The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name a christmas gift that would be good for both a boy and a girl.
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tags: kids family christmas gifts boys girls category: no points
2. name something a boy might give his prom date upon picking her up
Bouquet Corsage
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tags: prom romance boys gifts flowers jewelry category: no points
3. Name A Good Birthday Gift For A Kid Who Wants To Be A Cowboy.
hat 44 boots 21
Answers are hidden.
4. Name something you wouldn't like to receive as a birthday gift.
clothes 43 cash 13 appliances 12 bills 10 nothing 9 vacuum cleaner 7 books 6
Answers are hidden.
5. If You Were Friends With Nancy Drew, What Might You Buy For Her Birthday?
magnifying glass 42 book 38 notebook 5 pen 5 flashlight 4 detectives hat 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: mystery friendship birthday gifts category: 6 answers
6. Name a good birthday gift for a fisherman
Wool Cap Rod Fishing Rod Pole Tilly Reel
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tags: outdoors fishing hobbies gifts birthday category: no points
7. Name a disney character a boy might dress as for halloween.
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8. Name a toy boys traditionally get at christmas.
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9. Name A Type Of Poster A YearOld Boy Might Have On His
movie/tv star 20 their favorite band 14 sports 12 pro wrestling 7 superhero 4
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10. Name A Present A Boy Might Ask For That Most Parents Would Never Give
Gun 57
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11. Give me a boy's name that starts with 'C'.
Charles 49 Christopher 28 Carl 10 Calvin 8 Collin 5
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12. Name a toy you might find in a little boy's room
Truck Teddy Cars
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13. Tell me an age when girls start thinking about boys.(Numeric only)
12 27 13 26 10 12 14 11 11 7 6 5 5 5
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tags: relationships family girls boys kids category: 7 answers
14. Name a way you might be able to tell a woman is really a man in drag
Adam’s Apple Deep Voice Facial Hair Hands Muscles Hairy Legs Bone Structure
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15. Name a requirement for someone who wants to be in a boy band
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tags: entertainment music boys band category: no points
16. Name something that little boys hate being told to do
Eat Vegetables Bedtime Clean Room
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tags: kids funny boys school chores food category: no points
17. Name an animal little boys use to frighten girls
Frog Serpent Spider Snake Toad Bullfrog
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tags: animals kids funny boys girls childhood category: no points
18. Tell me a boy's name that starts with the letter "M"
Matthew Marvin Mark Martin Michael Manuel Mario
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tags: school work kids family boys funny category: no points
19. Name a game little boys play that they don't want girls to join in
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tags: kids family boys girls games childhood category: no points
20. Tell Me The Age When Boys Stop Playing With Stuffed Animals
3 8 4 9 5 11 6 10 7 22 8 19 10 15
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tags: kids family boys childhood toys development category: 7 answers
21. Person Young Boys Have A Crush On
Teacher Babysitter Girl Next Door
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tags: kids school funny crushes boys people category: no points
22. Name The Age That A Boy First Becomes Interested In Girls.
13 37 12 33 10 15 14 11
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tags: dating girls love relationships boys category: 4 answers
23. Name a superhero or heroine that makes teenage boys excited.
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tags: superheroes entertainment fictional teenagers boys category: no points
24. Name A Type Of Poster A 13-Year-Old Boy Might Have On His Wall
Their Favorite Band Movie/TV Star Pro Wrestling Superhero
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tags: teens boys posters home sports music category: no points
25. Tell Me Something A Man Teaches His Son To Do
play ball 34 fish/hunt 23 shave 15 drive 13 ride a bike 8 use a bathroom 4
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tags: family tradition fatherhood parenting wisdom boys category: 6 answers
26. Name Something You Might Use To Decorate A Party
Balloons Streamers Glitter
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tags: kids birthday decorations balloons category: no points
27. Tell Me A Decoration You Might See At Someone’s Birthday Party
balloons 48 streamers 7
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tags: birthday party decorations kids category: 2 answers
28. On His th Birthday What Would A Mom Hate To Hear Her Son Say Mom Im
moving out 31 getting married 25 going to be a dad 19 dropping out 10 joining military 5
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29. Name A Common Gag Gift At An “Over The Hill” Birthday Party.
cane 45 diapers 31 black balloons 9 glasses 4
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30. Name something you might blow out.
candle 61 car tire 23 air 5 balloon 3
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31. Name something you would find at a kid's birthday
Tort Cake Balloons Cheesecake
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tags: kids party birthday celebration food fun category: no points
32. name something a baby cant do at her own birthday party
Have A Drink Eat Cake Blow Out Candles Open Presents Make Small Talk Sing Along Cut The Cake
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tags: kids funny hilarious birthday party category: no points
33. Name Something Associated With Balloons
Air Clowns Party Colours String
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tags: party birthday celebration decoration kids category: no points
34. Tell me a drink that might be served at a kid's birthday party.
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35. Name a beverage that is served at a kid's birthday party
Kool-aid Punch Tonic Water Aid Pop Kool Aid Fruit Punch
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tags: kids food funny hilarious birthday category: no points
36. Name something a baby will not remember about their first birthday party
Guests Presents/toys Alcohol Cake The Party
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37. Something On Top Of Most Birthday Cakes
Candles Frosting Lettering
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38. Besides Christmas, name a reason you might send someone a greeting card
Hospital Illness Day Birthday Love Day Easter Valentine's Day
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tags: holidays birthday anniversary sympathy category: no points
39. Name A Reason You Might Send Someone A Card
Birthday Christmas New Baby Sympathy New Job Get Well
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tags: family friends celebration birthday category: no points
40. Name An Occasion For Which Men Buy Gifts For Their Wives
anniversary 46 birthday 30 valentine's day 7 christmas 4 wedding 3
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tags: anniversary birthday christmas valentines day category: 5 answers
41. Name an occasion on which you might send a love letter.
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tags: valentine's day anniversary birthday apology category: 4 answers
42. Name Something That Occurs Once A Year
Christmas Birthday New Years Eve
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tags: kids school birthday holidays animals plants category: no points
43. Name something you might see at a kid's birthday party.
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tags: kids birthday toys games food cake category: 5 answers
44. Name Something You Need When Making A Birthday Cake
Candles 18
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tags: baking cooking kids food birthday party category: fast money
45. Name Something A Baby Can’t Do On Own At Birthday Party
Blow Out Candles Sing Eat Open Presents Cut Cake Drink Make Small Talk
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tags: babies birthday kids funny family party category: no points
46. Name something people use to make a wish.
Wishbone Well Star Candles Flower
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tags: kids school home birthday holiday food category: 5 answers
47. Name A Reason Why You Wouldn’t Have Cake On Your Birthday.
On A Diet 43 Allergic 20 Don’t Celebrate 15 Too Old 12 Don’t Like cake 5 Diabetic 3
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tags: food kids funny birthday cake health category: 6 answers
48. Name a good place to take kids for a birthday party
Roller Coaster Diner Cafeteria Six Flags Restaurant Kid's
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tags: kids family birthday celebration entertainment party category: no points
49. Name Something You Might Do When You Make A Wish
Blow Out Candles Close Eyes Cross Fingers
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tags: luck wishes dreams stars birthday kids category: no points
50. Name an occasion when you know people will say nice things about you.
birthday 39 wedding 29 funeral 16 anniversary 2 return from war 2 graduation 2
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tags: family friends birthday anniversary funeral category: 6 answers
51. Name an occasion when people might include some cash in a card.
birthday 77 wedding 10 graduation 9 christmas 2
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tags: birthday wedding graduation engagement anniversary category: 4 answers
52. What gift might a cat want for its birthday?
Mouse Catnip Fish Kitten Bird Affection
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tags: animals pets birthday presents funny category: 6 answers
53. Name an occasion when you would eat at a fancy restaurant.
Anniversary 50 Birthday 27 Date 8 Graduation 5
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tags: special occasion birthday anniversary graduation promotion category: 4 answers
54. Name an occasion when people gather to honour you
Birthday Funeral Graduation Retirement
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tags: birthday anniversary holiday promotion retirement funeral category: 4 answers
55. Name something you might need to wrap a gift.
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56. Name something you might buy for a baby shower.
Diaper Clothes Blanket Rattle Toy Stroller
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57. Name A Reason People Return Gifts
Don't Like It Wrong Size Already Have Broken / Faulty Unsuitable Ungrateful
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58. Name a gift that's hard to return.
clothing/shoes 45 food 12 jewelry 11 money 7 car 6 toaster 4 pet 4
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59. Name A Gift Children Create At School And Give Their Parents.
cards 40 ornament 20
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60. Name a cliched gift for mom.
Flowers Jewelry Perfume Purse Kitchenware Cookbook
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61. Name something you would hate to receive as a Christmas present.
socks 27 fruit cake 18 coal 16 underwear 13 sweater 11 vacuum 10
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62. Name A Present People Give Their Grandfather
Watch MIT Shorts
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tags: family gifts grandparents kids category: no points
63. Name a gift a pirate might appreciate.
Eyepatch Gold Sword Rum Parrot
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64. Name a common Christmas gift.
Toys 30 Clothes 25 Electronics 20 Gift cards 15 Jewelry 10
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65. Name someone a little kid might share their christmas list with.
Santa Parents Grandparents Siblings Friends Teachers
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66. Name something you would see in a pirate themed gift shop.
Eyepatch Sword Hat Parrot Hook Ship
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67. Name a color you would expect to see when looking at a christmas present.
Red Green Silver Blue Gold
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68. Name a present you might give someone for their 18th birthday
Alcohol Watch Key Jewelry Car
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69. Name something expecting mothers get at their baby showers.
Diapers Clothes Stroller Blankets Crib
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tags: gifts family friends kids hilarious category: no points
70. Name a gift you might give to a surfer
Wax Surf Wax Swimming Trunks Board Bathing Suit Surfboard Swim Shorts
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71. Name a gift kids hate to get.
clothes 56 socks 30 books 5 school supplies 3 a bath 3 pajamas 2 coal 1
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72. What Are You Always Disappointed To Find In Your Chirstmas Stocking.
Coal 35
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tags: christmas gifts family kids funny category: fast money
73. Name a gift that might be insulting to receive on Xmas
Gym membership/gym equipment 28 Deodorant/soap 22 Toothbrush 21 Self-help book 10 Cookbook 9 Secondhand/Regifted item 8
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74. Name Something About His Job That Santa Claus Might Brag About
flying reindeer 36 generosity 21 works once a year 12 world travel 11 paid in cookies 8 fancy sleigh 6 efficiency 4
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75. Name a gift teenagers enjoy receiving
Clothes Music Money IPod
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76. Name A Gift Children Create At School
Cards 40
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tags: school kids crafts gifts handmade category: fast money
77. Name A Gift Thats great To Give To Children If You Dont Live With Them
drum 30 candy 22 dog 16 horn 12 guitar 10 toy gun 7
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tags: gifts kids family distance children category: 6 answers
78. Name something that’s sold at an airport gift shop.
Postcards 29 Magazine 19 Candy 15 Newspaper 15 Books 10 Food 5 Greeting cards 5
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tags: travel souvenirs gifts airports kids category: 7 answers
79. Name something people argue about on valentine’s day.
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tags: relationships gifts expectations kids funny category: no points
80. Name A Gift That Fathers Receive On Fathers Day
Socks Tie Aftershave Handkerchief Slippers
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81. Name a specific gift people give that they have made themselves.
food 48 sweater 11 card 11 afghan 10 drawing 6 photo album 3
Answers are hidden.
82. Name something you would hate to get as a Christmas gift.
socks 27 fruit cake 18 coal 16 underwear 13 sweater 11 vacuum 10 appliances 5
Answers are hidden.
83. Name common gift kids receive when their Grandparents visit.
cash 40 clothes 25 candy 15 toys 13 books 7
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tags: family grandparents kids gifts food category: 5 answers
84. Name something SPECIFIC your mom is always sure to give you for Christmas.
socks 37 money 19 underwear 17 candy/cookies 11 pajamas 9 guilt trip 3
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85. Name a gift a farmer might want for christmas.
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86. Name An Insulting Thing Someone Might Do With A Gift You Sent Them.
throw it away 30 take back 27 re-gift 17
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tags: kids funny family relationships gifts category: 3 answers
87. Name A Way To Avoid Spending A Lot On Christmas Gifts
Homemade Sales Set A Budget Re-Gift Discount Stores
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88. Name A Good Gift For A Stamp Collector.
stamp 42 album 37
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89. Name a gift a psychic might want for christmas.
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tags: gifts christmas paranormal category: no points
90. Name something a coupld might spend money on for their fiftieth anniversary.
second honeymoon 63 fancy dinner 13 big party 8 diamond 4 wine 2 renew vows 2
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tags: anniversary couples gifts category: 6 answers
91. Besides Weights, Name A Good Gift For A Body Builder
Nuts Poles Body Oil Pretzels
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92. Name A Talent That Can’t Be Learned, But That You Must Be Born With
singing 55 dancing 27 drawing 11 sports 3
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93. Name something a teenager might want for christmas.
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94. Name A Gift That Works Well As A Stocking Stuffer
candy 46 socks 24 cd 13 dvd 4 jewelry 3 toothbrush 3
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95. Name a christmas gift that might be difficult to ship.
Car Bicycle Pet Television Alcohol
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96. Name something a superhero might receive from a fan.
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tags: superheroes fans gifts category: no points
97. Other Thank Family And Friends, Name A Person You Give A Gift Or Tip To During The Holidays
Coworker 50 Mail Carrier 28 Teacher 11 Newspaper Delivery 6 Hairdresser 3
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98. Name A Good Gift For Someone Who Takes A Lot Of Photographs.
film 44 camera 26 album 21
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tags: photography gifts hobbies category: 3 answers
99. Name Something A Child Might Do For Or Give Santa.
milk and cookies 67 write letter 12
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tags: kids christmas santa claus gifts holiday category: 2 answers
100. Name a word that might be used to describe a child’s face on christmas morning.
Surprised Happy Excited Glowing
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids christmas family funny gifts toys category: no points
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