 65 14 80 12 60 7
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tags: cars driving transportation category: 5 answers
31. Name Something Look For Rental Car Vs Regular Car
Cd Player Gps Sun Roof Gas Mileage Air Conditioner
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tags: travel transportation convenience category: no points
32. Besides the sail, name a part of a sailboat.
Rudder Mast Hull Stern Bow Deck Keel
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tags: transportation parts kids category: no points
33. Besides Passengers, Who Might You See At A Subway Station?
police 42 conductor 33 homeless person 11 ticket takers 5 performer 3
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tags: transportation commute tourists category: 5 answers
34. Who Would You Call First If Your Car Broke Down On The Side Of The Road?
partner 30 aaa 26 tow truck 24 911 11 best friend 5 parent 3
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tags: driving emergency transportation category: 6 answers
35. Name A Mode Of Transportation That You See In Big Cities, But Not In Small Towns
Subway Bus Taxi Train
Answers are hidden.
tags: transportation cities small category: no points
36. Name something people ride in a 4th of July parade.
floats 51 horses 24 convertibles 9 bikes 6 fire trucks 5 motorcycles 5
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tags: parade transportation vehicles category: 6 answers
37. Name A Reason Why You Might Have To Get Change For A Dollar
Vending Machine 38
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tags: shopping transportation entertainment category: fast money
38. Name a reason a person might travel.
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tags: travel transportation kids category: no points
39. Name a way that students get to school.
Bus Walk Car Bike
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tags: school transportation kids category: no points
40. Name a part of your car that most people have heard of but have no idea what it does
Converter Alternator Transmission Radiator Carburetor
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tags: cars knowledge transportation funny category: no points
41. Name a part of a bicycle.
Tire Handlebars Peddles Seat Brakes Chains
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tags: kids transportation home vehicles category: no points
42. Name Something A Taxi Driver Might Do To Annoy A Passenger
Talking 39
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tags: annoyances passengers transportation funny category: fast money
43. Name something you might take a motion sickness pill before doing.
flying 40 boating 32 driving 13 travelling 11
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tags: travel transportation amusement park car category: 4 answers
44. Name a form of transportation before cars.
Horse Walking Bicycle Trains
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tags: travel history transportation kids category: no points
45. Name a job you might have on a ship.
Captain Chef Sailor Server Bartender
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tags: work travel transportation ocean sea category: no points
46. Name Something People Ride On Snow.
Sled 58 Snowmobile 32
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tags: transportation winter skiing kids category: fast money
47. Name Something People Check On A Used Car Before Buying It
Mileage 53
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tags: cars vehicle transportation maintenance category: fast money
48. Name something people like to ride in the summer.
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tags: summer transportation vehicles kids category: no points
49. Name something that takes you across a river.
boat 62 canoe 10 bridge 8 raft 7 ferry 5
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tags: transportation water geography travel category: 5 answers
50. Name a reason why it would be fun to live in a big city.
nightlife 30 people 23 shopping 23 entertainment 16 jobs 6
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tags: amenities culture food transportation category: 5 answers
51. Name A City That Has An Underground Rail System
London Paris New York Japan
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tags: cities transportation travel kids category: no points
52. Which city in America charges the most for parking?
new york 75 los angeles 7 san francisco 6 chicago 4 washington dc 4
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tags: cities transportation money travel category: 5 answers
53. Name a city in the United States with a busy airport
Los Angeles Chicago New York St Louis Atlanta Dallas
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tags: travel airport cities transportation usa category: no points
54. Name Something A Pilot Tells You On A Cross Crountry Trip That You Bet She Doesn’t Tell Her Kids On The Drive To School
Altitude Turbulence Temperature Look Below Estimated Time/Arrival No Smoking
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tags: kids family funny transportation category: no points
55. Name Something An Airplane Has That Your Car Doesn’t.
wings 72 oxygen mask 5 pilot 5 jet engine 5 landing gear 5 alot more seats 2
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tags: travel transportation vehicle funny category: 6 answers
56. Besides A Horse, Which Animal Is Used For Transportation
Mule Camel Dog Elephant Ox
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tags: animals transportation travel kids category: no points
57. Name Something You Would Have To Be Without When Cops Pull Over
License Registration Insurance Cell Phone Seat Belt
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tags: driving car police transportation funny category: no points
58. Name a part of a car you open and close.
door 71 trunk 15 hood 7 glove compartment 3
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tags: car parts vehicles transportation travel category: 4 answers
59. Name a liquid that is put into cars.
gasoline 55 motor oil 24 coolant 15 water 6
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tags: cars vehicles transportation liquids category: 4 answers
60. What might a teenager do to cause their parents to forbid them from using the family car?
crash it 51 drink 17 bad grades 11 speed 10 stay out 6 get ticket 5
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tags: teens driving transportation parenting category: 6 answers
61. Tell me a form of transportation you wouldn't want to use in a rainstorm.
motorcycle 44 bicycle 23 airplane 20 boat 8 walking 5
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tags: rain transportation weather safety category: 5 answers
62. Tell me something you see in front of schools:
flag 55 children 18 buses 13 crossing guard 2 school name 2 speed limit sign 2
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tags: school kids transportation people category: 6 answers
63. Name Something You’d See On The Back Of A Car.
license plate 32 bumper stickers 31 bumper 17 dirt 5 tires 4 lights 3
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tags: car transportation travel vehicles funny category: 6 answers
64. Name Something You Find In Every Country
People City Flag Trees Customs
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tags: food animals transportation kids category: no points
65. Name a liquid people add to their car.
oil 56 gasoline 23 anti freeze 13 anti-freeze 13 brake fluid 4
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tags: cars vehicles transportation maintenance category: 5 answers
66. Name a vehicle people can stand up in.
bus 61 van 7 truck 5 jeep 5 train 4 limousine 4
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tags: vehicles transportation riddles kids category: 6 answers
67. Name a place that has a lot of exits.
movie theater 36 hospital 24 shopping mall 17 school 14 freeway 9
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tags: transportation travel roads airports category: 5 answers
68. How many hours does it take to drive across your state?
6 33 4 21 8 19 3 9 12 6 5 6 10 3
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tags: geography travel states transportation category: 7 answers
69. Name the part of the body on a truck driver that would be sore after a long shift.
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tags: work funny transportation adults category: no points
70. Name something in your car you can control with a push of a button.
radio 35 windows 22 temperature 14 locks 10 horn 4
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tags: cars transportation electronics convenience category: 5 answers
71. Besides horses, name an animal used for transportation.
Camel Donkey Elephants Cow Ox
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tags: animals transportation fun kids family category: no points
72. Name a way a rock band might travel to a gig.
tour bus 69 train 7 van 7 car 5 limousine 5 airplane 4
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tags: music vehicles transportation kids category: 6 answers
73. Name a situation where you would show your drivers license
Cash A Check Bar Speeding Ticket Heating Telephone Service Gas Man
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tags: identification transportation personal information category: no points
74. Name a vehicle that doesn't have an engine
Sailboat Bicycle Golf Cart Wagon Glider
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tags: transportation kids funny vehicles category: no points
75. Name something you can buy in Monopoly.
boardwalk 59 park place 31 house 5 hotel 5
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tags: money utilities transportation food category: 4 answers
76. Name a famous person who died in a plane crash
Patsy Cline The Big Bopper John Denver Aaliyah John Kennedy Jr. Ricky Nelson Buddy Holly
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tags: celebrities history famous transportation category: no points
77. Name An Advantage A Truck Has Over A Car.
size 43 carry more stuff 18
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tags: vehicles transportation cars trucks category: 2 answers
78. Name a type of vehicle that's used in the military.
jeep/hummer 70 tank 21 airplane 3 helicopter 2 submarine 2 supply truck 2
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tags: military vehicles transportation war hardware category: 6 answers
79. besides a professional cyclist name a job that involves riding a bicycle
Cop Messenger Paper Boy Cake Buns Croissant
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tags: transportation delivery exercise kids category: no points
80. What are the accessories kids put on their bikes?
Basket Stickers Ribbons Bell Headlight
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tags: kids transportation bikes accessories category: no points
81. Name a North American city you would not like to drive in.
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tags: traffic driving cars transportation category: 4 answers
82. what is the worst mode of getting home when carrying a lot of groceries
Walking London Bike Venice
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tags: groceries home transportation funny category: no points
83. When people drive with one hand on the steering wheel, name something they do with their other hand.
cell phone 28 radio 16
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tags: driving transportation fun kids hilarious category: 2 answers
84. Past or present, name something that soldiers have rode into battle on.
Horses Tanks Jeeps Helicopters
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tags: animals transportation war history kids category: no points
85. Which city do you think has the rudest drivers?
new york 56 los angeles 18 chicago 4 atlanta 4 detroit 3 boston 2
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tags: driving cities transportation traffic category: 6 answers
86. Name Something You Might Drive Over That Would Cause A Bumpy Ride
Bumps 39 Pot Holl 27 Gravel Road 12 Rocks 11 Railroad Track 4
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tags: road conditions transportation humorous category: 5 answers
87. Name something a police car has that a normal car does not.
sirens 55 flashing lights 11 on-board computers 8 police scanner 7 fast engine 5 guns 5
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tags: transportation technology vehicles jobs category: 6 answers
88. Name a vehicle that does not require gasoline
Electric Cart Cart Horse-drawn Carriage Bicycle Golf Cart Bike
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tags: vehicles transportation energy kids category: no points
89. Name something that some people are afraid to ride on or in.
Airplane 1 Motorcycle 1 Roller coaster 2 Boat 1 Horse 1 Elevator 1
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tags: fear animals transportation kids category: 6 answers
90. Name a city that has a subway system.
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tags: cities transportation travel infrastructure category: no points
91. Name Something On Everyone’s Driver’s License.
Birth Date 34 Name 25 Address 18 License Number 13 Description 10
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tags: safety transportation driving identification category: 5 answers
92. Name a feature people pay extra for when buying a new car
Ac Woofer Air Conditioning Conditioning Central Air
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tags: cars features vehicles transportation category: no points
93. Name something specific that might be delayed because of snow.
School Flights Deliveries Trains
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tags: transportation mail errands appointments category: no points
94. Name something you find on a bicycle
Lights Cyclist Pedals Wheels Bell Seat Handlebars
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tags: equipment transportation kids wheels category: no points
95. Name a sexy car.
porsche 14 lamborghini 11 corvette 10 jaguar 10 ferrari 9
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tags: cars vehicles transportation speed category: 5 answers
96. Name Something That would Keep You From Sleeping On An Airplane
Noisy Kids Bad Weather Baby Crying Knees In The Back ??
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel transportation sleep airplane kids category: no points
97. Tell Me The First Thing You Do When You Get In Your Car.
put seat belt on 54 start car 17 close car door 8 keys in ignition 5 lock doors 4 fix mirrors 3 sit down 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: driving habits cars transportation commute category: 7 answers
98. Besides Walking Name A Way To Get Around In Snowy Weather
ski 28 sled 27 car 23
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tags: snow transportation kids winter weather category: 3 answers
99. Name A Car That Old People Like To Own
Cadalac Continental Chevy Buick
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tags: cars transportation vehicles elderly funny category: no points
100. Name The Worst Thing About Being On Noah’s Ark.
crowded 33 smell 23 animals 19 cleaning up 6 storms 6 boredom 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: animals family funny kids transportation category: 6 answers
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