The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name Something Kid Takes If Planning To Run Away
Clothes Food Money Bedding Toys Backpack Bike
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tags: travel school clothes money food toys category: no points
2. Name Something That Still Fits Even If You Put On A Few Extra Pounds
shoes 28 hat 17 socks 17 stretch pants 13 sweats 1 underware/bra 7
Answers are hidden.
3. Name something you get into and out of every day.
Bed Car Shower Clothes
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4. Name something a mom would not want her kids touching if they had chocolate on their hands.
Clothes 51 Furniture 26 Walls 10 Carpet 9 Anything 4 Towels Fridge Dog Remote
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tags: house clothes computer walls furniture art category: 9 answers
5. Name Something That People Can Either Rent Or Buy
House 45
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tags: house car clothes furniture books movies category: fast money
6. Name something you can rent.
vehicle 38 jalopy 38 car 38 truck 38 van 38 automobile 38 cinema 33 movies 33 films 33 manor 18 house 18 plantation 18 estate 18 dwelling 18 real estate 18 condo 18 bungalow 18 mansion 18 sofa 5 table 5 chair 5 furniture 5 bed 5 desk 5 couch 5 bookshelf 5 tenement 5 loft 5 flat 5 apartment 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: belongings house car equipment clothes animals category: 30 answers
7. Name something people often buy on credit.
car 52 house 16 clothes 11 furniture 9 appliances 7 gasoline 5
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tags: house car appliances jewelry furniture clothes category: 6 answers
8. Name another word for "dirty".
Filthy Messy Nasty Dingy Unclean
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tags: clothes body house objects hair face category: no points
9. Tell me something you would trade in for a better one if you could.
car 50 house 20 spouse 15 dog 10 children 5
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tags: work school family food pets clothes category: 5 answers
10. Name something that has a string on it
Guitar Play Guitar Kite Six String Balloon Yo-yo
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tags: work kids food school clothes sports category: no points
11. Besides clothes, name something that has a zipper.
purse 24 backpack 22 sandwich bags 11 pillows 10 shoes 9 sleeping bag 8
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tags: clothes school work hospital animals food category: 6 answers
12. Name something a man might not have anymore after a divorce.
money 43 wife 24 house 22 children 3
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tags: marriage kids pets house money friends category: 4 answers
13. Which home appliance can get hot?
Iron box Oven Heater Toaster Dryer
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tags: fast money house kitchen appliances home category: fast money
14. Name A Reason A Person Might Not Have A Pet.
Allergic 35
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tags: pets family house allergies time money category: fast money
15. Name someone you see on a regular basis who charges too much.
doctor 28 gas station 16 dentist 9 hair dresser 7 supermarket 4 convenience store 3
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tags: work school food hospital money funny category: 6 answers
16. Name something that when you get it means nothing, but when you don't you get angry.
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tags: work school sleep food money funny category: 6 answers
17. When do people post flyers?
Parties Missing pets Garage sale Promoting business Announcing workshops or festivals
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tags: fast money school work animals food family friends category: fast money
18. Tell Me Something You’d Be Nervous About Loaning To A Friend
money 48 car 34
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tags: money valuables car tools clothes pets category: 2 answers
19. Name something you might wear in winter that you wouldn't wear in summer.
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20. Name something you might find under people's beds
Moccasins Dust Bunnies Shoes Bunnies
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tags: funny kids animals toys clothes money category: no points
21. Name something a younger sister might hide if she didn't want her older sister to go out on a date
Sneakers Fashions Fabric Dresses Styles Shoes Wool
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tags: kids school work clothes makeup phone category: no points
22. name something you wear that you cant forget to zip
Pants Rollers Jacket Shower Cap Purse
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tags: clothes school work funny kids adults category: no points
23. Name something you can't wait to get out of at the end of your day.
Shoes Work Doing Dishes Cooking
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tags: work school clothes kids hilarious relatable category: 4 answers
24. Name an occasion for which you might wear lucky underwear.
Hot Date 2 Job Interview 2 Casino/Gambling 1 Sporting Event 2 Wedding/Night 1 Anniversary 1 Valentine’s Day 2 Exam/Finals 1
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tags: luck underwear special occasions clothes funny work school interview animals parties category: 8 answers
25. Name Something That Might Be Lying On A Teenagers Floor
clothes 39 shoes 18 books 15 food 12 magazines 4 cd's 4 trash 4
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tags: teens school clothes food homework category: 7 answers
26. Name a stain children get on their clothes
Grass Grime Soil Cut Grass Mow Lawn Lawn
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27. Name Name Something You Bring With You Everywhere
Money Cell Phone ID| Keys Ipod
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tags: places kids clothes pets food work category: no points
28. Name Something A Wrestler Would Probably Never Wear During A Match?
Suit Shirt Jewelry Dress Tutu Glasses Pants
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tags: clothes jewelry school animals food funny category: no points
29. Name something you wish people wouldn't borrow
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tags: household clothes library food school funny category: no points
30. Name Something Parents Nag Their Kids About.
Cleaning Their Room 50
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tags: chores school food clothes bedtime friends category: fast money
31. Name something that doesn't stay clean for long after wash it
Towels Body Kitchen Floor Car Clothes
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tags: kids clothes school food plants animals category: no points
32. Name something that comes in small, medium, and large.
clothes 60 drinks 23 people 6 fries 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: family food clothes office school grocery category: 4 answers
33. Name Something A Teen Might Take Off Before Going To Grandma’s House For Dinner.
makeup 38 hat 32 piercing 13 shoes 9 hoodie 3
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tags: school friends clothes makeup food technology category: 5 answers
34. Name Something That Starts With L, That Everyone Wants
Love Luck Looks
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tags: kids food school plants clothes animals category: no points
35. Name something minor that to a teenager seems like a major disaster
Zits Whiteheads Acne Blemishes Pimples Blackheads Hug
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tags: school social media crush friends clothes food category: no points
36. Name a good college major if you want to make a lot of money
Medicine Business Programming Administration Medical School Computers Mba
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37. Name something only a compulsively neat person irons.
undergarments 42 socks 21 linens 19 shirts 7
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38. Name something that keeps a person from getting a college degree.
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39. Name something students sell to raise money for a class trip
Suckers Lollipops Brownies Candy Sweets Licorice
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tags: school kids fundraising money work category: no points
40. Name Something You Might Keep In An Envelope
Letter Money Stamps A Card A Photo
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41. Name Something That People Go Through A Lot Of Obstacles In Order To Get
job 38 money 23 love/married 18 degree 8 driver's license 5 house 4
Answers are hidden.
42. Name Something People Do With Pennies.
Save Them 68 Throw In A Fountain 12 Roll Them Up 9 Throw Them Away 3 Spend Them 3
Answers are hidden.
43. Name a tradesperson who helps build a house.
carpenter 38 builder 32 plumber 10 bricklayer 10 electrician 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: work job house building kids family category: 5 answers
44. Name a reason why a student might walk away from a scholarship.
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tags: school work money family goals health category: no points
45. Name Something People Moan About
Weather Health Prices Partners Work Traffic
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tags: work school chores money weather noise category: no points
46. What is a problem most people have in their lives
Financial Poverty Economic Money Fiduciary
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tags: relationships school work money health kids category: no points
47. Why might parents not let their kids go on a spring break trip?
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tags: school work money safety responsibility plans category: 10 answers
48. Name something people might lie about at their high school reunion.
job 61 income 21 accomplishments 8 marital status 4 age 2
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tags: school work relationships money hobbies family category: 5 answers
49. name something your parents ask about every time they see you
Grandkids Health/eating Right? Work/school Honey Partner/dating Anyone?
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tags: school work health relationships money funny category: no points
50. Name an occupation that you think is underpaid.
Teacher Nurse Firefighter Cleaner Police Officer
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tags: work school adults hilarious money career category: 5 answers
51. what reason might a teen give for why theyre dropping out of college
Intelligence Education Start Working Having A Baby Confidence Can't Afford It Bad Grades
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tags: school work family future money stress category: no points
52. Name something parents sacrifice buying in order to have money for their kid's college education.
new car 38 clothes 19 new house 17 vacation 7 toys 6 food 3 television 3
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tags: school kids funny education work money category: 7 answers
53. Name something people pat their pockets to find
Wallet Keys Pen
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tags: school work keys wallet phone money category: no points
54. Name something people wish they were smarter about
Coin Costs Currency Economy Finances
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tags: school work money health pets plants category: no points
55. Complaint Someone Might Have About Paper Boy
Doesn’t Leave On Porch Skips Them Wet Paper Late Breaks Window
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tags: school work newspaper delivery lawn money category: no points
56. Name Something A Kid Would Do After School To Make An Extra Buck
Mow Lawns 49 Babysit 17 Paper Route 10 Sell Lemonade 8 Wash Cars 8 Chores 5
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tags: kids work money school chores errands category: 6 answers
57. Name a profession where you need to be good at math.
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tags: school work kids math money finance category: 5 answers
58. Name a job that teenagers do when they need money.
restaurant worker 32 yard work 26 babysit 20 supermarket 13 lifeguard 4
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tags: work money teenagers jobs school funny category: 5 answers
59. Even as an adult, name something you've asked for your dad's advice on
Santa Claus Car Repair Native Language Marriage/dating Finances
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tags: work school dating relationships money health category: no points
60. Tell me something people worry about.
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tags: work school money relationships health safety category: no points
61. Name A Reason Why A Married Couple May Have A Hard Time Getting Out For A Date Night
Children 44
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tags: work kids school money chores pets category: fast money
62. Name something a father teaches his son about
Matches Football Competitions Field Games
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tags: school work life relationships animals money category: no points
63. Name something it takes people years to save for
Retirement Ira Rrsp Pension Manor
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tags: school house retirement car wedding vacation category: no points
64. Name a piece of furniture you might build yourself
Table/desk 35 Chair/bench 27 Shelf/Bookshelf 20 Swing 16
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tags: work office home improvement furniture house category: 4 answers
65. What is something that requires your signature?
A check An agreement Shipment acknowledgment Authorization letter Email
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tags: fast money work school hospital finance adults category: fast money
66. Give some idioms that have an animal in them.
Kill two birds with one stone The elephant in the room The early bird gets the worm Let the cat out of the bag A wolf in sheep’s clothing
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tags: fast money animals work school kids funny category: fast money
67. Name Somewhere You Might Find A Painting
Gallery House Art Studio
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tags: museum office school hospital house park category: no points
68. What do you do with an envelope before posting it?
Read the letter Fold and place the letter inside Write the To and From addresses Seal it Paste a stamp
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tags: fast money kids funny work school animals daily life category: fast money
69. Name Something Specific A Waiter Would Do To Get Good Tips
smile 37 be friendly 28 return often 12 flirt 12 fast service 6
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70. complete the sentence my spouse married me for my____
Money In Person Cooking By Phone Looks Personality Line Bird Cage
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tags: food looks kids money work hilarious category: no points
71. Name Something You Do To Prepare For Out-Of-Town Visitors.
Clean 56 Cook 28 Buy Food 12 Freshen Up Room 3
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72. Name something that some people refrigerate and some people don't
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73. Name A Reason You Might Have To Get Change From A Pound
Pay Phone Get A Drink Vending Machine Parking Meter Get On A Bus
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74. Name a word or phrase with the word "quarter" in it
Quarter Horse Quarterhorse Back Quarterback Pounder Quarter Pounder
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75. Name a topic people discuss and hardly ever tell the truth about.
sex life 40 money/finances 18 age 17 weight 10 mate/spouse 6
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tags: relationships health work money appearance food category: 5 answers
76. Name Something People Daydream About
money 38 making love 22 vacation/travel 21 new house 5 love/marriage 5 new car 3
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tags: food work travel relationships money success category: 6 answers
77. Name something that some people seem to love more than people.
pets 46 money 18 chocolate 14 food 8
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tags: food pets sports work money plants category: 4 answers
78. Name a way you can tell a house had been abandoned
Overgrown Lawn Windows Lawn Overgrown Yard Covered Windows Boarded Windows
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79. name a specific reason why youd give your waitress a lousy tip
Rude Wrong Order Cold Food Slow Service Friday
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tags: dining customer service food work money funny category: no points
80. Name Something That Attracts Flies.
food 33 poop 20 rotten fruit 9
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tags: animals food house trash funny kids category: 3 answers
81. Name Name Something A Kid Would Look For In A New House
Swimming Pool Backyard Big Bedroom Own Bathroom Swing
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tags: family kids house animals food plants category: no points
82. Name something that drips.
Water/faucet 1 A nose 2 A candle 2 Coffee 1
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tags: food water plants animals kids funny house category: 4 answers
83. what would you wear to a job fair but not to a county fair
Tie Graduation Tassel Suit High Heels
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84. What are some oxymorons?
Pretty ugly Awfully good Living dead Bittersweet Deafening silence
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tags: fast money school funny food kids animals plants category: fast money
85. What do you find in a hamburger?
Bread Lettuce Tomato Meat patty Sauce
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tags: fast money food kids family funny party school category: fast money
86. Name something you might see in an actor's dressing room.
Mirrors Clothes Makeup Flowers Script Food
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87. Name something a workman might wipe on his workpants.
grease 50 hands 19 paint 8 dirt 8
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tags: work clothes cleaning hygiene funny category: 4 answers
88. Name something a school girl wears.
uniform 48 skirt 14 dress 12 ribbons 6 tunic 4 hat 3
Answers are hidden.
89. Name a place you would NOT want to spill your coffee.
Answers are hidden.
tags: school clothes electronics pets category: 6 answers
90. Name Something You Can’t Wear To Work At An Office Job.
shorts 33 jeans 32 mini skirt 12 bathing suit 12 cap 5 sneakers 4
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tags: work clothes funny kids office inappropriate category: 6 answers
91. Name something a man might have expensive taste in.
cologne 20 car 54 clothes/shoes 22 jewelry/watch 12 wine/alcohol 7 cigars 18
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tags: work cars clothes watches technology hobbies category: 6 answers
92. Name something you might wear to a job interview.
suit 44 blouse 30 skirt 19 high heels 7
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tags: work professional attire clothes fashion pants category: 4 answers
93. name an occupation where people rarely wear their uniform after work
Fast Food Employee Police Officer Military Janitor Doctor
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tags: work uniform clothes fashion style humor category: no points
94. why might you change clothes before leaving work
Going Out Wearing Uniform Going To Gym Dirty
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tags: work clothes dress hygiene appearance comfort category: no points
95. name some things that people think college professors wear
Vest Glasses Suit Tweed Sweater Cap And Gown Bow Tie
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tags: school clothes fashion funny hilarious category: no points
96. Name A Reason Why A Kid Might Not Wear His Ordinary Clothes To School.
they're dirty 33 picture day 29 it's halloween 24 wear's a uniform 9
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tags: school kids clothes hilarious funny category: 4 answers
97. Name something little girls don't like.
Boys Bugs Dirt Snakes
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tags: kids girls toys clothes school games category: no points
98. Name something you might find in a teenage girl's bedroom.
stuffed animal 19 makeup 15 diary 14 posters 8 magazines 7 photos 6 mirror 4 stereo 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: school clothes makeup books electronics posters category: 8 answers
99. Name Something Most Parents Would Let Their Teen Experiment With
driving 37 make up 25 dating 21 hairstyle 12
Answers are hidden.
tags: teenagers school dating clothes social media category: 4 answers
100. Name a place where you can hide something.
under the bed 41 closets 36 drawer 15 safe 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: hiding places kids funny home school clothes category: 4 answers
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