The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name Something That Might Make Your Road Trip Stressful
Bad Traffic Getting Lost Car Trouble Car Accident Kids Misbehaving Lost Wallet/ Cash Getting Sick
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2. What would you hope doesn't break down just before you host a big party?
stereo 34 fridge 26 oven 22 power 4 bbq 3
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3. Name jobs where keeping your cool can earn you a lot of money.
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tags: work stressful money animals plants funny category: no points
4. Name Something Stressful That Couples Do Together
argue/counseling 29 manage money 27 raise kids 21 plan a wedding 12 buy a house 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships couples funny stressful adults home life category: 5 answers
5. Name a holiday when the post office is closed.
christmas 60 4th of july 13 memorial day 7 new years 5 thanksgiving 4 veteran's day 3 labor day 3 president's birthday 3
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6. Job Around The House Couple Might Take Turns Doing
Dishes Laundry Cooking Take Out Trash
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tags: chores home kids family housework family-friendly category: no points
7. Name something specific families do together around the holidays.
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tags: family holidays traditions activities kids family-friendly category: no points
8. Name something your kids get excited about long before it happens.
christmas 51 birthday 35 trip 8 start/end of school 3
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tags: family kids excitement anticipation childhood family time category: 4 answers
9. Name a good rainy day activity.
reading 29 board game 16
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tags: family entertainment indoors kids family-friendly boredom category: 2 answers
10. Name Something A Kid Might Use To Slide Down The Stairs
pillow 29 cardboard box 22 blanket 21 behind 8 mattress 8 towel 8
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tags: kids family funny home family time toys category: 6 answers
11. On Thanksgiving, Name Something Snooki Might Say She’s Thankful For.
new jersey 43 men 22 her hair 14 drinking 8 tanning 8 pickles 3
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tags: funny kids family food friends family gatherings category: 6 answers
12. Name a gift people often get for teenagers.
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tags: family teenagers gifts family gatherings relationships category: no points
13. Name an occassion that all parents look forward to.
graduation 46 christmas 11 kid's moving out 8 birthdays 6 first day of school 6 anniversary 5 wedding 4 mother's 4
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tags: kids family family-friendly parents parenting category: 8 answers
14. Name a sport you could still practice with a bad knee.
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tags: sports health family adults fun family-friendly category: no points
15. other than santa name a character who stars in a christmas show
Frosty The Snowman Rudolph Writing Ebenezer Scrooge Crafts Grinch
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tags: holidays christmas family family fun entertainment category: no points
16. Name something you might do for your spouse when they are sick.
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17. Name an occasion where people take lots of pictures
Vacation Reunion Birth Of A Child Wedding Birthday
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18. Name someone people confess crimes to.
priest 33 friends 23 police officer 22 lawyer 10 judge 7 family 5
Answers are hidden.
19. Button On TV Remote Husband Will Wear Out
Channel Volume Mute On Pause
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20. Name a women who's not afraid to say what she thinks.
oprah winfrey 27 hillary clinton 12 rosie o'donnell 10 ellen degeneres 7 sarah palin 5 barbara walters 4
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21. Name Something Little Red Riding Hood Suspected Was Different About Her Grandmother.
big teeth 75 big eyes 15
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22. Name Something You Can Do In A Van That You Can’t Do In A Sports Car.
lay down 42 make love 31 stand up 10 fit more people 9 haul stuff 5 watch tv 3
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23. Name a subject you can't discuss without losing your temper.
politics 36 religion 8 health care 6 money 6 obama 4
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tags: family disagreements category: 5 answers
24. Name Something People Write About In Their Yearly Christmas Letter To Loved Ones.
family 55 greetings 33 career 6 health 5
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25. Tell Me A Reason You Might Be Low On Sleep.
overworked 44 kids/new baby 26 can't sleep 13 sick 6 studying 5
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26. Name a game kids better not play inside the house.
game with ball 75 tag 15 hide and seek 4
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tags: family fun kids category: 3 answers
27. The boss in the family is the one who controls what
Taxi Money/finances Subway Airfare Skating Rink
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tags: family responsibilities category: no points
28. Name a place in their home that people hide money.
under mattress 49 dresser drawer 24 cookie jar 9 closet 7 freezer 5
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tags: family game category: 5 answers
29. Name a type of list.
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30. Name something that even identical twins don't have in common
DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid Fingerprints Ask Someone Else You're Grounded Eyes Pout
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tags: family twins personality name category: no points
31. Name The Softest Thing In A Baby’s Room.
blanket 57 stuffed animal 17 pillow 15 baby's skin 7
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32. name something both teens and their parents do for fun on a friday night
Sun Glasses Visit With Friends Eat At A Restaurant Play Games Watch Movies
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33. Name Something Associated With Melanie Griffith.
Movies 36 Actress 21 Antonio Banderas 20 Don Johnson 14 Blonde Hair 7
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34. Name A Decision That People Dont Make Lightly
marriage 61 divorce 12 buying a house 11 having kids 8 accepting a job 3
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tags: family decisions serious relationships category: 5 answers
35. When a naughty kid is sent to his room, name something he does to pass the time.
read a book 27 play games/toys 23 watch tv 19 sleep 6 use computer 6
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36. Name Something Parents Photograph Their Baby Doing For The First Time.
walking 37 smiling 20 eating 18 taking a bath 10 crawling 8 sleeping 4
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37. If All Else Fails Name Something People Get For Dad For The Holidays
tie 48 tools 13 socks 12 money 12 cologne 4 shirt 4 watch 2
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38. Name something a car thief might see inside a car that might make him think twice about stealing it.
security alarm 39 club 33 dog 13 stereo 5 people 2
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39. Something Women Do More Gracefully Than Men
Dance Walk Age Eat
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40. Name A Game You Might Find In A Pub
Darts Pool Cards Dominoes Bridge
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41. Name Someone Who Might Tell You To Lose Weight
spouse 36 doctor 34 parents 13 boy/girl friend 5 friend 3 children 3
Answers are hidden.
42. Name a reason you might have to leave work early.
sick 57 kid is sick 15 doctor's appointment 10 family emergency 8
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43. We Asked 100 Single People: Who In Your Life Gives You The Most Pressure To Settle Down and Marry?
Mom 55 Friends 24 Person I’m Dating 8
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tags: relationships marriage family category: 3 answers
44. A man can never have too many power tools. What is something a woman can never have too many of
Shoes Heels High Heels Flats Pumps Loafers Cross Trainers
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45. After how many days do your in-laws wear out their welcome?
three 36 five 27 seven 16 four 6 two 6 one 3
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46. What makes Halloween exciting?
Candy Halloween costumes Trick or Treat Spooky decorations Haunted Houses
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47. What is the most common order a back-seat driver yells to the driver?
"slow down!" 46 "watch out!" 23 "stop!" 16 "turn here!" 7 "speed up!" 6
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48. name something a little boy might do to imitate his dad
Pot Walk Like Him Talk Like Him Dress Like Him Shave
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49. A movie with the word "good" in its title.
goodfellas 28 good will hunting 21 the good...ugly 15 ...morning, v'tnam 10 as good as...gets 5 a few good men 4
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50. Give A Word Frankenstein Would Use To Describe Himself In A Personal Ad.
tall 40 strong 15 ugly 15 big 10 terrifying 10 monstrous 4
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51. Name something families do at the beach that you would be surprised to see pirates doing.
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52. Name Someone Who Could Show Up In A Will That Would Be A Big Surprise To The Deceased’s Family.
mistress/lover 49 ex 29 pet 12 unknown child 5
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tags: family inheritance surprise category: 4 answers
53. How Many Times Does The Average Person Let A Phone Ring Before Answering It Numeric Only
2 57 3 36 5 4 6 2
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54. if you were in jail who would you call to bail you out
Sibling Significant Other Parent
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55. Name an event that moms look forward to.
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56. Name a reason why a villain's minion might change side.
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57. Name someone a bride asks to be her bridesmaid
Sister Best Friend
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58. Name something a family does when spending "quality time" together
Native Language Santa Claus Play Games Eat Dinner Talk Watch TV/movies
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tags: family kids activities together category: no points
59. Name a reason why your mistress and your wife would be at the same thanksgiving dinner.
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tags: family thanksgiving wife category: no points
60. If you spent Christmas alone, name a traditional you might not bother with.
tree 43 gifts 19 dinner 18 caroling 5 decorating 5 mistletoe 2
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tags: family christmas alone traditions category: 6 answers
61. name something a teenager would hate to hear that he did just like his dad
Talk Romantic Movies Drive
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62. Name An Activity That Could Be Described As “Wholesome.”
religous activity 25 sports 21 reading 18 family meals 14 board games 10 baking/cooking 9
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tags: family kids fun activities category: 6 answers
63. Name Something People Do In December In Order To Get In The Holiday Spirit
Decorate 55 Buy Gifts 26 Sing Carols 7 Put Up Tree 6 Listen To Music 5
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64. What's your favorite thing to do when you're home alone?
watch tv 39 veg out 20 read 19 listen 10 computer 4 puzzles 2
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tags: family home alone preferences category: 6 answers
65. Name a food that might be served as a side to fried chicken.
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66. Name something grandmothers always seem to keep a supply of in their purses.
candy/gum 42 tissues 41 money/change 9 medicine 4
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67. Name a person who might call you by a childhood nickname even after you’ve outgrown it.
parent 52 old friend 24 grandparent 13 sibling 4
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68. Name something you find in a photo lab.
photos 45 film 12 negatives 11 chemicals 6 paper 5 camera 4
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69. Name a reason someone might tell you to close your eyes.
surprise 79 kissing 4 sleep 3 playing game 3 doctor's office 3
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70. Name something twins sometimes do in the same way.
Dress Laugh Talk Walk Hair
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71. A family man buys food in bulk. Name something a single guy buys in bulk.
lube/ky jelly jewelry roses pabst/booze boner bonnets food/frozen meals toilet paper undies/clothes
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72. When Traveling Overseas, Tell Me The Ideal Amount Of Time To Be Away From Home
2 weeks 24 3 weeks 20 1 week 13 1 month 5 10 days 4
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73. What do grandkids like to count on grandpa's face?
Wrinkles Spots Hairs Warts Crumbs
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74. Name A Way To Avoid Spending A Lot On Christmas Gifts
Homemade Sales Set A Budget Re-Gift Discount Stores
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75. Name the best thing in life that's free
Feeling Amour Love True Love Romance
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76. Name A Reason You Would Go To Grandma’s House For Dinner Instead Of A Restaurant.
Home Cooking 41 Holiday 30 Free 22 See Family 6
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77. According to men: Name the most annoying woman on daytime TV
Gifford Lee Gifford Winfrey Oprah Winfrey Kathie Lee Gifford
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tags: tv family entertainment funny category: no points
78. If You Were Married To A Pirate What Might You Often Receive For A Gift
gold coins 47 jewelry 16 parrot 14 eye patch 11 rum 9
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79. Name A Movie You’d Be Surprised To See A Teenage Boy Watching.
gone with the wind 23 high school musical 8
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80. Name A Family Tradition People Might Have For Winter Holidays.
Cooking 40 Travel 36 Caroling 16 Party 6
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tags: traditions family holidays category: 4 answers
81. Name Something Form Home you Might Miss On Vacation
pet 38 bed 30 family 11 tv 9 computer 7
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82. Name Something That Your Spouse Has Accused You Of “Stealing.”
money 54 their heart 24 left overs/dessert 9 a kiss 7 the tv remote 4
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83. Name Something That A Couple Often Does Once The Kids Have To Move Out
travel 37 rekindle romance 16 downsize 13 retire 7 remodel 6 throw a party 5 divorce 4
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tags: relationships family couples category: 7 answers
84. Name The Age When Youngsters Really Start Rebelling Against Their Parents.
13 44 12 16 16 12 14 7 15 7 10 7
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85. Name something people swear on or to
Good Book Bible Holy Book Scripture Testament Torah Gospel
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86. We Asked 100 Men: Name Something Your Partner Will Never Do As Well as Mom.
Cook 54 Clean 25 Laundry 4 Take Care Of Me 3
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tags: family funny relationships mom men category: 4 answers
87. tell me the age kids stop believing in the tooth fairy
10 7 12 8 5 6 9
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88. Name Something Specific A Child Can Do To Get On Santa’s Nice List.
chores 28 be nice 20
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89. Name A Type Of Accomodation
Hotel House Tent Caravan Prison
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tags: family games entertainment category: no points
90. tell me a theme park someone might visit while in orlando florida
Universal Studios Sea World Disney World Butt Mouth Tube Top
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91. Name A Personality Trait You Hope People Use When Talking About You
kind 38 funny 25 friendly 10 smart 9 honest 7 happy 4 fun 3
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tags: family questions friendship category: 7 answers
92. Name an activity which requires body contact.
making love 32 dancing 21 football 17 wrestling 10 boxing 6 hugging 5
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tags: family time togetherness category: 6 answers
93. Name a cliched gift for dad.
Tie Tools Socks Wallet Cologne
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tags: father's day funny family category: no points
94. Name a child's toy that a dad might wish he had
Remote Control Car Toy Train Set Action Figure Video Game System
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95. On His th Birthday What Would A Mom Hate To Hear Her Son Say Mom Im
moving out 31 getting married 25 going to be a dad 19 dropping out 10 joining military 5
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96. Name something women do at least twice as much as men.
shop 26 bathe 12 complain 9 get hair done 6 clean house 6
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97. Name a famous TV family
Jeffersons Bradys Huxtables Partridges The Bradys The Huxtables The Jeffersons
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98. Name a children's story that has the word "three" in the title.
three little pigs 60 three blind mice 6
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99. Name an activity you do to get in the Christmas spirit.
Decorate 55 Buy gifts 26 Sing carols 7 Put up a tree 6 Listen to music 5
Answers are hidden.
100. name a reason why your partner calls you at work
Emergency Someone Is Sick To Say I Love You Plan For Dinner Skipping Class
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