Tell me a dance that a guy might do at his prom if his grandparents taught him how to dance.
waltz 29 the twist 25 swing 17 polka 13 square dance 11 tango 5
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tags: dance family prom grandparents category: 6 answers
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. If a teen gets his moves from grandpa what dance might he do at the Prom?
waltz 26 the twist 22 swing/charleston 17 polka 13 square-dance 11 tango 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: prom dance family funny teenagers grandparents category: 6 answers
2. Name a part of the body you'd be shocked to hear your grandmother got pierced
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny family grandparents category: no points
3. Name A Present People Give Their Grandfather
Watch MIT Shorts
Answers are hidden.
tags: family gifts grandparents kids category: no points
4. Name Something Grandparents Do To Spoil Their Grandchildren
Give Them Sweets Buy Them Toys Give Them Money Expensive Trips
Answers are hidden.
tags: family grandparents children fun funny category: no points
5. Name a common nickname for a grandmother
Mee Maw Maw Grandma Nana Granny
Answers are hidden.
tags: family nicknames grandparents funny category: no points
6. Name an activity kids usually do with their grandparents rather than parents.
toy shopping 35 cook/bake 26 zoo 18 board games 13 fishing 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: family grandparents parents activities children category: 5 answers
7. Name common gift kids receive when their Grandparents visit.
cash 40 clothes 25 candy 15 toys 13 books 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: family grandparents kids gifts food category: 5 answers
8. How do grandparents spoil their grandchildren?
Do whatever they want Protect them from parents’ scolding Give them candy Make their favorite dish Give them money
Answers are hidden.
tags: fast money grandparents family kids category: fast money
9. Name Something About Grandmas Looks That Could Be Fake
Teeth Hair Chest Eyelashes Eyebrows
Answers are hidden.
tags: family appearance grandparents humor funny category: no points
10. What are common nicknames for a grandmother?
na na 60 granny 20 grandma 10 nanny 5 grammy 4 big mama 1
Answers are hidden.
tags: family grandparents nicknames affection love category: 6 answers
11. Name something Mom doesn’t let her kids do that Grandma might do
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tags: kids family fun funny parenting grandparents category: no points
12. Name an occasion that Grandparents always show up for.
birthday 48 graduation 11 christmas 9 wedding 5 anniversary 4 baptism 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: family events grandparents children kids funny category: 6 answers
13. Name something a grandmother might want her grandchildren to learn.
manners 31 family recipes 22 knitting/sewing 15 family history 7 native language 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: family education grandparents children wisdom skills category: 5 answers
14. Name someone in a kid's life who lets them get away with things their parent wouldn't
Aunt/uncle Having Children Babysitter Grandparents
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tags: family kids parents rules authority grandparents category: no points
15. Name a gift someone might get for their grandparents.
Answers are hidden.
tags: family presents grandparents hobbies interests love category: no points
16. Name Something Naughty That A Grandpa Might Secretly Let His grandson get Away With
looking at girls 26 sipping beer 22 eating sweets 21 staying up late 20 bad language 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny kids family naughty grandparents childhood category: 5 answers
17. Name something you buy for grandfathers at Christmas.
socks 32 handkerchief 14 tie 9 chocolates 8 books 6 whiskey 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: gifts christmas family grandparents presents kids category: 6 answers
18. Name the age when a kid might go to his first school dance
12 13 14
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tags: school kids dance milestones family category: no points
19. Name something associated with Donny and Marie
Singing Smiles Tv Show Osmond Mormons
Answers are hidden.
tags: entertainment music dance kids family funny category: no points
20. Name A Movie With A Lot Of Dancing
Dirty Dancing 23
Answers are hidden.
tags: movies entertainment dance films family-friendly kids category: fast money
21. Name something about high school that people take too seriously.
Sports Grades Popularity Dating Homework Prom
Answers are hidden.
22. Name A Specific Night Of The Year That You Hope To Be Kissed
new year eve's 48 valentine's 25 christmas 13
Answers are hidden.
tags: romance love valentine's day prom kissing category: 3 answers
23. name something a boy might give his prom date upon picking her up
Bouquet Corsage
Answers are hidden.
tags: prom romance boys gifts flowers jewelry category: no points
24. Name something students buy or rent just for prom.
Tuxedo Limo Dress Flowers
Answers are hidden.
tags: school prom kids hilarious attire accessories category: no points
25. Name an occasion where you put on your fanciest clothes.
Answers are hidden.
tags: special occasion formal wedding prom fancy category: no points
26. Name someplace a man goes where he sucks in his gut to look better
Answers are hidden.
tags: gym formal event date prom pool job interview category: no points
27. Name A Special Occasion For Which Someone Might Go To A Hairdresser
wedding 65 prom 22 birthday party 4 graduation 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: wedding prom funeral date job interview special occasion category: 4 answers
28. name an occasion for which a woman might buy a new dress
Birthday New Job Wedding Date
Answers are hidden.
tags: fashion special occasions shopping parties prom weddings category: no points
29. Name A Reason A Teenaged Boy Would Have For Wearing A Suit.
wedding 43 church 24 prom 15 funeral 11 graduation 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work formal event special occasion interview prom category: 5 answers
30. Name an appliance you have in your home that your grandparents did not
Microwave On Television Boob Tube Dishwasher
Answers are hidden.
tags: appliances grandparents home modern category: no points
31. Name Someone Who Always Has Advice To Give You
Mom 57 Dad 17 Doctor 10 Best Friend 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: parents grandparents teachers doctors friends category: 4 answers
32. Name a rock star who is old enough to be a grandpa.
mick jagger 52 rod stewart 17 bruce springsteen 12 paul mccartney 5 phil collins 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: music entertainment trivia grandparents aging category: 5 answers
33. We asked 100 men: Name something you spent your money on for your high school prom
Limo Ear Tuxedo
Answers are hidden.
tags: prom high school spending money school funny category: no points
34. Name something a prom queen might save as a memento.
crown 56 corsage 13 dress 10 pictures 10 flowers 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: school prom fun memory high school category: 5 answers
35. Name something you do at a concert.
dance 31 sing 31 scream 19 drink 11 clap 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: music entertainment dance category: 5 answers
36. Name something people associate with Madonna
Sexuality Blonde Sings Singing
Answers are hidden.
tags: music celebrities dance fashion category: no points
37. Name Something You Might See At A High School Homecoming
queen 26 balloons 17 float 14 football game 11 dresses 11 limos 10 king 7
Answers are hidden.
38. Name Something People Practice In The Mirror
Singing Dancing Speaking Smiling Modelling
Answers are hidden.
39. Name Something Embarrassing You Would Not Want To Happen While Dancing.
Fall Down 68
Answers are hidden.
tags: embarrassing dance funny kids category: fast money
40. Name Something Guests Do At A Wedding Reception
eat 33 dance 33 drink 14 throw rice 5 talk 4 cry 3 congratulate 3
Answers are hidden.
41. Name a dance that is no longer hip.
the twist 45 waltz 18 the macarena 14 disco 12 jitterbug 6 electric slide 5
Answers are hidden.
42. Name A type Of Dance People Do In A Dance Competition
tango 36 salsa 24 waltz 14 tap 8 break dancer 4 swing dance 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: dance competition movement art entertainment category: 6 answers
43. Name something you need to be a belly dancer
Hips Skirt Belly Pelvis Veil Shroud
Answers are hidden.
tags: dance music movement entertainment performance category: no points
44. Tell me a place where you might find a lot of mirrors.
Answers are hidden.
tags: home entertainment dance salon gym store category: no points
45. Tell me the kind of dancing you think is the hardest.
tango 21 breakdancing 12 salsa 11 waltz 9 ballet 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: dance exercise leisure music workout category: 5 answers
46. name something people do in musicals but never in real life
Wear Costumes Dance In The Street Break Into Song Eat Act
Answers are hidden.
tags: acting singing dance stage performance category: no points
47. Name Something Our Ancient Ancestors Might Have Danced To Celebrate.
rain 37 wedding 31 birth 20 finding food 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: history culture music dance celebration category: 4 answers
48. Name Something Cinderella Would Have A Hard Time Doing In Her Glass Slippers
running 54 tap dancing 17 walking 13 mopping 7 jumping 6
Answers are hidden.
49. What Might A Girl Wear For The First Time To Her Junior High Dance?
formal dress 39 high heels 26 makeup 17 coursage 11 bra 4
Answers are hidden.
50. name something you did at middle school dances that you would never do at a dance club now
Slow Dance Kiss Date In Public Not Dance Drink Punch Mattress
Answers are hidden.
51. Name something a ballet dancer has that most people do not.
tutu 29 ballet shoes 25 balance/poise 17 strong legs 14 talent 7 callused feet 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: body dance shoes flexibility strength category: 6 answers
52. Name Something Or Someone Youd See At A nightclub
people 19 bartender 14 lights 12 drinks 9 dj 8 band 5 dancers 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: nightlife entertainment dance music drinks category: 7 answers
53. What are some things you would do at a concert?
Dance Sing Jump Drink Crowd surf
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tags: adults music entertainment fun dance friends category: no points
54. Name a style of ballroom dancing
Cha Cha Latin Rumba Salsa Tango Waltz
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tags: dance music entertainment couples competition category: no points
55. Name Something That Would Make You Self Conscious If You Were starring In A Movie About Ballet
Weight Dancing
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tags: dance school kids funny embarrassing category: no points
56. Name something you associate with ankles
Socks Feet Anklet Cankles
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tags: body parts fashion injuries footwear dance category: no points
57. Name a place where you might end up dancing with a stranger
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tags: nightlife party club social wedding dance category: no points
58. Name a child's activity at which parents show up for moral support
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids school sports music dance competition category: no points
59. Tell me something you associate with Africa.
Answers are hidden.
tags: animals nature culture food music dance category: 5 answers
60. Name something Jennifer Lopez does at least once a year.
marriage/new guy 60 makes a movie 10 looks hot 8 make a video 8 has a birthday 6 makes an album 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: celebrities movies music dance awards fashion category: 6 answers
61. Living or dead, name a celebrity that is a great dancer
Travolta John Travolta Patrick Swayze Jennifer Lopez Fred Astaire Swayze
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tags: entertainment music dance movies celebrities funny category: no points
62. Name something you know about Spain
Electrical Socket Moors Bullfighting Spanish Witches
Answers are hidden.
tags: history culture sports landmarks food dance category: no points
63. Name a song that has a dance to go with it
Answers are hidden.
tags: music dance lyrics songs entertainment pop culture category: no points
64. Name Something You See Cheerleaders Do That Would Look Strange To See People Doing Otherwise.
splits 31 shouting 27 cartwheel 15 pyramid 13 use pom poms 11
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tags: school sports funny cheerleading dance silly category: 5 answers
65. Which part of your body might be sore after a night of dancing
Hips Back Feet Legs
Answers are hidden.
tags: body dance health pain fitness entertainment category: no points
66. Name someone you wish you could dance like.
fred astaire 20 ginger rogers 17 patrick swayze 11 john travolta 8 michael jackson 7 gene kelly 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: dance celebrities entertainment funny pop culture music category: 6 answers
67. Name Something Specific A Dancer Might Wear In An Old Hollywood Musical
Dress Tap Shoes
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothes dance movies music shoes theater category: no points
68. Name An Activity That Requires Moving Your Hips.
dancing 72 hula hoop 15 running 5 walking 2 tai bo 2 aerobics 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: dance exercise sports kids funny hilarious category: 6 answers
69. Tell me something you associate with jennifer lopez.
Answers are hidden.
tags: music movies fashion dance singing celebrity category: no points
70. Name A Phrase That Begins With the Word “Spanish”
Spanish Language Spanish Rice
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tags: food language culture dance music history category: no points
71. Name A Type Of Music Easy To Dance To
Hip Hop Country Rock Disco Salsa Techno Jazz
Answers are hidden.
tags: music dance party wedding exercise kids category: no points
72. When you get to a party, name something you can't wait to do.
drink 34 dance 25 eat 22 socialize/mingle 12 leave 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: party friends food music dance games category: 5 answers
73. Name something specific kids take lessons for.
piano 30 swimming 18 singing 13 guitar 9 tennis 7 dance 7 music 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: school kids funny music sports dance category: 7 answers
74. Name something you might lose on the dance floor.
wallet 42 keys 32 earrings 18 dignity 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: party dance night out club funny hilarious category: 4 answers
75. Job Around The House Couple Might Take Turns Doing
Dishes Laundry Cooking Take Out Trash
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores home kids family housework family-friendly category: no points
76. Name something your kids get excited about long before it happens.
christmas 51 birthday 35 trip 8 start/end of school 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: family kids excitement anticipation childhood family time category: 4 answers
77. Name something specific families do together around the holidays.
Answers are hidden.
tags: family holidays traditions activities kids family-friendly category: no points
78. On Thanksgiving, Name Something Snooki Might Say She’s Thankful For.
new jersey 43 men 22 her hair 14 drinking 8 tanning 8 pickles 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny kids family food friends family gatherings category: 6 answers
79. Name a good rainy day activity.
reading 29 board game 16
Answers are hidden.
tags: family entertainment indoors kids family-friendly boredom category: 2 answers
80. Name Something A Kid Might Use To Slide Down The Stairs
pillow 29 cardboard box 22 blanket 21 behind 8 mattress 8 towel 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids family funny home family time toys category: 6 answers
81. Name a holiday when the post office is closed.
christmas 60 4th of july 13 memorial day 7 new years 5 thanksgiving 4 veteran's day 3 labor day 3 president's birthday 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: holidays trivia family kids games family-friendly category: 8 answers
82. Name a gift people often get for teenagers.
Answers are hidden.
tags: family teenagers gifts family gatherings relationships category: no points
83. Name a sport you could still practice with a bad knee.
Answers are hidden.
tags: sports health family adults fun family-friendly category: no points
84. Name an occassion that all parents look forward to.
graduation 46 christmas 11 kid's moving out 8 birthdays 6 first day of school 6 anniversary 5 wedding 4 mother's 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids family family-friendly parents parenting category: 8 answers
85. other than santa name a character who stars in a christmas show
Frosty The Snowman Rudolph Writing Ebenezer Scrooge Crafts Grinch
Answers are hidden.
tags: holidays christmas family family fun entertainment category: no points
86. Name an occasion where people take lots of pictures
Vacation Reunion Birth Of A Child Wedding Birthday
Answers are hidden.
87. Name something you might do for your spouse when they are sick.
Answers are hidden.
88. Name Something You Can Do In A Van That You Can’t Do In A Sports Car.
lay down 42 make love 31 stand up 10 fit more people 9 haul stuff 5 watch tv 3
Answers are hidden.
89. Button On TV Remote Husband Will Wear Out
Channel Volume Mute On Pause
Answers are hidden.
90. Name a women who's not afraid to say what she thinks.
oprah winfrey 27 hillary clinton 12 rosie o'donnell 10 ellen degeneres 7 sarah palin 5 barbara walters 4
Answers are hidden.
91. Name a type of list.
Answers are hidden.
92. Name Something People Write About In Their Yearly Christmas Letter To Loved Ones.
family 55 greetings 33 career 6 health 5
Answers are hidden.
93. Complete the statement: everybody knows the holidays can be _____.
Fun Stressful Busy Cold
Answers are hidden.
94. Name Something Little Red Riding Hood Suspected Was Different About Her Grandmother.
big teeth 75 big eyes 15
Answers are hidden.
95. Name a subject you can't discuss without losing your temper.
politics 36 religion 8 health care 6 money 6 obama 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: family disagreements category: 5 answers
96. Name someone people confess crimes to.
priest 33 friends 23 police officer 22 lawyer 10 judge 7 family 5
Answers are hidden.
97. Tell Me A Reason You Might Be Low On Sleep.
overworked 44 kids/new baby 26 can't sleep 13 sick 6 studying 5
Answers are hidden.
98. Name a place in their home that people hide money.
under mattress 49 dresser drawer 24 cookie jar 9 closet 7 freezer 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: family game category: 5 answers
99. Name a game kids better not play inside the house.
game with ball 75 tag 15 hide and seek 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: family fun kids category: 3 answers
100. The boss in the family is the one who controls what
Taxi Money/finances Subway Airfare Skating Rink
Answers are hidden.
tags: family responsibilities category: no points
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