The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Which Of Your Family Members Is Hardest To Shop For Around The Holidays?
mom 36 dad 24 spouse 16 grandparent 8 child 5
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tags: family holidays relationships funny category: 5 answers
2. Name The Youngest Age A Person Should Get Married
20 18 25 21 22
Answers are hidden.
tags: marriage relationships family funny category: no points
3. When is the worst day to break up with your partner?
Valentine's Day Birthday Wedding Day Anniversary Christmas Weekend
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships breakups family funny category: 6 answers
4. Name a specific type of family function that your partner doesn’t always want to attend.
reunion 45 wedding 34 funeral 9 birthday 7 dinner 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: family relationships humor funny category: 5 answers
5. You know a guy is really into you if he kisses your what?
Forehead/head 1 Cheek 1 Neck 1 Lips 1 Hand 1 Ears 1
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tags: relationships family funny hilarious category: 6 answers
6. Name someone in your life you've had to prove yourself to
Myself Mother Friend
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tags: relationships work family funny category: no points
7. Name something you'd never sell even if you were flat broke
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tags: family feud funny relationships category: no points
8. Name Someone Whose Phone Calls You Try To Avoid.
bill collector 40 telemarketer 22 parents 13 boss 10 in laws 7 your ex 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: family relationships communication funny category: 6 answers
9. Name A Person In Your Life Who It Would Be Unwise To Live With.
parent 43 boss 19 sibling 18 ex 10 best friend 5 boy/girlfriend 3
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tags: family home relationships funny category: 6 answers
10. Name something wives do to try to please their mother-in-law
Prepare Dinner Dinner Make Dinner
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tags: relationships family humor funny category: no points
11. Name a word some people use to describe their mother-in-law
Witch Bat Prying Vampire Bat Probing Nosy Hag
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tags: family relationships humor funny category: no points
12. Name The Person Who You Most Try To Avoid Having An Argument With.
partner 47 parent 36 boss 8 child 3
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tags: relationships family funny communication category: 4 answers
13. Name Something Your Husband Would Like To Get Rid Of.
ball & chain 43 extra pounds 28 debt 13 pets 11
Answers are hidden.
tags: marriage relationships funny family category: 4 answers
14. Name another word for "father."
Dad Papa Daddy Pop
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tags: family relationships kids funny category: no points
15. Name an occasion a woman thinks is important and a man thinks is a nuisance.
anniversary 62 valentine's day 18 cleaning house 4 wedding 3 birthday 3 mother's day 3 hair appointment 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: family relationships humor funny category: 7 answers
16. According to men: When you see a woman smiling, name something she is probably smiling about.
men 52 jokes 9 shopping 9 looks 8 money 6 happiness 5
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tags: women men relationships family funny category: 6 answers
17. Name a compliment men like to receive.
good looking 46 nice body 19 nice hair 9 nice tie 5 look young 4 nice car 4 nice dresser 4
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tags: compliments family funny men relationships category: 7 answers
18. What Might Some Women Love More Than Their Spouse
children 36 money 23 shopping 12 shoes 9 pet 8 chocolate 4 jewelry 3
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tags: relationships family marriage funny kids category: 7 answers
19. What is something Dad always teases Mom about
Fat Weight Her Weight Large Rotund
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tags: family relationships parents humor funny category: no points
20. When a couple decides to cancel their wedding, who gets the first call?
the parents 61 preacher/church 17 the caterer 15 wedding planner 3 the bridal party 2
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tags: family weddings relationships funny adults category: 5 answers
21. Tell Me How Old A Woman Is Before She Starts Lying About Her Age. # Only
41 30 35
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tags: relationships family funny trivia women age category: no points
22. We asked 100 married men...In a word, why did you get married
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tags: relationships marriage family love funny category: no points
23. Name something a man owns that he doesn't like his wife to use.
his razor 50 his car/truck 24 his tools 13 his underwear 5
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tags: adults family relationships marriage funny category: 4 answers
24. If Women Designed The Perfect Man, Name A Trait He Might Have
Compassion Honesty Good Sense Of Humor Beautiful Eyes
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tags: relationships humor family dating funny category: no points
25. who in your partners life were you most nervous to meet
Ex Best Friend Mug Parents Siblings
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tags: family relationships first impressions nerves funny category: no points
26. We asked 100 married women: Name something you might avoid telling your husband that you lost
Credit Card Money Wedding Wedding Ring
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tags: secrets relationships marriage family funny category: no points
27. name a place youd expect even a tough guy to be crying
Wedding Library Home Sappy Movie Funeral
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tags: relationships body family emotions funny category: no points
28. Name a possession of yours they'd never try to bury you with.
jewelry 29 car/truck 24 money 20 pet 7 tv 5 computer 3
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tags: funny family possessions humor relationships category: 6 answers
29. If You Were The Incredible Hulk, Tell Me What Part Of Your Day Would Most Likely Turn You Into A Monster.
shopping 30 work 25 driving 19 cleaning 14 paying bills 9
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tags: family daily life relationships funny category: 5 answers
30. Name a reason why a spouse might end up spending the night on the couch
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tags: family kids hilarious funny relationships category: no points
31. Name a superhero who would make a good spouse.
Superman Batman Spiderman Cat Woman Wolverine
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tags: relationships superheroes family marriage funny category: 5 answers
32. Name Something Your Child Knows About You That You Hope Shes Not Telling Strangers
age 42 weight 26 address 12 phone number 6 income 4 drinking habits 3 sleep naked 3
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tags: kids funny family relationships parenting category: 7 answers
33. Name Something You Might Know Your Partner’s Password For
e mail 40 computer 23 bank account 20 credit card 7 voice mail 4
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tags: family relationships humor kids funny category: 5 answers
34. Name a habit that people try to break for their significant others.
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tags: relationships habits family couples funny category: no points
35. We surveyed 100 men...Name something specific no one can do as well as your mother could
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tags: family relationships mothers humor funny category: no points
36. Name The Most Important Part Of A Wedding Ceremony
exchange rings 28 minister 21
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tags: marriage wedding relationships family funny category: 2 answers
37. Name a place you would not want to be trapped with your significant other, no matter how much you loved them.
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships funny family love awkward category: no points
38. On A Scale From 1-10, How Good Are You At Keeping A Secret?
10 31 5 28 8 21 9 18
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tags: relationships family social communication funny category: 4 answers
39. Name the person you feel most guilty lying to.
parent 56 significant other 22 children 11 myself 3 dentist 2 best friend 2
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tags: relationships family honesty trust funny category: 6 answers
40. Name A Woman In A Man’s Life Who His Wife Might Not Get Along With.
mother 53 ex 17 administrative assistant 11 sister 7 female friend 5 daughter 3
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tags: relationships family women jealousy funny category: 6 answers
41. Name A Person You Wouldn’t Want To Get Tipsy In Front Of.
parent 42 boss 41 pastor 7 police officer 4 in laws 4
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tags: relationships family embarrassing moments funny category: 5 answers
42. Name Something A Single Man Does A Lot More Of Than A Married Man
Date 31
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tags: single relationships funny hilarious family category: fast money
43. name something people promise to their partners
Fidelity Love Forever Soda Marriage Financial Stability
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tags: relationships marriage family funny hilarious category: no points
44. Name something men say they hate to give when they get married.
freedom 64 partying 8 friends 8 other women 6 money 2
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tags: marriage relationships humor funny family category: 5 answers
45. Name Something Husbands Will Admit That They Borrow From Their Wives
money 67 car 18 razor 9 socks 4
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tags: relationships marriage family funny borrowing category: 4 answers
46. Who Would Santa Claus Not Invite To His Christmas Party?
Grinch Naughty Kids
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tags: adults family funny party relationships category: no points
47. We surveyed 100 married women...Name something you wish your husband was an expert at doing.
fixing things/car 36 housework/laundry 16 cooking 13 making money 10 making love 7 driving 4 take care of kids 3 yard work 3
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tags: relationships marriage humor family funny category: 8 answers
48. We Asked 100 Wives: If Your Husband Were The Incredible Hulk, Tell Me What Would Turn Him Into A Monster.
Money/Bills 36 Chores/Nagging 22 Jealousy 15 No/Bad Food 13 Naughty Kids 6 Traffic 4
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tags: funny family marriage relationships hypothetical category: 6 answers
49. Name A Fact About A New Boyfriend That A Woman Might Wait To Tell Her Parents.
his age 46 his job 21 old relationships 18 criminal record 6
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tags: relationships family parenting awkward funny category: 4 answers
50. Name a gift from their husbands that wives have to sometimes pretend to like.
clothes 49 appliance 15 jewelry 15 flowers 4 candy 4 sporting goods 3
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tags: gifts family relationships humor funny category: 6 answers
51. Name someone you don't mind your spouse kissing.
Mother Kids Sibling Pet Grandmother Myself
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tags: family relationships entertainment funny adults category: 6 answers
52. Some men are placing want ads for wives. Name one of the job requirements that might be listed.
housekeeping 23 pretty 10 loving 9
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tags: family marriage humor relationships funny category: 3 answers
53. Name A Reason Why A Woman Calls Her Husband While He’s Out.
check on him 34 pick something up 26 he's late 22 emergency/sick 7
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tags: family relationships humor marriage funny category: 4 answers
54. Tell me something you would not want to say to your mom on mother's day.
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tags: family relationships mothers funny adults category: no points
55. Name a Hollywood's biggest "Mama's Boy".
ashton kutcher 17 george clooney 16 tom cruise 15 sean combs 10 michael jackson 9 will smith 7 adam sandler 5
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tags: celebrity family actors relationships funny category: 7 answers
56. Name Someone Youd Hate To Show Up Late At Your Wedding
groom 36 bride 35 clergy 17 best man 6 father 5
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tags: family funny wedding tardiness relationships category: 5 answers
57. According to women: Name something your husband hates about your friends
Newsmongering Rumors Gossip Nightclub Backchat Empty Talk Going Out
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tags: relationships marriage friends family funny category: no points
58. Name a gift your partner would not appreciate receiving.
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tags: relationships gifts family humor funny category: 6 answers
59. what might your partner be doing while talking to you that makes them hard to understand
Brushing Teeth Eating Mumbling Drinking
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tags: conversation communication family relationships funny category: no points
60. Name something a guy hates giving up in a divorce.
money 47 house 27 children/wife 9 car 7 half 5 dog 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships divorce family children funny category: 6 answers
61. We Asked 100 Husbands: Name Something Your Wife Spends More Money On Than You Do.
Clothes 58 Hair Products 27 Make Up 7 Jewelry 4
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tags: funny family money relationships marriage category: 4 answers
62. Name a way you wish your spouse was more like your dog.
obedient 31 loyal/faithful 19 affection/loving 18 happy 9 quiet 5 begs 5
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tags: relationships family dogs animals funny category: 6 answers
63. Name An Insulting Thing Someone Might Do With A Gift You Sent Them.
throw it away 30 take back 27 re-gift 17
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tags: kids funny family relationships gifts category: 3 answers
64. unlike his jacket name a part of your husbands suit that you wouldnt borrow even if you were cold
Tie Shirt Pants Iq
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tags: clothes fashion family relationships funny category: no points
65. Tell me the worst thing people pawn when they need money.
jewelry 74 television 8 family heirlooms 6 wallet 2 cd player 2 guitar 2
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tags: hilarious family money relationships funny category: 6 answers
66. Name something a couple might argue about around the holidays.
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tags: family relationships holidays food funny category: no points
67. Name something wives complain that their husbands can never remember.
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tags: relationships family marriage love funny category: no points
68. In One Word, What’s The Best Thing About Being Married?
Love 44 Intimacy 34 Companionship 10 Money/Security 6 Kids 3
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tags: relationships family marriage funny kids category: 5 answers
69. According to women: What would you miss most if men disappeared from Earth
Romance Passion Amour Involvement Affair Adoration Love
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tags: women family humor men relationships funny category: no points
70. Name Something A Caveman Might Do To Impress A Cavewoman
kill dinosaur 36 beat his chest 21 make fire 14 bring her meat 14 pull her by the hair 9
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tags: humor funny family animals relationships category: 5 answers
71. We Asked 100 Married People: Name The Thing That Your Spouse Most Often Complains About.
Money 49 Lack Of Intimacy 20 Dinner 8 Snoring 8 Work 7 Doing Housework 6
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tags: relationships marriage family communication funny category: 6 answers
72. Name someone you lie to because they cannot handle the truth
Significant Other Wife Life Partner Other Partner Husband
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tags: relationships family personal funny adults category: no points
73. he may forget their anniversary but name something a man would never forget about his wife
Birthday Eye Color Name
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tags: relationships marriage family anniversaries funny category: no points
74. We Asked 100 Husbands! Name A Subject Your Wife Likes To Be The Expert On.
Cooking 33 Intimacy 20 Money 19 Parenting 16 Fashion 4 Cleaning 4
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tags: relationships family marriage humor funny category: 6 answers
75. Name Something A Man Does That Gets Him In The Doghouse With His wife.
Infidelity Lie Stay Out Late Go Out Drinking Forget A Birthday Have An Argument Forget Anniversary
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tags: family marriage humor relationships funny category: no points
76. What Profession Would You Want Your Mate To Have Just Because Itd Be Useful Around The House
plumber 27 carpenter 25 doctor 15 housekeeper 13 chef 7 electrician 5 mechanic 5
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tags: home family relationships humor funny category: 7 answers
77. We asked 100 married men…Name something you wouldn't dare buy without first asking your wife
Clothes Catnip Furniture Jewelry Car Tools
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tags: relationships marriage humor funny family category: no points
78. We asked 100 wives: Name something in the house that your husband could go a month without washing
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tags: relationships family marriage humor funny category: no points
79. Name someone you know better than to interrupt when they're talking to you.
mother 32 boss 24 spouse 18 police officer 11 judge 3 teacher 2 neighbor 2 grandmother 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: family relationships communication manners funny category: 8 answers
80. Name the biggest challenge of being married.
staying married 18 compromise 11 money 9 communication 7 getting alone 7 romance alive 5 spouse 4
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tags: relationships marriage family funny kids category: 7 answers
81. Name something a wife doesn't like to see her husband doing on his day off
Wants Slippers Video Game Golfing Nothing Watching Tv
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tags: relationships marriage humor funny family category: no points
82. We surveyed 100 married men...Name something about your wife you wouldn't dare criticize
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tags: marriage relationships humor funny family category: no points
83. Name Something Specific About Your Parenting That Your Mother-In-Law Thinks You Should Do Differently
Discipline Children’s Eating Children’s Dress Bed Time Teach Manners
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tags: parenting family advice relationships funny category: no points
84. Name someone who might scold you for not seeing them often enough.
Parents Grandparents Spouse Healthcare Professional
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tags: family friends relationships funny kids category: 4 answers
85. Tell me a word you’d use to describe someone who is heartless.
cold 33 mean 21 cruel 17 evil 12 ruthless 7 wicked 5
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tags: family funny adults relationships hilarious category: 6 answers
86. Name someone you might have as an emergency contact.
parents 49 spouse 40 siblings 6 children 5
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tags: family relationships adults kids funny category: 4 answers
87. Name someone a man relies on for advice.
wife 30 soul mate 30 matriarch 30 lover 30 housewife 30 girlfriend 30 companion 30 spouse 30 chum 20 best friend 20 buddy 20 friend 20 pal 20 comrade 20 amigo 20 mum 15 mother 15 mama 15 father 13 papa 13 dad 13 pop 13 vicar 3 reverend 3 priest 3 parson 3 bishop 3 clergy 3 minister 3 pastor 3 shrink 2 therapist 2 psychiatrist 2 analyst 2 alienist 2
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tags: family relationships advice father funny category: 35 answers
88. What Event Might Someone Attend Without Their Spouse That Would Make You Think They Broke Up?
wedding 52 party 32 reunion 6 christmas 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: family relationships marriage breakups funny category: 4 answers
89. If voodoo dolls really worked, name a person from your life you'd stick a pin in from time to time.
an ex 19 spouse 18 boss/ex boss 15 sibling 12 the in-laws 12 a friend 6
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tags: funny family relationships humor adults category: 6 answers
90. We asked 100 married women: Which one of your husband's relatives do you like the least
Sister Water Melted H... Black Hat She's Ugly Wants Slippers
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tags: family relationships marriage humor funny category: no points
91. Name a reason a man might brag about his spouse.
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tags: relationships marriage family couples funny category: no points
92. Name something women don't like to do with their husbands.
shop 54 watch/play sports 19 argue 6 make love 5 watch movie/tv 3
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tags: family relationships marriage humor funny category: 5 answers
93. According to men: Name something you would be lost without
Girlfriend Lover Soul Mate Housewife Wife Matriarch Companion
Answers are hidden.
tags: family relationships home essentials funny category: no points
94. Name something couples in serious relationships do.
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tags: relationships couples family adults funny category: no points
95. tell me a way to get exactly what you want for your birthday
Body Language Telepathy Ask Cry Make A List Buy It Yourself Give Hints
Answers are hidden.
tags: birthdays family persuasion relationships funny category: no points
96. We surveyed 100 married women...If you didn't cook for your husband, what would he do?
cook for himself 40 order out 35 complain/get mad 10 starve 10 go to his mom's 3
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tags: relationships marriage humor family funny category: 5 answers
97. Name someone you would never want to have as a third-wheel on a date.
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tags: relationships dating family funny hilarious category: no points
98. name the last person who youd want to catch you smooching someone
Partner Parent Haircut Ex
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tags: family funny friends embarrassing awkward relationships category: no points
99. Name A Place You Would Go With Your Wife Just To Make Her Stop Nagging
shopping center 36 restaurant 23 movie theater 17 place of worship 8 hawii 5 ballet 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage humor family funny adults category: 6 answers
100. We Asked 100 Husbands: If Your Wife Is Staring At You Over A Holiday Dinner, What Might She Be Telling You With Her Look
I Love You 38 Your In Trouble 23 Let’s Leave 13 Stop Talking 10 Help Out/Dishes 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage holiday family communication funny category: 5 answers
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