The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name Something A Baby Can’t Do On Own At Birthday Party
Blow Out Candles Sing Eat Open Presents Cut Cake Drink Make Small Talk
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tags: babies birthday kids funny family party category: no points
2. Name A Reason You Might Send Someone A Card
Birthday Christmas New Baby Sympathy New Job Get Well
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tags: family friends celebration birthday category: no points
3. Name an occasion when you know people will say nice things about you.
birthday 39 wedding 29 funeral 16 anniversary 2 return from war 2 graduation 2
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tags: family friends birthday anniversary funeral category: 6 answers
4. Name something a baby will not remember about their first birthday party
Guests Presents/toys Alcohol Cake The Party
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5. Name a good place to take kids for a birthday party
Roller Coaster Diner Cafeteria Six Flags Restaurant Kid's
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tags: kids family birthday celebration entertainment party category: no points
6. Name something you wouldn't like to receive as a birthday gift.
clothes 43 cash 13 appliances 12 bills 10 nothing 9 vacuum cleaner 7 books 6
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7. Name A Common Gag Gift At An “Over The Hill” Birthday Party.
cane 45 diapers 31 black balloons 9 glasses 4
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8. Name a beverage that is served at a kid's birthday party
Kool-aid Punch Tonic Water Aid Pop Kool Aid Fruit Punch
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tags: kids food funny hilarious birthday category: no points
9. What gift might a cat want for its birthday?
Mouse Catnip Fish Kitten Bird Affection
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tags: animals pets birthday presents funny category: 6 answers
10. name something a baby cant do at her own birthday party
Have A Drink Eat Cake Blow Out Candles Open Presents Make Small Talk Sing Along Cut The Cake
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tags: kids funny hilarious birthday party category: no points
11. Name A Reason Why You Wouldn’t Have Cake On Your Birthday.
On A Diet 43 Allergic 20 Don’t Celebrate 15 Too Old 12 Don’t Like cake 5 Diabetic 3
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tags: food kids funny birthday cake health category: 6 answers
12. Name something you might blow out.
candle 61 car tire 23 air 5 balloon 3
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13. Besides Christmas, name a reason you might send someone a greeting card
Hospital Illness Day Birthday Love Day Easter Valentine's Day
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tags: holidays birthday anniversary sympathy category: no points
14. Name An Occasion For Which Men Buy Gifts For Their Wives
anniversary 46 birthday 30 valentine's day 7 christmas 4 wedding 3
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tags: anniversary birthday christmas valentines day category: 5 answers
15. If You Were Friends With Nancy Drew, What Might You Buy For Her Birthday?
magnifying glass 42 book 38 notebook 5 pen 5 flashlight 4 detectives hat 4
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tags: mystery friendship birthday gifts category: 6 answers
16. Name A Good Birthday Gift For A Kid Who Wants To Be A Cowboy.
hat 44 boots 21
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17. Name Something You Might Give A Little Boy For His Birthday
Truck Car Bicycle Cake Train Set
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18. Name Something You Might Use To Decorate A Party
Balloons Streamers Glitter
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tags: kids birthday decorations balloons category: no points
19. Something On Top Of Most Birthday Cakes
Candles Frosting Lettering
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20. Tell Me A Decoration You Might See At Someone’s Birthday Party
balloons 48 streamers 7
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tags: birthday party decorations kids category: 2 answers
21. Name an occasion on which you might send a love letter.
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tags: valentine's day anniversary birthday apology category: 4 answers
22. Tell me a drink that might be served at a kid's birthday party.
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23. Name something you would find at a kid's birthday
Tort Cake Balloons Cheesecake
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tags: kids party birthday celebration food fun category: no points
24. Name an occasion when people might include some cash in a card.
birthday 77 wedding 10 graduation 9 christmas 2
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tags: birthday wedding graduation engagement anniversary category: 4 answers
25. Name Something Associated With Balloons
Air Clowns Party Colours String
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tags: party birthday celebration decoration kids category: no points
26. Name a good birthday gift for a fisherman
Wool Cap Rod Fishing Rod Pole Tilly Reel
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tags: outdoors fishing hobbies gifts birthday category: no points
27. Name an occasion when people gather to honour you
Birthday Funeral Graduation Retirement
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tags: birthday anniversary holiday promotion retirement funeral category: 4 answers
28. Name Something That Occurs Once A Year
Christmas Birthday New Years Eve
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tags: kids school birthday holidays animals plants category: no points
29. Name Something You Need When Making A Birthday Cake
Candles 18
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tags: baking cooking kids food birthday party category: fast money
30. Name Something You Might Do When You Make A Wish
Blow Out Candles Close Eyes Cross Fingers
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tags: luck wishes dreams stars birthday kids category: no points
31. Name something you might see at a kid's birthday party.
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tags: kids birthday toys games food cake category: 5 answers
32. Name an occasion when you would eat at a fancy restaurant.
Anniversary 50 Birthday 27 Date 8 Graduation 5
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tags: special occasion birthday anniversary graduation promotion category: 4 answers
33. Name something people use to make a wish.
Wishbone Well Star Candles Flower
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tags: kids school home birthday holiday food category: 5 answers
34. On Thanksgiving, Name Something Snooki Might Say She’s Thankful For.
new jersey 43 men 22 her hair 14 drinking 8 tanning 8 pickles 3
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tags: funny kids family food friends family gatherings category: 6 answers
35. Name Something A Kid Might Use To Slide Down The Stairs
pillow 29 cardboard box 22 blanket 21 behind 8 mattress 8 towel 8
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tags: kids family funny home family time toys category: 6 answers
36. Name something your kids get excited about long before it happens.
christmas 51 birthday 35 trip 8 start/end of school 3
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tags: family kids excitement anticipation childhood family time category: 4 answers
37. Job Around The House Couple Might Take Turns Doing
Dishes Laundry Cooking Take Out Trash
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tags: chores home kids family housework family-friendly category: no points
38. Name a holiday when the post office is closed.
christmas 60 4th of july 13 memorial day 7 new years 5 thanksgiving 4 veteran's day 3 labor day 3 president's birthday 3
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tags: holidays trivia family kids games family-friendly category: 8 answers
39. Name something specific families do together around the holidays.
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tags: family holidays traditions activities kids family-friendly category: no points
40. Name a good rainy day activity.
reading 29 board game 16
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tags: family entertainment indoors kids family-friendly boredom category: 2 answers
41. Name a sport you could still practice with a bad knee.
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tags: sports health family adults fun family-friendly category: no points
42. Name a gift people often get for teenagers.
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tags: family teenagers gifts family gatherings relationships category: no points
43. Name an occassion that all parents look forward to.
graduation 46 christmas 11 kid's moving out 8 birthdays 6 first day of school 6 anniversary 5 wedding 4 mother's 4
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tags: kids family family-friendly parents parenting category: 8 answers
44. other than santa name a character who stars in a christmas show
Frosty The Snowman Rudolph Writing Ebenezer Scrooge Crafts Grinch
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tags: holidays christmas family family fun entertainment category: no points
45. Name A Type Of Beverage You Are Allowed To Drink While Driving.
Soda Pop 39 Coffee 26 Water 19 Tea 7 Juice 3 Milk 2 Gatorade 2
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46. Name A Movie You’d Be Surprised To See A Teenage Boy Watching.
gone with the wind 23 high school musical 8
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47. Name a cliched gift for dad.
Tie Tools Socks Wallet Cologne
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tags: father's day funny family category: no points
48. name a reason why your partner calls you at work
Emergency Someone Is Sick To Say I Love You Plan For Dinner Skipping Class
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49. What do grandkids like to count on grandpa's face?
Wrinkles Spots Hairs Warts Crumbs
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50. Name something that’s bigger on Miss Universe than on Mr. Universe.
chest 44 hair 28 crown 21
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51. if you were in jail who would you call to bail you out
Sibling Significant Other Parent
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52. Name the best thing in life that's free
Feeling Amour Love True Love Romance
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53. What is the most common order a back-seat driver yells to the driver?
"slow down!" 46 "watch out!" 23 "stop!" 16 "turn here!" 7 "speed up!" 6
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54. Name the power that parents wouldn’t want their young children to have.
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55. Name a part of the body you'd be shocked to hear your grandmother got pierced
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tags: funny family grandparents category: no points
56. Name a reason someone might tell you to close your eyes.
surprise 79 kissing 4 sleep 3 playing game 3 doctor's office 3
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57. Name something a husband does when his wife tells him that she is pregnant.
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58. What makes Halloween exciting?
Candy Halloween costumes Trick or Treat Spooky decorations Haunted Houses
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59. Name a person who might call you by a childhood nickname even after you’ve outgrown it.
parent 52 old friend 24 grandparent 13 sibling 4
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60. When a naughty kid is sent to his room, name something he does to pass the time.
read a book 27 play games/toys 23 watch tv 19 sleep 6 use computer 6
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61. If You Were Married To A Pirate What Might You Often Receive For A Gift
gold coins 47 jewelry 16 parrot 14 eye patch 11 rum 9
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62. Name The Softest Thing In A Baby’s Room.
blanket 57 stuffed animal 17 pillow 15 baby's skin 7
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63. What's something you've fallen out of at least once in your life
Chair Bed Swing Love
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64. Tell me someone you've told to keep quiet
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65. Name a food that stains your teeth
Blueberries Coffee Smoking Wine Monsters
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66. After how many days do your in-laws wear out their welcome?
three 36 five 27 seven 16 four 6 two 6 one 3
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67. name something a teenager would hate to hear that he did just like his dad
Talk Romantic Movies Drive
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68. Name something families do at the beach that you would be surprised to see pirates doing.
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69. Name Something That Your Spouse Has Accused You Of “Stealing.”
money 54 their heart 24 left overs/dessert 9 a kiss 7 the tv remote 4
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70. According to men: Name the most annoying woman on daytime TV
Gifford Lee Gifford Winfrey Oprah Winfrey Kathie Lee Gifford
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tags: tv family entertainment funny category: no points
71. name something a little boy might do to imitate his dad
Pot Walk Like Him Talk Like Him Dress Like Him Shave
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72. We Asked 100 Men: Name Something Your Partner Will Never Do As Well as Mom.
Cook 54 Clean 25 Laundry 4 Take Care Of Me 3
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tags: family funny relationships mom men category: 4 answers
73. Name a reason why your eyes might tear up.
chopping onions 27 crying 24 allergies 18 sad 15 dirt in eyes 10 cold weather 6
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74. When Ordering A Pizza, Name Something Extra You Might Ask For.
Cheese 66
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tags: food kids funny family category: fast money
75. Name a type of salad people eat at a picnic.
potato 55 fruit 14
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76. Name a reason why a woman wouldn't like a pirate's life.
dirty 44 violence 34 dangerous 13 seasickness 9
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77. When someone gets a case of the giggles name something they blame it on.
another person 39 joke 25 being sleepy 11 alcohol 9 nervousness 8 sugar 5
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78. Name an animal you think of being black and white
Zebra Skunk Panda Penguin
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79. Name an occasion a woman thinks is important and a man thinks is a nuisance.
anniversary 62 valentine's day 18 cleaning house 4 wedding 3 birthday 3 mother's day 3 hair appointment 3
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tags: family relationships humor funny category: 7 answers
80. Name Something You Need To Play Scrabble.
letters 31 board 29
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81. Name someone who might give a speech on Easter.
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82. Name Something Specific About A Kid That Changes As They Get Older
Height 28
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83. Name A Way That People Spoil Their Pets.
give them treats 31 feed too much 20 sleep with them 15 buy them clothes 12 buy them toys 9
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84. Name a way that your friends would begin greeting you if you became a member of the royal family.
bow 39 your highness 30 sir/maam 16 your majesty 9 curtsy 6
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85. Name a food you could still eat even if you had no teeth.
soup 20 mashed potatos 15 jello 12 banana 12 apple sauce 8 pasta 8
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86. Name The Youngest Age A Person Should Get Married
20 18 25 21 22
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tags: marriage relationships family funny category: no points
87. Name something only a best friend would ask to borrow
Currency Wealth Cash Coinage
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88. What would a high school kid say a prayer before doing?
test 33 eating dinner 29 competing in sports 18 going to bed 5 asking for date 4
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89. Tell me a nickname someone might give their mother.
Mom Mommy Ma Mama
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90. Name Something You Do For Your Child, And Your Child Does For Her Imaginary Friend.
feed 65 talk 13 play with 13 read 4
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91. Name Something Moms Warn Their Children Will Make Them Catch A Cold
not wearing jacket 34 germs 26 not wearing shoes 15 no hat 7 wet head 5
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92. Name A Reason Why You Wouldn’t Invite Your Partner To Your Company Party.
Ugly 28
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tags: work party family funny category: fast money
93. Name a place you see men crying.
funeral 56 sporting event 8 hospital 7 home 6 church 5 wedding 4
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94. Name Something A Younger Brother Wants To Do
Drive Play Sports Dress Date Shave Stay Up Late Talk
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95. Name a specific chore that you cannot do without making a lot of noise.
vacuumming 61 dishes 16 laundry 10 mowing lawn 9
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96. Name a game that might start a fight between pirates.
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97. Name Something People Compete Over
dates 33 sports 31 money 13 jobs 10 games 4
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tags: family competition funny kids category: 5 answers
98. Name something a pirate might have wished on an enemy.
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99. Name something a child might throw a temper tantrum over.
toy 57 candy 22 bedtime 14 no getting their way 7
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100. Name your favorite disney animated movie.
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