The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. If You Could Go to the Land of OZ, What Would You Ask the Wizard For?
Money 1 Health/A New Heart 3 A Brain 2 Hot Bod 2 Peace on Earth 3 Love 1 Happiness 1 Magic Power/To Fly 3
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2. Name Something A Prisoner Might Daydream About Doing Once He Is Free
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tags: freedom activities wishes prison category: no points
3. Santa Claus is hoping to get a new what for Christmas?
Sleigh Suit Job Reindeer
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4. Name something that makes wishes come true
Santa+claus 32 Gold+fish 19 Falling+star 16 Fairy 10 Genie 7
Answers are hidden.
5. Name Something Associated With A Genie.
Bottle 62 Lamp 20 Wishes 9
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tags: wishes magic kids fantasy category: fast money
6. Name Something Kids Might Tell Santa In A Letter To Him
wish list 56 been good 13 leave him cookies 9 name 8 age 4 address 3
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tags: kids christmas holidays presents wishes category: 6 answers
7. Name a talent you wish you had.
singing 51 play instrument 18 athletic ability 8 art 8 dancing 4 cooking 2
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tags: skills abilities wishes hypothetical funny category: 6 answers
8. Tell me something you can't control, but you wish you could
Other People Weather Government
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tags: wishes frustration life kids hilarious category: no points
9. name Something kids Wish Will Happen At A Baseball Game.
Catch Ball 56
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tags: kids baseball wishes family funny category: fast money
10. name something that people dream of winning one day
Someone's Love Lottery Hollywood Awards The Olympics A New Car
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tags: dreams goals aspirations wishes future kids category: no points
11. Name something you wish you had around the holidays.
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tags: family gifts holidays wishes food funny category: no points
12. Name A Specific Way That You Wish Your Life Were Like A Hollywood Movie
have lots of money 44 find true love 22 live in nice house 20 lots of drama 9 happy ending 4
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tags: hollywood imagination entertainment fantasy film wishes category: 5 answers
13. Name one thing you've always dreamed of owning:
house 31 car 28 boat 18 swimming pool 5 my own business 3 fur coat 2
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tags: dreams family kids funny random wishes category: 6 answers
14. Name Something You Might Do When You Make A Wish
Blow Out Candles Close Eyes Cross Fingers
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tags: luck wishes dreams stars birthday kids category: no points
15. Name Something The Cartoon Characters The Jetsons Had That You Wish You Had.
Flying Cars 44
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tags: cartoons technology wishes nostalgia family-friendly category: fast money
16. What was your proudest achievement when you were a child?
grades 18 riding a bike 13 playing sports 8 won spelling bee 7 learn to read 7 music 5 graduated 5 scholarship 2
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tags: kids childhood achievements category: 8 answers
17. Name a person who might call you by a childhood nickname even after you’ve outgrown it.
parent 52 old friend 24 grandparent 13 sibling 4
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18. Although It Was Nice To Be A Kid, Name A Part Of Childhood You’d Never Want To Go Through Again.
school 42 puberty 24 acne 17 potty training 15
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19. We asked 100 people: name a popular family guy character.
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tags: tv characters family comedy childhood category: no points
20. What Do People Miss About Their Youth
energy 29 looks 28 fun 19 going to school 12 freedom 10
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tags: nostalgia childhood growing up family fun category: 5 answers
21. Name something you miss about being a kid.
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tags: childhood nostalgic growing up memories category: no points
22. Name Something That Changes Every Year For A Kid In Elementary School
teacher 48 grade 19 uniform/dress code 9 age 8 friends 6 textbooks 4
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23. Name Places Where You Might See Santa
mall 50 north pole 32 home 13 sky 4
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tags: holiday christmas winter childhood category: 4 answers
24. Name A Reason Why Parents Say That Childhood Is Better Than Adulthood.
no bills 53 no work 19 no worries 12 more fun/playing 9 no resposibility 6
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25. No Matter What Your Age Name Something That Can Make You Feel Like A Kid Again
eating sweets 29 falling in love 27 playing games/sports 13 being around kids 8 disney/theme park 7 riding a bike 6 dancing 4
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tags: childhood nostalgic fun playtime relaxation category: 7 answers
26. Give me another word for "weird"
Strange Wacky Crazy Odd Queer Bizarre Different
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27. Name something people associate with Pinocchio
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tags: fairy tales childhood disney category: no points
28. Name a toy you would give a baby
Teddy Bear Beanie Baby Animal Rattle Stuffed Animal Plush Toy Shakers
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29. Name something about Peter Pan that's different from the average boy
He's Not Real He Can Fly Brussel Sprouts Sailboat Never Grows Up He Wears Tights
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tags: kids fictional clothing age childhood category: no points
30. Besides Your Mother, Name A Female Who Told You What To Do While You Were Growing Up
grandmother 32 aunt 30 teacher 19 older sister 15 babysitter 4
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tags: family childhood parenting learning category: 5 answers
31. Tell me a nickname someone might give their mother.
Mom Mommy Ma Mama
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32. Name something you didn't have to worry about when you were a kid
Bills Occupation Romantic Relationship
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33. Name a kid's game you would be shocked to see old folks playing at a nursing home
The Bottle Spin The Bottle Video Games Hopscotch Gaming Twister Bottle
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tags: funny kids games childhood old age category: no points
34. name something that your parents had strict rules about but parents today often do not
Dating Flames Curfew/bedtime Swearing
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tags: parenting rules nostalgia childhood category: no points
35. Name a favorite game from your childhood.
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36. Name something you remember doing by yourself for the first time.
driving car 17 travel/airplane 16 riding bike 13 going to movie 11 ironing 7 combing hair 7
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tags: childhood memories independence funny category: 6 answers
37. Name something you hope you have milk to go with.
cereal 52 cookies 27 cake 6 coffee 5
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38. At what age does the average kid stop receiving an Easter basket?
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39. Name An Object That Kids Pretend Is A Telephone
banana 35 hand 24 shoe 17 remote 11 brush 6 tin can 4
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tags: kids toys imagination childhood fun category: 6 answers
40. Name something kids catch that might make them muddy.
Ball 44 Frog 28 Dog 9 Fish 6 Tadpole 5 Butterfly 4 Firefly 4 Worms Pig Turtles Snake
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tags: kids funny childhood rainy day category: 11 answers
41. Name a place which most people remember going for the first time
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42. Name a game that kids have played for generations:
hide & seek 24 tag 23 hopscotch 15 baseball 10 monopoly 8 checkers 2 jump rope 2 tic tac toe 2
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43. Name A Child Star Who’s Still Famous Today.
drew berrymore 27 michael jackson 20 olsen twins 16 jodie foster 13 ron howard 10 brooke shields 8
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tags: celebrities entertainment childhood nostalgia tv fame category: 6 answers
44. If you were to write a memoir,name a specific topic that would come up a lot.
love/marriage 45 family/children 27 childhood 12 work 7
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tags: family memories childhood humor funny category: 4 answers
45. Name a celebrity with a big nose
Bob Hope Streisand Jimmy Durante Barbra Streisand Malden Hope Durante
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tags: celebrities appearances childhood family looks funny category: no points
46. Name something little kids are told not to play with
Matches Blades Knives Machetes Switch Blades Hunting Knives
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tags: kids funny family childhood naughty category: no points
47. Name Something That A Person Doesn’t Remember As They Get Old
Names Peoples Ages Birthdays The Past Where They Put Items Phone Numbr Grocery Items
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tags: memory aging childhood health family fun category: no points
48. Name Something Kids Say They’d Do If They Were An Adult, But That Adults Rarely Do.
stay up late 34 party 20 become rich 13 sleep in 10 no house rules 8 eat junk food 6 travel 5
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tags: kids funny family childhood adulthood category: 7 answers
49. Name Something Twins Might Always Share.
looks 40 parents 27 birthday 24 genes 5 last name 3
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tags: kids funny family siblings childhood category: 5 answers
50. Name a bad habit that kids pick up from their older brothers and sisters.
swearing 46 smoking cigarette 12 fighting 10 talking back 10 bad attitude 3 lying 3
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tags: family kids childhood siblings habits category: 6 answers
51. Name A Singer Who Became Famous As A Child
michael jackson 52 brittney spears 25 donny osmond 13 shirley temple 8
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tags: music childhood famous kids entertainment category: 4 answers
52. Name something kids might throw at each other.
snowballs 36 water balloons 29 rocks 20 pillows 11 mud 4
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tags: kids funny siblings childhood toys category: 5 answers
53. Name Something From Her Childhood That A Woman Might Keep Forever.
Doll/ Teddy Bear 52 Diary 17 Pictures 13 Security Blanket 11 Piece Of Jewelry 5
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tags: childhood nostalgia memories family keepsakes category: 5 answers
54. Name something you associate with Walt Disney
Mickey Mouse Donald Duck Disneyland
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tags: cartoons entertainment movies childhood family category: no points
55. Name Something From Childhood That Many People Save.
photos 44 toys 19 blanket 11 baby teeth 7 clothes 7 doll 6
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tags: childhood memories family nostalgia keepsakes category: 6 answers
56. Name Something You Would Do If You Heard That Your Favorite Cereal Was Discontinued
get upset 32 stock up 30 complain 27 switch brands 7
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tags: family food breakfast childhood funny category: 4 answers
57. Name an injury people often get as children
Knee Broken Leg Busted Arm Scraped Knee Arm Broken Arm
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tags: school kids funny childhood health category: no points
58. Name a beloved cartoon character from your childhood.
bugs bunny 54 mickey mouse 26 scooby-doo 9 tweety 6 winnie the pooh 5
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tags: childhood cartoon entertainment kids funny category: 5 answers
59. Name the top things children tend to lie about.
homework 43 grades 28 breaking things 16 stealing 7 brushing teeth 4 house chores 2
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tags: kids family childhood honesty behavior category: 6 answers
60. Name a child actor who grew up too fast.
lindsay lohan 42 drew barrymore 26 macaulay culkin 16 justin beiber 11 judy garland 5
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tags: kids entertainment childhood growing up celebrity category: 5 answers
61. Name something a kid might practice kissing on.
pillows 34 hand 21 dolls 18 mirror 16 teddy bears 11
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tags: kids funny kissing practice childhood category: 5 answers
62. Name something a kid hopes he doesn't get for Christmas.
clothes 50 coal 18 no presents 8 book 7 spanking 4 a cold 3
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tags: kids funny childhood presents christmas category: 6 answers
63. Name something that you now wish had been forced to do as a child.
study 28 exercise 19 play instrument 12 eat right 9 care for teeth 9 work hard 6 house work 4
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tags: family regrets childhood skills education category: 7 answers
64. Name a cereal kids love to eat.
lucky charms 23 fruit loops 22 cheerios 21 frosted flakes 15 trix 12 cap'n crunch 7
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tags: kids food breakfast cereal childhood category: 6 answers
65. Name something that a child might get attached to and have a hard time giving up
Spread Quilt Blanket Comforter Duvet Plush Toy
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tags: kids childhood personal belongings comfort category: no points
66. Name Someone Who Children Believe In
santa claus 50 god 27 tooth fairy 10 easter bunny 6 parents 5
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tags: family kids funny childhood entertainment category: 5 answers
67. Where Would You Find An Adult Hanging Out,If He Refused To Grow Up?
arcade park bar toy store school amusement park
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tags: youth kids funny childhood behavior category: no points
68. Which job would a boy love for his dad to have on take-your-child-to-work day?
cop 39 firefighter 23 astronaut 19 pilot 10 pro athlete 5
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69. Name Something Your Mum Made You Do That You'd Do In The Army
Make Your Bed Clean Up Dishes Laundry Obey
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tags: family childhood chores military funny category: no points
70. Name a game kids play in kindergarten
Tag Around Rosy Ring Around Rosy Rosie Hop Scotch Hide And Seek
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tags: kids education school childhood games category: no points
71. Name A Famous Puppet
Kermit Miss Piggy Pinnochio Punch / Judy Basil Brush
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tags: entertainment childhood kids funny nostalgic tv category: no points
72. Which cartoon character would you most want to hang out with.
bugs bunny 28 scooby-doo 18 mickey mouse 13 bars simpson 8
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tags: entertainment cartoons childhood kids funny category: 4 answers
73. Name a board game you're never too old to play.
monopoly 55 scrabble 20 checkers 11 chess 5 parcheesi 2 life 2
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tags: games family kids childhood entertainment fun category: 6 answers
74. Tell me something little kids hate.
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tags: kids funny hilarious dislike childhood category: 7 answers
75. Name a hairstyle that used to be popular but is not anymore.
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tags: fashion hair history vintage childhood category: no points
76. Name an animal old macdonald has on his farm.
Cow Pig Duck Chicken
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tags: animals kids family farm childhood category: no points
77. Name something a parent tells their kid “I never did at your age.”
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tags: parenting childhood advice generation gap kids category: no points
78. Name a childhood fear that many people never outgrow
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tags: fears childhood common anxiety phobias category: no points
79. Name a specific game parents stop letting their kids win at once they are older.
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tags: family childhood games parenting competition category: no points
80. Tell me something mom did for you when you were a baby.
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tags: kids family memories love childhood category: no points
81. Fill in this blank: I’ll never forget my first ____
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tags: childhood relationship school food animals category: no points
82. Siblings fight over this.
Remote Chocolates Clothes Who is more loved Sharing a room
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tags: adults family kids childhood silly category: no points
83. name something many parents do for their child long after the child can do it for himself
Clean Their Rooms Tie Their Shoes Cook Feed Them Dress Them Laundry Pay Bills
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tags: kids funny parents parenting childhood category: no points
84. name something most kids are afraid to try but then realize its no big deal after doing it
Swimming Vegetables Riding A Bike
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tags: kids childhood fears bravery parenting category: no points
85. When you were a kid, name a place your parents would take you kicking and screaming.
Medical Appointment Church Swimming Pool Hairdresser School Bahtroom
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tags: family childhood parents memories kids category: 6 answers
86. Name something associated with Alice in Wonderland.
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tags: characters books movies childhood kids category: 5 answers
87. Name something that kids usually have more of than adults.
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88. Name a place in the house a little kid might think a monster is hiding.
Wardrobe Under Bed Cellar Loft Upstairs
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tags: kids funny homes childhood monsters category: 5 answers
89. Name a sport kids play when they’re growing up.
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tags: kids family games sports childhood category: no points
90. At what age might a kid have their first boy or girlfriend?
Thirteen Twelve Fifteen Sixteen Fourteen
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tags: kids family relationships childhood dating category: no points
91. Name a kind of pet you had during your childhood.
Dog Cat Bird Turtle Hamster Rabbit Fish
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tags: kids family animals childhood pets category: 7 answers
92. Name a Christmas movie people are tired of.
A Wonderful Life 24 White Christmas 22 Miracle on 34th Street 22 Home Alone 12 Nightmare Before Christmas 6 Christmas Story 6
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tags: christmas movies popular childhood family category: 6 answers
93. Name a game that kids might play in a field.
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tags: games kids summer outdoors childhood category: no points
94. Name A Cartoon Character Thats Been Around Forever
mickey mouse 32 buds bunny 20 charlie brown 10 mighty mouse 6 snoopy 4 popeye 4 betty boop 3
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tags: cartoon childhood characters television entertainment category: 7 answers
95. Name Something You Did As A 5-Year-Old That You’d Be Embarrassed To Do Now.
urinate on self 27 urinate in bed 25 pick nose in public 24 cry 7 nothing 4 play in dirt 4
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tags: kids embarrassing childhood funny silly category: 6 answers
96. Name something from childhood that people hate to sell or give away.
toys/dolls 66 clothes 14 blanket 11 baseball cards 3
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tags: kids toys childhood sentimental family category: 4 answers
97. name something parents do to their kids and then tell their kids not to do
Yell Spank Swear
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tags: parenting advice family funny childhood category: no points
98. When You Were a Kid, Name Someone Who Could See Right Through Your Lies
Mom/Dad 1 Grandma/Grandpa 1 Teacher 1 Friend 1
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tags: family kids childhood lying honesty category: 4 answers
99. Name a place children are sent when they misbehave.
bedroom 47 corner/time-out 31 principal's office 8 juvenile detention 7 boarding school 3
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tags: kids discipline punishment childhood naughty category: 5 answers
100. Name Something That Can Fly That A Child Might Pretend To Be
Plane Superman Bird Batman Fairy
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tags: kids animals birds imagination childhood category: no points
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